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  • AASL.CLS.3.1.1 - Conclude an inquiry-based research process by sharing new understandin...
  • AASL.CLS.3.1.1 - Conclude an inquiry-based research process by sharing new understandin...
APA Research and Formatting
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A strong foundation in science (including this social science) has always been an essential element of post-secondary education. The current White House administration demonstrates that people are much more impressionable when they don't have the critical tools to question so-called experts. Critical analysis of research has always been integral to the sciences, but with so much misinformation coming out of those in power, it is more important than ever to have a strong background in science and research. 

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Ron Mossler
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Unrestricted Use
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Learners will be exposed to a variety of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) whereby they will develop and build awareness of viable resources they can draw upon currently and, in the future, to help achieve their goals. This lesson will help prepare learners to identify a nonprofit organization’s mission statement and learner’s will employ critical thinking skills to connect that mission statement to one of the nonprofit’s past/current/future projects. Learners will orally present their findings to their peers. This lesson will apply the universal intellectual standard of relevance as learners will write a reflective analysis of their own research experience and explain which NGO/IGO is most relevant to their lives. The lesson activities can be adapted to different classrooms depending on available technologies.

Business and Communication
English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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Critical Analysis of Non-governmental (NGO) and Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Mission Statements and Relevance
Unrestricted Use
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Learners will be exposed to a variety of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) whereby they will develop and build awareness of viable resources they can draw upon currently and, in the future, to help achieve their goals. This lesson will help prepare learners to identify a nonprofit organization’s mission statement and learner’s will employ critical thinking skills to connect that mission statement to one of the nonprofit’s past/current/future projects. Learners will orally present their findings to their peers. This lesson will apply the universal intellectual standard of relevance as learners will write a reflective analysis of their own research experience and explain which NGO/IGO is most relevant to their lives. The lesson activities can be adapted to different classrooms depending on available technologies.

Business and Communication
English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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Investigations into the Kinetics of Rotational Motion: Torque and Mass Moment of Inertia
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This module is thought of to be used by teachers and students. It's main area of concern is rotational motion and mass moment of inertia, two concepts which in my experience as a teacher, often makes students nervous due to the seemingly very abstract quantities involved in rotational motion. The goal of the following module is to bridge the gap between the students preliminary working knowledge in classical mechanics, while providing a hands-on approach to teaching the subject of the kinetics of rotating, solid objects. Learning ObjectivesIntroduce students to the fundamentals of the physics of rotating objects, with a suitable mix of theoretical and practical problem solving activites involving torque and mass moment of inertia.Allow students to relate their newfound understanding to real world situations where the theory allows students to analyse rotational motion in everyday situations as well as engineering applications and beyond.Enable the students to work through the concepts required before potentially proceeding with more advanced topics such as rotational energy and angular momentum. 

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Jakob Nilsson
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Prepare for a POSTDIGITAL world of OPPORTUNITY at this free community technology event.Interactive learning about our use of mobile devices and broadband technologies guides the design of a human-centered, digital technology infrastructure for Albany, NY during this community technology event. The Howe Branch Library kicks off the Tech-Com Albany Symposium as the host of the opening plenary session on design-thinking about data diets, WiFi hotspots, and user experience concerns on Friday, April 28, 2017 at 10AM.  Trinity Alliance CSCC, co-hosts the second day of the symposium with a half day of interactive workshops on inclusive thinking in STEM and career choice on Saturday, April 29th at 8:30AM. Pre-register today! Tech-Com Albany Plenary Session Data - Friday, April 28, 2017 

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Electronic Technology
Information Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Sage Shoppe
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User Centered School Library Design
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0.0 stars

If we take a constructivist approach to learning in libraries, then library spaces should be responsive to student needs. As Theodore Creighton points out in Setting the Stage for Staff Development,  "the teacher’s responsibilities involve creating classroom environments where students think, explore, and construct meaning, while including opportunities for students to have social interaction."  Similarly, library spaces, which allow support for both classes and "free-range" learning should do the same.  In a previous OER Commons module by this author on library space design, students studied methods for gathering student input into design. The next step is to begin incorporating that input into the actual design process and to apply input to the space as a whole.   Too often librarians start with furniture rather than starting with the purposes and mission of the program and space. As Malcolm Brown points out,"Creating a vision for learning and learning spaces is a powerful leverage point; it informs almost all other decisions about learning space design. A vision also allows us to effectively articulate to all constituents what we are trying to accomplish. The vision helps organize all participants in the design and implementation of these spaces as well as the activities they support. Simply installing wireless access points and fresh carpeting isn't enough if done in isolation; such improvements pay real dividends only if they are in concert with the institution's overall teaching and learning objectives."  (Learning Spaces)Prospective librarians may not have a current space to design, but they can begin envisioning space as a construct that incorporates user needs and wants and that drives program goals, and begin to think about spaces as a whole.   This module particularly focuses on ideas contained in the book Language of School Design(Nair and Fielding) and work by Ewan McIntosh (notosh.org).  Both works  ask library designers to think of spaces in terms of zones and how those zones make a variety of student learning possible.  A series of readings and recordings will provide an introduction to these concepts with examples.  School Librarian Competencies , 4, 5, and 10http://researchguides.austincc.edu/c.php?g=554360&p=3891603ISTE Educator Standards  2 and 5https://www.iste.org/standards/standards/for-educators

Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
Carolyn Foote
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Україна - ЄС: крос-культурні освітні дослідження (Ukraine-EU: Cross-cultural Comparisons in Educational Research
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This is Jean Monnet Module for postgraduate students doing the doctorate course in education. It is focused on introducing them to the European system of school education and European quality of educational research issues. Представлений матеріал є модулем Жана Моне для здобувачів ступеня "доктор філософії". Модуль має на меті ознайомити здобувачів докторського ступеня з європейською системою шкільної освіти та європейською якістю освітніх досліджень. 

Material Type:
Oksana Zabolotna
Олег Топузов
Лариса Cмолінчук
Аліна Джурило
Лідія Пироженко
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