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  • Textbook
Canadian Health and Safety Workplace Fundamentals
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Canadian Health and Safety Workplace Fundamentals - First Edition highlights the basic requirements of a workplace safety program. This OER is designed to assist those working in Operations Management to provide a safe work environment for their employees, visitors, and contractors.

Word Count: 69121

Included H5P activities: 9

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Fanshawe College
Date Added:
Canadian History: Post-Confederation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. “Canada” in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows thematic lines. Each chapter moves chronologically but with alternative narratives in mind. What Aboriginal accounts must we place in the foreground? Which structures (economic or social) determine the range of choices available to human agents of history? What environmental questions need to be raised to gain a more complete understanding of choices made in the past and their ramifications?

Long Description:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. “Canada” in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows thematic lines. Each chapter moves chronologically but with alternative narratives in mind. What Aboriginal accounts must we place in the foreground? Which structures (economic or social) determine the range of choices available to human agents of history? What environmental questions need to be raised to gain a more complete understanding of choices made in the past and their ramifications?

Each chapter is comprised of several sections and some of those are further divided. In many instances you will encounter original material that has been contributed by other university historians from across Canada who are leaders in their respective fields. They provide a diversity of voices on the subject of the nation’s history and, thus, an opportunity to experience some of the complexities of understanding and approaching the past. Canadian History: Post-Confederation includes Learning Objectives and Key Points in most chapter sections, intended to help identify issues of over-arching importance. Recent interviews with historians from across Canada have been captured in video clips that are embedded throughout the web version of the book. At the end of each chapter, the Summary section includes additional features: Key Terms, Short Answer Exercises, and Suggested Readings. The key terms are bolded in the text, and collected in a Glossary in the appendix.

Word Count: 349336

ISBN: 978-1-989623-13-8

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Material Type:
John Douglas Belshaw
Date Added:
Canadian History: Post-Confederation - 2nd Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. “Canada” in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows thematic lines. Each chapter moves chronologically but with alternative narratives in mind. What Indigenous accounts must we place in the foreground? Which structures (economic or social) determine the range of choices available to human agents of history? What environmental questions need to be raised to gain a more complete understanding of choices made in the past and their ramifications?

Long Description:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. “Canada” in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows thematic lines. Each chapter moves chronologically but with alternative narratives in mind. What Indigenous accounts must we place in the foreground? Which structures (economic or social) determine the range of choices available to human agents of history? What environmental questions need to be raised to gain a more complete understanding of choices made in the past and their ramifications?

Each chapter is comprised of several sections and some of those are further divided. In many instances you will encounter original material that has been contributed by other university historians from across Canada who are leaders in their respective fields. They provide a diversity of voices on the subject of the nation’s history and, thus, an opportunity to experience some of the complexities of understanding and approaching the past. Canadian History: Post-Confederation includes Learning Objectives and Key Points in most chapter sections, intended to help identify issues of over-arching importance. Recent interviews with historians from across Canada have been captured in video clips that are embedded throughout the web version of the book. At the end of each chapter, the Summary section includes additional features: Key Terms, Short Answer Exercises, and Suggested Readings. The key terms are bolded in the text, and collected in a Glossary in the appendix.

Word Count: 352702

ISBN: 978-1-77420-065-0

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Material Type:
John Douglas Belshaw
Date Added:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Note: The second edition of this book was published October 2020. You can find it here: Canadian History: Pre-Confederation - 2nd Edition. Canadian History: Pre-Confederation is a survey text that introduces undergraduate students to important themes in North American history to 1867. It provides room for Aboriginal and European agendas and narratives, explores the connections between the territory that coalesces into the shape of modern Canada and the larger continent and world in which it operates, and engages with emergent issues in the field.

Long Description:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation is a survey text that introduces undergraduate students to important themes in North American history to 1867. It provides room for Aboriginal and European agendas and narratives, explores the connections between the territory that coalesces into the shape of modern Canada and the larger continent and world in which it operates, and engages with emergent issues in the field. The material is pursued in a largely chronological manner to the early 19th century, at which point social, economic, and political change are dissected. Canadian History: Pre-Confederation provides, as well, a reconnaissance of historical methodology and debates in the field, exercises for students, Key Terms and a Glossary, and section-by-section Key Points. Although this text can be modified, expanded, reduced, and reorganized to suit the needs of the instructor, it is organized so as to support learning, to broaden (and sometimes provoke) debate, and to engage students in thinking like historians. Written and reviewed by subject experts drawn from colleges and universities, this is the first open textbook on the topic of Canadian history.

Word Count: 240845

ISBN: 978-1-7753524-1-9

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Material Type:
Date Added:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation - 2nd Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation is a survey text that introduces undergraduate students to important themes in North American history to 1867. It provides room for Indigenous and European agendas and narratives, explores the connections between the territory that coalesces into the shape of modern Canada and the larger continent and world in which it operates, and engages with emergent issues in the field.

Long Description:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation is a survey text that introduces undergraduate students to important themes in North American history to 1867. It provides room for Aboriginal and European agendas and narratives, explores the connections between the territory that coalesces into the shape of modern Canada and the larger continent and world in which it operates, and engages with emergent issues in the field. The material is pursued in a largely chronological manner to the early 19th century, at which point social, economic, and political change are dissected. Canadian History: Pre-Confederation provides, as well, a reconnaissance of historical methodology and debates in the field, exercises for students, Key Terms and a Glossary, and section-by-section Key Points. Although this text can be modified, expanded, reduced, and reorganized to suit the needs of the instructor, it is organized so as to support learning, to broaden (and sometimes provoke) debate, and to engage students in thinking like historians. Written and reviewed by subject experts drawn from colleges and universities, this is the first open textbook on the topic of Canadian history.

Word Count: 251278

ISBN: 978-1-77420-063-6

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World History
Material Type:
John Douglas Belshaw
Date Added:
Canadian Immigration History Syllabus
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This syllabus brings together key themes, readings, sources, and questions in the history of migration to, from, and within Canada, offering a resource to educators and students, and valuable historical context for contemporary debates.

Long Description:
This syllabus brings together key themes, readings, sources, and questions in the history of migration to, from, and within Canada, offering a resource to educators and students, and valuable historical context for contemporary debates. It is inspired by the example of the #ImmigrationSyllabus created by migration historians in the United States in 2017. Please feel free to share, download, and print this syllabus, or otherwise incorporate it into your teaching and immigration history related work. Wherever possible we have tried to use and link to free, open-access readings and resources. Authors & coordinators: Daniel Ross and Laura Madokoro Collaborators/advisory group: Michael Akladios, Lisa Chilton, Marlene Epp, Gilberto Fernandes, Franca Iacovetta, Paul-Étienne Rainville, Jordan Stanger-Ross, Sylvie Taschereau

Word Count: 5922

ISBN: 978-1-9990201-4-9

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Cultural Geography
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Canadian Settlement in Action: History and Future
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
The eight chapters of this book encapsulate the past, present, and future of Canadian immigration and settlement. The topics, in part, cover the history of immigration to Canada through an objective lens that allows readers to learn what transpired with the settlement of specific ethnic groups, as well as address Canada’s current policies and approaches to immigration. This leads to an exploration of the challenges that newcomers to Canada and the settlement sector are encountering today. Readers and learners of settlement studies will embark on a journey of self-reflection throughout this book as they engage in many activities, quizzes, and interactions which may be self-directed or instructor led.

Long Description:
The OER textbook is an introduction to key issues in the settlement sector rather than a comprehensive exploration of this dynamic and multifaceted field. Maria MacMinn Varvos situates the history of settlement services in Canada, including a look at delivery models and perspectives. She also explores the relationship between literacy levels of women and its affect on their settlement. Alexandru Caldararu introduces and situates social justice and anti-oppressive practice in settlement worker practice. He also presents a detailed discussion on climate migration and its implications on settlement. Christina Hamer presents types of migration-related trauma and the mental health challenges many newcomers face before arriving in Canada. Rennais Gayle discusses the settlement experiences of older arriving immigrants, particularly focusing on family dynamics. In her chapter, Julie Clements provides an overview of how settlement workers can effectively navigate intercultural communication contexts. Lynn Sutankayo delves deeply into how related concepts in settlement act as a conduit towards further understanding of issues in gender, sexuality, and culture. While the textbook chapters can be read in the order presented, each chapter presents a unique issue and can also be enjoyed in non-sequential order.

Word Count: 89622

ISBN: 978-1-55195-472-1

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Cultural Geography
Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
NorQuest College
Date Added:
Canal lombaire étroit
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Ce chapitre couvre les situations où les racines lombaires (dites de la queue de cheval) sont mises à l’étroit dans le canal médullaire. Il s’agit de toutes les situations, en grande majorité dégénératives et chroniques, où il existe une compression extrinsèque du sac dural et des racines qu’il contient. Cette compression est dynamique ou statique, caractérisée par un effacement des espaces sous-arachnoïdiens et une disparition du liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR) qui entoure et protège naturellement les racines. On parle alors de canal lombaire étroit (synonyme de sténose du canal médullaire lombaire, angl. : Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, LSS). Le canal lombaire étroit est parfois associé à un spondylolisthésis dégénératif qui fait l’objet d’un chapitre à part car la prise en charge est particulière. Les compressions liées à une pathologie tumorale extradurale (métastase, myélome, etc.), à un abcès péridural ou à des fractures sont couvertes dans d’autres chapitres. Les lésions liées à un processus tumoral intrathécal (dans le sac dural) ne sont pas couvertes. Le processus de dégénérescence de la colonne peut s’exprimer de façon relativement aiguë quand il est provoqué par une hernie discale ou un kyste arthrosynovial intracanalaire. Les sténoses congénitales ou constitutionnelles, et les rétrécissements causés par la lipomatose péridurale sont des variantes relativement rares, simplement évoquées dans ce chapitre.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Université catholique de Louvain
Provider Set:
Banse Xavier
Kaminski Ludovic
Date Added:
Can’t We Just Get Along?  Dealing with Difficult People
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In the realm of human interactions, conflict is an inevitable facet, yet many lack adept strategies to maneuver through workplace disputes. This book offers fundamental strategies and frameworks, aiming to empower individuals to transform conflicts into opportunities. By embracing these insights, readers can foster stronger relationships, turning adversarial situations into catalysts for personal and professional growth.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of West Florida
Susan Fried
Date Added:
Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellness
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Facilitator’s Guide for Use with Faculty and Staff

Short Description:
"Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellness" includes a facilitator’s guide with handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. This adaptable training resource covers foundational mental health and wellness knowledge for post-secondary faculty and staff and ways to support students in distress. It can be used for two-hour online or in-person training or for self-study.

Long Description:
Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellness includes a facilitator’s guide with handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. This adaptable training resource covers foundational mental health and wellness knowledge for post-secondary faculty and staff and ways to support students in distress. It can be used for two-hour online or in-person training or for self-study. This resource incorporates a decolonized perspective and was guided by the following principles: accessible, adaptable, culturally located, evidence-informed, inclusive, and trauma-informed. Handouts include a wellness wheel self-assessment tool and information on supporting students in distress.

Word Count: 21886

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Albert Seinen
Barbara Johnston
Faye Shedletzky
Gemma Armstrong
Jewell Gillies
Liz Warwick
Michelle Daoust
Ycha Gil
Date Added:
Capital Social y la Intención de Emprender
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Descubrir qué factores motivan e influyen en la actividad emprendedora es un tema de gran interés para investigadores, formuladores de política socioeconómica, académicos y para las personas en general. A lo largo de este libro, los autores nos relatan de forma amena y comprensible cómo nuestro entorno cercano y lejano forma una serie de valores, actitudes y creencias que predisponen o no al individuo a emprender. Un libro que sin duda va a enriquecer nuestro espíritu emprendedor, dando respuesta a preguntas que alguna vez nos hemos planteado en torno a las personas que toman la gran decisión de crear sus propios negocios.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Barba Mosquera
Bravo Bravo
Cedeño Aguilar
Santander Salmon
Date Added:
Capstone Projects in Education: Learning the Research Story
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Through the Story of a Slow Cat

Short Description:
This concise, open textbook weaves the story of a cat throughout to explain the components of typical education capstone projects.

Long Description:
This book is designed to facilitate understanding of education research and guide the development and the writing of a capstone project. In education, like other social sciences, we are investigating issues directly involving or influencing humans. Research involving humans can be a complex and awkward endeavor. However, if we view this endeavor through the lens of a research story, we find a familiar genre we can relate to and understand. This concise, open textbook weaves the story of a cat throughout to explain the components of typical education capstone projects.

Word Count: 16771

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Material Type:
Date Added:
Car Decoration Guides
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
2023 Latest Car Decoration Guide Books

Long Description:
Welcome to our book, where we share the latest products and trends in the automotive industry. In this book we are pleased to introduce the LED Door Sill Pro, a cutting-edge accessory that adds style and functionality to your vehicle. Whether you want to make a statement or just enhance the look of your car, the LED Door Sill Pro is a perfect choice. In this article, we explore the features and benefits of this innovative product and how it can change your driving experience. So let’s take a deep dive into why the LED Threshold Pro is a must-have for any car enthusiast.

Word Count: 4761

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Automotive Technology and Repair
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
Cardinal Tales: Highlights from 2018
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 20865

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Iowa State University
Date Added:
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology for Pre-Clinical Students
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOPHYSIOLOGY FOR PRE-CLINICAL STUDENTS, is an undergraduate medical-level resource for foundational knowledge of common cardiovascular diseases, disorders and pathologies. This text is designed for a course pre-clinical undergraduate medical curriculum and it is aligned to USMLE(r) (United States Medical Licensing Examination) content guidelines. The text is meant to provide the essential information from these content areas in a concise format that would allow learner preparation to engage in an active classroom. Clinical correlates and additional application of content is intended to be provided in the classroom experience. The text assumes that the students will have an understanding of basic cardiovascular physiology that will be helpful to understand the content presented here. This resource should be assistive to the learner later in medical school and for exam preparation given the material is presented in a succinct manner, with a focus on high-yield concepts.NewParaAdditional versions of this book are freely available at: https://doi.org/10.21061/cardiovascularpathophysiology and https://med.libretexts.org/@go/page/34347.NewParaInstructors reviewing, adopting, or adapting parts or the whole of the text are requested to register their interest at: https://bit.ly/interest-preclinical. Instructors and subject matter experts interested in sharing original supplemental materials are invited to join https://www.oercommons.org/groups/pre-clinical-resources/10133.

Word Count: 18050

ISBN: 978-1-957213-01-9

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
Carilion School of Medicine
Date Added:
Care and Development of Infants and Toddlers
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Cover illustration by Olivia Conrad

Word Count: 128942

ISBN: 978-1-998755-65-3

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Early Childhood Development
Social Science
Material Type:
Nova Scotia Community College
Date Added:
Career Cornerstones: Establishing a Foundation for a Career in Healthcare
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Career Cornerstones: Establishing a Foundation for a Career in Healthcare is an Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on career skills required for students entering their respective health profession's program. This book is designed to help students be successful not only in their health profession's educational program, but also as they start to intern or work in healthcare settings. This resource is targeted for Healthcare Administration, Health Sciences, and Pre-Professional students.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
University of West Florida
Andrea Nelson
Katherine Greene
Date Added:
Career Decision Making for Adults
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

v 2.1

Short Description:
An adult college students' guide to navigating career transitions. This free Open Educational Resource text focuses on career-related self-awareness, job search tools and strategies, and career exploration. This book is adapted from the Blueprint for Success series which comprises three books for the College Success and FYE (First-Year Experience) genre. The central text, Blueprint for Success in College is designed to show how to be successful in college and in career preparation.

Long Description:
Career Decision Making for Adults is a remix and adaptation of Blueprint for Success in College: Career Decision Making. The source text is a remix of two previously existing OER (Open Educational Resources): Foundations of Academic Success: Words of Wisdom, edited by Thomas Priester, and College Success, provided by Lumen Learning. A free OER, (Open Educational Resource), Blueprint for Success in College: Career Decision Making is a students’ guide for the process of identifying a major and career. This text focuses on career exploration.

Word Count: 15013

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Dave Dillon
Jan Coville
Jim Peacock
Linda Bruce Hill
Thomas Priester
Date Added:
Career Education
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 4051

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Beth Boggs
Mountain Empire Community College
Date Added:
Career Guide for Health and Wellness Office Administrative Professionals
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Beginning your first career, or a new career is both exciting and challenging. This book will guide you along the journey towards a successful, fulfilling, and rewarding health or wellness office career.

Long Description:
This book is a road map to help you navigate the job search through practical and logical steps, including the following: Understand and practice professionalism Plan for your career Research today’s labour market Create robust self-marketing tools Build your personal brand Diversify your job search methods Utilize social media to create a professional digital footprint Master your interview skills to stand out from your competition

Word Count: 33297

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Social Science
Material Type:
Conestoga College
Date Added: