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Cheese Making Technology e-Book
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 53340

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Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Culinary Arts
Material Type:
Arthur Hill
Mary Ann Ferrer
Date Added:
Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Hostile use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technology is on the forefront of DoD defense and offensive planners.Our Counter-UAS (C-UAS) textbook has as its primary mission to educate and train resources who will enter the UAS / C-UAS field and trust it will act as a call to arms for military and DHS planners.

Long Description:
As the quarter-century mark in the 21st Century nears, new aviation-related equipment has come to the forefront, both to help us and to haunt us. (Coutu, 2020) This is particularly the case with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These vehicles have grown in popularity and accessible to everyone. Of different shapes and sizes, they are widely available for purchase at relatively low prices. They have moved from the backyard recreation status to important tools for the military, intelligence agencies, and corporate organizations. New practical applications such as military equipment and weaponry are announced on a regular basis – globally. (Coutu, 2020) Every country seems to be announcing steps forward in this bludgeoning field.

In our successful 2nd edition of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets (Nichols, et al., 2019), the authors addressed three factors influencing UAS phenomena. First, unmanned aircraft technology has seen an economic explosion in production, sales, testing, specialized designs, and friendly / hostile usages of deployed UAS / UAVs / Drones. There is a huge global growing market and entrepreneurs know it. Second, hostile use of UAS is on the forefront of DoD defense and offensive planners. They are especially concerned with SWARM behavior. Movies like “Angel has Fallen,” where drones in a SWARM use facial recognition technology to kill USSS agents protecting POTUS, have built the lore of UAS and brought the problem forefront to DHS. Third, UAS technology was exploding. UAS and Counter- UAS developments in navigation, weapons, surveillance, data transfer, fuel cells, stealth, weight distribution, tactics, GPS / GNSS elements, SCADA protections, privacy invasions, terrorist uses, specialized software, and security protocols has exploded. (Nichols, et al., 2019) Our team has followed / tracked joint ventures between military and corporate entities and specialized labs to build UAS countermeasures.

As authors, we felt compelled to address at least the edge of some of the new C-UAS developments. It was clear that we would be lucky if we could cover a few of – the more interesting and priority technology updates – all in the UNCLASSIFIED and OPEN sphere.

Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Technologies and Operations is the companion textbook to our 2nd edition. The civilian market is interesting and entrepreneurial, but the military and intelligence markets are of concern because the US does NOT lead the pack in C-UAS technologies. China does. China continues to execute its UAS proliferation along the New Silk Road Sea / Land routes (NSRL). It has maintained a 7% growth in military spending each year to support its buildup. (Nichols, et al., 2019) [Chapter 21]. They continue to innovate and have recently improved a solution for UAS flight endurance issues with the development of advanced hydrogen fuel cell. (Nichols, et al., 2019) Reed and Trubetskoy presented a terrifying map of countries in the Middle East with armed drones and their manufacturing origin. Guess who? China. (A.B. Tabriski & Justin, 2018, December)

Our C-UAS textbook has as its primary mission to educate and train resources who will enter the UAS / C-UAS field and trust it will act as a call to arms for military and DHS planners.

Word Count: 106442

ISBN: 978-1-944548-27-8

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Applied Science
Material Type:
Kansas State University
Candice Carter
H.C. Mumm
J.J.C.H. Ryan
J.P. Hood
R. K. Nichols
W.D. Lonstein
Date Added:
Creating a circular healthcare economy: Sustainable strategies for a circular healthcare
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Our world is the only planet, as far as we know, which harbors life. The number of humans on our planet has grown tremendously in recent centuries. In 1800 one billion humans occupied our earth; on 15 November 2022, this number reached 8 billion.

A result of this growth, the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, drastically increased. The increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere foster the long-term increase of our earth’s temperatures, also referred to as global warming.

While the earth’s population grew, so did our mass consumption society. After the Second World War humanity witnessed gigantic global economic development with great technological improvements. Computers, laptops, airplanes, tablets and Internet of Things connected humans all over the world. The hunger for plastics and steel grew as all products had to be manufactured in ever-increasing volumes. As the economy developed, our consumption grew apace.

The healthcare sector has seen the same increase of consumption. The number of patients grew, and so did the number of single-use medical products. As products become more complex and more different materials were combined., recycling became more difficult. Thus, hospitals transformed into waste factories with ever-growing waste streams. The consumption of (disposable) medical devices takes up scarce raw materials and contributes to the growing CO2 emissions.

In this book, Van Straten, Alvino and Horeman present their findings on how to create a sustainable healthcare economy by introducing different circular strategies. In 9 chapters, they present a wide variation of studies as practical cases to show what strategies and actions can be taken in order to implement sustainable strategies for a circular healthcare.

This book was written in line with the courses the authors developed at TU Extension School, the open online education edX platform of Delft University of Technology/TU Delft, a leading university in science and technology, recognized for its world-class research. This book is a manual for everyone who follows the online course ‘Circular strategies for a sustainable healthcare’, but certainly also for everyone who wants to discover more about circular strategies and wants to understand the principles and practices of circular economy and urban mining. This book is suitable for students, researchers, policymakers and practitioners in the fields of healthcare sustainability, management, business and economics.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Bart Van Straten
Letizia Alvino
Tim Horeman
Date Added:
DC Circuits
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0.0 stars

This book covers Direct Current (DC) circuit theory and is broken up into three modules. Module 1 covers the basics for circuits that include DC sources (voltage or current) and resistors. Even though Module 1 is not very difficult, it forms the foundation for more complicated topics in modules 2 and 3 so it is important to have a firm grasp of all Module 1 topics before moving on. Module 2 covers more difficult problem solving techniques for circuits that include only DC sources and resistors. Module 3 introduces capacitors and inductors. These non-linear reactive components are analyzed in the transient and steady state regions in circuits with DC sources in Module 3. Also annexed is a two-page cheat sheet that ENGR 2431 students at University of Oklahoma can use for exams.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Chad Davis
Date Added:
DC Electrical Circuit Analysis: A Practical Approach
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0.0 stars

Welcome to DC Electrical Circuit Analysis, an open educational resource (OER). The goal of this text is to introduce the theory and practical application of analysis of DC electrical circuits. It is offered free of charge under a Creative Commons non-commercial, share-alike with attribution license. For your convenience, along with the free pdf and odt files, print copies are available at a very modest charge. Check my web sites for links.

Applied Science
Material Type:
James M. Fiore
Date Added:
Delay Insentitive Circuits -- Structures, Semantics, and Strategies
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0.0 stars

The design of concurrent distributed hardware systems is a major challenge for engineers today and is bound to escalate in the future, but engineering education continues to emphasize traditional tools of logic design that are just not up to the job. For engineers tackling realistic projects, improvised attempts at synchronization across multiple clock domains have long been a fact of life. Prone to hazards and metastability, these ad hoc interfaces could well be the least trustworthy aspects of a system, and typically also the least able to benefit from any readily familiar textbook techniques of analysis or verification.

Progress in the long run depends on a change of tactics. Instead of the customary but inevitably losing battle to describe complex systems in terms of their stepwise time evolution, taking their causal relationships and handshaking protocols as a starting point cuts to the chase by putting the emphasis where it belongs. This way of thinking may call for setting aside a hard earned legacy of practice and experience, but it leads ultimately to a more robust and scalable methodology.

Delay insensitive circuits rely on local coordination and control from the ground up. The most remarkable consequence of adhering to this course is that circuits can get useful things done without any clock distribution network whatsoever. Because a handshake acknowledgment concludes each interaction among primitive components and higher level subsystems alike, a clock pulse to mark them would be superfluous. This effect can bring a welcome relief to projects whose timing infrastructure would otherwise tend to create more problems than it solves.

The theory of delay insensitive circuits is not new but has not yet attracted much attention outside of its research community. At best ignored and at worst discouraged in standard curricula, this topic until now has been accessible only by navigating a sea of conference papers and journal articles, some of them paywalled. Popular misconceptions and differing conventions about terminology and notation have posed further barriers to entry. To address this need, this book presents a unified account of delay insensitive circuits from first principles to cutting edge concepts, subject only to an undergraduate-level understanding of discrete math. In an approachable tutorial format with numerous illustrations, exercises, and over three hundred references, it guides an engineering professional or advanced student towards proficiency in this extensive field.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Electronic Technology
Material Type:
Dennis Furey
Date Added:
The Delft Sand, Clay & Rock Cutting Model
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0.0 stars

In dredging, trenching, (deep sea) mining, drilling, tunnel boring and many other applications, sand, clay or rock has to be excavated. This book gives an overview of cutting theories. It starts with a generic model, which is valid for all types of soil (sand, clay and rock) after which the specifics of dry sand, water saturated sand, clay, atmospheric rock and hyperbaric rock are covered. For each soil type small blade angles and large blade angles, resulting in a wedge in front of the blade, are discussed. For each case considered, the equations/model for the cutting forces, power and specific energy are given. The models are verified with laboratory research, mainly at the Delft University of Technology, but also with data from literature.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Maritime Science
Material Type:
Sape A. Miedema
Date Added:
Digging into Canadian Soils
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0.0 stars

An Introduction to Soil Science

Short Description:
Written entirely by members of the Canadian Society of Soil Science, "Digging into Canadian Soils: An Introduction to Soil Science" provides an introduction to the core disciplines of soil science, and introduces the concepts and vocabulary needed by students just beginning their soil science journey. The textbook provides supplementary materials that are specific to regions in Canada, or may be of specific interest beyond what might be considered introductory soil science material. Importantly, the textbook also is intended to introduce students to the Canadian System of Soil Classification by providing examples from across the length and breadth of the world’s second largest country, and to the Canadian Society of Soil Science, whose members share a common passion for soil science and are keen to share and instill this passion with students across Canada.

Long Description:
Written, reviewed and edited by members of the Canadian Society of Soil Science, Digging into Canadian Soils: An Introduction to Soil Science provides an introduction to the core disciplines of soil science (pedology, soil biology and microbiology, physics, chemistry, fertility and nutrient cycling, and management), and introduces the concepts and vocabulary needed by students just beginning their soil science journey. The textbook is appropriate for use in a number of disciplines, including environmental and agricultural sciences, as well as related geology, geography and natural resources engineering disciplines.

Chapters within the textbook are presented in three sections according to the content and level of the complexity. The first section of the book, Digging In, introduces core disciplines in a series of chapters written by authors whose research expertise informs the chapter content. Supplementary materials that are specific to regions in Canada are presented in chapters within a second section, Digging Across Canada. The third section, Digging Deeper, provides in-depth overview of some topics beyond what is considered core soil science disciplinary material, and may be appropriate for upper level soil science or related discipline courses. The textbook includes an extensive glossary that is accessible via in-text links. Importantly, the textbook is intended also to introduce students to the Canadian System of Soil Classification by providing examples from across the length and breadth of the world’s second largest country, and to the Canadian Society of Soil Science, whose members share a common passion for soil science and are keen to share and instill this passion with students across Canada.

Word Count: 182572

ISBN: 978-0-88880-668-0

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Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Canadian Society of Soil Science
Canadian Society of Soil Science
Date Added:
Direct Energy
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0.0 stars

Direct Energy Conversion discusses both the physics behind energy conversion processes and a wide variety of energy conversion devices. A direct energy conversion process converts one form of energy to another through a single process. The first half of this book surveys multiple devices that convert to or from electricity including piezoelectric devices, antennas, solar cells, light emitting diodes, lasers, thermoelectric devices, and batteries. In these chapters, physical effects are discussed, terminology used by engineers in the discipline is introduced, and insights into material selection is studied. The second part of this book puts concepts of energy conversion in a more abstract framework. These chapters introduce the idea of calculus of variations and illuminate relationships between energy conversion processes.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Trine University
Andrea Mitofsky
Date Added:
Dredging Engineering: Special Topics
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0.0 stars

In dredging, production estimating is carried out mainly with analytical physical models of the different dredging processes.
Slurry transport of settling slurries and cutting processes in sand, clay and rock are already covered in two other books by the author.
Other processes like hopper sedimentation and erosion, water jet fluidization, cutter head spillage, pump/pipeline dynamics and clamshell dredging are covered in this Special Topics Edition.
New topics may be added in the near future.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Maritime Science
Material Type:
S.A. Miedema
Date Added:
Du soleil pour tous
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

L’énergie solaire au Sénégal : un droit, des droits, une histoire

Long Description:
L’énergie solaire est une promesse de développement et de prospérité pour l’Afrique. Elle a été annoncée et expérimentée sur le continent dans un esprit de science ouverte et de « communs » technologiques et énergétiques il y a déjà près de soixante ans. Séchoirs et chauffe-eaux, pompes solaires et centrales électriques thermodynamiques : des pionniers ont développé et installé, dès la fin des années 1950, des techniques et des matériels en Afrique de l’Ouest et en particulier au Sénégal.

Le présent ouvrage, issu de deux journées d’études organisées à Dakar en mai 2016, rend compte pour la première fois, de manière particulièrement symbolique, de cette histoire et du futur de l’énergie solaire en Afrique. Il rassemble, dans une première partie, des témoignages d’acteurs et une mise en perspective sociohistorique large des politiques de l’énergie solaire en Afrique de l’Ouest sur un demi-siècle. Ce regard est complété par la réédition d’un texte de référence du professeur Abdou Moumouni Dioffo, pionnier nigérien de l’énergie solaire dès 1964.

Dans une seconde partie, cet ouvrage interroge également les prolongements actuels de l’énergie solaire en France et au Sénégal, en particulier son encadrement juridique et réglementaire. L’énergie solaire peut-elle ou doit-elle être considérée comme un « commun » ou un droit humain fondamental? Quels sont aujourd’hui les droits associés à l’énergie solaire au Sénégal? Quels enseignements tirer d’une comparaison avec le corpus juridique en la matière tel qu’il existe en France?

Associant juristes français et sénégalais, et spécialistes de la sociologie et des politiques de l’énergie, cet ouvrage se veut au final une invitation et un outil pour poursuivre les recherches sur l’histoire et le droit de l’énergie solaire en Afrique.

(Compléments vidéos, entretiens et témoignages sur le blog de recherche : https://afrisol.hypotheses.org)

Word Count: 96883

ISBN: 978-2-924661-34-5

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Applied Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Mamadou Badji
Sous la direction de Frédéric Caille
Date Added:
Effective Professional Communication: A Rhetorical Approach
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0.0 stars

Word Count: 108374

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Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Visual Arts
Material Type:
University of Saskatchewan
Corey Owen
Rebekah Bennetch
Zachary Keesey
Date Added:
Electromagnetics, Volume 1
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0.0 stars

Electromagnetics Volume 1 by Steven W. Ellingson is a 225-page, peer-reviewed open educational resource intended for electrical engineering students in the third year of a bachelor of science degree program. It is intended as a primary textbook for a one-semester first course in undergraduate engineering electromagnetics. The book employs the “transmission lines first” approach in which transmission lines are introduced using a lumped-element equivalent circuit model for a differential length of transmission line, leading to one-dimensional wage equations for voltage and current.

Suggested citation: Ellingson, Steven W. (2018) Electromagnetics, Vol. 1. Blacksburg, VA: VT Publishing. https://doi.org/10.21061/electromagnetics-vol-1 CC BY-SA 4.0

Three formats of this book are available:
Print (ISBN 978-0-9979201-8-5)
PDF (ISBN 978-0-9979201-9-2)
LaTeX source files

If you are a professor reviewing, adopting, or adapting this textbook please help us understand a little more about your use by filling out this form: http://bit.ly/vtpublishing-updates

Additional Resources
Problem sets and the corresponding solution manual are also available.
Community portal for the Electromagnetics series https://www.oercommons.org/groups/electromagnetics-user-group/3455/
Faculty listserv for the Electromagnetics series https://groups.google.com/a/vt.edu/d/forum/electromagnetics-g
Submit feedback and suggestions http://bit.ly/electromagnetics-suggestion

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Preliminary Concepts
Chapter 2: Electric and Magnetic Fields
Chapter 3: Transmission Lines
Chapter 4: Vector Analysis
Chapter 5: Electrostatics
Chapter 6: Steady Current and Conductivity
Chapter 7: Magnetostatics
Chapter 8: Time-Varying Fields
Chapter 9: Plane Waves in Lossless Media
A. Constitutive Parameters of Some Common Materials
B. Mathematical Formulas
C. Physical Constants

About the Author: Steven W. Ellingson (ellingson@vt.edu) is an Associate Professor at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia in the United States. He received PhD and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Ohio State University and a BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Clarkson University. He was employed by the US Army, Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Raytheon, and the Ohio State University ElectroScience Laboratory before joining the faculty of Virginia Tech, where he teaches courses in electromagnetics, radio frequency systems, wireless communications, and signal processing. His research includes topics in wireless communications, radio science, and radio frequency instrumentation. Professor Ellingson serves as a consultant to industry and government and is the author of Radio Systems Engineering (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

This textbook is part of the Open Electromagnetics Project led by Steven W. Ellingson at Virginia Tech. The goal of the project is to create no-cost openly-licensed content for courses in undergraduate engineering electromagnetics. The project is motivated by two things: lowering learning material costs for students and giving faculty the freedom to adopt, modify, and improve their educational resources.

Accessibility features of this book: Screen reader friendly, navigation, and Alt-text for all images and figures.

Publication of this book was made possible in part by the Open Education Faculty Initiative Grant program at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. http://guides.lib.vt.edu/oer/grants

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Steven W. Ellingson
Date Added:
Electromagnetics, Volume 2
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Electromagnetics, volume 2 by Steven W. Ellingson is a 216-page peer-reviewed open textbook designed especially for electrical engineering students in the third year of a bachelor of science degree program. It is intended as the primary textbook for the second semester of a two-semester undergraduate engineering electromagnetics sequence. The book addresses magnetic force and the Biot-Savart law; general and lossy media; parallel plate and rectangular waveguides; parallel wire, microstrip, and coaxial transmission lines; AC current flow and skin depth; reflection and transmission at planar boundaries; fields in parallel plate, parallel wire, and microstrip transmission lines; optical fiber; and radiation and antennas.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Preliminary Concepts
Chapter 2: Magnetostatics Redux
Chapter 3: Wave Propagation in General Media
Chapter 4: Current Flow in Imperfect Conductors
Chapter 5: Wave Reflection and Transmission
Chapter 6: Waveguides
Chapter 7: Transmission Lines Redux
Chapter 8: Optical Fiber
Chapter 9: Radiation
Chapter 10: Antennas
Appendix A: Constitutive Parameters of Some Common Materials
Appendix B: Mathematical Formulas
Appendix C: Physical Constants

Additional Resources
Problem sets and the corresponding solution manuals
Slides of figures used in and created for the book
LaTeX sourcefiles.
Screen-reader friendly version
Errata for Volume 2
Collaborator portal for the Electromagnetics series https://www.oercommons.org/groups/electromagnetics-user-group/3455
Faculty listserv for the Electromagnetics series
Submit feedback and suggestions

The Open Electromagnetics Project https://www.faculty.ece.vt.edu/swe/oem
Led by Steven W. Ellingson at Virginia Tech, the goal of the Open Electromagnetics Project is to create no-cost openly-licensed content for courses in engineering electromagnetics. The project is motivated by two things: lowering learning material costs for students and giving faculty the freedom to adopt, modify, and improve their educational resources.

Books in this Series
Electromagnetics, Volume 1 https://doi.org/10.21061/electromagnetics-vol-1
Electromagnetics, Volume 2 https://doi.org/10.21061/electromagnetics-vol-2

To express your interest in a book or this series, please visit http://bit.ly/vtpublishing-updates

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Steven W. Ellingson
Date Added:
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems is written for students in science, engineering, and mathematics who have completed calculus through partial differentiation. If your syllabus includes Chapter 10 (Linear Systems of Differential Equations), your students should have some preparation in linear algebra. In writing this book I have been guided by the these principles: An elementary text should be written so the student can read it with comprehension without too much pain. I have tried to put myself in the student's place, and have chosen to err on the side of too much detail rather than not enough. An elementary text can't be better than its exercises. This text includes 2041 numbered exercises, many with several parts. They range in difficulty from routine to very challenging. An elementary text should be written in an informal but mathematically accurate way, illustrated by appropriate graphics. I have tried to formulate mathematical concepts succinctly in language that students can understand. I have minimized the number of explicitly stated theorems and defonitions, preferring to deal with concepts in a more conversational way, copiously illustrated by 299 completely worked out examples. Where appropriate, concepts and results are depicted in 188 figures

Applied Science
Material Type:
Trinity University
William F. Trench
Date Added:
Embedded Controllers Using C and Arduino 2E
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0.0 stars

This is intended as an introduction to embedded controllers for students in Electrical Engineering and Technology at the AAS and/or BS level. It begins with a discussion of the C programming language and then shifts to using the open source Arduino hardware platform. Uses both the Arduino library and more direct coding of the controller.

Applied Science
Material Type:
James M. Fiore
Date Added:
Embedded Controllers Using C and Arduino Lab Manual, 2E
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0.0 stars

This is the companion lab manual for the text "Embedded Controllers Using C and Arduino 2E". It introduces embedded controller systems using the Arduino hardware platform and the C programming language. It is intended for students in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Technology programs at the Associate and Baccalaureate levels. Clicking to view this item begins a .doc download.

Applied Science
Material Type:
James M. Fiore
Date Added:
Engineering Mechanics: Statics
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0.0 stars

Introduction to engineering mechanics: statics, for those who love to learn. Concepts include: particles and rigid body equilibrium equations, distributed loads, shear and moment diagrams, trusses, method of joints and sections, & inertia.

Applied Science
Material Type:
University of Prince Edward Island
Emma Christensen
Gayla Cameron
Libby (Elizabeth) Osgood
Date Added:
Engineering Statics: Open and Interactive
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0.0 stars

A free and open source textbook for a traditional, one-semester, engineering mechanics (statics) course.
Topics include forces and moments; equilibrium of particles, rigid bodies, and structures; centroids and moments of inertia. The text contains interactive diagrams illustrating important concepts. A pdf version is at https://engineeringstatics.org/pdf/statics.pdf

Applied Science
Material Type:
Dan Baker
William Haynes
Date Added:
Excel for Contractors
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This Beginning Excel textbook is intended for use in a one-term introductory spreadsheet course with an emphasis in the use of Excel for Building Construction Programs. The basics of Excel, as they apply to the professional workplace, are introduced, including spreadsheet design, data entry, formulas, functions, charts, tables, and multi-sheet use. This textbook includes instructions for Excel for Mac also.

Long Description:
This Beginning Excel textbook is intended for use in a one-term introductory spreadsheet course with an emphasis in the use of Excel for Building Construction Programs. The basics of Excel, as they apply to the professional workplace, are introduced, including spreadsheet design, data entry, formulas, functions, charts, tables, and multi-sheet use. This textbook includes instructions for Excel for Mac also.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Word Count: 56709

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Material Type:
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Art Schneider
Barbara Lave
Hallie Puncochar
Julie Romey
Mary Schatz
Nick Bredleau
Date Added: