Short Description: This a physical science text intended for non-science majors that …
Short Description: This a physical science text intended for non-science majors that covers introductory chemistry and physics topics. The work is adapted from Chemistry: Atoms First 2e and College Physics
Word Count: 29934
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In this book I've attempted an innovation in the order of topics …
In this book I've attempted an innovation in the order of topics for freshman E&M, the goal being to follow the logical sequence while also providing plenty of opportunities for relating abstract ideas to hands-on experience. The typical sequence starts by slogging through Coulomb's law, the electric field, and Gauss's law, none of which are well suited to practical exploration in the laboratory. In this book, each of the first 5 chapters is short and includes a laboratory exercise that can be completed in about an hour and a half. The approach I've taken is to introduce the electric and magnetic field on an equal footing (which is in fact the way the subject was developed historically). As empirically motivated postulates, we take some primitive ideas about relativity along with the expressions for the energy and momentum density of the fields.
Another goal is to introduce the laws of physics in their natural, local form, i.e., Maxwell's equations in differential rather than integral form, without getting bogged down in an extensive development of the toolbox of vector calculus that would be more appropriate in an honors text like Purcell. Much of the necessary apparatus of div, grad, and curl is developed first in visual or qualitative form.
Short Description: This open online course introduces participants to the financial risks …
Short Description: This open online course introduces participants to the financial risks and impacts associated with climate change.
Long Description: This four-week course introduces participants to the financial risks and impacts associated with climate change. Participants will explore a range of risk pathways that link climate and economic systems, including:
• physical risks related to direct exposure to climate hazards in the value chain; • transition risks arising from abrupt transitions to a low-carbon economy; • systemic risks transmitted throughout the economy; • extreme risks arising from the complex dynamic nature of climate-economy systems.
Topics will be explored through the use of case study examples, group-based analysis and problem solving. The learning is supported by readings, videos and live, interactive online sessions. Participants are encouraged to share their own knowledge and expertise in group-based discussion forums. Upon completion of the course, participants will have a foundational understanding of the relationship between climate change and the economy. Participants will develop their ability to identify climate-related financial risks within their own organizations—critical groundwork for effective planning and decision-making for mitigation and adaptation.
As an introductory course, this course is suited to those with limited previous experience in climate-related finance or economics. However, a basic understanding of climate science is presumed.
This course is part of the Adaptation Learning Network led by the Resilience by Design Lab at Royal Roads University. The project is supported by the Climate Action Secretariat of the BC Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy and Natural Resources Canada through its Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) program. The BRACE program works with Canadian provinces to support training activities that help build skills and expertise on climate adaptation and resilience.
Word Count: 9867
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Fizyka dla szkół wyższych. Tom 1 dopasowana jest pod względem zakresu i …
Fizyka dla szkół wyższych. Tom 1 dopasowana jest pod względem zakresu i układu treści do typowych kursów wprowadzających z fizyki ogólnej opartych na analizie matematycznej. Podręcznik kładzie nacisk na powiązania między teorią a praktycznymi zastosowaniami, wyjaśniając zagadnienia fizyczne w ciekawy i zrozumiały sposób, lecz z zachowaniem niezbędnego rygoru matematycznego. Liczne, dobrze dobrane przykłady pokazują, jak podejść do zadania, jak wykorzystać wzory i wreszcie jak sprawdzić i uogólnić wynik.
Fizyka dla szkół wyższych. Tom 2 dopasowana jest pod względem zakresu i …
Fizyka dla szkół wyższych. Tom 2 dopasowana jest pod względem zakresu i układu treści do typowych kursów wprowadzających z fizyki ogólnej opartych na analizie matematycznej. Podręcznik kładzie nacisk na powiązania między teorią a praktycznymi zastosowaniami, wyjaśniając zagadnienia fizyczne w ciekawy i zrozumiały sposób, lecz z zachowaniem niezbędnego rygoru matematycznego. Liczne, dobrze dobrane przykłady pokazują, jak podejść do zadania, jak wykorzystać wzory i wreszcie jak sprawdzić i uogólnić wynik.
Fizyka dla szkół wyższych. Tom 3 dopasowana jest pod względem zakresu i …
Fizyka dla szkół wyższych. Tom 3 dopasowana jest pod względem zakresu i układu treści do typowych kursów wprowadzających z fizyki ogólnej opartych na analizie matematycznej. Podręcznik kładzie nacisk na powiązania między teorią a praktycznymi zastosowaniami, wyjaśniając zagadnienia fizyczne w ciekawy i zrozumiały sposób, lecz z zachowaniem niezbędnego rygoru matematycznego. Liczne, dobrze dobrane przykłady pokazują, jak podejść do zadania, jak wykorzystać wzory i wreszcie jak sprawdzić i uogólnić wynik. documents the course materials and student-created OER from the University of … documents the course materials and student-created OER from the University of Colorado Boulder's Mechanical Engineering course on the physics and art of fluid flows. Students create and document images and videos of gases and liquids, and all work is published under a Creative Commons license. Lecture notes, lecture videos, course documents (syllabi, schedule, assignments) and the accompanying textbook are also published.
Short Description: Drawing upon the food security literature and current events in …
Short Description: Drawing upon the food security literature and current events in the media, this survey course will encourage learners to build a new understanding of food security, water shortages in agricultural production, and climate change challenges in agriculture. We will introduce policy tools and case studies illustrating the effects that climate change has on agriculture which will be useful and applicable to individual cross-disciplinary learning.
Long Description: Food security is one of the most pressing dilemmas of our time. Around the globe, approximately 2 billion people experience some form of food deprivation each day. One in ten people suffer from some form of food insecurity in Canada. This has led scholars to question why food insecurity exists in an ostensibly food secure country. The literature on food security and climate change has also grown exponentially over the past several decades in large part as a response to world events such as the Green Revolution and other forms of industrial agricultural development since the 1970s. Despite the advances in research and technology, we still possess inadequate knowledge of the dynamics causing the onset of food insecurity, and significant disagreement persists among scholars concerning the best way to ameliorate food insecurity.
Drawing upon the food security literature and current events in the media, this survey course will encourage learners to build a new understanding of food security, water shortages in agricultural production, and climate change challenges in agriculture. We will introduce policy tools and case studies illustrating the effects that climate change has on agriculture which will be useful and applicable to individual cross-disciplinary learning.
This course is part of the Adaptation Learning Network led by the Resilience by Design Lab at Royal Roads University. The project is supported by the Climate Action Secretariat of the BC Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy and Natural Resources Canada through its Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) program. The BRACE program works with Canadian provinces to support training activities that help build skills and expertise on climate adaptation and resilience.
Word Count: 19025
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Word Count: 102905 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by …
Word Count: 102905
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Word Count: 30350 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by …
Word Count: 30350
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Word Count: 217588 ISBN: 978-1-998755-16-5 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created …
Word Count: 217588
ISBN: 978-1-998755-16-5
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Conocer los fundamentos teóricos de la química inorgánica es esencial para comprender …
Conocer los fundamentos teóricos de la química inorgánica es esencial para comprender los conceptos y principios esenciales de esta rama de la química, que se enfoca en el estudio de los elementos y compuestos inorgánicos; proporcionando una base teórica sólida para el estudio de otras áreas de esta ciencia. "Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica", además de temas clave de la química inorgánica, como la teoría del enlace de valencia y la química de los elementos, también cubre temas importantes como la estructura de la materia, la teoría cuántica, la estequiometría y la clasificación de las reacciones químicas. Asimismo, se destaca la inclusión de temas relacionados con la medición de las propiedades de la materia, la descripción de los sistemas dispersos, entre otros. El objetivo de este libro es brindar una base sólida de conocimientos en química inorgánica, que permita al lector comprender los principios y fundamentos teóricos que rigen esta disciplina, con un enfoque claro y didáctico. El libro proporciona un excelente recurso tanto para estudiantes como para docentes. Razón por la que, "Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica" es una obra esencial para aquellos que deseen profundizar en el conocimiento de la química inorgánica y comprender mejor sus conceptos fundamentales.
Se establecen los principios bioquímicos fundamentales que rigen el desarrollo de las …
Se establecen los principios bioquímicos fundamentales que rigen el desarrollo de las plantas, explorando la composición y estructura de sus células. Además, se aborda la fotosíntesis como un proceso metabólico esencial. El metabolismo de biomoléculas, que incluye el transporte de nutrientes y la síntesis de carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y otros compuestos, es analizado en profundidad. Asimismo, se abordan temáticas cruciales como la respiración celular en plantas, la biosíntesis de metabolitos secundarios y el papel de las hormonas vegetales en el crecimiento y desarrollo. La enzimología vegetal, con énfasis en la cinética enzimática, se presenta como un componente esencial del metabolismo vegetal. Además, se examinan los mecanismos de defensa de las plantas frente al estrés abiótico y biótico, abordando la morfogénesis y los desafíos que enfrentan las plantas en su entorno. El libro concluye con una visión hacia el futuro en la investigación de la bioquímica vegetal.
De transport- en overdrachtsprocessen van warmte, massa en impuls worden naar hun …
De transport- en overdrachtsprocessen van warmte, massa en impuls worden naar hun analogie behandeld. De processen worden beschreven met behulp van macro- en microbalansen die in veel gevallen leiden tot differentiaalvergelijkingen. Ook veel aspecten van stromingsleer komen op deze manier aan de orde en zo bereidt het boek ook voor op moderne Computational Fluid Dynamics technieken. Het doel van het boek is ook studenten te trainen in het oplossen van problemen waarbij transportverschijnselen centraal staan. Daartoe bevat het boek bijna 100 uitgewerkte vraagstukken.
This is not a typical e-book; it is a free, web-based, open-source …
This is not a typical e-book; it is a free, web-based, open-source “textbook” available to anyone interested in using mapping tools to create maps. This e-text focuses primarily on Geographic Information Systems (GIS)—a geospatial technology that enables you to create spatial databases, analyze spatial patterns, and produce maps that communicate more effectively. While this GIS textbook is principally an introduction to GIS, most of the chapter’s concepts are applicable to other geotechnologies including remote sensing, global positioning systems (GPS), Internet mapping, and virtual globes.
Creating good maps and analyzing spatial data is a time consuming and challenging practice, but recently, a new set of powerful mapping tools has enabled almost anyone with a computer to make maps easily and to perform at least some low-level analyses. The results, however, are not encouraging. Most of the new mapmakers do not have adequate training in mapping concepts and spatial analysis principles, and their maps are often improperly designed and do not communicate easily nor effectively. This e-text—GIS Commons—seeks to help you analyze spatial data and communicate more effectively. In short, GIS education is our goal.
This ebook contains background information, video tutorials and virtual exercises for the …
This ebook contains background information, video tutorials and virtual exercises for the Biochemistry Laboratory module. Gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) are analysis methods that require a lot of background information and intense theory. This interactive ebook will help you understand the information behind these analysis methods, and is accessible through iTunes.
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