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What is replication?
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Replications are inevitably different from the original studies. How do we decide whether something is a replication? The answer shifts the conception of replication from a boring, uncreative, housekeeping activity to an exciting, generative, vital contributor to research progress.

Applied Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Brian A. Nosek
Timothy M. Errington
Date Added:
What is statistical power
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This video is the first in a series of videos related to the basics of power analyses. All materials shown in the video, as well as content from the other videos in the power analysis series can be found here: https://osf.io/a4xhr/

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field. In this framework, a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller; when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs, definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance. Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias. In this essay, I discuss the implications of these problems for the conduct and interpretation of research.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
PLOS Medicine
John P. A. Ioannidis
Date Added:
Wide-Open: Accelerating public data release by automating detection of overdue datasets
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Open data is a vital pillar of open science and a key enabler for reproducibility, data reuse, and novel discoveries. Enforcement of open-data policies, however, largely relies on manual efforts, which invariably lag behind the increasingly automated generation of biological data. To address this problem, we developed a general approach to automatically identify datasets overdue for public release by applying text mining to identify dataset references in published articles and parse query results from repositories to determine if the datasets remain private. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on 2 popular National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) repositories: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and Sequence Read Archive (SRA). Our Wide-Open system identified a large number of overdue datasets, which spurred administrators to respond directly by releasing 400 datasets in one week.

Life Science
Material Type:
PLOS Biology
Bill Howe
Hoifung Poon
Maxim Grechkin
Date Added:
Willingness to Share Research Data Is Related to the Strength of the Evidence and the Quality of Reporting of Statistical Results
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Background The widespread reluctance to share published research data is often hypothesized to be due to the authors' fear that reanalysis may expose errors in their work or may produce conclusions that contradict their own. However, these hypotheses have not previously been studied systematically. Methods and Findings We related the reluctance to share research data for reanalysis to 1148 statistically significant results reported in 49 papers published in two major psychology journals. We found the reluctance to share data to be associated with weaker evidence (against the null hypothesis of no effect) and a higher prevalence of apparent errors in the reporting of statistical results. The unwillingness to share data was particularly clear when reporting errors had a bearing on statistical significance. Conclusions Our findings on the basis of psychological papers suggest that statistical results are particularly hard to verify when reanalysis is more likely to lead to contrasting conclusions. This highlights the importance of establishing mandatory data archiving policies.

Social Science
Material Type:
Dylan Molenaar
Jelte M. Wicherts
Marjan Bakker
Date Added:
Workflow for Awarding Badges
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Badges are a great way to signal that a journal values transparent research practices. Readers see the papers that have underlying data or methods available, colleagues see that norms are changing within a community and have ample opportunities to emulate better practices, and authors get recognition for taking a step into new techniques. In this webinar, Professor Stephen Lindsay of University of Victoria discusses the workflow of a badging program, eligibility for badge issuance, and the pitfalls to avoid in launching a badging program. Visit cos.io/badges to learn more.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
Writing a Data Management Plan for Grant Applications
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

A class covering the basics of writing a successful data management plan for federal funding agencies such as the NEH, NSF, NIH, NASA, and others.

Applied Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
New York University
Nick Wolf
Vicky Steeves
Date Added:
Writing reproducible geoscience papers using R Markdown, Docker, and GitLab
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Reproducibility is unquestionably at the heart of science. Scientists face numerous challenges in this context, not least the lack of concepts, tools, and workflows for reproducible research in today's curricula.This short course introduces established and powerful tools that enable reproducibility of computational geoscientific research, statistical analyses, and visualisation of results using R (http://www.r-project.org/) in two lessons:1. Reproducible Research with R MarkdownOpen Data, Open Source, Open Reviews and Open Science are important aspects of science today. In the first lesson, basic motivations and concepts for reproducible research touching on these topics are briefly introduced. During a hands-on session the course participants write R Markdown (http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/) documents, which include text and code and can be compiled to static documents (e.g. HTML, PDF).R Markdown is equally well suited for day-to-day digital notebooks as it is for scientific publications when using publisher templates.2. GitLab and DockerIn the second lesson, the R Markdown files are published and enriched on an online collaboration platform. Participants learn how to save and version documents using GitLab (http://gitlab.com/) and compile them using Docker containers (https://docker.com/). These containers capture the full computational environment and can be transported, executed, examined, shared and archived. Furthermore, GitLab's collaboration features are explored as an environment for Open Science.Prerequisites: Participants should install required software (R, RStudio, a current browser) and register on GitLab (https://gitlab.com) before the course.This short course is especially relevant for early career scientists (ECS).Participants are welcome to bring their own data and R scripts to work with during the course.All material by the conveners will be shared publicly via OSF (https://osf.io/qd9nf/).

Physical Science
Material Type:
New York University
Daniel Nüst
Edzer Pebesma
Markus Konkol
Rémi Rampin
Vicky Steeves
Date Added:
Your Questions Answered: How to Retain Copyright While Others Distribute and Build Upon Your Work
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this webinar, a panel discusses licensing options, fundamentals in choosing a license for your research, and answers questions about licensing scholarship. The panel consists of moderator Joanna Schimizzi, Professional Learning Specialist at the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education, along with panelists Brandon Butler, Director of Information Policy, University of Virginia Library and Becca Neel, Assistant Director for Resource Management & User Experience, University of Southern Indiana for an informative discussion on licensing your research. Accessible and further resources for this event are available on OSF: https://osf.io/s4wdf/

Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
A checklist is associated with increased quality of reporting preclinical biomedical research: A systematic review
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Irreproducibility of preclinical biomedical research has gained recent attention. It is suggested that requiring authors to complete a checklist at the time of manuscript submission would improve the quality and transparency of scientific reporting, and ultimately enhance reproducibility. Whether a checklist enhances quality and transparency in reporting preclinical animal studies, however, has not been empirically studied. Here we searched two highly cited life science journals, one that requires a checklist at submission (Nature) and one that does not (Cell), to identify in vivo animal studies. After screening 943 articles, a total of 80 articles were identified in 2013 (pre-checklist) and 2015 (post-checklist), and included for the detailed evaluation of reporting methodological and analytical information. We compared the quality of reporting preclinical animal studies between the two journals, accounting for differences between journals and changes over time in reporting. We find that reporting of randomization, blinding, and sample-size estimation significantly improved when comparing Nature to Cell from 2013 to 2015, likely due to implementation of a checklist. Specifically, improvement in reporting of the three methodological information was at least three times greater when a mandatory checklist was implemented than when it was not. Reporting the sex of animals and the number of independent experiments performed also improved from 2013 to 2015, likely from factors not related to a checklist. Our study demonstrates that completing a checklist at manuscript submission is associated with improved reporting of key methodological information in preclinical animal studies.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Doris M. Rubio
Janet S. Lee
Jill Zupetic
John P. Pribis
Joo Heung Yoon
Kwonho Jeong
Kyle M. Holleran
Nader Shaikh
SeungHye Han
Tolani F. Olonisakin
Date Added:
The citation advantage of linking publications to research data
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Efforts to make research results open and reproducible are increasingly reflected by journal policies encouraging or mandating authors to provide data availability statements. As a consequence of this, there has been a strong uptake of data availability statements in recent literature. Nevertheless, it is still unclear what proportion of these statements actually contain well-formed links to data, for example via a URL or permanent identifier, and if there is an added value in providing them. We consider 531,889 journal articles published by PLOS and BMC which are part of the PubMed Open Access collection, categorize their data availability statements according to their content and analyze the citation advantage of different statement categories via regression. We find that, following mandated publisher policies, data availability statements have become common by now, yet statements containing a link to a repository are still just a fraction of the total. We also find that articles with these statements, in particular, can have up to 25.36% higher citation impact on average: an encouraging result for all publishers and authors who make the effort of sharing their data. All our data and code are made available in order to reproduce and extend our results.

Life Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Barbara McGillivray
Giovanni Colavizza
Iain Hrynaszkiewicz
Isla Staden
Kirstie Whitaker
Date Added:
A consensus-based transparency checklist
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

We present a consensus-based checklist to improve and document the transparency of research reports in social and behavioural research. An accompanying online application allows users to complete the form and generate a report that they can submit with their manuscript or post to a public repository.

Social Science
Material Type:
Nature Human Behaviour
Agneta Fisher
Alexandra M. Freund
Alexandra Sarafoglou
Alice S. Carter
Andrew A. Bennett
Andrew Gelman
Balazs Aczel
Barnabas Szaszi
Benjamin R. Newell
Brendan Nyhan
Candice C. Morey
Charles Clifton
Christopher Beevers
Christopher D. Chambers
Christopher Sullivan
Cristina Cacciari
D. Stephen Lindsay
Daniel Benjamin
Daniel J. Simons
David R. Shanks
Debra Lieberman
Derek Isaacowitz
Dolores Albarracin
Don P. Green
Eric Johnson
Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
Eveline A. Crone
Fernando Hoces de la Guardia
Fiammetta Cosci
George C. Banks
Gordon D. Logan
Hal R. Arkes
Harold Pashler
Janet Kolodner
Jarret Crawford
Jeffrey Pollack
Jelte M. Wicherts
John Antonakis
John Curtin
John P. Ioannidis
Joseph Cesario
Kai Jonas
Lea Moersdorf
Lisa L. Harlow
M. Gareth Gaskell
Marcus Munafò
Mark Fichman
Mike Cortese
Mitja D. Back
Morton A. Gernsbacher
Nelson Cowan
Nicole D. Anderson
Pasco Fearon
Randall Engle
Robert L. Greene
Roger Giner-Sorolla
Ronán M. Conroy
Scott O. Lilienfeld
Simine Vazire
Simon Farrell
Stavroula Kousta
Ty W. Boyer
Wendy B. Mendes
Wiebke Bleidorn
Willem Frankenhuis
Zoltan Kekecs
Šimon Kucharský
Date Added:
The cumulative effect of reporting and citation biases on the apparent efficacy of treatments: the case of depression
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Evidence-based medicine is the cornerstone of clinical practice, but it is dependent on the quality of evidence upon which it is based. Unfortunately, up to half of all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have never been published, and trials with statistically significant findings are more likely to be published than those without (Dwan et al., 2013). Importantly, negative trials face additional hurdles beyond study publication bias that can result in the disappearance of non-significant results (Boutron et al., 2010; Dwan et al., 2013; Duyx et al., 2017). Here, we analyze the cumulative impact of biases on apparent efficacy, and discuss possible remedies, using the evidence base for two effective treatments for depression: antidepressants and psychotherapy.

Social Science
Material Type:
Psychological Medicine
A. M. Roest
J. A. Bastiaansen
M. R. Munafò
P. Cuijpers
P. de Jonge
Y. A. de Vries
Date Added:
The earth is flat (p > 0.05): significance thresholds and the crisis of unreplicable research
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The widespread use of ‘statistical significance’ as a license for making a claim of a scientific finding leads to considerable distortion of the scientific process (according to the American Statistical Association). We review why degrading p-values into ‘significant’ and ‘nonsignificant’ contributes to making studies irreproducible, or to making them seem irreproducible. A major problem is that we tend to take small p-values at face value, but mistrust results with larger p-values. In either case, p-values tell little about reliability of research, because they are hardly replicable even if an alternative hypothesis is true. Also significance (p ≤ 0.05) is hardly replicable: at a good statistical power of 80%, two studies will be ‘conflicting’, meaning that one is significant and the other is not, in one third of the cases if there is a true effect. A replication can therefore not be interpreted as having failed only because it is nonsignificant. Many apparent replication failures may thus reflect faulty judgment based on significance thresholds rather than a crisis of unreplicable research. Reliable conclusions on replicability and practical importance of a finding can only be drawn using cumulative evidence from multiple independent studies. However, applying significance thresholds makes cumulative knowledge unreliable. One reason is that with anything but ideal statistical power, significant effect sizes will be biased upwards. Interpreting inflated significant results while ignoring nonsignificant results will thus lead to wrong conclusions. But current incentives to hunt for significance lead to selective reporting and to publication bias against nonsignificant findings. Data dredging, p-hacking, and publication bias should be addressed by removing fixed significance thresholds. Consistent with the recommendations of the late Ronald Fisher, p-values should be interpreted as graded measures of the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis. Also larger p-values offer some evidence against the null hypothesis, and they cannot be interpreted as supporting the null hypothesis, falsely concluding that ‘there is no effect’. Information on possible true effect sizes that are compatible with the data must be obtained from the point estimate, e.g., from a sample average, and from the interval estimate, such as a confidence interval. We review how confusion about interpretation of larger p-values can be traced back to historical disputes among the founders of modern statistics. We further discuss potential arguments against removing significance thresholds, for example that decision rules should rather be more stringent, that sample sizes could decrease, or that p-values should better be completely abandoned. We conclude that whatever method of statistical inference we use, dichotomous threshold thinking must give way to non-automated informed judgment.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt
Tobias Roth
Valentin Amrhein
Date Added:
The effect of publishing peer review reports on referee behavior in five scholarly journals
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

To increase transparency in science, some scholarly journals are publishing peer review reports. But it is unclear how this practice affects the peer review process. Here, we examine the effect of publishing peer review reports on referee behavior in five scholarly journals involved in a pilot study at Elsevier. By considering 9,220 submissions and 18,525 reviews from 2010 to 2017, we measured changes both before and during the pilot and found that publishing reports did not significantly compromise referees’ willingness to review, recommendations, or turn-around times. Younger and non-academic scholars were more willing to accept to review and provided more positive and objective recommendations. Male referees tended to write more constructive reports during the pilot. Only 8.1% of referees agreed to reveal their identity in the published report. These findings suggest that open peer review does not compromise the process, at least when referees are able to protect their anonymity.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Nature Communications
Bahar Mehmani
Emilia López-Iñesta
Flaminio Squazzoni
Francisco Grimaldo
Giangiacomo Bravo
Date Added:
An excess of positive results: Comparing the standard Psychology literature with Registered Reports
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

When studies with positive results that support the tested hypotheses have a higher probability of being published than studies with negative results, the literature will give a distorted view of the evidence for scientific claims. Psychological scientists have been concerned about the degree of distortion in their literature due to publication bias and inflated Type-1 error rates. Registered Reports were developed with the goal to minimise such biases: In this new publication format, peer review and the decision to publish take place before the study results are known. We compared the results in the full population of published Registered Reports in Psychology (N = 71 as of November 2018) with a random sample of hypothesis-testing studies from the standard literature (N = 152) by searching 633 journals for the phrase ‘test* the hypothes*’ (replicating a method by Fanelli, 2010). Analysing the first hypothesis reported in each paper, we found 96% positive results in standard reports, but only 44% positive results in Registered Reports. The difference remained nearly as large when direct replications were excluded from the analysis (96% vs 50% positive results). This large gap suggests that psychologists underreport negative results to an extent that threatens cumulative science. Although our study did not directly test the effectiveness of Registered Reports at reducing bias, these results show that the introduction of Registered Reports has led to a much larger proportion of negative results appearing in the published literature compared to standard reports.

Social Science
Material Type:
Anne M. Scheel
Daniel Lakens
Mitchell Schijen
Date Added:
A funder-imposed data publication requirement seldom inspired data sharing
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Growth of the open science movement has drawn significant attention to data sharing and availability across the scientific community. In this study, we tested the ability to recover data collected under a particular funder-imposed requirement of public availability. We assessed overall data recovery success, tested whether characteristics of the data or data creator were indicators of recovery success, and identified hurdles to data recovery. Overall the majority of data were not recovered (26% recovery of 315 data projects), a similar result to journal-driven efforts to recover data. Field of research was the most important indicator of recovery success, but neither home agency sector nor age of data were determinants of recovery. While we did not find a relationship between recovery of data and age of data, age did predict whether we could find contact information for the grantee. The main hurdles to data recovery included those associated with communication with the researcher; loss of contact with the data creator accounted for half (50%) of unrecoverable datasets, and unavailability of contact information accounted for 35% of unrecoverable datasets. Overall, our results suggest that funding agencies and journals face similar challenges to enforcement of data requirements. We advocate that funding agencies could improve the availability of the data they fund by dedicating more resources to enforcing compliance with data requirements, providing data-sharing tools and technical support to awardees, and administering stricter consequences for those who ignore data sharing preconditions.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Colette L. Ward
Gavin McDonald
Jessica L. Couture
Rachael E. Blake
Date Added:
The influence of journal submission guidelines on authors' reporting of statistics and use of open research practices
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

From January 2014, Psychological Science introduced new submission guidelines that encouraged the use of effect sizes, estimation, and meta-analysis (the “new statistics”), required extra detail of methods, and offered badges for use of open science practices. We investigated the use of these practices in empirical articles published by Psychological Science and, for comparison, by the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, during the period of January 2013 to December 2015. The use of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) was extremely high at all times and in both journals. In Psychological Science, the use of confidence intervals increased markedly overall, from 28% of articles in 2013 to 70% in 2015, as did the availability of open data (3 to 39%) and open materials (7 to 31%). The other journal showed smaller or much smaller changes. Our findings suggest that journal-specific submission guidelines may encourage desirable changes in authors’ practices.

Social Science
Material Type:
David Giofrè
Geoff Cumming
Ingrid Boedker
Luca Fresc
Patrizio Tressoldi
Date Added: