An overview of Finding elements by CSS selector
- Subject:
- Applied Science
- Computer Science
- Material Type:
- Interactive
- Lesson
- Provider:
- Khan Academy
- Provider Set:
- Khan Academy
- Author:
- Pamela Fox
- Date Added:
- 07/11/2021
An overview of Finding elements by CSS selector
An overview of Finding elements by ID
Learn how you can find elements on your page by passing CSS selectors into the jQuery function.
An overview of Finding multiple DOM elements by tag or class name
The class discusses expectations for pair and group programming, and how to make students’ collaborative teams work.
The instructor reviews the design requirements for the Build My City project and makes clear the steps that students should take towards the project goals in this working session.
Students begin by remixing the Build My City starter project and have their first working session using Scratch to create their Build My City projects.
A network cable is unplugged error and solution
Learn how to make lightweight, flexible 3D printed masquerade masks! These are great masks as they make it look like the design is tattoed on your face or floating on your face.
Fliiped Classroom is one the most buzzing trends in education inrecent times. The concept and need of flipped classroom is discussed in this video.
After learning about flooding, students consider the design problems caused by its early detection
Students design and create flow charts for the MIT App Inventor tutorials in this computer science activity about program analysis. In program analysis, which is based on determining the behavior of computer programs, flow charts are an important tool for tracing control flow. Control flow is a graphical representation of the logic present in a program and how the program works. Students work through tutorials, design and create flow charts about how the tutorials function, and present their findings to the class. In their final assessment, they create an additional flow chart for an advanced App Inventor tutorial. This activity prepares students with the knowledge and skills to use App Inventor in the future to design and create Android applications.
What happens if we change the distance between our aperture and image plane?
An introduction to recursion in coding.
What's the different between a wind force and the force due to gravity? This video covers both Newton's second law of motion and law of gravity.
IntroductionThe Concept behind Form and Function(s): Sustainable Design meets Computational ThinkingWhen Architecture, the Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computing intermingle something beautiful and purposeful occurs. Through this course of study, students are challenged to think computationally by considering the notion of “design” through three perspectives on form and function. Through the first perspective, we challenge students to consider a structure’s architectural form in the context of its function within the ecology in which it belongs. A second perspective on form and function is provided by way of the natural sciences, where students explore nature’s designs, which are created through natural selection. Finally, form and function are further abstracted through a mathematical and computational perspective that focuses on how natural selection can be emulated through modelling and coding. The journey comes full circle, and the three perspectives coalesce when students engage in a hack-a-thon in which they model and code evolutionary algorithms to design a better building.Watch the Form and Function(s) animation on the Callysto Youtube channel.
The students will know about the various business and their types with the Advantages and Disadvantages which will help them with the Overview of the business for their future.Thistopic is designed to challenge students to learn about the private enterprise system and better understand how organizations operate within that environment. The aim of the topic is to expose the student to many aspects of business. The student will gain a basic understanding of why business organizations exist, how they operate in an environment characterized by uncertainty and the principle activities of a modern business. The topic also aims to expose the student to the multiple career fields in the areas of business. Rather than focusing narrowly on a particular function of an enterprise, provides a broad overview of business-related concepts.
Watch this video from our Personal Finance 101 Conversations series to examine the costs and benefits of various post-secondary education options including community colleges, technical colleges and universities, and more recently, for-profit colleges.
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Can you tell the difference between actions based upon flipping a coin and those based upon blind guessing or simulating randomness? This short video examines the frequency stability property. Created by Brit Cruise.
Prepaid cards were invented to solve a problem: replacing coin usage in pay telephones. Since then, prepaid cards have evolved into a huge competitive market for general-purpose reloadable (GPR) prepaid cards. Read more about GPR prepaid cards in the May 2015 inaugural edition of Page One Economics Focus on Finance.