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  • WA.SS.SSS4.6-8.2 - Use appropriate format to cite sources within an essay, presentation, ...
  • WA.SS.SSS4.6-8.2 - Use appropriate format to cite sources within an essay, presentation, ...
Advocacy in Action
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This unit begins by inviting students to tell the story of their community using artifacts from Washington's history. This allows them to reflect on shared values as well as how people have organized to advocate for those values. Then, students explore how rights are established in their community by analyzing the Washington State Constitution, the Puyallup Tribe Constitution, and the Treaty of Medicine Creek. Next, students investigate four different historic examples of how people have advocated for their rights and values in their community and choose one to research in further depth. In the final phase of the unit, student teams develop an advocacy campaign for a right that is currently being challenged. They conduct research on an issue of their choice, create and execute an action plan, and participate in an advocacy fair to campaign for change in their community. Finally, students draw on what they've learned to answer the unit driving question: "Why do people advocate for issues in their community?"

U.S. History
Material Type:
Full Course
Student Guide
Unit of Study
Educurious .
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Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This unit is designed to build inquiry about and interest in the themes and topics woven throughout Educurious’s multi-unit Washington State History course. To start off, students discover and share how they are connected to their classmates by participating in a “Web of Connectedness” activity. Throughout the unit, students engage in mapping, data visualization, and cost-benefit analyses in order to unpack the theme of connectedness and answer the unit driving question: How are people in Washington connected to each other and the rest of the world? As students learn about resources, economies, innovations, people, and places in Washington, they draft a series of six interactive community boards that educate others about the ways in which people are connected. For the culminating product of this unit, student teams finalize one of their six draft community boards to help students in their school make connections between themselves, Washington, and the world.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Educurious .
Date Added:
Does Funding for Education Matter in Texas?
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0.0 stars

From the 1960s to the 1990s, economically-disadvantaged school districts, primarily Latino, in Texas struggled to gain more adequate funding for their children's education. At first halted by a Supreme Court ruling, one leader gained additional support and continued pressing the issue, with the result that eventually the Court reversed its stance and required the state to develop a more equitable funding plan.Students will consider the historic actions taken by the communities and the Court and how their own community action can and should make a difference.

Political Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Jim Ekrut
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Friends Across the Wires - Teacher Guide
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0.0 stars

This is the teacher guide to accompany a viewing of Friends Across The Wires, an original play exploring the impact of the the Japanese-American Incarceration during WWII on a group of young people in Seattle. The guide offers background to the play as well as opportunities to engage with primary sources to learn about historical patterns of racism.Film, written and directed by Laura Ferri, is available under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives license.Teacher guide, by Tamara Bunnell, is available under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial license.

Political Science
U.S. History
World History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Primary Source
Barbara Soots
Washington OSPI OER Project
Laura Ferri
Tamara Bunnell
Jerry Price
Date Added:
Grade 8 Inquiry: Road to Revolution
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This inquiry by Amy Johnson, Longview Public Schools, is based on the C3 Framework inquiry arc. Students will look at multiple points of view on an assigned Intolerable Act. After researching primary sources, student will create a newspaper using BEST evidence from their sources that answers the question, "Why would this event the colonists to revolt?"

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Barbara Soots
Washington OSPI OER Project
Jerry Price
Date Added:
Grades 6-8: Disability, Civic Engagement, and Government
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

These lessons are part of the Reform to Equal Rights K-12 Disability History Curriculum from Emerging America, part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium.

This unit works particularly well in a course on civics and government. The intro lesson introduces key information and can be useful to check student knowledge and experiences. Lesson 1 is essential to introduce the unit's study of disability. Lessons 2 & 3 delves into work for disability rights, including transformative legislation. In lesson 4, students apply what they have learned about civic action to research, plan, and carry out their own civic engagement project. (This lesson is also used for Grades 9-12.) Lesson 5 can stand alone or fit within the unit; it adds disability rights as an option for study of historic Supreme Court cases

Grades 6-12 - Intro Lesson: Introduction to Disability History
Grades 6-8 - Lesson 1: What Are Disability Rights?
Grades 6-8 - Lesson 2: Disability Rights Activism
Grades 6-8 - Lesson 3: Disability Rights Legislation
Grades 6-8 - Lesson 4: Inclusive Civics Project - Disability Rights
Grades 6-8 - Lesson 5: Supreme Court Case: Olmstead v. L.C.

Reform to Equal Rights uses 250+ primary sources. Most are in the public domain. Many others come from public online collections. For the rest, Emerging America secured permission so that teachers can use all these sources in creative ways. https://www.emergingamerica.org/disability-history-curriculum

Special Education
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Collaborative for Educational Services
Emerging America
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources
Date Added:
Resettling In Washington
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students begin this unit by exploring the themes of humanity and community as they discuss  the many factors that influence the development of personal identities. They unpack together how we show versus hide different parts of ourselves, and how our identities can be both fixed and ever-changing. Then, students listen to oral histories by Vietnamese Americans in Washington to learn how displacement and resettlement have impacted them personally and shaped their outlook on helping others. Using evidence from these firsthand accounts, students answer the question: What can the experiences of displaced people teach us about community, resilience, and humanity? Throughout this unit, students work in teams to create a podcast where they reflect on their collective responsibility to stand in solidarity with displaced people.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Educurious .
Date Added: