All resources in Oregon Higher Education & Career Path Skills


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Are you participating in an internship or supervising someone who is? If so, take a minute to explore this course that accompanies an internship for the Bachelor's degree in Energy Sustainability and Policy. This course provides students opportunities to creatively reflect on their experiences as well as opportunities to prepare for a job search. Job search preparation is done via a SWOT analysis, resume writing, and a mock interview.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Haley Sankey

Internship: Music

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Short Description: This course was created specifically for the study of music, but the contents can be adapted for internships in most curricula. Word Count: 3464 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Author: T. Michael Gilley

How to Interview for the Dream Job

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Students will complete a generic job application and participate in mock job interviews Students will demonstrate interview skills and discuss cultural diversity. The students will answer questions to the best of their ability and portray their best attributes.  The students will collaborate on questions as a group on a list of questions to be asked and speak in front of other individuals.  The student will dress professionally, answer questions, and portray why they are the best person for the position.

Material Type: Module

Author: Liz Ravenscroft

Interviewing Skills

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This course is intended to help you showcase your personality, strengths, interests, and abilities to potential employers through the interview process.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Full Course, Homework/Assignment, Reading, Syllabus

Interviewing for a Job

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Middle and High School educators across Lebanon County, Pennsylvania developed lesson plans to integrate the Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Standards with the content they teach. This work was made possible through a partnership between the South Central PA Workforce Investment Board (SCPa Works) and Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 (IU13) and was funded by a Teacher in the Workplace Grant Award from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. This lesson plan was developed by one of the talented educators who participated in this project during the 2019-2020 school year.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Rachael Haverstick, Kathaleen Lilley

A Tale of Two Interviews

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I use this exercise to introduce myself to students and to get them thinking and writing about basic interviewing skills such as asking open and closed questions and using active and passive listening techniques. Students read (fictional) transcripts of two interviews. I ask them to explain in writing which interviewer did a better job and to provide at least three examples of what the interviewers did or didn’t do that made one interview better than the other, with citations to relevant line numbers from the transcripts.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: David Moss


How to interview: dress, behavior, and communication skills.

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In this lesson, students will view and analyze both good and bad interview techniques. Students will identify proper dress for a professional interview setting, recognize proper body language and behaviors expected at interviews, and will practice proper communication skills employers are looking for. Interviewing is an important process to gaining quality employment and a problem this lesson will address. Understand proper dress, speech, and behaviors will increase a person's chance of gaining quality employment. Public speaking skills are needed, proper persuasive communication skill, life skills such as proper dress and body language.

Material Type: Assessment, Full Course, Interactive, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Simulation

Author: Chackras Smith

Interview Process Training

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With our tutorial, we want to send everyone into the interview room (or potentially virtual interview room) prepared and confident. You know you have skills and talents to offer to the employer, you know you are the best fit for the position, so now the preparation you complete for that interview will ensure the employer knows it too.We break down the four phases of an interview process: Preparation, What to Wear, How to Present Your Best Self, and How to Follow Up.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Interactive, Lesson, Student Guide

Authors: Sarah Sandoval, Casey Herko, Terri Kelly, Coleen Morris

Conveying important information concisely in public speaking and interviews

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This public speaking lesson focuses on presenting and conveying important information, details, facts, and opinions in a concise manner. This lesson presents several different real-world situations where students are asked to share their perspectives, experiences, and stories where they are to give supporting details and facts that are important to the context of different social interactions (talking with peers, colleagues, community, interviews, etc). With the creation of this lesson, different level options of technology integration are offered to allow for flexibility and modifications for this lesson to best serve various classrooms and their students (low tech, medium tech, and high tech options). This lesson will help students analyze a social interaction and/or topic and have them clearly and concisely give an authentic response.

Material Type: Assessment, Diagram/Illustration, Homework/Assignment, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Seth Christianson

Mini-Unit: Career Plan, Education Plan, Financial Aid, Resume & Job Interview

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In this mini-unit, students begin by creating a career plan and an education plan. After learning financial aid vocabulary concepts, students will play an online game called “Payback” to apply knowledge learned about paying for college. The activity concludes with students creating a personal resume and taking notes on job interview tips.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Utah Lesson Plans

Post Secondary Education Vs Employment - Richelle Montgomery

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Students will apply research skills in searching for a job.Students will design a budgeting plan, based on average pricing for the city in which they live. This will include mortgage rates (with 0% down) vs. renting, health insurance, car loans, gasoline, car maintenance, student loans, utilities (gas, electric, water & sewer, phone, cable, gas), groceries, medical expenses, child care, miscellaneous,  emergency fund, savings account. Students will be able to analyze, compare, and contrast the pros and cons to two different post secondary plans. Post Secondary Education:, including school of choice, rate of student loans based on income, and research in desired profession (using the low average income to average income as a reference point). 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Larissa Mallon