FACES is a partnership between Oakland and Berkeley public schools and Children's …
FACES is a partnership between Oakland and Berkeley public schools and Children's Hospital Oakland. The program helps prepare at-risk kids for entry into college and the health professions through a multitude of services based at the hospital. FACES has already changed the lives of many young people who live in one of the most violent communities in America.
The economy in North Carolina began as a largely agrarian one. Many …
The economy in North Carolina began as a largely agrarian one. Many of our traditions today hearken back to that agricultural past, including the traditional school calendar. As time has passed, North Carolina gained many jobs from textile manufacturing. Farms consolidated and there were less small family farm operations and more, large scale industrial farms. Over the past few decades, textile and furniture manufacturing jobs have been lost by North Carolina many of these jobs have gone overseas. The new jobs that have been coming in to replace these are biotechnology jobs. These jobs pay well, but require more training and expertise than traditional manufacturing jobs.
Career Cornerstones: Establishing a Foundation for a Career in Healthcare is an …
Career Cornerstones: Establishing a Foundation for a Career in Healthcare is an Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on career skills required for students entering their respective health profession's program. This book is designed to help students be successful not only in their health profession's educational program, but also as they start to intern or work in healthcare settings. This resource is targeted for Healthcare Administration, Health Sciences, and Pre-Professional students.
On the blocks of the Jenga game, the teacher will write different …
On the blocks of the Jenga game, the teacher will write different career-related questions for students to answer. These questions should help students further explore Career Education curriculum Goals and Outcomes.This game can be played different ways, be creative!
Success in one’s career depends on much more than just earning good …
Success in one’s career depends on much more than just earning good grades in school. Help increase learners’ workforce readiness by building strengths in key interpersonal skills, such as problem solving, leadership, communication, teamwork and collaboration, and critical thinking, using this collection of resources produced by WGBH. The resources can be used to engage learners with media and prompt rich discussion in the classroom and other educational settings.
The collection is currently in development. Browse the initial set of resources—focused on nonverbal communication—and return for new content to be added over time.
Students will assess their career aspirations, evaluate and compare career opportunities based …
Students will assess their career aspirations, evaluate and compare career opportunities based on aptitudes and interests, and plan a career while understanding the income potential of that chosen career.
Successful transitions - whether from lower secondary to upper secondary; at age …
Successful transitions - whether from lower secondary to upper secondary; at age 16; into work-based training or university; or into work at any age - are life-enhancing for individuals and crucial to our future social and economic well-being. They are also an indicator of a good school. Careers education and guidance (CEG) is therefore at the heart of a school's personal development program and all teachers have a role in securing successful transitions for their students.
Students will examine how technology is changing or eliminated careers that currently …
Students will examine how technology is changing or eliminated careers that currently exist. Students will draw conclusions and develop hypotheses about these current careers and the changes that could possibly occur based on technology.
In this collection you will find all the resources shared originally at …
In this collection you will find all the resources shared originally at our Careers and Resumes workshop on March 10, 2021. This includes videos, resume templates, Kahoot! game, and websites. Topics include resumes, cover letters, job interviewing, job hunting, communication skills, and tips.
Careers in Demand is ideal for high school students trying to determine …
Careers in Demand is ideal for high school students trying to determine which career pathway is right for them. The collection provides a snapshot of what a career in one of Kentucky’s high-demand industries might look like, including education and experience needed to get these jobs, salary ranges, work environment, and the projected number of job openings over a five-year period.
In this career-oriented interview, readers are introduced to the manager of several …
In this career-oriented interview, readers are introduced to the manager of several farmer's markets in Portland, Oregon. Following a brief description of his job and the general operations of a farmer’s market, he explains why these venues are beneficial to the vendors, the customers and the environment. The Climate Kids website is a NASA education resource featuring articles, videos, images and games focused on the science of climate change.
An interview conducted with a building contractor provides insights into what it …
An interview conducted with a building contractor provides insights into what it means to build an environmentally "green" house. This lesson is part of the Climate Kids website, a NASA education resource featuring articles, videos, images and games focused on the science of climate change.
This career-oriented interview features a home energy auditor. He describes his job …
This career-oriented interview features a home energy auditor. He describes his job responsibilities and offers tips for improving home energy efficiency. The Climate Kids website is a NASA education resource featuring articles, videos, images and games focused on the science of climate change.
Using her countywide program as an example, a recycling educator offers incentives …
Using her countywide program as an example, a recycling educator offers incentives for recycling by providing data on energy savings and explaining how her county in Michigan supports the program. The Climate Kids website is a NASA education resource featuring articles, videos, images and games focused on the science of climate change.
In this career-oriented interview, readers are introduced to a scientist who works …
In this career-oriented interview, readers are introduced to a scientist who works primarily on wind energy. He explains the importance of wind farm placement planning. Images of architectural wind and a wind farm are included, along with a link to the Power Up game. The Climate Kids website is a NASA education resource featuring articles, videos, images and games focused on the science of climate change.
A landscaper explains, through an interview format, how it is possible to …
A landscaper explains, through an interview format, how it is possible to design and maintain yards and gardens that require very little water. The Climate Kids website is a NASA education resource featuring articles, videos, images and games focused on the science of climate change.
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