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  • WA.ET.3-5.KC.3b - Students learn how to evaluate sources for accuracy, perspective, cred...
  • WA.ET.3-5.KC.3b - Students learn how to evaluate sources for accuracy, perspective, cred...
A Collection of K-12 Media Literacy Instructional Resources
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This collection of Media Literacy instructional resources is part of a Framework project initiated by the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship Program in 2022.For more information, contact Program Supervisor, Lesley James, lesley.james@k12.wa.us

Information Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Lesley James
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District Level Resources for Media Literacy
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Edmonds School District in Washington State implemented a district-wide media literacy support project during the 2022-2023 school year. This is a collection of the resources that came out of that project that other districts might find useful.

Information Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Lesley James
Leighanne Law
Date Added:
Evaluating Resources- grade 3
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Students will look at two websites for services for dogs to try to determine which one is the fake site. Discuss why someone might create fake websites and how to spot a fake website.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
shaelynn charvet bates
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Grade 5 Unit: What's News
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Unit OverviewThis unit focuses on the various modes of local, national and world news. Students will read, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of information to gain perspective and understanding of a variety of news events. Through a structured instructional sequence, students will gain knowledge about current news, discuss the events, analyze news sources, identify bias and write brief news articles or reports based on research. The unifying theme, What’s News? will guide students as they discuss the essential question, How does the news influence us?A variety of focus texts and resources are suggested. Depending on your class and available resources, other texts may easily be substituted. Teachers may develop a customized instructional sequence with alternate news articles appropriate to the needs and make-up of the community/school population.It is important teachers prepare fully by reading all resources and consider their students when planning to implement this unit. Time frames may vary depending on the daily amount of instructional time allotted, the student group and the degree of teacher support required for students to meet with success.Teacher Note: The news of today can be very graphic and disturbing. It is important you intentionally select articles and news that do not deal with violence of any kind but that does engage 5th graders. Remember to consciously be aware of this aspect of the news for the general public. Included in this plan are a variety of “kid friendly” news sites to access. You could write a letter to the parents of your class informing them of the unit’s intent and your plan for implementing it. For guidance, watch the TVO video about TKN and Media Literacy video at the bottom of the home page www.teachingkidsnews.com.The lesson models in this unit feature best practices using informational texts to address Common Core State Standards. Included are examples of text dependent questions and sample responses to guide instruction. Students will engage with technology and practice effective listening and speaking skills in collaborative groups to identify key ideas and concepts and to build deeper understanding.Additional Planning and Preparation:Read the entire unit model, associated texts, and resources.Note vocabulary, phrases, concepts, and terminology that may be challenging.Organize the class in groups or pairs for cooperative work and discussion.Access and bookmark web resources your students will use.You many choose to infuse ‘bigger’ questions into discussion such as:What does it take to overcome challenges?How do we face challenges?What kinds of challenges do we face?Are life always challenges necessary to succeed?Universal Design Principles and strategies for English Learners:Organize the class in groups and pairs for discussion and cooperative work.Use multiple modes of presentation to allow acquisition and integration of knowledge and to increase interest and motivation.Offer students choice of tasks and modes of response.Considering using a word processing program or template for students to keep notes such as Google note taking tools.IMPORTANT NOTE: No text model or website referenced in this unit has undergone a formal review. Before using any of these materials, local school systems should conduct a formal approval review to determine their appropriateness. Teachers should always adhere to Acceptable Use Policy enforced by their local school system.Text Models For Lessons and Lesson Seedshttp://teachingkidsnews.comhttps://theconnectedclassroom.wikispaces.com/NewsInterdisciplinary ConnectionsSocial Studies/Geography/Science/Health/Current EventsAdditional ResourcesTeacher ResourcesDaily News at http://www.nwf.orgWashington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/ecologists-track-dc-ospreys-long-journey-home--from-south-america-to-the-anacostia/2014/04/18/78a5dd18-c3fc-11e3-b195-dd0c1174052c_story.htmlPair these three articles – take down nest, bird rebuilds, rebuild, take down, build platform:http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/osprey-nest-blocking-md-traffic-camera-removed/2014/04/19/64623da8-c7fb-11e3-b708-471bae3cb10c_story.htmlhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-installs-nesting-platform-for-osprey/2014/04/24/c4c49eda-cbd8-11e3-b81a-6fff56bc591e_story.htmlhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-considers-nesting-platform-for-ospreys/2014/04/23/b82cf0f0-cb10-11e3-b81a-6fff56bc591e_story.htmlREADWORKShttps://www.readworks.org/passages/new-letter-alphabethttps://www.readworks.org/node/2219 batshttps://www.readworks.org/passages/classical-music-wolfgang-amadeus-mozarthttps://www.readworks.org/passages/cool-be-kind-0https://www.readworks.org/passages/endangered-animals-glancehttps://www.readworks.org/passages/finger-foodhttps://www.readworks.org/passages/homemadehttps://www.readworks.org/passages/meet-soldierScience Fridayhttp://auburnpub.com/science-friday-return-of-the-condor/article_54c3335a-cc67-11e3-acda-001a4bcf887a.htmlTime for Kids           https://www.timeforkids.com/NIEhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/kidspost/http://helenair.com/news/local/th-graders-keep-abreast-of-current-events-school-issues/article_8dad9ea4-cc39-11e3-8e63-001a4bcf887a.htmlhttp://www.nwf.org

Information Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
andrew robertson
MSDE Admin
Date Added:
Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Elementary Teachers
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0.0 stars

This guide provides student-driven projects that can directly teach subject area standards in tandem with foundational understandings of what AI is, how it works, and how it impacts society.

Instead of simply learning about AI through videos or lectures, the students completing these projects are active participants in their AI exploration. In the process, students work directly with innovative AI technologies, participate in “unplugged” activities that further their understanding of how AI technologies work, and create various authentic products—from presentations to designing an AI robot—to demonstrate their learning.
• Project 1: What AI Does Well and Does Not Do Well
• Project 2: Training Data and Machine Learning
• Project 3: Senses vs. Sensors
• Project 4: Navigation and AI

Visit the ISTE website with all the free practical guides for engaging students in AI creation: https://www.iste.org/areas-of-focus/AI-in-education

Applied Science
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
General Motors
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Date Added:
Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide on Ethics and AI
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In this guide, students’ exploration of AI is framed within the context of ethical considerations and aligned with standards and concepts, and depths of understanding that would be appropriate across various subject areas and grade levels in K–12. Depending on the level of your students and the amount of time you have available, you might complete an entire project, pick and choose from the listed activities, or you might take students’ learning further by taking advantage of the additional extensions and resources provided for you. For students with no previous experience with AI education, exposure to the guided learning activities alone will create an understanding of their world that they likely did not previously have. And for those with some background in computer science or AI, the complete projects and resources will still challenge their thinking and expose them to new AI technologies and applications across various fields of study.

Project 1: Fair's Fair
Project 2: Who is in Control?
Project 3: The Trade-offs of AI Technology
Project 4: AI and the 21st Century Worker

Visit the ISTE website with all the free practical guides for engaging students in AI creation: https://www.iste.org/areas-of-focus/AI-in-education.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
General Motors
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Date Added:
Media Literacy and SEL through K-5 Book Boxes
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A team of teachers at Centennial Elementary School in Olympia, WA, developed book boxes to share across the school each month centered on identifying feelings and developing empathy for others. Each month one or two picture book titles are paired with a Word of the Month. The media literacy teacher team developed materials, including a presentation slideshow, a video read-aloud, and discussion questions. The principal and teachers share the books with students, facilitating discussions for students to identify their own feelings and develop a toolbox for regulating emotions. Students use a Likert scale, developed by Jennifer LaGarde and Darren Hudgins, to identify emotional responses and develop vocabulary to describe and deal with their feelings. Titles and SEL connections are shared with families through the school newsletter.Centennial Media Literacy Teacher Team:Heather Slater, teacher-librarianJennifer KnightLuci StaffordAdam PearceShannon Ritter, principal

Reading Foundation Skills
Reading Informational Text
Reading Literature
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Sharyn Merrigan
Jamie Sproul
Date Added: