Introduction to seismic theory, measurements and processing of seismic data to final …
Introduction to seismic theory, measurements and processing of seismic data to final focussed image for geological and/or physical interpretation.This course deals with the most important aspects of reflection seismics. Theory of seismic waves, aspects of data acquisition (seismic sources, receivers and recorders), and of data processing (CMP processing, velocity analysis, stacking, migration) will be dealt with. The course will be supplemented by a practical of 6 afternoons where the students will see the most important data-processing steps via exercises (in Matlab).
Groningen, a province in the northeast of the Netherlands, is experiencing earthquakes …
Groningen, a province in the northeast of the Netherlands, is experiencing earthquakes due to the extraction of gas. This phenomenon is called induced seismicity. But what is induced seismicity? And how can the risk to life safety and the consequences for the built environment be reduced? The Groningen situation is unique and for this reason, solutions for the built environment cannot simply be copied from abroad. To contribute to a basic understanding of the various topics in this field, knowledge lectures have been developed as Open Course Ware by a large number of scientists and practitioners.
This Open Course Ware is initiated by TU Delft in cooperation with Arup, TU Eindhoven and TNO. This public and private initiative combines engineering, architecture and management perspectives. The 30 video lectures provide conceptual knowledge of seismicity and basic seismic concepts. This knowledge is then related to the different structures and their behaviour under seismic loading. Finally, in the last theme more procedural knowledge will be outlined, related to the multidisciplinary challenges in Groningen.
Water is essential for life on earth and of crucial importance for …
Water is essential for life on earth and of crucial importance for society. Also within our climate water plays a major role. The natural cycle of ocean to atmosphere, by precipitation back to earth and by rivers and aquifers to the oceans has a decisive impact on regional and global climate patterns.
This course will cover six main topics:
Global water cycle. In this module you will learn to explain the different processes of the global water cycle. Water systems. In this module you will learn to describe the flows of water and sand in different riverine, coastal and ocean systems. Water and climate change. In this module you will learn to identify mechanisms of climate change and you will learn to explain the interplay of climate change, sea level, clouds, rainfall and future weather. Interventions. In this module you will learn to explain why, when and which engineering interventions are needed in rivers, coast and urban environment. Water resource management. In this module you will learn to explain why water for food and water for cities are the main challenges in water management and what the possibilities and limitations of reservoirs and groundwater are to improve water availability. Challenges. In this module you will learn to explain the challenges in better understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on water for the coming 50 years.
The course will discuss the objectives and functions of water management systems …
The course will discuss the objectives and functions of water management systems for irrigation and drainage purposes. Analysing system requirements in terms of technical engineering constraints, management possibilities and water users (wishes and options) is central. This includes the design and operation of regulation structures, dams, reservoirs, weirs and conveyance systems; balancing water supply and water requirements in time and space is a main focus of analysis too.
Many of today’s global challenges require tech-driven solutions — climate change, the …
Many of today’s global challenges require tech-driven solutions — climate change, the growth of the world population, cyber security, the increasing demand for scarce resources, digitalization, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. With this in mind, it is no surprise that one fourth of the CEOs of the world’s 100 largest corporations have an engineering degree.
Solving these global problems requires leaders who, in the first place, are comfortable with technology, models and quantitative analyses — Leaders who see systems instead of isolated problems. However, simply understanding technology is not enough. Successful leaders today must have both the ideas and the know-how to put these ideas into action by working collaboratively with others, winning their hearts and minds.
We need leaders who know how to seize opportunities in a networked world, and can mobilize people and other stakeholders for large-scale change. Leaders who lead fulfilling lives and who are able to move themselves and others from the ‘me’ to the ‘we’. Leaders who are long-term oriented and who deliver economic profit, while also making positive contributions to society and the environment. We call these leaders ‘sustainable leaders’.
Runway extension, construction of works in protected areas, subsidizing sustainable projects... they …
Runway extension, construction of works in protected areas, subsidizing sustainable projects... they all happen within a design space, limited amongst others by legal rules and requirements. To make optimal use of the design space, you have to know about these rules and requirements. When does a contract have to be tendered out, what rules are then applicable, what can be subsidized and what are the restrictions, how to comply with air quality requirements and can a frog really block a project? What alternative designs can be given in order to avoid legal problems? These and other problems will be addressed in this course.
Vakinhoud: - Leren rekenen met vectoren en matrices. - De methode van …
Vakinhoud: - Leren rekenen met vectoren en matrices. - De methode van rijreductie voor het oplossen van lineaire systemen. - De begrippen lineair onafhankelijk, span en basis - Elementaire lineaire transformaties, de begrippen surjectief en injectief. - De begrippen deelruimte, basis en dimensie en voorbeelden hiervan. - Eigenwaardes en eigenvectoren van een matrix. - Dit vak is een combinatie van de vakken Lineaire Algebra 1 en Lineaire Algebra 2 die bij andere TU-opleidingen aangeboden worden.
Leerdoelen: - Het kennen van basisbegrippen, het gebruik van basismethodes. - Het maken van logische afleidingen met behulp van deze begrippen en methodes
Dit vak gaat over het berekenen van spanningen, stromen en vermogens in …
Dit vak gaat over het berekenen van spanningen, stromen en vermogens in elektrische circuits met bronnen, weerstanden, spoelen en condensatoren. In het eerste deel worden de componenten geïntroduceerd en de basisberekeningsmethoden aangeleerd. In het tweede deel worden de technieken uit het eerste deel toegepast op tweede-orde circuits, circuits met sinusvormige spanningen en stromen, magnetisch gekoppelde circuits en vermogenscircuits. Verder is er veel aandacht voor filters, frequentieresponsies, tweepoorten en de Laplace transformatie
Welcome to this online course on Linear Algebra. Linear Algebra is a …
Welcome to this online course on Linear Algebra.
Linear Algebra is a branch of mathematics that plays a fundamental to role in many parts of Science and Engineering, such as Quantum Mechanics, Coding Theory, Signal Processing and Control Theory .
As Linear Algebra is a common component of many university programmes in Science or Engineering, this course can be used as additional study or preparation for on campus courses on Linear Algebra. Please note that we cannot guarantee that this course can replace an on campus course.
The course has no preliminaries other than basic high school mathematics. Furthermore, the course is self contained; it can be studied without extra resources. Nevertheless, for each topic you can find some references to standard literature that you can consult for further reading.
The course linear modeling delivers the skillset in linear or structural modeling …
The course linear modeling delivers the skillset in linear or structural modeling that is required to solve structural problems from which you can develop finite element (FE) models for practical applications. It also teaches how results can be correctly interpreted. The course uses an open source FE package in a series of weekly practical sessions where models are constructed for sample problems and results are validated against simplified analytical models or open literature.
Do you have a passion for buildings and want to contribute to …
Do you have a passion for buildings and want to contribute to a sustainable environment? Then this is your chance to make a difference! The biggest sustainability challenge for cities worldwide is adapting existing obsolescent buildings and making them future-proof. In this course, you will learn about adapting buildings for sustainability.
This course first introduces you to the challenging management task of redeveloping buildings for future use. Then you will learn how different management tools can be used to convert old buildings for sustainable reuse.
Prior experience with studies or jobs related to the built environment is not essential for this course, but will be a great advantage.
This MOOC is especially relevant for students who are interested in Real Estate, Project Management, Urban Planning, Architecture, Construction, Engineering, and Sustainability.
The course is taught by a multi-disciplinary team of instructors and professors with relevant practical and theoretical experience. You can use the practical knowledge you obtain during this course to tackle many challenges related to the built environment.
De student die dit vak met goed gevolg heeft doorlopen zal in …
De student die dit vak met goed gevolg heeft doorlopen zal in staat zijn om: (1) Op basis van eigenschappen en gedrag onder externe invloeden een klassificatie te maken van materialen en op basis daarvan een eerste indruk te krijgen van hun geschiktheid in bepaalde toepassingen. (2) Inzicht te verkrijgen in de rol van materialen, materiaalgebruik en materiaalontwikkeling in de ontwikkeling, kwaliteit, mogelijkheden en bedreigingen van de samenleving afhankelijk van tijd, plaats en cultuur. Dit inzicht is gebaseerd op objectieve data. (3) Vast te stellen welke materiaaleigenschappen van kritisch belang zijn in mechanische en andere werktuigbouwkundige ontwerpen, en met behulp van eenduidige criteria materiaalkeuzes in de ontwerpcriteria van constructies te optimaliseren. De belangrijkste eigenschappen die aan de orde komen zijn dichtheid, stijfheid, sterkte, plasticiteit, breuk, vermoeiing, wrijving, slijtage. (4) Mechanische eigenschappen van materialen te herleiden tot chemische bindingen, onderlinge krachten, ordeningspatronen, defecten, en relatieve bewegingsmogelijkheden van atomen. De verschillende lengteschalen die materiaaleigenschappen bepalen staan hierbij centraal. Hiermee zal tevens inzicht verkregen worden in de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van materialen onder extreme omstandigheden en in de strategieën die gevolgd kunnen worden om materialen te verbeteren. (5) Optimale keuzes te maken binnen het beschikbare spectrum van procestechnieken (productie, bewerking, vorming, verbinding, afwerking) om componenten en eindproducten te vervaardigen. (6) Software te gebruiken waarmee, gegeven een aantal vereisten van materiaaleigenschappen, het beste materiaal voor een ontwerp kan worden geselecteerd. Deze materiaaleigenschappen gaan verder dan mechanische eigenschappen alleen. Thermische, elektrische, ecologische, economische en recycling-eigenschappen zullen in voorkomende gevallen ook meegewogen worden.
Mathematics explained: Here you find videos on various math topics: Pre-university Calculus …
Mathematics explained: Here you find videos on various math topics:
Pre-university Calculus (functions, equations, differentiation and integration) Vector calculus (preparation for mechanics and dynamics courses) Differential equations, Calculus Functions of several variables, Calculus Linear Algebra Probability and Statistics
How do populations grow? How do viruses spread? What is the trajectory …
How do populations grow? How do viruses spread? What is the trajectory of a glider?
Many real-life problems can be described and solved by mathematical models. In this course, you will form a team with another student and work in a project to solve a real-life problem.
You will learn to analyze your chosen problem, formulate it as a mathematical model (containing ordinary differential equations), solve the equations in the model, and validate your results. You will learn how to implement Euler’s method in a Python program.
If needed, you can refine or improve your model, based on your first results. Finally, you will learn how to report your findings in a scientific way.
This course is mainly aimed at Bachelor students from Mathematics, Engineering and Science disciplines. However it will suit anyone who would like to learn how mathematical modeling can solve real-world problems.
This course is an introduction to measurement technology and describes the theoretical …
This course is an introduction to measurement technology and describes the theoretical foundations and practical examples of measurement systems. The analyzing of measurements problems and specifying of measurements systems are the main subjects that are treated in this course, where the main focus will be on the different kind of measurement errors and the concept of uncertainty in measurement results. Electronic measurement instrumentation will be introduced; a number of conventional sensors for the measurement of non-electronic variables will be described, as well as electronic circuits for the reading of the sensors.-Analyzing of measurement problems-Describing of measurement problems -Analyzing the measurement quantity-Analyzing the measurement boundaries for a quantity to be measured in different circumstances-Professional use of the measurement system-Describing the operating principle of conventional instruments for electronic measurements.-Comparing the available measurement instruments on the basis of quality and accuracy.-Realization of simple measurement setups.-Using the electronic sensor for the measurement of non-electronic variables.-Using a simple signal processing circuits for the reading of the sensors.-Analyzing, presenting and interpreting of measurement results;-Recognizing and describing of error sources.
This course, Measurements for Water is in Dutch, but the following parts …
This course, Measurements for Water is in Dutch, but the following parts are in English:Lectures: Waterbalans Water balance)ReadingsDit vak gaat in op het hoe te doen van typische metingen op het vakgebied van gezondheidstechniek (waterkwaliteit), hydrologie, waterbeheer, waterbouw en vloeistofmechanica (waterkwantiteit).Onderdelen hierin zijn: het herkennen van de relevante parameters, leren over meetmethodes, meetapparatuur, nauwkeurigheid, opstellen van een meetplan, veiligheid, het zelf doen van metingen (laboratorium e/o in het veld) en bewerken en verwerken van gegevens.In een workshop wordt er geleerd met beschikbare electronica componenten een eigen meetsensor te bouwen.Leerdoelen- In staat zijn aan te geven welke parameters van belang zijn bij een bepaald proces- In staat zijn aan te geven hoe de parameters gemeten kunnen worden- Geschikte meetapparatuur kunnen kiezen- Een meetplan kunnen maken (uitvoering, tijd, duur, kosten, veiligheid)- Basis principes electronica in de meettechniek begrijpen en kunnen toepassen
Mechatronic system design deals with the design of controlled motion systems by …
Mechatronic system design deals with the design of controlled motion systems by the integration of functional elements from a multitude of disciplines. It starts with thinking how the required function can be realised by the combination of different subsystems according to a Systems Engineering approach (V-model).
Some supporting disciplines, like power-electronics and electromechanics, are not part of the BSc program of mechanical engineers. For this reason this course introduces these disciplines in connection with PID-motion control principles to realise an optimally designed motion system. The target application for the lectures are motion systems that combine high speed movements with extreme precision. The course covers the following four main subjects:
Dynamics of motion systems in the time and frequency domain, including analytical frequency transfer functions that are represented in Bode and Nyquist plots. Motion control with PID-feedback and model-based feed forward control-principles that effectively deal with the mechanical dynamic anomalies of the plant. Electromechanical actuators, mainly based on the electromagnetic Lorentz principle. Reluctance force and piezoelectric actuators will be shortly presented to complete the overview. Power electronics that are used for driving electromagnetic actuators. The fifth relevant discipline, position measurement systems is dealt with in another course: WB2303, Electronics and measurement. The most important educational element that will be addressed is the necessary knowledge of the physical phenomena that act on motion systems, to be able to critically judge results obtained with simulation software. The lectures challenge the capability of students to match simulation models with reality, to translate a real system into a sufficiently simplified dynamic model and use the derived dynamic properties to design a suitable, practically realiseable controller. This course increases the understanding what a position control system does in reality in terms of virtual mechanical properties like stiffness and damping that are added to the mechanical plant by a closed loop feedback controller.
It is shown how a motion system can be analysed and modelled top-down with approximating (scalar) calculations by hand, giving a sufficient feel of the problem to make valuable concept design decisions in an early stage. With this method students learn to work more efficiently by starting their design with a quick and dirty global analysis to prove feasibility or direct further detailed modelling in specific problem areas.
Mesoscopic physics is the area of Solid State physics that covers the …
Mesoscopic physics is the area of Solid State physics that covers the transition regime between macroscopic objects and the microscopic, atomic world. The main goal of the course is to introduce the physical concepts underlying the phenomena in this field.
System design is the central topic of this course. We move beyond …
System design is the central topic of this course. We move beyond the methods developed in circuit design (although we shall have interest in those) and consider situations in which the functional behavior of a system is the first object under consideration.
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