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  • databases
The CJK Dictionary Institute - Arabic
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

The CJK Dictionary Institute was originally established for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) resources, but has been expanded in recent years to other languages, including Arabic. The many Arabic resources available through the CJK Dictionary Institute include databases of proper nouns, transliteration programs, dictionaries, databases, articles related to transcription and translation issues, and more. The institute also provides software developers with dictionary data as well as consulting services.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
The CJK Dictionary Institute
Date Added:
Category Theory for Scientists
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The goal of this class is to prove that category theory is a powerful language for understanding and formalizing common scientific models. The power of the language will be tested by its ability to penetrate into taken-for-granted ideas, either by exposing existing weaknesses or flaws in our understanding, or by highlighting hidden commonalities across scientific fields.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Spivak, David
Date Added:
Computer Algorithms in Systems Engineering
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0.0 stars

This course covers concepts of computation used in analysis of engineering systems. It includes the following topics: data structures, relational database representations of engineering data, algorithms for the solution and optimization of engineering system designs (greedy, dynamic programming, branch and bound, graph algorithms, nonlinear optimization), and introduction to complexity analysis. Object-oriented, efficient implementations of algorithms are emphasized.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Kocur, George
Date Added:
Computer System Engineering
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This class covers topics on the engineering of computer software and hardware systems. Topics include techniques for controlling complexity; strong modularity using client-server design, operating systems; performance, networks; naming; security and privacy; fault-tolerant systems, atomicity and coordination of concurrent activities, and recovery; impact of computer systems on society.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
LaCurts, Katrina
Date Added:
Data Management with SQL for Ecologists
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Databases are useful for both storing and using data effectively. Using a relational database serves several purposes. It keeps your data separate from your analysis. This means there’s no risk of accidentally changing data when you analyze it. If we get new data we can rerun a query to find all the data that meets certain criteria. It’s fast, even for large amounts of data. It improves quality control of data entry (type constraints and use of forms in Access, Filemaker, etc.) The concepts of relational database querying are core to understanding how to do similar things using programming languages such as R or Python. This lesson will teach you what relational databases are, how you can load data into them and how you can query databases to extract just the information that you need.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
The Carpentries
Christina Koch
Donal Heidenblad
Katy Felkner
Rémi Rampin
Timothée Poisot
Date Added:
Database of Arabic Place Names (DAPNA)
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

This project is an attempt to build a comprehensive database of Arabic place names that covers the entire world, not just place names in the Arabic speaking world. The place names are proofread carefully to ensure adherence to the rules of hamza orthography, something often ignored in most publications. The database gives the correct name in Arabic script, its name in English or transliteration, spelling variants, and common errors in spelling. Frequency of variants is also given.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
The CJK Dictionary Institute
Date Added:
Digital Humanities
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0.0 stars

This course examines the theory and practice of using computational methods in the emerging field of digital humanities. It develops an understanding of key digital humanities concepts, such as data representation, digital archives, information visualization, and user interaction through the study of contemporary research, in conjunction with working on real-world projects for scholarly, educational, and public needs. Students create prototypes, write design papers, and conduct user studies.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Graphic Arts
Graphic Design
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Fendt, Kurt
Stuhl, Andy Kelleher
Date Added:
Dive into Systems
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Dive into Systems is a free, online textbook that serves as a gentle introduction to computer systems, computer organization, and parallel computing. The book is intended for an audience that has only a CS1 background. It guides readers through a vertical slice of a computer to develop an understanding of a variety of systems topics, including:

- how a computer runs a program, from a program expressed in a high-level language to low-level binary representation and circuits

- programming in C and Assembly, assuming a CS1 background

- introduction to operating systems and the systems costs that affect program performance (the memory hierarchy, caching, and code optimization)

- introduction to parallel computing with shared memory and pthreads

Dive into Systems is designed to be present topics in as independent manner as possible so that it can be used as a primary textbook for a wide range of introductory-level computer systems courses, or as a supplemental background textbook for upper-level courses that cover Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Compilers, Networks, Databases, and Parallel Computing.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Kevin C. Webb
Suzanne J. Matthews
Tia Newhall
Date Added:
ELAC Library: Library Research Using Databases
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This is a Canvas module to help students become familiar with using library databases and understand the utility in searching across multiple databases. Under "Choosing Library Databases: Subject-Specific Databases", faculty should choose the disciplinary page(s) that are most appropriate for their course.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Environmental Engineering Applications of Geographic Information Systems
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0.0 stars

This graduate seminar is taught in a lecture and lab exercise format. The subject matter is tailored to introduce Environmental Engineering students to the use and potential of Geographic Information Systems in their discipline. Lectures will cover the general concepts of GIS use and introduce the material in the exercises that demonstrate the practical application of GIS.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Environmental Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Sheehan, Daniel
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Biology
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0.0 stars

Fundamentals of Biology focuses on the basic principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and recombinant DNA. These principles are necessary to understanding the basic mechanisms of life and anchor the biological knowledge that is required to understand many of the challenges in everyday life, from human health and disease to loss of biodiversity and environmental quality.
Course Format

This course has been designed for independent study. It consists of four units, one for each topic. The units can be used individually or in combination. The materials for each unit include:

Lecture Videos by MIT faculty.
Learning activities, including Interactive Concept Quizzes, designed to reinforce main concepts from lectures.
Problem Sets you do on your own and check your answers against the Solutions when you’re done.
Problem Solving Video help sessions taught by experienced MIT Teaching Assistants.
Lists of important Terms and Definitions.
Suggested Topics and Links for further study.
Exams with Solution Keys.

Content Development

Eric Lander
Robert Weinberg
Tyler Jacks
Hazel Sive
Graham Walker
Sallie Chisholm
Dr. Michelle Mischke

Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Chisholm, Sallie
Jacks, Tyler
Lander, Eric
Mischke, Michelle
Sive, Hazel
Walker, Graham
Weinberg, Robert
Date Added:
Information Literacy Training for Students in the Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences
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0.0 stars

These exercises are originally part of the KLaSS module developed by King's College London Library Services to provide information literacy e-learning to students across our faculties. They were built and developed with Adobe Captivate 9 and published in HTML5 format, suitable for use with Moodle.This set of exercises is designed to provide information literacy support to students in the Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences, which encompasses subjects like Informatics, Computer Science, Mathematics and Geography. The database used to demonstrate the principles is Web of Science, a broad resource holding literature on a wide variety of STEM subjects.The lessons cover the following topics:Planning an effective literature search - how to focus a research question and identify its key topics and componentsFinding literature - how to use different search techniques like truncation in Web of ScienceFinding full text articles in Web of Science - how to use the SFX system to look up the full texts of search results, and what to do if you don't immediately get accessWeb of Science Search Tips - using slightly more advanced techniques to run better searches, like using phrase searchingCombining searches in Web of Science - how to use AND & OR to broaden and refine seaches in Web of Science to retrieve relevant articles and informationFiltering search results in Web of Science - how to use Web of Science's filtering options to futhere refine results and exclude irrelevant articlesEach topic has a demonstration video, narrated by the author Tom Edge.The exercises have been published in HTML5 format so they should be compatible with any modern LMS. The authors have only used these files in Moodle 3.0, so cannot offer support for another LMS.

Computer Science
Information Science
Physical Geography
Material Type:
John Woodcock
Thomas Edge
Date Added:
Introduction to Modern Database Systems
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course provides a general overview of databases, including topics such as database history, modern database systems, the different models used to design a database, and Structured Query Language (SQL), which is the standard language used to access and manipulate databases. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: compare and contrast the database approach and the file system approach; explain what a database management system is as well as the various components; identify the various people involved in database management systems; explain the historical background of database management systems; compare the various database models; describe the functions of a database management system; explain the three-schema database architecture; describe what tables, indexes, and views are as well as discuss the differences among them; explain the entity-relationship model; develop an entity-relationship model based on user requirements; describe the relational database model; explain the process of normalization; convert an entity-relationship diagram to a set of normalized relations; explain referential integrity; identify how relational algebra is used to construct queries; describe and use data definition commands; describe and use data manipulation commands; explain how to join tables together for queries. (Computer Science 403)

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
Date Added:
Literature Searching for all Health Topics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

These exercises are originally part of the KLaSS module developed by King's College London Library Services to provide information literacy e-learning to students across our faculties. They were built and developed with Adobe Captivate 9 and published in HTML5 format, suitable for use with Moodle.This set of exercises is designed to provide information literacy support to students in King's Health Faculties which incorporates subjects like Medicine, Bioscience, Dentistry, Neuroscience and other health subjects. The lessons cover the following topics:Literature Searching part 1: Introduction to literature searching -Part 2: Choosing and accessing databasesPart 3: Your research question and planning your searchesPart 4: Searching with keywordsPart 5: Searching with Subject Headings (thesaurus searching)Part 6: Combining searches with AND & ORPart 7: Using limits in your searchPart 8: Working with your resultsEach topic has a demonstration video, narrated by the author Karen Poole.The exercises have been published in HTML5 format so they should be compatible with any modern LMS. The authors have only used these files in Moodle 3.0, so cannot offer support for another LMS.

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Information Science
Material Type:
John Woodcock
Karen Poole
Date Added:
Literature searching for Nursing & Midwifery topics - using CINAHL
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This set of exercises is designed to show students how to use CINAHL, an academic database that holds literature primarily on Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health subjects.

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Information Science
Material Type:
John Woodcock
Jane Pothecary
Date Added:
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

The „andut’ website provides up-to-date resources and guidance on foreign language learning in grades PreKĐ8, with the intention that such information will help provide a strong foundation for long-term language instruction. The website offers multiple links to other resources, such as a searchable database for early language learning schools and teaching resources. A listserv is available as well via the website.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Center For Applied Linguistics
Date Added:
OpenML: An R Package to Connect to the Machine Learning Platform OpenML
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

OpenML is an online machine learning platform where researchers can easily share data, machine learning tasks and experiments as well as organize them online to work and collaborate more efficiently. In this paper, we present an R package to interface with the OpenML platform and illustrate its usage in combination with the machine learning R package mlr (Bischl et al, 2016). We show how the OpenML package allows R users to easily search, download and upload data sets and machine learning tasks. Furthermore, we also show how to upload results of experiments, share them with others and download results from other users. Beyond ensuring reproducibility of results, the OpenML platform automates much of the drudge work, speeds up research, facilitates collaboration and increases the users’ visibility online.

Social Science
Material Type:
Benjamin Hofner
Bernd Bischl
Dominik Kirchhoff
Heidi Seibold
Jakob Bossek
Joaquin Vanschoren
Michel Lang
Pascal Kerschke
Giuseppe Casalicchio
Date Added:
A Relational Database Overview
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

This resource introduces the structure of relational databases, a critical technology behind dynamic, data-driven websites.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Computing and Information
Material Type:
NSDL Staff
Provider Set:
Computer Science and Information Technology Gateways and Resources
Date Added:
Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This semester long subject (11.521) is divided into two halves. The first half focuses on learning spatial database management techniques and methods and the second half focuses on using these skills to address a ‘real world,’ client-oriented planning problem. The first half of the semester may be taken separately using the class number 11.523 and the second half may be taken separately as 11.524.
In order to help shape and utilize the information infrastructure that will support the management and development of our metropolitan areas, planners need a basic understanding of the tools and technology for querying, analyzing, and sharing complex databases and maps. Managing online access to large and constantly-changing spatial datasets can be a powerful aid to planning and can facilitate inter-agency cooperation and collaboration in an increasingly decentralized world. But it requires the use of knowledge representation methods, client-server technologies and access control issues that are quite different from what are needed to model and visualize standalone datasets on a personal computer. Hence, planners should acquire basic skills in database management, digital spatial data analysis, and networking.
The 11.523 portion of the semester addresses these issues while retaining a focus on planning (rather than on computer science). This is an intensive, hands-on class that stresses learning by doing. Exercises and examples involving real-world data, maps, and images are used to develop skills with database query languages and the design development and use of structured databases. Class work utilizes web tools, GIS, and database software with lab exercises primarily on the new high-performance PC computing cluster. Specifically, we will access an Oracle 8i database using SQL (structured query language) and use ArcView for GIS. Each week there are two sixty to ninety-minute classes plus another 90+ minute hands-on lab in electronic classrooms. Class lectures will focus on concepts and case discussion, the scheduled lab time focuses on computer mechanics and skill building. Specific topics during 11.523 include:

finding, understanding and structuring digital spatial data that are available on the Internet using various browsing, visualization, and data management tools;
considerable work with relational database technologies and the Structured Query Language (SQL) to design, construct, query, and update urban planning databases;
some experience with so-called ‘client/server’ and ’enterprise GIS’ technologies for facilitating distributed access to complex spatial data and urban planning applications;
advanced GIS topics such as 3D visualizations and geospatial web services.

The 11.524 portion of the semester will treat the classroom like a professional planning office, working as a team to produce a two deliverables for their client, Lawrence Community Works, Inc. (LCW), a community development corporation located in the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts. LCW and DUSP recently agreed to work together for the next five years to design and implement a multi-tier web-based planning system that promotes democratic involvement and informs community development projects. Your involvement this semester is critical, because the implementation plan that you craft this semester will serve as the road map for both organizations for years to come and the simple web-based planning tool that you design will engage stakeholders by giving them a better sense of how technologies can aid decision-making processes. To assist you with the more technical aspects of the project, we hired Robert Cheetham, President of Azavea, Inc. (http://www.azavea.com/ ), to provide exactly 100 hours of consultancy services. Through their project work, students will enhance important professional skills by:

formulating an implementation plan for a real client;
designing a simple web-based tool for understanding problems;
engaging constituents and stakeholders in a real setting;
integrating theory and practice by evaluating the role of technology in community development;
learning to communicate effectively within a group and with a professional consultant;
working with such tools as the WWW, Access, ArcView, ArcIMS, SDE, etc.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Ferreira, Joseph
Hoyt, Lorlene
Date Added:
TEST  Competencias informáticas e informacionales para investigación
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Test para aplicar a los estudiantes de licenciatura interesados en hacer investigación digital utilizando bibliografía especializada, usar bases de datos bibliográficas, hacer revisiones de literatura o análisis bibliométricos.

Information Science
Material Type:
Layla Michán Aguirre
Date Added: