Social Media Marketing 101

Twitter Basics for Social Media Business Marketing

Knowledge Check. Let's see what you have learned:

1. How can Twitter benefit your business?

A. Make more friends.

B. Strengthen your company's sales by promoting products, events, and connect with clients.

C. Talk about other businesses.

If you chose answer B, you are correct. Twitter helps you connect with customers and expand your business.

2. How can you better reach your clients?

A. Ask someone to introduce you.

B. Reach your clients by "digging deeper" into their likes and dislikes.

C. Send them a private message.

If you chose answer B, you are correct. You can reach your clients by knowing what they like, and creating posts that will get their attention.

3. What can you add to a tweet?

A. Over 250 words.

B. You can include up to 4 photos, a Gif, or a video in your Tweet.

C. A video, 2 pictures and 3 Gifs.

If you chose answer B, you are correct. You can include up to 4 photos, a Gif, or a video in your Tweet.

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