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  • Textbook
Ethics & Capitalism
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 53754

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Arts and Humanities
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Ethics and Integrity in Data Use and Management (PPT slides)
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0.0 stars

This module defines basic concepts related to the ethics of data use, compares the ethics of using clinical and research data, and reviews key ethical guidelines and regulations. The module explains why U.S. regulations are relevant for data managers outside the U.S. The module outlines how key ethics concepts affect data retention, sharing, security, ownership, and analysis as well as publication of research results.

Material Type:
OER Africa
John E. Sidle
Date Added:
Ethics for A-Level
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

What does pleasure have to do with morality? What role, if any, should intuition have in the formation of moral theory? If something is ‘simulated', can it be immoral?

This accessible and wide-ranging textbook explores these questions and many more. Key ideas in the fields of normative ethics, metaethics and applied ethics are explained rigorously and systematically, with a vivid writing style that enlivens the topics with energy and wit. Individual theories are discussed in detail in the first part of the book, before these positions are applied to a wide range of contemporary situations including business ethics, sexual ethics, and the acceptability of eating animals. A wealth of real-life examples, set out with depth and care, illuminate the complexities of different ethical approaches while conveying their modern-day relevance.

This concise and highly engaging resource is tailored to the Ethics components of AQA Philosophy and OCR Religious Studies, with a clear and practical layout that includes end-of-chapter summaries, key terms, and common mistakes to avoid. It should also be of practical use for those teaching Philosophy as part of the International Baccalaureate.

Ethics for A-Level is of particular value to students and teachers, but Fisher and Dimmock's precise and scholarly approach will appeal to anyone seeking a rigorous and lively introduction to the challenging subject of ethics.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Open Book Publishers
Andrew Fisher
Mark Dimmock
Date Added:
Ethics in Law Enforcement
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
In this book, you will examine the moral and ethical issues that exist within law enforcement. This book will also familiarize you with the basic history, principles, and theories of ethics.

Long Description:
In this book, you will examine the moral and ethical issues that exist within law enforcement. This book will also familiarize you with the basic history, principles, and theories of ethics. These concepts will then be applied to the major components of the criminal justice system: policing, the courts, and corrections. Discussion will focus on personal values, individual responsibility, decision making, discretion, and the structure of accountability. Specific topics covered will include core values, codes of conduct, ethical dilemmas, organizational consequences, liability, and the importance of critical thinking. By the end of this book, you will be able to distinguish and critically debate contemporary ethical issues in law enforcement.

Word Count: 57812

ISBN: 978-1-989623-63-3

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Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
Material Type:
Rick Parent
Steve McCartney
Date Added:
Ethik in der IT-Sicherheit
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0.0 stars

Eine Einführung

Short Description:
Diese Einführung stellt ethische Theorien und Fragestellungen in einen Bezug zur IT-Sicherheit. Sie bietet Menschen, die in der Cybersecurity arbeiten oder von ihr betroffen sind, einen Zugang zu ethischen Reflexionen und zur Beurteilung von kritischen Sachverhalten der IT-Sicherheit. Interessierten Leserinnen und Lesern bietet sie Impulse zur kritischen Meinungsbildung in einem herausfordernden und gesellschaftspolitisch relevanten Themenfeld. Bestellen Sie hier das eBook als PDF / ePub: https://csr-news.org

Long Description:
Ethik und IT-Sicherheit haben augenscheinlich auf den ersten Blick nichts miteinander zu tun. Das eine ist eine geisteswissenschaftliche, das andere eine technologische Disziplin. Doch die Distanz löst sich auf, wenn man den Blick auf die informationelle Selbstbestimmung von Menschen richtet. Denn in letzter Konsequenz haben die Daten, die im Kern geschützt werden, immer auch mit Menschen und deren Handlungsräumen zu tun.

Diese Einführung stellt ethische Theorien und Fragestellungen in einen Bezug zur IT-Sicherheit. Sie bietet Menschen, die in der Cybersecurity arbeiten oder von ihr betroffen sind, einen Zugang zu ethischen Reflexionen und zur Beurteilung von kritischen Sachverhalten der IT-Sicherheit. Interessierten Leserinnen und Lesern bietet sie Impulse zur kritischen Meinungsbildung in einem herausfordernden und gesellschaftspolitisch relevanten Themenfeld.

Word Count: 40571

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Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
UVG Verlag
Date Added:
Et si la recherche scientifique ne pouvait pas être neutre?
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Les manières de faire de la science aujourd’hui sont multiples et innovantes. Pourtant, un modèle normatif continue d’écraser les autres : le modèle positiviste. Il soutient que la science vise l’étude objective de la réalité en s’appuyant sur l’application rigoureuse de la méthode « scientifique » dont la neutralité est un des emblèmes. Cette vision est vivement contestée dans plusieurs champs de recherche, tels que les études sociales des sciences, l’histoire des sciences et les études féministes et décoloniales. Ces critiques considèrent que les théories scientifiques sont construites et influencées par le contexte social, culturel et politique dans lequel travaillent les scientifiques, ainsi que par les conditions matérielles de leur travail. Cet ancrage social de la science rend impensable, pour ces critiques, l’idée même de neutralité. Faut-il donc renoncer à cette exigence normative? Par quelle autre norme la remplacer?Né d’un colloque tenu en 2017 à Montréal, ce livre propose les réflexions et analyses de 25 auteurs et autrices issues de sept pays sur ces questions. Études de cas, analyses réflexives et discussions théoriques s’entrecroisent pour permettre une réflexion collective approfondie sur ces enjeux anciens, mais constamment renouvelés, notamment dans le contexte du nouveau statut précaire de l’expertise scientifique dans l’espace public.

Long Description:
Les manières de faire de la science aujourd’hui sont multiples et innovantes. Pourtant, un modèle normatif continue d’écraser les autres : le modèle positiviste. Il soutient que la science vise l’étude objective de la réalité en s’appuyant sur l’application rigoureuse de la méthode « scientifique » dont la neutralité est un des emblèmes. Cette vision est vivement contestée dans plusieurs champs de recherche, tels que les études sociales des sciences, l’histoire des sciences et les études féministes et décoloniales. Ces critiques considèrent que les théories scientifiques sont construites et influencées par le contexte social, culturel et politique dans lequel travaillent les scientifiques, ainsi que par les conditions matérielles de leur travail. Cet ancrage social de la science rend impensable, pour ces critiques, l’idée même de neutralité. Faut-il donc renoncer à cette exigence normative? Par quelle autre norme la remplacer?

Né d’un colloque tenu en 2017 à Montréal, ce livre propose les réflexions et analyses de 25 auteurs et autrices issues de sept pays sur ces questions. Études de cas, analyses réflexives et discussions théoriques s’entrecroisent pour permettre une réflexion collective approfondie sur ces enjeux anciens, mais constamment renouvelés, notamment dans le contexte du nouveau statut précaire de l’expertise scientifique dans l’espace public.

Word Count: 189292

ISBN: 978-2-924661-54-3

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Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Mélissa Lieutenant-Gosselin et Florence Piron
Sous la direction de Laurence Brière
Date Added:
Euclidean plane and its relatives
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0.0 stars

This book is designed for a semester-long course in Foundations of Geometry and meant to be rigorous, conservative, elementary and minimalistic.

Material Type:
Anton Petrunin
Date Added:
Euclid's Elements Redux
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0.0 stars

"Euclid's 'Elements' Redux" is an open textbook on mathematical logic and geometry based on Euclid's "Elements" for use in grades 7-12 and in undergraduate college courses on proof writing.

Many problem solvers throughout history wrestled with Euclid as part of their early education including Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Ada Lovelace, Abraham Lincoln, Bertrand Russell, and Albert Einstein. This edition is part of an effort to ensure that tomorrow's great thinkers will have that same privilege.

Material Type:
Daniel Callahan
Date Added:
Euripides Scholia: Scholia on Orestes 1–500
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
A web and PDF version of the online edition of scholia at euripidesscholia.org, covering Release 1 (2020) of the annotations on Euripides, Orestes 1–500. This version is intended for digital preservation purposes. Updates and greater functionality are available at the online site.

Long Description:
Scholia are the annotations found in medieval manuscripts of Greek authors. They are found in the margins and between the lines of a primary text, or occasionally gathered in a separate codex or section of a codex. The annotations represent an amalgamation of commentary and glosses made over a long period of time, from the 2nd century BCE to the Renaissance, and designed for a wide spectrum of users, from professional scholars and advanced teachers to learners using the primary text as a means of learning classical Greek vocabulary, grammar, and style. This edition is part of a long-term, open-ended project to provide a more extensive accounting of the annotations on the tragedies of Euripides than ever before. This book provides an edition of the prefatory material (argumenta) and scholia on the first 500 lines of Orestes: about 9000 items drawn from over 30 manuscripts. This is eBook version of the online edition of scholia at EuripidesScholia.org, covering Release 1 (2020) with the annotations on Euripides, Orestes 1–500. This version is intended for digital preservation purposes. Updates and greater functionality are available at the online site.

Word Count: 288401

ISBN: 978-0-9997970-2-0

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English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Material Type:
Donald J. Mastronarde
Date Added:
European Cinema: Face to Face with Hollywood
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0.0 stars

In the face of renewed competition from Hollywood since the early 1980s and the challenges posed to Europe's national cinemas by the fall of the Wall in 1989, independent filmmaking in Europe has begun to re-invent itself. European Cinema: Face to Face with Hollywood re-assesses the different debates and presents a broader framework for understanding the forces at work since the 1960s. These include the interface of "world cinema" and the rise of Asian cinemas, the importance of the international film festival circuit, the role of television, as well as the changing aesthetics of auteur cinema. New audiences have different allegiances, and new technologies enable networks to reshape identities, but European cinema still has an important function in setting critical and creative agendas, even as its economic and institutional bases are in transition.

Career and Technical Education
Film and Music Production
Material Type:
Thomas Elsaesser
Date Added:
The European Dimension of Forced Adoptions
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Imposed by UK Judges - against Parents' Wills - in Secret Family Courts

Short Description:
After having tried all possible legal and political avenues within the UK, our petition to 'Abolish Adoptions without Parental Consent' was the trigger to take me to Brussels. Eight months later, the case of the 'whistleblower kids' topped all others and made me submit an 'exceptional emergency petition'. The follow-up continues in the 'rolling now', from exile in Berlin, opening up deep philosophical and political questions about governance: nation states and national institutions vs control and rights of EU citizens and their children and grandchildren.

Long Description:
The Secrecy of UK Family Courts has been the subject of our activities and online campaigns for many years. Taking the issue to the EU Parliament was a kind of ‘last resort’. However, it caused problems for parents who had come as supporters with hope, after their children had been wrongfully taken by UK Social Services and Police, ‘legitimised’ by secret Family Courts and some forcibly adopted, i.e. without their consent.

This experience was already ‘too much’ in March 2014, but certainly got aggravated, when we watched the cover-ups of the crimes that the ‘whistleblower kids’ had witnessed. The former UK Secretary of the Petitions Committee had said: “The UK can’t have it both ways: be part of a club, and not play by its members’ rules.”

In a BBC film, the current Chair of the Petitions Committee said: “This is against the Charter of Fundamental Rights, i.e. against European principles.”

This book is meant to help spread awareness and share disillusionment in a system of institutions that, so far, has failed far too many of us bitterly and cruelly.

Word Count: 72442

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Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Date Added:
European History
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0.0 stars

A basic outline of Western Civilization from the Renaissance to modern times.

Material Type:
Alex Botero-Lowry
Brandon Johnsonn
Josh Harmon
Payam Doostzadeh
Zach B
Date Added:
European History
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0.0 stars

This project discovers the history of Modern Europe, starting at the Hundred Years War and ending at the present time.
A chronological perspective of history is attempted within this text. Although this is the case, it is also important to understand patterns within European History, therefore chapters will attempt to cover a breadth of material even though their titles might be that of a specific pattern in history rather than a time period.

World History
Material Type:
Date Added:
Evaluación de la Satisfacción Laboral y Rendimiento Productivo de los Piscicultores Comunitarios
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0.0 stars

El objetivo fue Evaluación del Satisfacción Laboral y Rendimiento Productivo de los Piscicultores Comunitarios. El trabajo de investigación se realizó en las unidades productoras de truchas de la comunidad de Pacococha, distrito y provincia de Castrovirreyna. Las variables de estudio fueron la satisfacción laboral y la productividad. El tipo de investigación es básica. El nivel de la investigación es Correlacional. El método es descriptivo, cualitativo y cuantitativo, describiéndose las variables involucradas y analizando su incidencia e interrelación en función a la relación causa – efecto. El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo – correlacional. En la investigación se tuvo como población a 20 piscicultores entre trabajadores y jefes, y debido a que el número de unidades que la integraron resulto accesible en su totalidad, esta fue igual a la muestra, es decir los 20 piscicultores. Para el sustento de la parte teórica se consultó diferentes fuentes bibliográficas y para el trabajo de campo se aplicó cuestionarios a la muestra identificada, formulándose dos instrumentos, que fueron validados oportunamente por juicio de expertos, a fin de efectivizar su aplicación correspondiente, los instrumentos utilizados fueron los cuestionarios de encuesta de satisfacción laboral y productividad, donde cada pregunta fue realizada de acorde a las variables considerando sus dimensiones e indicadores, con los cuales se obtuvo la información pertinente de los trabajadores de las unidades productoras. Los resultados nos muestran un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson r = 0.672, con un nivel de significancia menor a 0,05 (p-valor = 0,001). Por lo tanto, al ser el p-valor significativo concluimos que existe correlación entre las variables de estudio, se acepta la hipótesis alterna con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Como conclusión principal se ha determinado a través de la investigación que la productividad del factor humano se relaciona de forma positiva y moderada con la satisfacción laboral del personal de producción de las piscigranjas, con un grado de relación del 45.2%.

Social Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Alberto Hugo Deza-Matías
Edwin Rojas-Felipe
Jorge Washington Rodríguez-Deza
Manuel Castrejón-Valdez
Noemi Gladys Mencia-Sánchez
Russbelt Yaulilahua-Huacho
Date Added:
Evaluación de las intervenciones sanitarias en salud global
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0.0 stars

Métodos avanzados

Short Description:
¿Cobertura de atención médica universal en 2030 para todas las personas, de norte a sur? El logro de este ambicioso y muy necesario objetivo de desarrollo sostenible requerirá no sólo una voluntad política excepcional, sino también pruebas sólidas sobre la forma de alcanzarlo, incluidas las intervenciones sanitarias en salud global más efectivas. Por lo tanto, evaluar esta evidencia es un gran desafío. Ya no podemos simplemente medir su efectividad: necesitamos entender por qué han sido (o no) efectivas, cómo y bajo qué condiciones.El objetivo de esta obra colectiva, que reúne a 27 autores y 12 autoras de diferentes países y disciplinas, es presentar de manera clara y accesible, en francés, una antología de enfoques y métodos avanzados en la evaluación de intervenciones: cuantitativos, cualitativos, mixtos, que permitan estudiar la evaluabilidad, la sostenibilidad, los procesos, la fidelidad, la eficiencia, la equidad y la eficacia de las intervenciones complejas. Cada método se presenta en un capítulo a través de un estudio de caso real para facilitar la transferencia de este valioso conocimiento.

Long Description:
¿Cobertura de atención médica universal en 2030 para todas las personas, de norte a sur? El logro de este ambicioso y muy necesario objetivo de desarrollo sostenible requerirá no sólo una voluntad política excepcional, sino también pruebas sólidas sobre la forma de alcanzarlo, incluidas las intervenciones sanitarias en salud global más efectivas. Por lo tanto, evaluar esta evidencia es un gran desafío. Ya no podemos simplemente medir su efectividad: necesitamos entender por qué han sido (o no) efectivas, cómo y bajo qué condiciones.

El objetivo de esta obra colectiva, que reúne a 27 autores y 12 autoras de diferentes países y disciplinas, es presentar de manera clara y accesible, en francés, una antología de enfoques y métodos avanzados en la evaluación de intervenciones: cuantitativos, cualitativos, mixtos, que permitan estudiar la evaluabilidad, la sostenibilidad, los procesos, la fidelidad, la eficiencia, la equidad y la eficacia de las intervenciones complejas. Cada método se presenta en un capítulo a través de un estudio de caso real para facilitar la transferencia de este valioso conocimiento.

Word Count: 148220

ISBN: 978-2-924661-98-7

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Bajo la dirección de Valéry Ridde y Christian Dagenais
Date Added:
Evaluating OER for Social Justice
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
There are many open educational resources (OER) available today. But how do you select resources that are high-quality and just? Evaluating OER for Social Justice is a result of the thinking and work that was done during an undergraduate honors seminar on Open Education and Social Justice. Our aim is to support instructors and students in evaluating OER for their use through the principles of social justice, including redistributive justice, recognitive justice, and representational justice. As part of the resource, we include an OER 101 brochure providing background on essential concepts, an OER Evaluation Rubric that centers on Social Justice, examples of OER reviews completed using the rubric, and a tutorial for those using the rubric to guide their selection of OER.

Long Description:
There are many open educational resources (OER) available today. But how do you select resources that are high-quality and just? Evaluating OER for Social Justice is a result of the thinking and work that was done during an undergraduate honors seminar on Open Education and Social Justice. Our aim is to support instructors and students in evaluating OER for their use through the principles of social justice, including redistributive justice, recognitive justice, and representational justice. As part of the resource, we include an OER 101 brochure providing background on essential concepts, an OER Evaluation Rubric that centers on Social Justice, examples of OER reviews completed using the rubric, and a tutorial for those using the rubric to guide their selection of OER.

Word Count: 15758

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Arts and Humanities
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Evaluating Sexualized Violence Training and Resources
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0.0 stars

A Toolkit for B.C. Post-Secondary Institutions

Short Description:
The purpose of this toolkit is to assist B.C. post-secondary institutions with evaluating and selecting resources to support their ongoing planning and delivery of training on sexualized violence.

Long Description:
The purpose of this toolkit is to assist B.C. post-secondary institutions with evaluating and selecting resources to support their ongoing planning and delivery of training on sexualized violence.

Word Count: 5532

ISBN: 978-1-77420-071-1

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Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Resources Working Group
SVM Training
Date Added:
Evergreen (Advanced)
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0.0 stars

Oregon Stories for English Language Learners

Short Description:
This book contains favorite stories about Oregon from ESOL News Oregon (http://www.tinyurl.com/esolnewsoregon) prepared specifically for advanced ESOL students.

Long Description:
This book contains favorite stories about Oregon from ESOL News Oregon (http://www.tinyurl.com/esolnewsoregon) prepared specifically for advanced ESOL students. Each story contains an image or video; graded text; self-scoring exercises for vocabulary and comprehension practice; discussion prompts, and writing prompts.

Word Count: 7186

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Evergreen (Beginner)
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Oregon Stories for English Language Learners

Short Description:
This book contains favorite stories about Oregon from ESOL News Oregon (http://www.tinyurl.com/esolnewsoregon) prepared specifically for beginner ESOL students.

Long Description:
This book contains favorite stories about Oregon from ESOL News Oregon (http://www.tinyurl.com/esolnewsoregon) prepared specifically for beginner ESOL students. Each story contains an image or video; graded text; self-scoring exercises for vocabulary and comprehension practice; discussion prompts, and writing prompts.

Word Count: 4227

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Date Added: