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Reflecting with Purpose
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A Research-Backed, Educator's Guide to Fostering Student Reflection

Word Count: 10534

ISBN: 978-1-7775905-0-5

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Social Science
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Reflective Practice in Early Years Education
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Reflective practice as a required disposition for early years educators. The history, the tools, skill and disposition are examined in one resource

Long Description:
This resource will provide a context that will allow the reader to consider their obligation to reflect from their own perspective and will explore how to create a practice that best suits their professional setting. This book will bring together in one place the history, the values, the skills and disposition required to be a reflective practitioner. It is a textbook with elements of a workbook, embedded are opportunities to watch, to think, to write, and to listen allowing the reader to become a purposeful and intentional reflective practitioner.

Word Count: 7748

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Early Childhood Development
Material Type:
Fanshawe College
Sheryl Third
Date Added:
Reflective Practice in Early Years Education
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Reflective practice as a required disposition for early years educators. The history, the tools, skill and disposition are examined in one resource

Long Description:
This resource will provide a context that will allow the reader to consider their obligation to reflect from their own perspective and will explore how to create a practice that best suits their professional setting. This book will bring together in one place the history, the values, the skills and disposition required to be a reflective practitioner. It is a textbook with elements of a workbook, embedded are opportunities to watch, to think, to write, and to listen allowing the reader to become a purposeful and intentional reflective practitioner.

Word Count: 7748

Included H5P activities: 14

ISBN: 978-1-998755-90-5

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Early Childhood Development
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Remote teaching: a guide for teaching assistants
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0.0 stars

Word Count: 14663

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Material Type:
Date Added:
Remote teaching at Laurentian University: a practical guide with tools, tips, and techniques
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0.0 stars

Word Count: 12520

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Research Evaluation Metrics
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0.0 stars

This module dwells on a number of methods (including old and new) available for research evaluation. The module comprises the following four units:
Unit 1. Introduction to Research Evaluation Metrics and Related Indicators.
Unit 2. Innovations in Measuring Science and Scholarship: Analytical Tools and Indicators in Evaluation Scholarship Communications.
Unit 3. Article and Author Level Measurements, and
Unit 4. Online Citation and Reference Management Tools.
Brief overviews of the units are presented below.
Unit 1 encompassed and discussed citation analysis, use of citation-based indicators for research evaluation, common bibliometric indicators, classical bibliometric laws, author level indicators using authors' public profiles, article level metrics using altmetric tools. It is to be noted that author level indicators and article level metrics are new tools for research evaluation. Author level indicators encompasses h index, citations count, i10 index, g index, articles with citation, average citations per article, Eigenfactor score, impact points, and RG score. Article level metrics or altmetrics are based on Twitter, Facebook, Mendeley, CiteULike, and Delicious which have been discussed. All technical terms used in the Unit have been defined.
Unit 2 deals with analytical tools and indicators used in evaluating scholarly communications. The tools covered are The Web of Science, Scopus, Indian Citation Index (ICI), CiteSeerX, Google Scholar and Google Scholar Citations. Among these all the tools except Indian Citation Index (ICI) are international in scope. ICI is not very much known outside India. It is a powerful tool as far Indian scholarly literature is concerned. As Indian journals publish a sizable amount of foreign literature, the tool will be useful for foreign countries as well. The analytical products with journal performance metrics Journal Citation Reports (JCR®) has also been described. In the chapter titled New Platforms for Evaluating Scholarly Communications three websites i.e. SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) [ScimagoJR.com], eigenFACTOR.org, JournalMetrics.com and one software called Publish or Perish (POP) Software have been discussed.
Article and author level measurements have been discussed in Unit 3. Author and researcher identifiers are absolutely essential for searching databases in the WWW because a name like D Singh can harbour a number of names such as Dan Singh, Dhan Singh, Dhyan Singh, Darbara Singh, Daulat Singh, Durlabh Singh and more. The ResearcherID.com, launched by Thomson Reuters, is a web-based global registry of authors and researchers that individualises each and every name. Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is also a registry that uniquely identifies an author or researcher. Both have been discussed in this Unit. Article Level Metrics (Altmetrics) has been treated in this Unit with the discussion as to how altmetrics can be measured with Altmetric.com and ImpactStory.org. Altmetrics for Online Journals has also been touched. There are a number of academic social networks of which ResearchGate.net, Academia.edu, GetCited.org, etc. have been discussed. Regional journal networks with bibliometric indicators are also in existence. Two networks of this type such as SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, and Redalyc have been dealt with.
The last unit (Unit 4) is on online citation and reference management tools. The tools discussed are Mendeley, CiteULike, Zotero, Google Scholar Library, and EndNote Basic. The features of all the management tools have been discussed with figures, tables, and text boxes.
This is Module Four of the UNESCO's Open Access Curriculum for Researchers.
Full-Text is available at http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002322/232210E.pdf

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Anup Kumar Das
Date Added:
Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
These modules are for academic and higher degree researchers who want to develop and extend the skills required in the contemporary research environment. (This set of modules is under development - check back regularly to find additional content.)

Long Description:
Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers is for higher degree students and academics who want to develop skills to assist them on their research journey, from the beginning stages of searching the literature and developing a research proposal, to writing and presentation skills, and on to managing their researcher profile and finding evidence of their research impact.

While written with RMIT University higher degree and academic researchers in mind, other researchers world-wide may find it applicable – feel free to adopt or adapt to suit your own context.

This set of modules is under development – check back regularly to find additional content.

Word Count: 27295

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Applied Science
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
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Research assistant training manual
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0.0 stars

The purpose of this document is to provide information to graduate and undergraduate research assistant (RAs) on how to conduct focus groups for purpose of collecting qualitative research data in the field of education. It also provides information on institutional requirements, such as ethics, the expectations of the principal investigator (PI). Though it may have applicability in other disciplines or contexts, this guide was originally prepared for RAs working in the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.This guide is intended to supplement, rather than replace, direction from the PI offered in research team meetings, electronic communications or face-to-face conversations.

Social Science
Material Type:
Primary Source
University of Calgary
Eaton, Sarah E.
Date Added:
Resilient Pedagogy
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0.0 stars

Practical Teaching Strategies to Overcome Distance, Disruption, and Distraction

Short Description:
Resilient Pedagogy offers a comprehensive collection on the topics and issues surrounding resilient pedagogy framed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social justice movements that have swept the globe. As a collection, Resilient Pedagogy is a multi-disciplinary and multi-perspective response to actions taken in different classrooms, across different institution types, and from individuals in different institutional roles with the purpose of allowing readers to explore the topics to improve their own teaching practice and support their own students through distance, disruption, and distraction.

Long Description:
Faculty and staff in higher education have seen first-hand how distance, disruption, and distraction can challenge our perceptions of teaching and learning while highlighting inequities across our colleges and universities. As the first book in the Empower Teaching Open Access Book Series, the editors of Resilient Pedagogy asked authors to explore the concepts surrounding resilient pedagogy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social justice movements that impacted higher education in myriad ways, and provide practical strategies to better support students across contexts.

The purpose of this collection was not for authors to create a new definition for the term resilient pedagogy, nor to be provide a singular perspective. Instead, authors in each of the 15 chapters were asked to reflect on the emerging implications of year spent in turmoil and to connect their experiences to the literature and scholarship of teaching and learning. Many of the negative aspects surrounding distance, disruption, and distraction weren’t caused by the pandemic, but our collective experience made us keenly aware of the inequities and throughout this volume the authors call readers to action to address these inequities head on.

Readers are invited to take the concepts, strategies, and ideas presented in this volume and find ways to apply them to their own contexts. Thanks to the open access nature of the collection readers can share the insights on Twitter by tagging @ResiPed and using #ResilientPedagogy to build upon the work of the authors and continue to engage in the discourse and the work of Resilient Pedagogy.

Word Count: 112688

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Higher Education
Material Type:
Utah State University
Date Added:
Resources for Teaching: Inspiration and Sources from IUPUI and Beyond
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Inspiration and Sources from IUPUI and Beyond

Short Description:
This book is a compilation of resources gathered from Centers and faculty across campus, as well as online sources.

Long Description:
The onset of the COVID 19 pandemic in the spring of 2019 prompted a rapid pivot to online teaching for all faculty. Teaching centers like IUPUI’s Center for Teaching and Learning enhanced existing resources and created new ones to help faculty meet the challenges. Facebook groups like Pandemic Pedagogy proliferated where faculty to go to share experiences and seek help. Even as we reach a new normal, it is doubtful that the teaching landscape will return to pre-pandemic times. This book was created as a way to help IUPUI faculty find the resources they are looking for quickly and easily, offering a one stop shopping experience to help direct faculty to the types of resources they are seeking.

Word Count: 9131

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Material Type:
Date Added:
Review of Introduction to College and Strategies for Success
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Review of Introduction to College and Strategies for Success

Social Science
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
M. Barrey
Date Added:
R for Data Science
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0.0 stars

This is the website for “R for Data Science”. This book will teach you how to do data science with R: You’ll learn how to get your data into R, get it into the most useful structure, transform it, visualise it and model it. In this book, you will find a practicum of skills for data science. Just as a chemist learns how to clean test tubes and stock a lab, you’ll learn how to clean data and draw plots—and many other things besides. These are the skills that allow data science to happen, and here you will find the best practices for doing each of these things with R. You’ll learn how to use the grammar of graphics, literate programming, and reproducible research to save time. You’ll also learn how to manage cognitive resources to facilitate discoveries when wrangling, visualising, and exploring data.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Higher Education
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Garrett Grolemund
Hadley Wickham
Date Added:
The Roadrunner's Guide to English
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This online book is designed to help students learn the skills they will need to do well in college-level classes. Some courses will focus on writing, some on reading, and some on a combination of the two; this book is designed to work with all of those classes.

Welcome, students, and remember: a skill is not a magical ability. By that, we mean it can be learned; you don't have to be born "good at" reading or writing. Like any other skill, reading and writing abilities improve through learning the step-by-step process to doing both, and through practice. We hope this book will help you develop your own skills.

Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
University System of Georgia
Provider Set:
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Jenny Crisp
Lydia Postell
Melissa Whitesell
Date Added:
Rock the Boat
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0.0 stars

Using Theatre to Reimagine Graduate Supervision

Short Description:
Rock the Boat is an open-access multimedia resource designed to provoke dialogue about graduate supervision relationships within universities, and their impact on student and faculty wellbeing. Drawing upon the tradition of Research-based Theatre, Rock the Boat draws attention to graduate supervision as a vital form of pedagogy, and as rife with challenges — especially relating to equity, inclusion and diversity.

Long Description:
Drawing upon the tradition of Research-based Theatre, Rock the Boat draws attention to graduate supervision as a vital form of pedagogy, and as rife with challenges — especially relating to equity, inclusion and diversity. By supporting structured and safe dialogue about some of these challenges on campus, we hope to support students, faculty and staff in developing healthy, respectful supervisory relationships, thereby enhancing the wellbeing of all.

The resource comprises four filmed scenes, each seven to 10 minutes long: Zoom Fatigue, Contentious Authorship, No Other Choice and Disclosures. Each scene dramatizes a relationship between one or more graduate students and their supervisors and provokes dialogue around specific challenges that can occur. These include supervisory communication, authorship of scientific papers, competition between students, gender and racial discrimination, balancing personal and professional priorities, mental health and privacy.

The scenes can be used in any facilitated group context. You may, for example, wish to use them for graduate student orientation, during equity, diversity and inclusion workshops, for supervisory training sessions, or during faculty or departmental retreats. The scenes are professionally acted and filmed, and this guide will help you design and facilitate a group session that generates useful dialogue, whatever your specific goals.

Word Count: 10093

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Higher Education
Material Type:
Matthew Smithdeal
Michael Lee
Susan Cox
Tala Maragha
Date Added:
The Role of Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood Education
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The Role of Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood Education. Explores the impact of personal experiences and social identity on teaching effectiveness and objectivity when working with young children and families.

Early Childhood Development
Material Type:
Emily Elam
Jennifer Paris
Krischa Esquivel
Marciela Tafoya
Date Added:
Russian Advanced Interactive Listening Series: Capstone Lessons
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This is a series of 5 capstone lessons based on 5 interviews. Topics of the lesson are: Sergei Khrushchev (about the historical legacy of his father, Nikita Khrushchev), Sergei Enikolopov (crime), Viktor Loshak (journalism), Evgenii Aksenov (business), and Aleksandr Asmolov (education).

Long Description:
This is a series of 5 capstone lessons based on 5 interviews. Topics of the lesson are: Sergei Khrushchev (about the historical legacy of his father, Nikita Khrushchev), Sergei Enikolopov (crime), Viktor Loshak (journalism), Evgenii Aksenov (business), and Aleksandr Asmolov (education).

Authors: Nina Familiant, Shannon Donnally Quinn, Benjamin Rifkin

New version created by: Shannon Donnally Quinn with help from Lidia Gault

Word Count: 4544

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Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
English Language Arts
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Benjamin Rifkin
Darya Vassina
Dianna Murphy
Nina Familiant
Shannon Donnally Quinn
Date Added: