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The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this lesson, students hear a story about Brother and Sister Bear, who seem to want everything. The little cubs learn that they must make choices because they cannot have everything they want. Students follow along with the story by completing an activity listing all of the goods that will satisfy the cubs' wants. The students then take part in an activity to construct a word web and graphic organizer (table) to identify goods that will satisfy a want. They will make a choice, identify the problem of scarcity, and recognize their opportunity cost.

English Language Arts
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Provider Set:
Economic Lowdown Lessons
Erin A. Yetter
Date Added:
Berkeley Unified School District: Garden-Based Learning Curriculum
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This curriculum builds upon many years of educating students in the garden and scales up content across grades and lessons for instructional scaffolding. It is designed as an interactive teaching tool to be co-taught with classroom teachers and garden instructors as leads. Each lesson connects directly to standards: Next Generation Science, Common Core State, Physical Education, and Environmental and Health Education. The concise and easy to-follow lessons are a packed 45 minutes for preschool through fifth grade. Flexibility is important, so some lessons include several activities that teachers can choose from to accommodate their lesson plans. Consistency is also important, so lessons follow themes and structures found in the Curriculum Map. 360 pages.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Berkeley Unified School District
Date Added:
Best practice collection for gender balance and non-discrimination in career guidance
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

"Best practice collection for gender balance and non-discrimination in career guidance" was developed in the frame of the Erasmus+ project „Online mentoring and Professional Peer Coaching Skills for Youth Training“. The project brings together the professionals from Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Czech Republic with the aim to focus of the mentoring and career quidance in the field of nursing, teaching and social work of the young persons in search of a job and young professionals.
As their area of nursing, teaching and social work are based on the inter-relationship between the client and the professional, the stereotypes and biases plays crutial role on the both sides. And on the side of professional there exists one challenge on the top: their area of work is strongly connected with the vision of „care“, it´s stereotypes and consequences into the atribution of the female-male division of work. Feminisation of the sector of education and care is evident in every of the involved country – the statistics are used to show the cases in respective countries.
The main theoretical concepts are supported by the relevant statistics from respective partner countries. To underline their relevance to the specific sector of social care, nursing and teaching the specific section (section 4) focus on national statistics. The the question of gender balance has also implication to the labour market as well as for conception of the politics and societal approach to the topic of equality itself. Section 5 determine basic knowledge of the importance of gender balance and it´s benefits for the society and organizational lebel.
Finally section 6 brought the attention to the best practices themselves. They are classified according their topic and focus. Firstly there are listed practices of reaching gender balance in nursing/teaching/social work itself. As examples shows, there is not many attention paid to the topic of non-discriminatory career quidance in the monitored areas. In the second part there are listed practices more widelly toutching this phenomena: non-discriminatory
approach and gender balance on employment market and public sphere.
The collection therefore has the role to rise the awareness about this topic not only between the young professionals, but also between the service care providers as employers who plays a significant role on the employment market. While the demographic situation is strongly associated with ageing trends and it´s impacts to the employability, it is necessery to bear in the mind, that it affects in the different ways men and in different ways women.

Social Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Ana Arzenšek
Auksė Puškorienė
Denitza Toptciyska
Doru Cantemir
Helena Skalova
Ioana Cantemir
Irina-Elena Macovei
Jerneja Šibilja
Klára Cozlová
Lada Wichterlová
Robertas Kavolius
Silva Blažulionienė
Silvia Popovici
Simeon Toptchiyski
Date Added:
The Better Arguments Project
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Better Arguments can help students learn to engage productively across differences and grapple with differing viewpoints. Linked are resources that are applicable to school-based learning activities and after school programs. These include a curriculum, exit ticket exercise and current events exercise.

English Language Arts
Political Science
Social Science
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
The Better Arguments Project
Date Added:
Beyond Crisis Mode: Humanizing Youth Migration to the United States
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

How does media coverage of migration shape how Americans’ views of migration by youth? Why are so many young people trying to migrate to the United States? What are their journeys like? What happens when they get to the U.S.-Mexico Border? What role does U.S. policy play in this situation? These are the major questions that students will explore in this 4-day mini-unit, which results in media literacy and creative assessments.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Pulitzer Center
Ingrid Fey
Date Added:
Beyond Happiness: Flourishing
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This open short course is offered through Oregon State University (OSU) Open Oregon State. The learning modules in this short course are open, self-study learning modules with no live instructor, facilitator, or enrollment requirements, as these self-paced modules are made publicly visible (student data will remain private) in Canvas. Modules include mental health and well-being, purpose(career) well-being, mindset, personal strengths, and mindfulness meditation

Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Oregon State University
Michele Ribeiro
Open Oregon State
Oregon State University
Date Added:
Biometry Protocol
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0.0 stars

The purpose of this resource is to measure and classify the plant life at a Land Cover Site to help determine the MUC classification.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
The GLOBE Program
Provider Set:
GLOBE Teacher's Guide NGSS Aligned Records
Date Added:
Breaking the Attention-Seeking Habit: The Power of Random Positive Teacher Attention
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Some students misbehave because they are trying to attract teacher attention. Surprisingly, many students who value adult attention don't really care if it is positive (praise) or negative attention (reprimands)--they just want attention!
Unfortunately, instructors with students who thrive on teacher attention can easily fall into a 'reprimand trap.' The scenario might unfold much like this: First, the student misbehaves. Then the teacher approaches the student and reprimands him or her for misbehaving. Because the student finds the negative teacher attention to be reinforcing, he or she continues to misbehave-and the teacher naturally responds by reprimanding the student more often! An escalating, predictable cycle is established, with the student repeatedly acting-out and teacher reprimanding him or her.
Teachers can break out of this cycle, though, by using 'random positive attention' with students. Essentially, the instructor starts to ignore student attention-seeking behaviors, while at the same time 'randomly' giving the student positive attention. That is, the student receives regular positive teacher attention but at times unconnected to misbehavior. So the student still gets the adult attention that he or she craves. More importantly, the link between student misbehavior and resulting negative teacher attention is broken.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Intervention Central
Jim Wright
Date Added:
Build a Student Motivation Trap to Increase Academic Engagement
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Motivating a reluctant student to complete schoolwork is not easy. In a typical classroom, students can choose from a number of sources of potential reinforcement (Billington & DiTommaso, 2003)--and academic tasks often take a back seat to competing behaviors such as talking with peers. One way that teachers can increase the attractiveness of schoolwork is by structuring lessons or assignments around topics or activities of high interest to the student (Miller et al., 2003).In fact, with planning, the teacher can set up a 'trap' that uses motivating elements to capture a student's attention to complete academic tasks (Alber & Heward, 1996). Here is a 6-step blue-print for building an academic 'motivation trap' (adapted from Alber & Heward, 1996).

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Intervention Central
Jim Wright
Date Added:
Building Parent-Teacher Partnerships: Classroom Tips
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0.0 stars

Good two-way communication between families and schools is necessary for students' success. Not surprisingly, research shows that the more parents and teachers share relevant information with each other about a student, the better equipped both will be to help that student achieve academically. Opportunities for two-way communication include: (1) Parent conferences; (2) Parent-teacher organizations or school community councils; (3) Weekly or monthly folders of student work sent home for parent review and comment; (4) Phone calls; and (5) E-mail or school Web site. This paper presents ideas for building parent-teacher partnerships.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
American Federation of Teachers
Date Added:
Building the Foundation - A Suggested Progression of Sub-skills to Achieve the Reading Standards: Foundational Skills in the Common Core State Standards
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This document is based on an analysis that determined the sub-skills students need to achieve in each of the Foundational Skills (K–5) in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). It contains five sections, each targeting one grade level in: Print Concepts, Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Word Recognition, and Fluency. It also includes instructional examples aligned to the sub-skills, giving teachers samples of activity types that facilitate acquisition of the sub-skills. Each chart includes up to three grade levels to inform instruction for students who are either struggling and need extra support or intervention, or for students performing above grade-level expectations and require enrichment, to allow a teacher to see which skills should have been mastered in the previous year and what students are preparing for in the upcoming years.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
OER Commons
Provider Set:
Common Core Reference Collection
Date Added:
CALL Principles and Practices
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Since the first version of this book came out in 2005, the field of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has grown and changed. This update is the result of some of those changes. Our intent is to place pedagogical goals before technologies, as the literature advises but is not always followed in classrooms. In revising this book, as in the original, we assume that good teachers teach well because they bear in mind certain principles about how they can best help learners to learn language. Placing these principles at the center of attention makes it much easier for teachers to concentrate on the question of what constitutes effective computer-enhanced pedagogy and why.

This book takes as its organizing principles both the system of conditions that are known to support effective language learning and the goals that a variety of standards in the field have set out for us and our students.

Examples throughout the book underscore the need to consider theory in every aspect of the teaching and learning process. Some of the points in this book we have made in other places; other we discovered during the revision process. All told, this text provides a brief picture of what CALL classrooms can be like today. Of course, that could change tomorrow.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Joy Egbert
Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni
Date Added:
CCC's OEI Course Design Rubric Sections
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This sample shell is produced by the California Community Colleges CVC-OEI to support faculty in the use of Open Educational Resources and development of courses aligned to the OEI Course Design Rubric. The shell may be used for online, hybrid, &/or face-to-face classes. The shell is available for all faculty, not just those faculty in the CCC system. The team producing this shell includes Helen Graves, Liezl Madrona, Cyrus Helf, Nicole Woolley & Barbara Illowsky. If you are having challenges importing the shell, here are some steps to take. (1) Create an empty shell in your sandbox. (2) Import the Canvas Commons course into your shell. (3) Adapt the content as you wish. (4) If all else fails, contact your college IT person or Canvas administrator.

Material Type:
Full Course
California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative
Date Added:
CS Discoveries 2019-2020: Web Development Lesson 2.14: Project - Final Personal Website
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students have spent a lot of time throughout the unit working on their Personal Website. In the final couple of days students finalize their websites. They work with peers to get feedback, put the finishing touches on the websites, review the rubric and reflect on their process. To cap off the unit, they will share their projects and also a overview of the process they took to get to that final design.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
CS Discoveries 2019-2020
Date Added:
CS Equity Guide
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The CSforCA CS Equity Guide is designed for administrators interested in
implementing equity-minded computer science (CS) in K-12 schools, districts, or

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Calming the Agitated Student
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0.0 stars

Students can sometimes have emotional outbursts in school settings. This fact will not surprise many teachers, who have had repeated experience in responding to serious classroom episodes of student agitation. Such outbursts can be attributed in part to the relatively high incidence of mental health issues among children and youth. It is estimated, for example, that at least one in five students in American schools will experience a mental health disorder by adolescence (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999). But even students not identified as having behavioral or emotional disorders may occasionally have episodes of agitation triggered by situational factors such as peer bullying, frustration over poor academic performance, stressful family relationships, or perceived mistreatment by educators.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Intervention Central
Jim Wright
Date Added:
Can an Animal's Traits be Influenced by the Environment?
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

The lesson will begin with the teacher leading a discussion related to animal traits and the environment using a T-chart graphic organizer. The students will have the opportunity to discuss their ideas with a partner, and then the teacher will introduce the essential question of the lesson: "Can an animal's traits be influenced by the environment?" Next, the teacher will show students a video clip and nonfiction text related to the arctic fox, which is an animal that experiences a seasonal change in its fur color, and record information about the fox's traits and habitat on a T-chart graphic organizer. Then, students will research a different animal to determine how its traits can be influenced by its environment using digital or print sources and take brief notes. Lastly, students will develop an explanatory text in a claim-evidence-reasoning format that includes an illustration to help convey their scientific ideas clearly. This lesson results from the ALEX Resource Gap Project.

English Language Arts
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX)
Date Added:
Canvas Commons OER Cohort Module Development for WRI Technical Report Writing: Wiki & Style Guide Project
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is a Canvas Commons Module for WRI Technical Report Writing.

WRI 227

Focuses on techniques of gathering, organizing, and presenting technical information and graphics. Requires technical reports derived from realistic situations in the student’s major.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Susan Rauch
Date Added: