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Teaching Data Analysis in the Social Sciences: A case study with article level metrics
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This case study is retrieved from the open book Open Data as Open Educational Resources. Case studies of emerging practice.

Course description:

Metrics and measurement are important strategic tools for understanding the world around us. To take advantage of the possibilities they offer, however, one needs the ability to gather, work with, and analyse datasets, both big and small. This is why metrics and measurement feature in the seminar course Technology and Evolving Forms of Publishing, and why data analysis was a project option for the Technology Project course in Simon Fraser University’s Master of Publishing Program.

The assignment:

“Data Analysis with Google Refine and APIs": Pick a dataset and an API of your choice (Twitter, VPL, Biblioshare, CrossRef, etc.) and combine them using Google Refine. Clean and manipulate your data for analysis. The complexity/messiness of your data will be taken into account”.

Applied Science
Information Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Alessandra Bordini
Juan Pablo Alperin
Katie Shamash
Date Added: