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Sales and Leases: A Problem-based Approach
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0.0 stars

Sales and Leases is a coursebook for a 3-credit course in personal property sales and leases – the subject matter of UCC Articles 2 and 2A. Adjustments could be made for other credit allocations and chapters can be used on a stand-alone basis. The course is designed so that students both review the rules and principles they studied in their first-year course in Contracts and learn the rules that apply to the subset of contracts for the sale and lease of goods. Students taking this course should be well-prepared to solve legal problems in contracts and sales, and should be well-prepared for those parts of the bar exam as well.

While the course in Contracts focuses on the rules of common-law contracts, the focus of this course is the rules found in legislation. Therefore, instead of emphasizing case analysis, the book contains a good deal of narrative that assists students in working through the complexity of the statutes. Students will need to supplement the book with a complete copy of the UCC that includes the Official Comments. Discussion of other statutes, such as UETA and Magnuson-Moss, is incorporated where appropriate.

The approach is problem-based, which we believe is more appropriate for an upper-division course based primarily on statutes. The narrative is interspersed with problems for class discussion that require students to apply the principles and rules to particular fact situations. Many times there is an issue of interpretation or policy in the Code, however, and therefore each chapter also contains at least one case that explores an issue arising under the statute.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Kristen Juras
Scott J. Burnham
Date Added:
The Science of Plants
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0.0 stars

An approachable guide to the fundamentals of plant science. Created for horticulture students, gardeners, science teachers, and anyone interested in understanding plants and how they grow. This is the required text for HORT 1001/6001 Plant Propagation at the University of Minnesota Department of Horticultural Science.

Life Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Alan Smith
Emily Hoover
Emily Tepe
Laura Irish
Matt Clark
Tom Michaels
Date Added:
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Employment Discrimination
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0.0 stars

This Chapter will address the current protections that are available to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (“LGBT”) individuals who allege they have been victims of employment discrimination. The Chapter’s primary focus will be on federal statutory law, particularly Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although the focus here is on federal law, Appendix I to this Chapter lists the states that protect individuals from public and/or private discrimination under state laws.

This topic is explored in four parts: (1) a brief overview of congressional efforts to enact a statute to protect individuals from employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity; (2) discusses Title VII and sexual orientation; (3) discusses ways in which recent courts have handled sexual orientation discrimination under Title VII; and (4) similarly examines early judicial treatment of claims brought by individuals alleging discrimination on the basis of their gender identity and/or expression and explores how the law has developed in this area as well.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Matthew William Green
Date Added:
Social Problems: Continuity and Change
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0.0 stars

Social Problems: Continuity and Change by Steve Barkan is a realistic but motivating look at the many issues that are facing our society today. As this book’s subtitle, Continuity and Change, implies, social problems are persistent, but they have also improved in the past and can be improved in the present and future, provided that our nation has the wisdom and will to address them.

It is easy for students to read a social problems textbook and come away feeling frustrated by the enormity of the many social problems facing us today. Social Problems: Continuity and Change certainly does not minimize the persistence of social problems, but neither does it overlook the possibilities for change offered by social research and by the activities of everyday citizens working to make a difference. Readers of Steve Barkan’s book will find many examples of how social problems have been improved and of strategies that hold great potential for solving them today and in the future.

You will find several pedagogical features help to convey the “continuity and change” theme of this text and the service sociology vision in which it is grounded: Each chapter begins with a “Social Problems in the News” story related to the social problem discussed in that chapter. These stories provide an interesting starting point for the chapter’s discussion and show its relevance for real-life issues. Three types of boxes in each chapter provide examples of how social problems have been changed and can be changed.

Social Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Steven Barkan
Date Added:
Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World
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0.0 stars

The founders of sociology in the United States wanted to make a difference. A central aim of the sociologists of the Chicago school was to use sociological knowledge to achieve social reform. A related aim of sociologists like Jane Addams, W.E.B. DuBois, and Ida B. Wells-Barnett and others since was to use sociological knowledge to understand and alleviate gender, racial, and class inequality.

Steve Barkan’s Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World makes sociology relevant for today’s students by balancing traditional coverage with a fresh approach that takes them back to sociology’s American roots in the use of sociological knowledge for social reform.

Print on demand edition available here: https://www.uncpress.org/book/9781469659282/sociology/

Social Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Steve Barkan
Date Added:
Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research
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0.0 stars

At its most basic definition the practice of law comprises conducting research to find relevant rules of law and then applying those rules to the specific set of circumstances faced by a client. However, in American law, the legal rules to be applied derive from myriad sources, complicating the process and making legal research different from other sorts of research. This text introduces first-year law students to the new kind of research required to study and to practice law. It seeks to demystify the art of legal research by following a “Source and Process” approach. First, the text introduces students to the major sources of American law and describes the forms the various authorities traditionally took in print. After establishing this base, the text proceeds to instruct students on the methods they will most likely use in practice, namely electronic research techniques and the consultation of secondary sources. Sources of Law incorporates screencasts currently hosted on YouTube that actively demonstrate the processes described in the static text. Finally, the text illustrates how the different pieces come together in the legal research process.

Sources of Law focuses on realistic goals for 1Ls to learn in a relatively small amount of instruction time, and so focuses mainly on the basics. It does introduce some advanced material so that 1Ls can recognize pieces of information they may encounter in research, but it does not fully cover researching materials outside the scope of the traditional 1L course. As such, it is best-suited for introductory legal research courses for 1Ls.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Beau Steenken
Tina M. Brooks
Date Added:
Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research - 8th Edition
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0.0 stars

At its most basic definition the practice of law comprises conducting research to find relevant rules of law and then applying those rules to the specific set of circumstances faced by a client. However, in American law, the legal rules to be applied derive from myriad sources, complicating the process and making legal research different from other sorts of research. This text introduces first-year law students to the new kind of research required to study and to practice law. It seeks to demystify the art of legal research by following a “Source and Process” approach. First, the text introduces students to the major sources of American law and describes the forms the various authorities traditionally took in print. After establishing this base, the text proceeds to instruct students on the methods they will most likely use in practice, namely electronic research techniques and the consultation of secondary sources. Sources of Law incorporates screencasts currently hosted on YouTube that actively demonstrate the processes described in the static text. Finally, the text illustrates how the different pieces come together in the legal research process. Sources of Law focuses on realistic goals for 1Ls to learn in a relatively small amount of instruction time, and so focuses mainly on the basics. It does introduce some advanced material so that 1Ls can recognize pieces of information they may encounter in research, but it does not fully cover researching materials outside the scope of the traditional 1L course. As such, it is best-suited for introductory legal research courses for 1Ls. What's New in the Eighth Edition: The Eighth Edition primarily expands Chapter 9’s discussion of the research process to compare currently available legal generative AI tools to previously existing research tools such as secondary sources and electronic citators. That expansion also addresses some of the AI tools’ limitations and further discusses how thoughtful evaluation of available research tools can affect the research process.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Date Added:
A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics
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This is a text that covers the standard topics in a sophomore-level course in discrete mathematics: logic, sets, proof techniques, basic number theory, functions, relations, and elementary combinatorics, with an emphasis on motivation. It explains and clarifies the unwritten conventions in mathematics, and guides the students through a detailed discussion on how a proof is revised from its draft to a final polished form. Hands-on exercises help students understand a concept soon after learning it. The text adopts a spiral approach: many topics are revisited multiple times, sometimes from a different perspective or at a higher level of complexity. The goal is to slowly develop students’ problem-solving and writing skills.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Numbers and Operations
Material Type:
State University of New York
Provider Set:
Milne Open Textbooks
Harris Kwong
Date Added:
Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking
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0.0 stars

From audience analysis to giving a presentation, Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking will guide students through the speech making process. The authors focus on the process of speech making because they have created this book to be a user-friendly guide to creating, researching, and presenting public speeches. While both classic and current academic research in public speaking guide this book, the authors believe that a new textbook in public speaking should first, and foremost, be a practical book that helps students prepare and deliver a variety of different types of speeches — and that is the primary goal of this book.With practicality in mind, the authors developed, Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking, as a streamlined public speaking textbook. Many public speaking textbooks today contain over twenty different chapters, which is often impossible to cover in a ten-week quarter or a sixteen-week semester; this textbook is eighteen unique chapters. The fifteen chapters are divided into four clear units of information: introduction to public speaking, speech preparation, speech creation, and speech presentation.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Jason Wrench, Anne Goding, Danette Johnson, Bernardo Attias
Date Added:
The Story of Contract Law: Formation
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This book, revised as the Third Edition July 2019, is designed to teach contract doctrine beginning with the most fundamental concepts and building on these until the structure of contract doctrine as coherent and cohesive regulation appears. The order of presentation is, in fact, the order in which contract doctrine developed historically, but it is also, in general, the order in which arguments are introduced in litigation.

The book begins with the most basic, core concept of contract law—exchange. The book teaches exchange using simple cases drawn from the actual development of the exchange concept’s most obvious manifestation—the doctrine of consideration. These cases have basic but engaging facts. They do not take long to read, but they must be read carefully. They make an excellent introduction to law study.

Logically, every doctrine of contract formation is centered on whether and when a fair exchange occurred. In litigation, the plaintiff alleges a promise and consideration—an exchange (a plausible one, and therefore fair enough at that point). Defenses to formation are a response to the allegation that a fair exchange occurred. Allegations of both promise and consideration show that the defendant assented. As between assent and exchange, exchange is the more fundamental concept, but because the law talks so often about assent, assent is covered at length afterward so that the function of the assent doctrines is apparent.

Other doctrines, such as remedies (just an introduction in this first volume), waiver, seals, the Statute of Frauds, definiteness, and general public policy limitations are placed where students can best grasp their import in the context of the other doctrines.

Along the way, most of the doctrines in the book are repeated in the cases, questions, or in class discussion. This repetition cements understanding, builds trust, and also allows students to see how the doctrines mesh together to regulate coherently.

This book is intended for use in the first three-credit half of a six-credit course.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Val Ricks
Date Added:
The Story of Contract Law: Implementing the Bargain
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0.0 stars

This book is a companion volume to Volume I, "The Story of Contract Law: Formation." Volume I introduces students to law study and teaches basic doctrines of contract formation along with formation defenses. This book, Volume II, The Story of Contract Law: Implementing the Bargain, covers the rest of basic contract doctrine, namely, laws that
1) determine the content of the bargain (plain meaning, usage and custom, good faith, mistake in transmission, parol evidence, and express and constructive conditions);
2) govern the effect of events that occur after formation (impracticability, frustration, failure of consideration, and risk of loss);
3) set remedies—rescission, damages, specific performance—available to courts when liability exists; and
4) establish the rights of third parties in contracts by assignment or delegation or as third-party beneficiaries.

This book includes many classic teaching cases and introduces new ones. The book also includes many problems, most based on actual cases. The book takes especial care with the doctrine of concurrent conditions, a common-law rule adopted in the late 1700s that required doctrinal readjustment across all the law governing contract performance and remedies.

This volume also continues several themes from Volume I. Volume II continues to tie rules to contract law’s central structural idea, that of fair exchange. Also, to the extent helpful to student understanding, Volume II explains doctrines in part through their chronological development. The book introduces the doctrines in the order best conducive to students’ understanding contract law as a regulatory whole; for this volume, it is the order in which the doctrines arise in litigation. Finally, where possible, this volume repeats ideas at helpful points and suggests ties between doctrines so that the structural coherence of contract doctrine becomes easier to understand.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Val Ricks
Date Added:
Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This multidisciplinary resource develops topics of interest to all those who care about and for individuals with co-occurring intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Each chapter presents current evidence informed practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with audio enabled text boxes emphasizing 'Key Points for Caregivers.' For those who are interested in background knowledge, we provided the comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in 'what to do,' we provided text box summaries for reading and listening.

Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Cheryl Crocker
Debra Dusome
Elizabeth Athens
John Simpson
Sherri Melrose
Date Added:
Swine Diseases
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0.0 stars

This e-book was written to serve as a support for the teaching of the course CVM 6969: Large Animal Medicine III at the University of Minnesota. Its structure follows the organization of the course sessions and may be confusing for an external audience.

Life Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Perle Zhitnitskiy
Date Added:
Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning for a digital age
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0.0 stars

The book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when all of us, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework for making decisions about your teaching is provided, while understanding that every subject is different, and every instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching.The book enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they will need in a digital age: not so much the IT skills, but the thinking and attitudes to learning that will bring them success.

Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Date Added:
Torts: Cases, Principles, and Institutions
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This is the fourth edition of Torts: Cases, Principles, and Institutions, a casebook for a one-semester torts course that carves out a distinctive niche in the field by focusing on the institutions and sociology of American tort law. The book retains many of the familiar features of the traditional casebook, including many of the classic cases. Like the best casebooks, it seeks to survey the theoretical principles underlying those cases. But it aims to supplement the cases and principles with editorial notes that focus students’ attention on the institutional features of our tort system, including features such as the pervasiveness of settlements, the significance of the market, the role of the plaintiff's bar, the importance of private insurance, the contingency fee, and the jury. These institutional arrangements are what make American tort law distinctive. They are how the substantive doctrines of tort law are translated into the practice of torts lawyers. And they are sociologically fascinating in their own right.

TCPI integrates the institutional materials into the cases and notes rather than segregate them into separate sections of their own. It does so because its aim is not to teach the details of any one institution, such as the mechanics of the law of subrogation or workers’ compensation. Few one-semester torts classes can take up so much material. Instead, the book integrates the institutional material into the main text to draw general lessons about the massive, sprawling systems of private administration that American law has created under the umbrella of our torts system.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
John Fabian Witt
Date Added:
Torts: Cases and Contexts Volume 1
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0.0 stars

Plain-spoken and convivial, this casebook makes a deliberate effort to explain the law, rather than to provide a mere compilation of readings and questions. Simple concepts are presented simply. Complex concepts are broken down and accompanied by examples and problems.

By being clear and straightforward, the casebook aims to quickly get students to the point where they can navigate regions of gray and build nuanced arguments. The book is written from the conviction that when students stop to puzzle over something, it should be because the law itself puzzles, not because the book obfuscates.

Students describe the book as easy to read. A key aim is context, with explanations of how pieces of doctrine fit into the bigger picture. There is also a continual effort to plug doctrine into the real world of practice, getting students to think about litigation strategy and tactics.

Another key feature is a high-degree of organization. Doctrine is explained upfront, independent of and before the cases. After the cases, there is no notes-and-questions mishmash. Historical notes, check-your-understanding questions, questions to ponder, and problems are all separately labeled as such.

The readings are rich with variety. The classic cases are here, of course. But there are also atypical readings that allow students to see tort law from different perspectives, including an opening statement, a closing argument, administrative-enforcement letters, an excerpt from a novel, and an opinion on tribal law from a Navajo court. Many selections are also startlingly modern, with facts involving texting-and-driving, alcoholic energy drinks, Facebook libel, suddenly accelerating Toyotas, and the misery of a six-hour tarmac delay.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Eric E. Johnson
Date Added:
Torts: Cases and Contexts Volume 2
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0.0 stars

Plain-spoken and convivial, this casebook makes a deliberate effort to explain the law, rather than to provide a mere compilation of readings and questions. Simple concepts are presented simply. Complex concepts are broken down and accompanied by examples and problems.

By being clear and straightforward, the casebook aims to quickly get students to the point where they can navigate regions of gray and build nuanced arguments. The book is written from the conviction that when students stop to puzzle over something, it should be because the law itself puzzles, not because the book obfuscates.

