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  • WY.SCI.HS.LS4.4 - Construct an explanation based on evidence for how natural selection l...
  • WY.SCI.HS.LS4.4 - Construct an explanation based on evidence for how natural selection l...
Community Science (for Secondary Educators)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

By the end of this course participants will…Understand how local phenomena interact with the Next Generation Science Standards, climate change, ecosystems, and people in a community.Experience how local phenomena and field investigations can build scientific understanding.

Environmental Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Brad Street
Date Added:
Evolution Module
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This Google Folder leads to an online module that is designed for students to learn concepts of evolution, descent with modification, natural selection, and more. There is both a student guide and a teacher's guide to help navigate through the module. Google forms are also available to support learning throughout the module. Interactive activities and simulations are also included for students to enjoy and learn from. 

Material Type:
Bobbi Herrera
Date Added:
Evolution and Adaptations
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

In common experience, the term "adapting" usually refers to changes during an organism's lifetime. In contrast, evolutionary biologists use the term "adaptation" to refer to a heritable trait that increases fitness. To help students reconcile these different concepts, this activity introduces the concept of phenotypic plasticity (the ability of an organism to adapt to different environments within its lifetime). Questions guide students in analyzing how the balance between the advantages and disadvantages of a characteristic (e.g. an animal's color) can vary in different circumstances, how phenotypic plasticity can be a heritable trait that can optimize fitness in a variable environment, and how natural selection can influence the amount of phenotypic plasticity in a population. This activity is designed to help high school students meet the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core State Standards.

Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Serendip Studio
Provider Set:
Minds-On Activities for Teaching Biology
Ingrid Waldron
Date Added:
Got Lactose? Investigating How Enzymes Function
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

After studying the basics of enzyme function, students will be exposed to the history and evolution of lactose intolerance/lactase persistence. Both whole group and individual activities will ask students to interact with the concept. They will conduct a lab to understand the role of enzymes in lactose digestion and communicate their knowledge by creating a public health poster.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Data Set
Lesson Plan
Student Guide
Date Added:
Mutation Breeding
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

It is well known that mutation is the ultimate source of variation. Without adequate variation, plant breeding is impossible. To start a breeding program, the breeder must find the appropriate genotype (containing the desired genes) from existing variation, or create the variation if it is not found in nature. Mutagenesis is the process by which new alleles are created. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss mutagenesis as both a technique and a breeding method. The newly created mutants may be used as parents in future breeding programs, in which case mutagenesis is a breeding technique as a source of variation. However, an induced mutant can be systematically processed through conventional breeding steps to be released as a cultivar, hence making it a breeding method (mutation breeding). Mutations arise spontaneously in nature and are pivotal in natural evolution.

Career and Technical Education
Life Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Ocean Acidification: A Systems Approach to a Global Problem
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In this curriculum module, students in high school life science, marine science, and/or chemistry courses act as interdisciplinary scientists and delegates to investigate how the changing carbon cycle will affect the oceans along with their integral populations.

The oceans cover 70 percent of the planet and play a critical role in regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide through the interaction of physical, chemical, and biological processes. As a result of anthropogenic activity, a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration (to 760 ppm) is expected to occur by the end of this century. A quarter of the total CO2 emitted has already been absorbed by the surface oceans, changing the marine carbonate system, resulting in a decrease in pH, a change in carbonate-ion concentrations, and a change in the speciation of macro and micronutrients. The shift in the carbonate system is already drastically affecting biological processes in the oceans and is predicted to have major consequences on carbon export to the deep ocean with reverberating effects on atmospheric CO2. Put in simple terms, ocean acidification is a complex phenomenon with complex consequences. Understanding complexity and the impact of ocean acidification requires systems thinking – both in research and in education. Scientific advancement will help us better understand the problem and devise more effective solutions, but executing these solutions will require widespread public participation to mitigate this global problem.

Through these lessons, students closely model what is occurring in laboratories worldwide and at Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) through Monica Orellana’s research to analyze the effect CO2 has on ocean chemistry, ecosystems and human societies. Students experiment, analyze public data, and prepare for a mock summit to address concerns. Student groups represent key “interest groups” and design two experiments to observe the effects of CO2 on seawater pH, diatom growth, algal blooms, nutrient availability, and/or shell dissolution.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Aisha McKee
Alexis Boleda
Alexis Valauri-Orton
Allison Lee Cusick
Anna Farrell-Sherman
Baliga Lab
Barbara Steffens
Claudia Ludwig
Danny Thomson
Dexter Chapin
Dina Kovarik
Donald Cho
Eric Grewal
Eric Muhs
Helen Ippolito
Holly Kuestner
Institute for Systems Biology
Jeannine Sieler
Jennifer Duncan-Taylor
Jia Hao Xu
JoAnn Chrisman
Jocelyn Lee
Kedus Getaneh
Kevin Baker
Mari Knutson Herbert
Megan DeVault
Meredith Carlson
Michael Walker
Monica V. Orellana
Nitin S. Baliga
Olachi Oleru
Raisah Vestindottir
Steven Do
Systems Education Experiences
William Harvey
Zac Simon
Date Added:
Our Invisible Forest: What's in a Drop of Seawater?
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Take a breath — where does the oxygen you inhaled come from? In our changing world, will we always have enough oxygen? What is in water that supports life? What is known? How do we know what we know about our vast oceans? These are just a few of the driving questions explored in this interactive STEAM high school curriculum module.

Students in marine science, environmental science, physics, chemistry, biology, integrated science, biotechnology and/or STEAM courses can use this curriculum module in order to use real-world, big data to investigate how our “invisible forest” influences ocean and Earth systems. Students build an art project to represent their new understanding and share this with the broader community.

This 4-week set of lessons is based on the oceanographic research of Dr. Anne Thompson of Portland State University in Oregon, which focuses on the abundant ocean phytoplankton Prochlorococcus. These interdisciplinary STEAM lessons were inspired by Dr. Thompson’s lab and fieldwork as well as many beautiful visualizations of Prochlorococcus, the ocean, and Earth. Students learn about the impact and importance of Prochlorococcus as the smallest and most abundant photosynthetic organism on our planet. Through the lessons, students act as both scientists and artists as they explore where breathable oxygen comes from and consider how to communicate the importance of tiny cells to human survival.

This module is written as a phenomenon-based, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) three-dimensional learning unit. Each of the lessons below also has an integrated, optional Project-Based Learning component that guides students as they complete the PBL process. Students learn to model a system and also design and evaluate questions to investigate phenomena. Students ultimately learn what is in a drop of ocean water and showcase how their drop contributes to our health and the stability and dynamics of global systems.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Amanda Cope
Anne W. Thompson
Baliga Lab
Barbara Steffens
Claudia Ludwig
Emily Borden
Institute for Systems Biology
Jeannine Sieler
Linnea Stavney
Mari Knutson Herbert
Mark Buchli
Michael Walker
Nitin S. Baliga
Portland State University
Uzma Khalil
Date Added:
Patterns Biology
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Patterns Biology is the culminating course in the 3-year high school Patterns Science sequence. Patterns Biology focuses on three-dimensional (3D) learning through culturally responsive, phenomena-based storylines that intertwine the disciplinary core ideas of biology with the scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts as described in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

The Patterns High School Science Sequence (https://hsscience4all.org/) is a three year course pathway and curriculum aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Each course utilizes:
- Common instructional strategies
- Real world phenomena
- Design challenges to engage students and support their learning.

For more information, contact us at info@pdxstem.org.

The curriculum is a combination of teacher-generated and curated open-content materials. The Teacher-generated materials are shared freely under a Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike Creative Commons License.

Life Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Portland Metro STEM Partnership
Jamie Rumage
Date Added: