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Applied Discrete Structures
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Best open source book in Discrete Math. Covers all the subjects in a standard Discrete Math class for mathematics or computer science students and contains sage cells for all subjects. Set Theory, Combinatorics, Logic, Relations, Recursion, Graph Theory, Trees, Algebraic Structures, Boolean Algebras, Automata, etc. Originally published commercially, its original text was peer-reviewed and was adopted for use at several universities throughout the country. Now in its open source version, has the same quality but it is free.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Al Doerr
Ken Levasseur
Date Added:
Applied Ecology
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Applied ecology is a framework for the application of knowledge about ecosystems so that actions can be taken to create a better balance and harmony between people and nature in order to reduce human impact on other beings and their habitats.

Life Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Applied Ecology
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

About this book
Origin story
I (Erin) began this book project after participating in the Open Pedagogy Incubator hosted by the NC State University Libraries in 2020, with the goal of making my course materials – and information about Applied Ecology – more broadly accessible to students, educators, and the general public. Rather than impose my sole voice, perspective, and biases, I restructured my course assignments to enable student creation of the content you will encounter in this book. The assignments are open-ended and open-world, motivating students to collaborate with each other and to seek knowledge beyond the classroom, and thus embody core characteristics of the discipline of Applied Ecology as well as Open Education and Universal Design for Learning. I hope that by centering student voices and by highlighting diverse scientists, research systems and ecosystems, this work empowers the reader and highlights the relevance of Applied Ecology in our everyday lives.

Intended use
This book is formatted to provide information about key ecological principles, concepts, and processes, explored and applied across various contexts. The text can be used as a foundational or supplementary text for ecology courses, or as a standalone reference for students in formal academic settings or beyond.

The Vocabulary terms at the beginning of each chapter are listed in the order that students will encounter them while reading the blog-style summary for that chapter. The Glossary lists all terms in the entire book in alphabetical order, for quick reference as needed.

We have provided an appendix with skeletal outlines that students can use to guide their notetaking. I also intend to compile a companion volume for educators, containing templates for each assignment used to guide the student works presented here.

We use sans-serif fonts to facilitate readability in digital format and by readers who are neurodivergent. We also support screen readership through alt-text images.

Life Science
Material Type:
North Carolina State University
Emily Rund
Erin McKenney
Date Added:
Applied Econometrics: Mostly Harmless Big Data
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course covers empirical strategies for applied micro research questions. Our agenda includes regression and matching, instrumental variables, differences-in-differences, regression discontinuity designs, standard errors, and a module consisting of 8–9 lectures on the analysis of high-dimensional data sets a.k.a. “Big Data”.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Social Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Angrist, Joshua
Chernozhukov, Victor
Date Added:
Applied Economics for Managers
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The fact of scarcity forces individuals, firms, and societies to choose among alternative uses – or allocations – of its limited resources. Accordingly, the first part of this summer course seeks to understand how economists model the choice process of individual consumers and firms, and how markets work to coordinate these choices. It also examines how well markets perform this function using the economist’s criterion of market efficiency.
Overall, this course focuses on microeconomics, with some topics from macroeconomics and international trade. It emphasizes the integration of theory, data, and judgment in the analysis of corporate decisions and public policy, and in the assessment of changing U.S. and international business environments.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Richards, Daniel
Date Added:
Applied Electrical Engineering Fundamentals
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This on-line textbook serves as an introduction to electrical engineering concepts and applications for non- electrical & computer engineering majors. This text was written to accompany the course ECE361 – Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. This is a required course for undergraduate mechanical, biomedical, and industrial engineering majors, and students from computer science, physics, art, and other academic majors have also taken the course.

The course provides students with vocabulary and electrical/electronics analysis and design concepts in order to help them work in multi-disciplined teams designing engineered systems in their professional careers. The course also provides a practical introduction to electronics that should enable students to experiment with electronics in their own right as well as provide a foundation for further study in electronics. The underlying pedagogical construct behind this book is based on this idea: in order to design, we need to understand the theory, from the big picture down to the details; we also need practice and confidence. This book introduces a set of electrical/electronics topics theoretically and provides the usual pencil and paper problems to practice the theory. This is followed by a series of hands-on experiments designing, building and testing circuits. These circuit experiments are designed to help students reinforce, make sense of, and gain confidence in their of learning of the theory. The experiments involve circuits that blink, beep, buzz, detect the environment, spin motors, steer tiny cars, run software and interface to the external world. Learning about and building things with electronics can be, and should be, enjoyable. This text, therefore, takes an approach that is intended to make learning about electrical engineering fundamentals fun.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Electronic Technology
Material Type:
David J. Mclaughlin
Date Added:
Applied Ethics Primer
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Every applied ethics course requires some brief introduction, survey, or primer on ethical theory and moral decision-making. At the same time, spending too much time on argumentation and normative ethical theory can take precious course time away from the applied issues that are the focus of the course. This Applied Ethics Primer offers a concise introduction to both basic argumentation and normative ethical theory. The concepts discussed reflect the ethical theories that currently ground most professional ethics codes and debates in applied ethics. Somewhat more inclusive than many similar resources, this primer offers students a taste of the truly global history of ethics, while still being squarely focussed on providing practical tools for ethical decision-making. It is appropriate for any introductory applied ethics course.

Long Description:
Every applied ethics course requires some brief introduction to ethical theory and philosophical reasoning. Without this, applied ethics courses risk merely teaching students how to rationalize their prejudices and preferences rather than teaching them how to critically assess and engage in ethical decision-making. At the same time, spending too much time on normative ethical theory can take precious course time away from the applied issues that are the focus of the course.

The Applied Ethics Primer offers a concise intoduction to both basic argumentation and normative ethics that can be integrated into any applied ethics course. The primer provides the basic conceptual tools needed to analyze ethical positions, identify ethical problems, and assess arguments, all without assuming any prior knowledge of ethics or argumentation theory. The concepts discussed reflect the normative concepts that ground most professional ethics codes and debates in applied ethics. At the same time, the content is global, drawing on ethical theories and practices from Asia, Africa, Europe, and Indigenous traditions of North America, as well as feminist theory.

Part I introduces the ethical question—what should I do?—and how to address it. The first chapter alerts readers to the role of emotions in moral responses and the importance of reflection. This grounds a brief discussion of disagreement that leads to the second chapter on reason and argument. Here we introduce argument analysis and offer advice on how to engage in productive debates and the importance of public reasons.

Part II constitutes the main body of the primer—the ethical lenses. The first chapter focuses on consequences, presenting both the ideas of Mozi and act and rule utilitarianism. We then turn to a focus on action, with a discussion of duties based on social role, past action, and reason alone, which draw from a passage in the Bhagavad Gita, the work of W.D. Ross, and Kantian deontology, respectively. The chapter that focuses on character (and virtue) addresses both Aristotle’s eudaimonism and Buddhist ethics, particularly emphasizing the root poisons and the eightfold path. The last main chapter in this part addresses ethical approaches that focus on relations, looking at feminist ideas about personal and political relationships (with a nod to Kongfuzi), before turning to African communal ethics, captured by the concept of ubuntu, and the all my relations and seven generations teachings from the philosophies of the first nations of what settlers call North America. The part on ethical lenses is followed by a brief part that addresses a couple of important ethical ideas that cannot be captured by any given lens. Here we introduce the concept of ahimsa (or non-violence), which reflects all of the lenses equally, and the concept of rights that cannot adequately be captured by any of them.

The final part addresses self-regarding attitudes, such as rational self-interest—which is shown to ground social contract theory—as well as biases like exceptionalism and moral licensing. We end this section with a discussion of helpful heuristics and conclude the primer with an emphasis on the importance of careful reflection and argumentation for ethical decision-making.

The primer has several pedagogical tools, including a set of recommended readings at the end of the chapters that address substantive ethical theories, a set of “Stop and think” reflective excercises throughout the primer, and brief self-quizzes at the end of each chapter. The appendix includes a set of tips for reading philosophy and a critical thinking worksheet. There is also a glossary for key terms. We also provide support for how to cite the primer and how to pronounce some of the unfamiliar terms.

Word Count: 27818

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Date Added:
Applied Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This lab manual provides students with the theory, practical applications, objectives, and laboratory procedure of ten experiments. The manual also includes educational videos showing how student should run each experiment and a workbook for organizing data collected in the lab and preparing result tables and charts.

Long Description:
Basic engineering knowledge about fluid mechanics is required in various sectors of water resources engineering, such as designing hydraulic structure on any riverine environments and flood mitigation process. The objective of this book is to enable students to understand fundamental concepts in the field of fluid mechanics and apply those concepts in practice. Applied Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual is designed to enhance civil engineering students’ understanding and knowledge of experimental methods and basic principles of fluid mechanics. The ten experiments in this lab manual provide an overview of widely used terms and phenomena of fluid mechanics and open channel flow, which are required for solving engineering problems.

Word Count: 21988

ISBN: 978-1-64816-997-7

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Material Type:
Mavs Open Press
Habib Ahmari
Shah Md Imran Kabir
Date Added:
Applied Geometric Algebra
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

László Tisza was Professor of Physics Emeritus at MIT, where he began teaching in 1941. This online publication is a reproduction the original lecture notes for the course “Applied Geometric Algebra” taught by Professor Tisza in the Spring of 1976.
Over the last 100 years, the mathematical tools employed by physicists have expanded considerably, from differential calculus, vector algebra and geometry, to advanced linear algebra, tensors, Hilbert space, spinors, Group theory and many others. These sophisticated tools provide powerful machinery for describing the physical world, however, their physical interpretation is often not intuitive. These course notes represent Prof. Tisza’s attempt at bringing conceptual clarity and unity to the application and interpretation of these advanced mathematical tools. In particular, there is an emphasis on the unifying role that Group theory plays in classical, relativistic, and quantum physics. Prof. Tisza revisits many elementary problems with an advanced treatment in order to help develop the geometrical intuition for the algebraic machinery that may carry over to more advanced problems.
The lecture notes came to MIT OpenCourseWare by way of Samuel Gasster, ‘77 (Course 18), who had taken the course and kept a copy of the lecture notes for his own reference. He dedicated dozens of hours of his own time to convert the typewritten notes into LaTeX files and then publication-ready PDFs. You can read about his motivation for wanting to see these notes published in his Preface. Professor Tisza kindly gave his permission to make these notes available on MIT OpenCourseWare.

Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Tisza, László
Date Added:
Applied Human Anatomy
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The structure of the human body is usually considered in courses in gross anatomy. These courses typically consist of lectures by the faculty, readings in assigned textbooks and the study of photographs and illustrations in human anatomy atlases. However, as student’s progress through the curriculum and move into the more clinical or practice oriented phases, many discover that the anatomical knowledge they actually need is somewhat different from the kind they possess. What many encounter is difficulty in applying their knowledge to a clinical setting.

Applied Human Anatomy was created to better integrate material that is more often than not treated separately in contemporary health care curricula. It is hoped that through this integration students will develop a deeper and more lasting knowledge and understanding of human anatomy as they are likely to need it in the evaluation and management of patients.

A print version is available for purchase on Amazon.

Life Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Mcnamara John
Nolan Michael
Date Added:
Applied Human Neuroanatomy
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This 155-page manual is comprised of two types of learning activities: 1) free response fill-in-the blank questions focused of the facts and principles of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology that underpin the neurologic examination and specifically developed exercises that demonstrate how the facts and principles are related to the particular tests and procedures that comprise the neurologic examination. Free response questions form the bulk of the Neuroscience Review section of each chapter and are intended as a review of information previously or concurrently being learned regarding the structure, function and organization of the nervous system. Some questions focus on anatomical or physiological facts and relationships that help explain why certain techniques are performed as they are, such as why non-nociceptive tactile stimuli are required in order to activate nerve impulse transmission in the lemniscal system. Other questions are intended to revisit facts and concepts that are needed to properly interpret the elicited findings. 2) The Application Exercises of each chapter are designed to demonstrate how neuroanatomical and neurophysiological information is used in the design of particular clinical tests of neurologic function. The application exercises are also intended to help users learn how to perform and become comfortable with the various clinical maneuvers and tests that comprise the routine neurologic examination. An important outcome of performing these exercises is that, as a member of a learning group, each individual has the opportunity to experience the neurologic examination from the point of view of the subject (patient)—an experience that arguably provides insight and understanding that can be gained in no other way.

Life Science
Material Type:
Student Guide
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Mcnamara John P
Nolan Michael F
Date Added:
Applied Industrial Electricity: Theory and Application
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

This free electrical engineering/technology textbook provides a series of chapters covering electricity and electronics. The information provided is great for students, makers, and professionals who are looking for an application-centric coverage of this field.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Electronic Technology
Material Type:
Iowa State University
John Haughery
Tony R Kuphaldt
Date Added:
Applied Macro- and International Economics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

15.012 Applied Macro- and International Economics uses case studies to investigate the macroeconomic environment in which firms operate. The first half of the course develops the basic tools of macroeconomic management: monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate policy. The class discusses recent emerging market and financial crises by examining their causes and considering how best to address them and prevent them from recurring in the future. The second half evaluates different strategies of economic development. Topics covered in the second half of this course include growth, the role of debt and foreign aid, and the reliance on natural resources.

Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Cavallo, Alberto
Rigobon, Roberto
Date Added:
Applied Macro- and International Economics II
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course seeks to establish understanding of the development processes of societies and economies by studying several dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, political, institutional, economy, organizational, relational, and personal) and the balance among them. It explores the basics of governmental intervention, focusing on areas such as the judicial system, environment, social security, and health, and builds skills to determine what type of policy is most appropriate. We also consider implications of new technologies on the financial sector: Internationalization of currencies, mobile payment systems, and cryptocurrencies, and discuss the institutional framework to ensure choices are sustainable across all dimensions and applications.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Rigobon, Roberto
Date Added:
Applied Mathematics Textbook
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This applied mathematics textbook covers Matrices and Pathways, Statistics and Probability, Finance, Cyclic, Recursive and Fractal Patterns, Vectors, and Design. The approach used is primarily data driven, using numerical and geometrical problem-solving techniques.

Material Type:
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Ayopo Odunuga
Milad Sabeti
Yoni Porat
Date Added:
Applied Mathematics, Third Edition
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Applied Mathematics, Third Edition. This textbook was written for the math component for Associate of Applied Science degrees at the College of Southern Nevada.

Career and Technical Education
Measurement and Data
Numbers and Operations
Ratios and Proportions
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Date Added:
Applied Math for Food Service
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars


Short Description:
Applied Math for Food Service is an adapted open textbook created by Amy Savoury. This new open textbook remixes content from two open textbooks published by BC Campus under CC BY licences: Basic Kitchen & Food Service Management by The BC Cook Articulation Committee, and Math for Trades by Chad Flinn and Mark Overgaard.

Word Count: 26676

ISBN: 978-1-990641-68-8

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Culinary Arts
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
Date Added:
Applied Nuclear Physics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The topics covered under this course include elements of nuclear physics for engineering students, basic properties of the nucleus and nuclear radiations, quantum mechanical calculations of deuteron bound-state wave function and energy, n-p scattering cross-section, transition probability per unit time and barrier transmission probability. Also explored are binding energy and nuclear stability, interactions of charged particles, neutrons, and gamma rays with matter, radioactive decays, energetics and general cross-section behavior in nuclear reactions.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Chen, Sow-Hsin
Date Added:
Applied Nuclear Physics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course explores elements of nuclear physics for engineering students. It covers basic properties of the nucleus and nuclear radiations; quantum mechanical calculations of deuteron bound-state wave function and energy; n-p scattering cross section; transition probability per unit time and barrier transmission probability. It also covers binding energy and nuclear stability; interactions of charged particles, neutrons, and gamma rays with matter; radioactive decays; and energetics and general cross section behavior in nuclear reactions.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Yip, Sidney
Date Added: