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The Carbon Footprint of Food
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: This lesson shows that different foods have different environmental impacts. Students will calculate ratios and practice proportional thinking.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson is thoroughly sourced. It is engaging and suitable for students to understand how to measure carbon footprint from food sources. The activities in the lesson would also enable them to build their quantitative skills to determine the extent of CO2 impact on the environment. The lesson has passed our science review, and it is advised for classroom use.

-This lesson is great because it shows that different foods have different environmental impacts.
-It shows the great disparity between certain types of foods. For example, creating 1 kg of beef (from a beef herd) emits 99.48 kgCO2eq. Creating 1 kg of potatoes creates only 0.46 kgCO2eq. Raising beef creates more than 200x the carbon dioxide than raising the same amount of potatoes!

-You will need to share the Student Slideshow with students and grant them editing rights. They will all be writing in the same slideshow.
-In general, animals and animal products use far more resources than plants.
-Kilograms are used in this lesson. Some students will be unfamiliar with this unit. You can read more about the kilogram at Britannica. An easy conversion from kilograms to pounds is 1 kg = 2.2 lbs.
-Kilograms of CO2 equivalent are also used in this lesson. This is pretty abstract for the students. You can have them imagine holding a 2.2-pound ball in their hands. This ball has mass and takes up space. This is the "pollution" generated when creating different foods.

-You can create groups of students with mixed abilities.
-If a group finishes early, you can ask these extension questions:
-"Food 1’s emissions are what % of food 2’s emissions?"
-"Can you convert your answers from kilograms to pounds?"
-The Investigate section features a completed table of calculations. You can use this before the students begin their calculations. You can also share this with certain students or groups and let other groups complete their calculations on their own. Another option is to have students use the completed table to check their thinking when they are finished. There is a walkthrough of calculations in the speaker notes of this slide.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Dan Castrigano
Date Added:
Caring for Our Oceans (Emotive Art #3)
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0.0 stars

This lesson engages students with an environmental issue and allows them to use their artistic skills to create an artwork about caring for the oceans.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students read Somebody Swallowed Stanley and discuss the colors and emotions in the book.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students practice art techniques.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students create artworks about oceans and display them around their school or local community for others to view.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Monica Lilley
Date Added:
Catch Your Breath
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: This lesson builds on students’ understanding of the cardiorespiratory system, showcases how climate change impacts cardiorespiratory health, and concludes with students exploring ways they can expand their actionable responses to climate change.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson teaches students about what is in the air we breathe, how trees are important to keeping the air clean, air pollution, and how to solve some of the big global problems. Links to local New Jersey organizations are provided. The TedEd video also links to more resources about air pollution. This lesson also includes some movement and a game to help students visualize how pollutants can be removed for the air. The videos contain accurate and thought-provoking information. This resource is recommended for teaching.

-This lesson incorporates play and fun into learning about air quality and how it relates to the cardiorespiratory system.
-Students will draw direct connections between health and climate.

-Teachers should have access to a play space large enough to accommodate the “Catch Your Breath Game."
-Teachers should have access to balls or objects that students can throw or catch.
-Teachers should be familiar with facilitating a Socratic seminar style discussion.

-Students can write an analysis on why they think the game is called “Catch Your Breath.”
-Teachers can assign the groups to strategically place students who need support in certain areas with students who can provide that support.
-Teachers can print out the cardiorespiratory system diagram for students who would benefit from a hard copy.
-Other resources related to this lesson include this video about a nonprofit detecting deforestation and this resource to determine the tree equity score of your city or neighborhood.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Suzanne Horsley
Date Added:
The Chemistry of Landfills
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students use chemical reactions that occur in landfills and composting as a vehicle to learn about chemical changes found in their daily lives.

SCIENTIST NOTES: Students learn how to distinguish between physical and chemical changes in matter through this lesson. They can comprehend the chemical makeup, interactions, and changes that take place in landfills and other waste disposal facilities thanks to the films, articles, and class activity. Disastrous gases like methane are emitted into the atmosphere after the breakdown of various products and materials at waste disposal facilities due to their distinctive chemical properties. The environment and human health are likely to suffer as a result. So, it's crucial to separate these wastes since some of them can be reused or recycled to lower the amount of methane in the environment. Above all, students will be able to create a model for trash management, promote sustainably managed waste, and present solutions to local communities. To prevent injuries in the classroom, the teacher should oversee the balloon activity that involves using objects like banana peels and balloons on bottle mouths, among others. The lesson, including all accompanying materials and videos, has all been fact-checked, and it is appropriate for use in a classroom.

-Students work collaboratively in groups and with partners to share diverse ideas and perspectives.
-Students participate in hands-on learning to aid in understanding and participation.
-Students learn through a variety of pathways including kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learning to reach diverse and unique individuals.
-Students are given a variety of optional extensions to create the most meaningful change in their communities.

-Teachers can use this as a multi-day lesson in two to three parts. Each of the Inquire, Investigate, and Inspire sections can be completed on a separate day.
-Teachers can cut the chemical or physical change sorting game cards out prior to teaching the lesson.
-Materials required for the hands-on landfill activity include the following:
-Clear plastic tub (~12-in long × 6-in wide × 5-in deep) (~30-cm x 15-cm x 13-cm) with about 1 inch (2.54 cm) of sand in the bottom
-Clay (~750 cubic cm); this clay does not need to be the high-quality type used for modeling; clayey or silty soil from your backyard works fine
-Sand (~1500 cubic cm) (available at home and garden stores)
-Gravel (~100 cubic cm) (available at home and garden stores)
-~15 cotton balls
-(Optional) Tiny houses and buildings (such as Monopoly game houses and hotels), or any other simple representation to simulate the presence of a town sitting on the sand base
-Materials required for the balloon activity:
-Plastic (or glass) bottles
-Food scraps
-Tape (for securing the balloon around the top of the bottle)

-All hands-on activities can be taught as demonstrations.
-Lab groups may be created with students of mixed abilities.
-Articles may be read in small groups, whole groups, or individually based on students’ needs.
-Students can do the optional activity listed in the Inspire section and complete another balloon activity with food waste.
-Students can explore deeper the differences between methane and carbon dioxide outputs as greenhouse gases in landfills versus composting.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Mallory Swafford
Date Added:
Cities, Trees & Inequality
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: This lesson is about the distribution and density of trees in urban areas and how that relates to environmental justice.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson uses data from peer-reviewed research that breaks down the forest cover in cities as it correlates to income. The evidence is clear and convincing that more affluent neighborhoods have more tree cover, which has a documented benefit on the residents. All external links are scientifically sound, and this lesson has pass our science quality assessment.

-This is an engaging lesson because it is so personal. Students will think about tree cover where they live and how that relates to demographic data.
-Students will practice their data analysis skills.

-It is necessary to share the Student Slideshow with your students and give them editing access before beginning the lesson. All students will be writing in the same slideshow.
-The videos list the benefits of trees pretty quickly. It might be hard for students to type fast enough to keep up. You could play the videos at 0.9 speed or replay parts of the videos as necessary.
-The following is a list of benefits of trees. Students will create a similar list while they are watching the two videos outlining the benefits of trees.

-Reduce nearby outside temperatures
-Reduce amount of energy used for heating and cooling buildings
-Absorb carbon dioxide, thus mitigating climate change
-Filter urban pollutants and fine particulates
-Provide habitat, food, and protection to plants and animals
-Provide food for people
-Increase biodiversity
-Provide wood that can be used at the end of a tree’s life
-Improve physical and mental health of people
-Increase property values
-Create oxygen
-Provide shade for people and animals
-Control stormwater runoff, protecting water quality and reducing the need for water treatment
-Protect against mudslides
-Help prevent floods
-Improve air quality
-Increase attention spans and decrease stress levels in people
-Improve health outcomes in hospital patients

-Teachers can use the glossary at the end of the slideshow at any point throughout the lesson to help students understand vocabulary.

-The spreadsheet and the graph on slide 11 might be tricky. Encourage your students to turn and talk to one another for help.

-Many students will not have a good understanding of Celsius. Easy reminder: Multiply the temperature in Celsius by 1.8 to get degrees Fahrenheit. Example: 2.5°C x 1.8 = 4.5°F (The temperature difference between poorest and richest census blocks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.)

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Dan Castrigano
Date Added:
Clean Water and Sanitation
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0.0 stars

In this lesson, students further their knowledge of redox titrations while examining the pressures that contamination and climate change put on access to clean water.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students observe a field scientist testing the dissolved oxygen content of the Hudson River and generate questions.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students apply the Winkler Method as a tool for assessing the health of bodies of water and identify the stresses placed on water sources by climate change.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students explore Sustainable Development Goal #6 and consider what steps they can take to protect the drinking water in their communities.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Greta Stacy
Date Added:
Climate Animations and Stop Motion Techniques (Animate for the Animals #3)
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students watch videos and learn about photography to implement photography techniques in their stop motion projects.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson focuses on photographic stop motion animation techniques. Climate change can be a part of this lesson. All materials used in the lesson have been verified and are suitable for teaching. In this light, this lesson is credible and recommended for the classroom.

-The photography and stop motion video examples are all related to climate change to spark intrigue and start discussions.
-There is deep learning about photography techniques.

-This is lesson 3 of 4 in our 3rd-5th grade Animate for the Animals unit.
-The teacher will need to organize worksheets for students.
-The teacher will need to ensure that there are devices available if the Investigate section is done individually or in small groups.

-Student partners could be chosen by the teacher to ensure good academic and social balance.
-Students could explore the Investigate section in groups instead of having the teacher lead the discussion. The whole class could come back together to discuss their new knowledge after the groups are finished.

Arts and Humanities
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Monica Lilley
Date Added:
Climate Change Algebra Lesson Plan
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0.0 stars

This lesson introduces solar energy and tasks students with solving an algebraic equation to determine the amount of daily sunlight needed to make a solar panel effective.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students work through a practice problem and discuss what they already know about solar energy.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students briefly learn some background information about solar energy and then use algebra to calculate the amount of peak sun hours needed to make a solar panel effective. Students compare their calculated values to real-world data to determine if this amount of sunlight is possible in their area.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students make predictions and discuss if they think their home could be powered by solar panels using the calculations from class as evidence.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Effie Albitz
Date Added:
Climate Change Algebra Lesson Plan
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0.0 stars

In this lesson, students use algebra to calculate the number of wind turbines needed to power a local community.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students watch a short video introducing wind energy and discuss the possibility of wind energy powering their community.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students complete a series of mathematical calculations related to wind energy.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students discuss the benefits of wind energy using their calculations to support their ideas.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Effie Albitz
Mallory Swafford
Date Added:
Climate Change Local Research
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students explore four major categories of climate change, identify one to further research, and create a fact sheet.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson introduces students to factsheets and infographics and how powerful they can be in providing and relaying information. Students start the lesson by reading through a factsheet/infographic about New Jersey’s changing climate followed by a partner discussion about how the factsheet makes them feel. Students are then able to pick one of four categories, do research about their topic, and create their own factsheet and infographic. Student factsheets/infographics are shared and compared/contrasted with one another. This lesson allows for multiple instances of student autonomy and provides a creative outlet for discussing climate change. It is hereby recommended for teaching.

-This lesson can be used in English, social studies, computer science, digital art, or science classes. It can be easily adjusted to be multidisciplinary.
-Students are given voice and choice in this lesson.
-Students become agents of change in their own communities, identifying problems and solutions.

-Students should be familiar with the basics of climate change.
-Students should be familiar with school-appropriate websites from previous school-related research.

-Students’ communication can be as simple or as thorough as you desire. They will need more time to research and craft their communication if you want their writing to be more fact-based and robust.
-Students can work independently or in a group with adjusted requirements.
-Teachers can use subject and grade level vocabulary already being learned in class. Teachers can add more vocabulary words in the glossary slide of the Teacher Slideshow.
-To deepen a social studies or global connection, students can explore the history of their chosen issue, how other countries are addressing the issue, or focus on a global solution strategy.
-To connect to computer science or digital art, students can create their infographic and fact sheet digitally.
-To further develop practical science or engineering skills, students can work together to create and implement a workable solution at the school, home, or community level.
-Some students may wish to communicate their advocacy via social media. Make sure to follow all school rules and monitor students’ progress if you allow this in the classroom.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Yen-Yen Chiu
Date Added:
Climate Change and National Parks
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: This lesson educates students on the impact that climate change has on national parks.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson demonstrates the impact of climate change on national parks and lets students investigate and communicate through infographics the best solutions for building climate resilience in the parks and other ecologically sensitive habitats. All materials embedded in the lesson are factual, and this lesson has passed our scientist review.

-Students are introduced to the causes and effects of climate change.
-Students are able to make real-world connections on how climate change impacts national parks across the United States.

-Students should have a basic understanding of climate change vocabulary in order to comprehend the reading material.
-Students should be comfortable using technology to be able to create the infographic.

-The Warming Up to Adaptation: Everglades National Park video can be paused midway to discuss with students and assess their understanding of the impacts and mitigation solutions.
-Students with lower level reading skills can be paired with a peer with higher comprehension skills.
-If a student is not comfortable creating the digital infographic, they can be paired with a more tech-savvy peer.
-Students can also create infographics on paper or posters.
-Infographics can be printed and placed around the room for a gallery walk. Students can walk around the room, observe the different infographics, and discuss their observations with their classmates.

Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Vanessa Wilson
Date Added:
Climate Change and Public Health
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students explore how climate change is impacting public health in New Jersey, understand the difference between climate mitigation and climate adaptation, and create a video advocating for a climate adaptation strategy related to public health in New Jersey.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson challenges students to consider the impacts of climate change on public health. The video defines public health in simple terms and how it affects and will affect students’ lives. Students are then encouraged to discuss how some of the quotes from the video make them feel and to investigate how climate change is linked to public health and justice. The differences between climate mitigation and climate adaptation are outlined, and sources are provided for further investigation. The lesson also includes links to credible sources to help students with their investigation. Students are encouraged to use their creative thinking skills to create a short video about climate adaptation strategies that could benefit New Jersey. This is a good lesson to challenge students' critical thinking and creative skills.

-Students collaborate with their peers to create short videos as the assessment in this lesson.
-Students get voice and choice as they select a climate adaptation strategy that matters the most to them.
-If you teach multiple classes, you may be able to share the videos from all of your classes with all of your students.

-Students should have access to the Teacher Slideshow on their own devices in order to explore example climate adaptation strategies, access links, and conduct research.
-There may be student confusion when explaining the difference between climate mitigation and climate adaptation. Students may need more guidance as they choose their climate adaptation strategy. For example, students may gravitate toward "more renewable energy" or "more electric cars." Both of these are examples of climate mitigation strategies. Guide them toward climate adaptation strategies instead.
-Some students may select climate adaptation strategies that are not directly related to public health. This may include building sea walls or planting more drought-resistant crops. These are climate adaptation strategies, but they are not directly related to public health.
-Students can use the examples of how climate change impacts public health in New Jersey on the Teacher Slideshow to brainstorm ideas when choosing a climate adaptation strategy.

-It may be best to group students of mixed ability. Conducting research for their videos might be the trickiest part of the lesson, and students with strong research skills and media literacy may be able to guide their groups.
-Students can take turns being the videographer for their group.
-You may require all students to have speaking roles in their videos. One student may also be the designated videographer for the group.
-You can have students write scripts for their videos before recording. Other groups, however, may simply want to record their videos over and over again until they get a good take.
-Students can record their videos on school-approved devices like laptops, iPads, or iPods. If these devices are not available, it may be necessary to have students use their personal devices.

Applied Science
English Language Arts
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Dan Castrigano
Date Added:
Climate Impacts on Crops
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: This lesson focuses on how climate change impacts agriculture. Students focus on how heat extremes and changes in precipitation will affect crop yields.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson details ways that climate change can affect farmers — both those who grow plants and those who take care of cattle. The provided video links to more information from Rutgers University. This lesson also has students think about how changes in temperature and precipitation affect crops and leads them in designing an experiment to test their ideas. This resource is recommended for teaching.

-Students are actively engaged in how differences in temperature and precipitation may affect crops grown in New Jersey.
-Students practice the skill of designing a scientific investigation.

-This lesson requires one block of 50 minutes for setting up the experiments and writing hypotheses. Students will need to observe their plants growing every few days. The students should have a final 50-minute block to write up the results of their experiment.
-Teachers should have the supplies to grow the crops in the classroom, including:
-Access to a water source
-Access to a window or heat lamps or ability to plant outside
-Teachers should have ways to control water. Students can individually water their own plants with either more or less water.
-The type of seed that could be used in the classroom is radishes.
-It is easy to grow, germinates relatively quickly and can be grown inside to control the weather conditions for the variables in the experiment.
-If the school has an outdoor garden, the radishes can be planted outside in the spring or fall.
-Peas are another recommended option.

-Students may need help with designing the experiment. The teacher can assign specific hypotheses to students in order to help facilitate the investigation.
-If materials are difficult to acquire, a non-lab resource could be Food and Farming.

Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Christa Delaney
Date Added:
Comparing Biofuels (Renewable Energy Algebra #4)
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students are introduced to biomass energy and use algebra to calculate the amount of land needed to produce biofuel using different plants.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson introduces students to biofuels and how they are sourced, including the supply chain. It does not only equip them to compute the acres of land needed to grow crops to produce biofuels but allows them to compare biofuels with other renewable energy sources, including the benefits and limitation to scale up. All the materials have been fact-checked, and they are suitable to build students' knowledge on the topic. Hence, this lesson has passed our science credibility process.

-Students have opportunities to think critically about the topic of renewable energy in their community.
-Students have the chance to use math in a real-world application, which makes it more relevant and engaging.

-This is lesson 4 of 5 in our 6th-8th grade Renewable Energy Algebra unit.
-This lesson could be used as a standalone lesson if desired.
-There are quite a few drawbacks and challenges to large-scale biofuel production and use. Students should begin to see this through their calculations and discussion. An optional extension video is included at the end of the lesson that looks more at some of the issues with biofuel.

-Teachers can have students work with a partner on the calculations in the Investigate section and purposefully group students based on skill level.
-Teachers can work in a small group with students who may need additional assistance with the calculations.
-Teachers can limit the number of questions students complete. Questions get progressively more difficult on the Student Document.
-Interdisciplinary connections can be made with Earth science, physical science, and engineering design.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Effie Albitz
Date Added:
Comparing Biofuels (Renewable Energy Algebra #4)
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0.0 stars

In this lesson, students are introduced to biomass energy and use algebra to calculate the amount of land needed to produce biofuel using different plants.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students watch a video on biofuels and discuss how biofuels are similar to or different from other renewable energy sources.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students complete real-world math problems that compare the amount of land needed for various biofuel crops.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students explore the current use of biomass in their region using this map and discuss potential benefits and drawbacks to increasing biomass energy in their community.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Effie Albitz
Date Added:
Conservation to Improve Biodiversity (Number Sense & Biodiversity #3)
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students learn about how people are protecting living things and create their own plan to protect living things.

SCIENTIST NOTES: The lesson features human actions to improve biodiversity. It would inspire students to lead initiatives on biodiversity conservation in their community. All materials have been fact-checked, and this lesson has passed our credibility process.

-This lesson creates a collaborative learning environment for students to consider positive action in their community.
-Students will consider how responsible decision-making directly impacts them and their environment.
-This lesson introduces options for helping wildlife using multiple learning styles.

-This is lesson 3 of 3 in our Number Sense and Biodiversity unit.
-You can choose to use the animals featured on the IUCN’s Red List slides in the Teacher Slideshow or identify 1-2 species on the IUCN’s Red List from your local area and adapt the slides. To find other animals, you may search for a specific species you know is in danger or use the directions below:
-Click on Advanced Search.
-Click on Land Regions.
-Click on the Arrow next to the Land Region you live in. This further narrows down the region.
-Click on Habitats. Choose a habitat that describes your area.
-Click on Red List Category, and select all categories except for Least Concern, Data Deficient and Extinct.
-The species will appear in a list. To view them on the map, choose the map setting on the gray header across the top.

-As a possible extension, students can share their design with the class and/or community leaders using cause and effect language.
-In the Inspire section, the class can choose to brainstorm ideas together and vote to create one conservation plan.
-The Student Worksheet has an adapted version for younger students.

Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Emily Townsend
Date Added:
Coping With Climate Anxiety
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0.0 stars

In this lesson, students learn about climate anxiety and create a climate anxiety toolkit.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students discuss statistics about the prevalence of climate anxiety in children and young people and try out a strategy to cope with this anxiety.

Step 2 - Investigate: Students research and practice a strategy to manage anxiety and create a one-page mini-poster about this strategy.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students share their mini-poster with the class, and students discuss what they learned from each other.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Effie Albitz
Subject to Climate
Date Added:
Coping With Climate Anxiety
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students learn about climate anxiety and create a climate anxiety toolkit.

SCIENTIST NOTES: The lesson provides deep thoughts for students to understand and proffer strategies to overcome climate anxiety and chronic fear of environmental doom. This lesson is imperative as it will help students and young people to cope with emotional distress, inequities, depression, and marginalization they often face when engaging in climate action. It is also a source of inspiration to share their climate stories and to take opportunities to save the planet for the future. All materials, videos, and images are well-sourced, and this lesson is recommended for classroom use.

-Students are able to practice emotional regulation and identify specific coping strategies that work for them.
-Students have a choice in which strategy to research and can use creativity in creating their mini-poster.

-This lesson focuses on coping strategies; however, this is not an indication that coping with climate anxiety is a solution to the root causes of the climate crisis.
-There may be students who feel little or no climate anxiety. Teachers should remind students that these strategies help process many different emotions like sadness, anger, frustration, etc. Also, these strategies can be used to process feelings from any situation or cause such as academics, family, relationships, friendships, body image, etc.
-There may be students in the class who are suffering from more severe anxiety or depression. Teachers should look out for students who may be displaying concerning behavior and need outside support. Teachers should be prepared to direct students toward school or community resources and contact relevant parties about their concerns.
-Students should be familiar with finding credible sources and completing short research assignments.
-Students should already have an understanding of climate change and the risks to the future of the planet. If necessary, this video can be used as a primer.
-Students will need access to a computer.

-Teachers who have additional time to devote to this topic can show this twenty-minute video that deeply explores climate anxiety and navigating our complex emotional landscape. Teachers could show the video at the beginning of the lesson to introduce the concept of climate anxiety, or it could be used later in the lesson for a class discussion.
-Students can work with a partner or small group instead of individually in the Investigate section of the lesson.
-Students can make digital mini-posters on a Google Document or a single Google Slide, or they can make them by hand if the materials are available.
-If time and weather permit, teachers can take students outside for the end of the Investigate section to practice their strategies. This would allow more space for strategies like yoga and spending time in nature.
-Teachers can display student posters in a classroom or hallways as a physical reminder of their climate anxiety toolkit strategies.
-The lesson can be completed over two or three class periods instead of one. For two classes, students can end the first class with strategy research work time and begin the second class with additional work time as needed. For three classes, the Inquire, Investigate, and Inspire sections of the lesson can be completed on three separate days.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Effie Albitz
Date Added:
Create and Evaluate (Art for the Earth #6)
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0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students learn watercolour techniques, identify their target audience and create a rubric, and complete their artwork.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson connects arts with science, and it is ideal to communicate environmental change. Students learn basic watercolor techniques and apply the technique to create an artwork that would make an impact in their community. The procedures and tools used in the lesson are suitable for achieving the lesson outcomes. The lesson has passed our science review process and is recommended for use.

-Students explore and utilize visual art techniques to evoke emotions and encourage change.
-Students identify a target audience and develop a rubric to evaluate the effectiveness of their project.

-This is lesson 6 of 6 in our 3rd-5th grade Art for the Earth unit.
-Watercolour paints, water, and paper are necessary for this lesson. Thick watercolour paper will allow for more control of the paint but is not necessary.
-Make sure to provide enough time for setup and cleanup.
-If students are completing reflections and rubrics, the Student Reflection & Rubrics Document must be printed beforehand or shared digitally with the students.
-The Inspire section is listed as 30 minutes long. The final parts of this project may take much longer, depending on what you intend to do with your students. Additional time will probably be needed for displaying artwork, completing reflections, completing rubrics, and distributing and collecting rubrics from the target audience.

-Displaying options, target audience, and evaluation methods can vary depending on time, resources, student ability, grade level, and school environment.
-Ideas for target audiences: another class or grade level, the general school community, families, or an outside community that the class decides could benefit from this education.
-Ideas for displaying options: in a classroom space, hallway, or common room space; in a digital exhibition; at a school event (e.g., art show, classwork presentation evening, parents' night, etc.)

Arts and Humanities
Physical Science
Space Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Lindsey Pockl
Monica Lilley
Date Added:
Create and Evaluate (Art for the Earth #6)
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0.0 stars

In this lesson, students learn watercolour techniques, identify their target audience and create a rubric, and complete their artwork.

Step 1 - Inquire: Students analyze Jill Pelto works of art, learn how colours create emotion, and practice their watercolour techniques.

Step 2 - Investigate: As a class, students identify their target audience and create a corresponding rubric.

Step 3 - Inspire: Students complete their artwork.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Lindsey Pockl
Subject to Climate
Date Added: