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  • Numbers and Operations
THE 1005: Module 4 - Theatre Roots (Part 2)
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0.0 stars

This module resource provides information on the evolution of theatre from Roman times to the Romantic era, including Eastern theatre traditions. It covers Roman drama’s reliance on Greek sources and the Renaissance revival of classical texts influencing notable playwrights like Shakespeare. Additionally, it explores the rich diversity of Asian theatre forms such as Indian Sanskrit drama, Chinese Xiqu, and Japanese Nō and Kabuki, each with unique storytelling, music, and performance traditions.(Title Image Attribution: Venetian Carnival Mask by gnuckx is in the Public Domain)

Performing Arts
Material Type:
Red Rocks CC
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100 Ideas for Active Learning
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
100 Ideas for Active Learning is a practical handbook to inspire innovative educational experiences. It is for educators and curriculum designers who wish to apply active learning tools and strategies in their own teaching and learning contexts. Effective learning happens through embodied experiences, when students are utilising all their senses - physical, mental, emotional, and social. In this book, practitioners from around the world have come together to author one hundred short chapters, each with an idea designed to help educators encourage their students to take an active learning approach to their studies.

Long Description:
This is a practical handbook for educators and curriculum designers who wish to apply active learning tools and strategies in their own teaching and learning contexts. It contains short chapters under six themes: theory and curriculum design, inclusive communities, transferable skills, assessment and feedback, teaching strategies, digitally-enhanced learning. Practitioners from around the world offer ideas for those wishing to encourage students to take active learning approaches to their studies. Effective learning happens through embodied experiences; when students are applying all their senses, physical, mental, emotional and social.

The book is novel in its inception, scope and aims. Educationalists from across the world have come together to write about something they are passionate about and hope will improve teaching delivery, student learning experiences and assessment integrity for all. Dr Paolo Oprandi, University of Sussex

This book offers practical advice (supported by pedagogical theory) for implementing active learning techniques. It is a great resource for educationalists who are looking for fresh ideas, both in the classroom and online! Nayiri Keshishi, University of Surrey

This book is a must-have tool book for teachers looking to improve engagement and liven up their lessons. This book is recommended for teachers from all stages of their career, from an experienced educator who needs some refreshing to a beginner who requires easy-to-follow creative ideas to support them. What I love about this book is that it offers a diverse range of activities that cater for all subjects. It is also refreshing to have a book containing activities coming from educators across the world. Dr Shelini Surendran, University of Surrey

Produced by a globe-straddling team, this innovative volume was put together whilst authors were dealing with the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a testament to the editorial team, as well as individual authors. The diverse chapters it contains will provide inspiration for educators across disciplines far into the future. Peter Finn, Kingston University

For me, this has quickly become a go-to book for anything Active Learning, covering a myriad of examples and cases for various disciplines and areas of application, from assessment practice to inclusive practice, and will be of value to educationalists exploring active learning principles for the first time, to the veteran pedagogue looking for diverse inspiration. Matt East, Perlego

Word Count: 142064

ISBN: 9780995786271

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Arts and Humanities
Higher Education
Material Type:
University of Sussex
Date Added:
100th Day of School Activities
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Resources to mark the 100th day of school with math activities. Challenge students to generate 100 different ways to represent the number 100. Students will easily generate 99 + 1 and 50 + 50, but encourage them to think out of the box. Challenge them to include examples from all of the NCTM Standards strands: number sense, numerical operations, geometry, measurement, algebra, patterns, data analysis, probability, discrete math, Create a class list to record the best entries. Some teachers write 100 in big bubble numeral style and then record the entries inside the numerals.

Material Type:
Terry Kawas
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101 Open Stories
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Celebrating Open Community in the #YearofOpen

Word Count: 7407

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically as part of a bulk import process by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided. As a result, there may be errors in formatting.)

Arts and Humanities
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10X Bigg
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigg
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigg
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
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10X Bigg
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
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10X Bigg
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigg
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigg
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigg
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigg
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigg
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigger!
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10X Bigger! - Remix2
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students will explore multi-digit numbers and the relationship between ones, tens and hundreds; a digit in one place is 10x the digit in the place to its right. Students will use their bodies to represent digits in multi-digit numbers up to the hundredths place and compare these numbers using <, =, >. Students will use their bodies as multi-digit numbers to add and subtract.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
10 for the Win!
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Title:  10 for the Win!Grade: Kindergarten Overall Goal: To have students be able to count by multiples of 10 and comprehend the idea of a sequence of steps involved in a process.  StandardsLearning ObjectiveAssessment5d Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions. K.NS.1: Count to at least 100 by ones and tens and count on by one from any number.Students will be able to program the beebots to go the correct distance. Students will be able to count to 100 by tens.The students will have to use the beebots to move forward the correct amount of steps. The students will have the squares the beebot travels represent sets of 10.  Key Terms & Definitions: Sequence- certain order in which steps flowSkip counting- skipping numbers while counting, counting by multiples Number line- line which shows number in order, often marked at intervalsProgram- provide machine with coded instructions to perform task  Lesson Introduction (Hook, Grabber): 10 Students will paint hands and stamp them on paper! Each set of hands will represent a set of 10. We will do this all the way up to 100. This paper will be hung in the front of the classroom as a reminder of multiples of 10. Lesson Main:After hanging up our poster with the hands displaying multiples of 10, the teacher would count with the class by 10’s all the way up to 100, while referring to the poster so they can follow along.We will also pass out a number line to the students that highlights 10’s so they have a reference if they struggle.We will make a number line and write multiples of 10 along the side. We will measure out the space between numbers so that it is equal to the length the Beebot travels for each time the button is pushed. For example, if the student wanted to get to 30, they would have to know that you count up by saying “10, 20,30” and they would need to press the forward button on the Beebot 3 times. Each press of the button is a multiple of 10. For this activity, the teacher will break up the students into small groups and they will work together. They will draw a card which will have a multiple of 10 on it ranging from 10-100. The students will have to decide how many 10’s it takes to count up to that number, as well as how many times they will need to program the Beebot to reach the answer on the number line.   Lesson Ending:For the lesson ending, we will regroup as a class and talk about how we felt the Beebot activity went. Then we will count together by 10’s up to 100 again to reiterate what we have been learning. Lastly, we will pass out a worksheet to the students which we have included a link to under our resources, and have them complete it individually. This will give us an idea of the students understanding of this concept and can be used for our assessment.  Assessment Rubric: GreatAveragePoorIndicatorDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionHand Cut-outsStudent participated in the tracing and cutting out of hands.Student partially participated in the tracing and cutting out of hands.Student failed to participate in the tracing and cutting out of hands.Beebot activityStudent was able to successfully move the Beebot to correct answer.Student was able to move the Beebot, but not to the correct answer.Student was unable to move the Beebot and was unable to correctly answer.WorksheetStudent was able to correctly fill out the entire worksheet.Student was able to fill out 70% of the worksheet.Student was unable to fill out at least 70% of the worksheet.  Resources / Artifacts: Number line for students https://www.helpingwithmath.com/printables/others/lin0301number11.htmWebsite which has handprint idea on it https://www.theclassroomkey.com/2016/02/big-list-skip-counting-activities.htmlLesson assessment used in the lesson ending https://www.pinterest.com/pin/287597126178910688  Differentiation:       Differentiation for ability levelsIf a student really struggled with math skills, we could place them in a group with stronger math students. We could also offer an alternative activity for the Beebot timeline where we made the timeline go up by smaller multiples. For the worksheet, they could receive a longer amount of time to work on it and have directions read to them/receive help as needed.        Differentiation for access & resourcesIf the school had limited resources and did not have access to these robots, they could use other tools like toy cars or something they could use to roll to the spots on the timeline. The game could be altered to fit a large variety of resources. The worksheet we used was found online but a similar version could be created by the teacher. Anticipated Difficulties: Some students might struggle with the concept of skip counting. It may be hard at first for them to remember the multiples of 10. Hopefully by making a poster and providing them with their own number line for reference, this will eliminate some potential difficulties the students may have. 

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Carmen Blackley
Date Added:
10th's and Decimals
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this video segment from Cyberchase, the CyberSquad replaces a piece of track to get the Madre Bonita Express to the Mother's Day harvest.

Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
Provider Set:
PBS Learning Media: Multimedia Resources for the Classroom and Professional Development
U.S. Department of Education
Date Added:
1, 2, 3 Write!
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Cover Design: Anne Sigrun 1, 2, 3 Write! provides step-by-step instruction to build college writing skills. It combines comprehensive grammar and mechanics review with sentence, paragraph and essay writing techniques and practice. Links to example essays from professional and student writers demonstrate the skills studied and provide reading and critical thinking opportunities.

Long Description:
1, 2, 3 Write! provides step-by-step instruction to build college writing skills. It combines comprehensive grammar and mechanics review with sentence, paragraph and essay writing techniques and practice. Links to example essays from professional and student writers demonstrate the skills studied and provide reading and critical thinking opportunities.

Word Count: 34581

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Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
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1, 2, 3 Write!
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Cover Design: Anne Sigrun 1, 2, 3 Write! provides step-by-step instruction to build college writing skills. It combines comprehensive grammar and mechanics review with sentence, paragraph and essay writing techniques and practice. Links to example essays from professional and student writers demonstrate the skills studied and provide reading and critical thinking opportunities.

Long Description:
1, 2, 3 Write! provides step-by-step instruction to build college writing skills. It combines comprehensive grammar and mechanics review with sentence, paragraph and essay writing techniques and practice. Links to example essays from professional and student writers demonstrate the skills studied and provide reading and critical thinking opportunities.

Word Count: 34581

ISBN: 978-1-998755-60-8

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Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
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