Students describe the book as easy to read. A key aim is context, with explanations of how pieces of doctrine fit into the bigger picture. There is also a continual effort to plug doctrine into the real world of practice, getting students to think about litigation strategy and tactics.

Another key feature is a high-degree of organization. Doctrine is explained upfront, independent of and before the cases. After the cases, there is no notes-and-questions mishmash. Historical notes, check-your-understanding questions, questions to ponder, and problems are all separately labeled as such.

The readings are rich with variety. The classic cases are here, of course. But there are also atypical readings that allow students to see tort law from different perspectives, including an opening statement, a closing argument, administrative-enforcement letters, an excerpt from a novel, and an opinion on tribal law from a Navajo court. Many selections are also startlingly modern, with facts involving texting-and-driving, alcoholic energy drinks, Facebook libel, suddenly accelerating Toyotas, and the misery of a six-hour tarmac delay.

Please note that the publisher requires you to login to access and download the textbooks.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Eric E. Johnson
Date Added:
Torts and Regulation: Cases, Principles, and Institutions
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0.0 stars

Torts and Regulation: Cases, Principles, and Institutions (TRCPI) is designed to bring together common law principles in the field of torts with related statutory and regulatory materials. The aim is to provide a text that introduces students to key tort principles and the way in which those tort principles have in part shaped the regulatory state and in part been supplanted by the regulatory state.

This casebook increases the role of statutes and regulations in the material. In addition, it offers a major innovation by leading the students into the ways in which basic tort doctrine animate fields of statutory law. In particular, the book adopts a series of “modules” that follow the adoption and adaptation of tort principles in the law of employment discrimination.

The book borrows substantially from a torts casebook co-authored by the author and Karen Tani of the University of California at Berkeley. That book, Torts: Cases, Principles, and Institutions (4th ed., 2019), supplies much of the basic tort material that follows here in TRCPI.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
John Witt
Date Added:
Transitions to Professional Nursing Practice - 2nd Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Transitions to Professional Nursing Practice provides a pivotal learning experience for students transitioning from an associate degree education to a baccalaureate degree. Content includes a broad overview of the nursing profession, the role of accrediting and professional organizations with a strong focus on the American Nurses Association’s foundational documents. The competencies of the Standards of Professional Practice and the Code of Ethics are weaved throughout the text.

Topics covered in this text include professional nursing practice, baccalaureate education, healthcare in the 21st century, autonomy and accountability, nursing philosophy, professional development, communication, interprofessional collaboration, critical thinking, introduction to evidence-based practice, and nursing leadership and theory.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
State University of New York
Provider Set:
Milne Open Textbooks
Jamie Murphy
Date Added:
A Treatise of Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Law
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0.0 stars

A Treatise of Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Law seeks both to introduce Wyoming workers’ compensation students to the law of their own jurisdiction, and to provide a continuing resource to those same students as they embark on workers’ compensation legal practice after graduation. In this way, the text fills a gap in the literature by serving as a concrete exemplar of what it means to assist students in becoming “practice-ready” as soon as possible after graduating from law school. In short, practice ready lawyers must have some exposure to the law of their own jurisdictions. Furthermore, Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Law is meant to be a resource to all practicing lawyers in the state of Wyoming. This objective is intimately connected with the mission of the University of Wyoming as a Land Grant Institution broadly striving to serve the needs (including legal needs) of Wyoming citizens.

Substantively, the treatise canvasses the traditional areas of workers’ compensation law: employee/employer definitions, causal connection to work, evaluation of the extent of disability, types of benefits, and a brief discussion of the Wyoming administrative structure. In several places the treatise first introduces a substantive area of law generally, for example “causal connection,” and then focuses on how Wyoming law analyzes the area of law. In discussing some substantive areas of workers’ compensation law, the treatise underscores especially unique Wyoming idiosyncrasies. Not content to merely “restate” the law, the treatise in certain areas subjects the law to academic criticism and suggests legal reform in order to stimulate broader discussion of the legal doctrine.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Michael C. Duff
Date Added: