All resources in Accessibility in OER Fall 2022

SLIDE Into Accessibility

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Are you new to accessibility? This resource is meant to be your entry point into the creation of accessible content with familiar tools such as Microsoft Office and Google Docs. You will learn about five practices that can have a significant impact on the learner experience for all students, especially those who rely on assistive technology for their access to the curriculum.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Luis Perez

Topics in Sustainable Community Development

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Long Description: CREDITS: Cover Photo by Darwis Alwan from Pexels Word Count: 5321 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Alsha Paul, Ayse Berina Sumer Bolaji Komolafe Geraldine Cortes, Celina Rosario Poco Michel Marroqu N Ian Muldong H H, Ekta J H, Ilse Fick, Julie Anne Salas Tammy Cunningham Christian Brazel, Kendra J, K S, S A, Stanton Victoria Moedano Marco Sardea Ka-jahna Berry Somi

Design a Playground for Children of All Abilities

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Have you ever been to a playground that had so many fun things to do it was hard to decide where to start? Have you ever used the twistiest slide or the highest swing? What about chasing your friends through wood chips in a game of tag? Playgrounds can be so much fun for kids of all ages, but in this module your job is to decide if they can also be fun for kids of all abilities. If you enjoy engineering, helping others, being creative, or being crafty, this is a great module for you! Join us as we investigate the word "accessibility," explore what playground components already exist, and create a playground of our very own. You might even be able to start change in your own community!

Material Type: Module

Author: Maine Department of Education

Understanding Document Accessibility

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A Reference for Creating Accessible Office Documents Short Description: With much of the world gone digital, learning to create documents that are accessible to everyone is becoming a necessary skill. Intended for a general audience, this free resource reviews a wide range of document authoring applications, including the tools they contain for creating accessible documents, and tests them to ensure they do not contain potential barriers. Learn how to create accessible word processed documents, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and PDF documents, among others, so they are accessible to everyone. Long Description: With much of the world gone digital, learning to create documents that are accessible to everyone is becoming a necessary skill. Intended for a general audience, this free resource reviews a wide range of document authoring applications, including the tools they contain for creating accessible documents, and tests them to ensure they do not contain potential barriers. Learn how to create accessible word processed documents, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and PDF documents, among others, so they are accessible to everyone. Word Count: 113386 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

The Confessions of Nat Turner (1831)

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Nat Turner (1800–1831) was known to his local “fellow servants” in Southampton County as “The Prophet.” On the evening of Sunday, August 21, 1831, he met six associates in the woods at Cabin Pond, and about 2:00 a.m. they began to enter local houses and kill the white inhabitants. Over the next 36 hours, they were joined by as many as 60 other slaves and free blacks, and they killed at least 10 men, 14 women, and 31 infants and children. By noon of Tuesday, August 23, the insurgents had been killed, captured, or dispersed by local militia. Nat Turner alone escaped—until October 30, when he was caught in the immediate vicinity, having used several hiding places over the previous 9½ weeks. The next day he was delivered to the county sheriff and lodged in the county jail in Jerusalem (now Courtland), Virginia. There, from November 1 through November 3, he was interviewed by Thomas Ruffin Gray, a 31-year-old lawyer who had previously represented several other defendants charged in the uprising. Gray had witnessed the aftermath of the killings, interviewed other participants, and survivors, and had supplied written accounts to various newspapers. He was familiar with the outlines of Nat Turner’s life and the plot, and he was aware of the intense interest and the commercial possibilities of its originator’s narrative. In the Confessions, Nat Turner appears more a fanatic than a practical liberator. He tells of being spoken to by the Holy Spirit, of seeing visions and signs in the heavens—”that I was ordained for some great purpose in the hands of the Almighty.” In Gray’s view, “He is a complete fanatic, or plays his part most admirably.” On November 5th, Nat Turner was tried and condemned to be executed; on November 9th, he was hanged. On November 10th, Gray registered his copyright for the Confessions, in Washington, D.C. Within a week his pamphlet appeared, and it is estimated over 50,000 copies were sold in the next few months. This electronic online edition is based on the first edition, published at Baltimore, MD, in November 1831.

Material Type: Primary Source, Reading

Life Beyond Earth Exhibit at Maryland Science Center

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The Maryland Science Center is working with formal education providers in local underserved schools around a combined project including an interactive exhibit, a Davis Planetarium program and associated Educator Workshops, and will provide outreach to the informal science education community to explore the subject of Astrobiology. Topics covered in both the exhibit and the Davis Planetarium program will include Earthly extremophiles (organisms that survive in extreme conditions), potential other life in the Solar System, locations on nearby worlds where life may exist, the search for exoplanets, the techniques used to discover them, and the NASA missions engaged in the hunt. With an engaging, interactive approach, the exhibit will detail the challenges, questions and techniques of the search for exoplanets, especially Earth-like worlds. The exhibit will help visitors understand the scale of both the Milky Way galaxy and the Universe, and by doing so comprehend the difficulty in searching for other worlds, especially smaller Earth-like worlds.

Material Type: Lecture Notes


#1: Why are Flamingos Pink?

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In this Wonder of the DayR, we learn about why flamingos are pink. Students have the opportunity to explore the Wonder either as a class or individually. With suggestions for different age groups, Wonder #1 has an activity to engage students with drawing, writing description, or both. 

Material Type: Homework/Assignment, Lesson Plan, Reading

Author: Julie Tastad

3rd Grade Animal Research

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The attached lesson plan is designed for 3rd grade English Language Arts students. Students will analyze informational text to determine the main ideas for a report, apply the concepts of the writing process, and communicate their research through an oral presentation to their classroom peers. This lesson plan addresses the following NDE Standards: NE LA 3.1.6.e, NE LA 3.2.1.a,c,d,e,j, NE LA 3.3.1.aIt is expected that this lesson plan will take five one-hour sessions to complete.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Isaac Simpson

5th Grade Reading and Writing - Tall Tale

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This lesson uses tall tale read alouds to reinforce the common elements, or text structure, of tall tales. As the text is read aloud, students examine the elements of the book that are characteristic of tall tales. Then using what they've learned, they write and perform tall tales of their own.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Beth Einspahr

A User Guide for OR Open Learning

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This guide is designed to provide an overview of the knowledge and skills needed to help you make full use of the Oregon Open Learning hub. There are different entry points, but in general, the knowledge and skills contained in earlier modules are prerequisites for the learning presented in successive modules. Gauge your readiness to participate in the Oregon Open Learning community by reviewing the Learning Targets within each module. If you can do it, great! You are ready to jump in. If you’re not there yet, get up to speed by following the respective link(s) to access the learning resources connected to each target.

Material Type: Module

Author: Oregon Open Learning Core Team

Open-Source Image Repositories

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This tool was designed by the Oregon Open Learning team as a resource to find open-source images when curating OER. Below are two tables that are categorized by image type. If you have questions about this resource, please contact

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration

Author: Aujalee Moore