SLASL Webinar #3 Pre-work

by Joanna Schimizzi 7 years, 3 months ago

What was your biggest success in Part 10 of the template (designing your text set)?




What was your biggest success in Parts 1-9 of the template?


Image source: CC attribution

Lauren Schultz 7 years, 3 months ago

For our group, our greatest succes in part 10 was finding a quality anchor text, which we had identified during the Academy.  This was really important for us because once we had a great anchor text, we were able to get a lot of ideas of what direction we wanted to go in for our unit.  

Tamryn O'Toole 7 years, 3 months ago

For our team, I believe our biggest success was finding a quality anchor text and working together to verify that it could be used as an open education resource. We worked well together to read into the copyrights and Amy even went as far to email the coordinator of educational resources to verify our ability to use the text and tweak it for scaffolding purposes. 

Lori Zeman 7 years, 3 months ago

For our team, collaborating on parts 1 - 9 and feeling proud of what we had put together based on our thoughts and I wonders during training was a great feeling. The more we added and collaborated, the project began to feel real and so did our excitement for the task. Speicifically, writing our learning objectives gave us a real path to follow for our anchor and supporting texts. 

Christina Segura 7 years, 3 months ago

The greatest success in part 10 of the template in our group was all of our strengths coming together to produce a quaility anchor text, amazing text-dependant questions, and great supporting texts. Our strengths helped us come up with texts and questions that support both of our subject areas. 

Robin Williams 7 years, 3 months ago

After our last webinar I spent some time and found a huge supply of OER texts for the project - this was probably our biggest success. Once we had those it was pretty easy to get the work done. I was also impressed with my teams' TDQ's! I have also heard from my team that they're getting excited to teach this lesson - big success there too! 

Laura Armstrong 7 years, 3 months ago

I agree with Robin in terms of our group's success! It took us a while to find a quality anchor text so I think this is a huge sucess. I also think that the text will raise some good inquiry questions and make the students excited to learn about our local economy. 

Justin Pierce 7 years, 3 months ago

I feel as though our greatest success with Part 10 is how we've developed thoughtful text dependent questions from our adopted supporting texts. These works and our questions approach the material from various angles, giving our overall topic a depth that is sometimes missing from units/lessons.

Kortney Kavanagh 7 years, 3 months ago

Our greatest success in part 10 I think was finding a great anchor text with a lot of supporting texts to tie the whole project together.  After finding texts that related exactly to what we were looking to focus on for our project, we were able to collaborate together and come up with some really great ideas for our project.  I also think all of us having an open mind and being willing to change our initial ideas to make the project better lead us down the right path in being creative and constructing a fun project!

Mark Alston 7 years, 3 months ago

What I would consider our group's biggest success would be finding an anchor texr that was very appropriate for the unit, as well as having a concensus agreement that it was the best text for the activity. Also, the mathematics were very appropriate for the standards.

Kristen Johnson 7 years, 3 months ago

I think our success is in working with the team. Although this is the first time we've collaborarated on a project, we are gaining insight on our individual strengths & weaknesses and working through them to create an engaging experience for our scholars and ourselves.

Amy Moore 7 years, 3 months ago

Our biggest success was finding an article that really put oceanography and chemistry together in a way that really does allow us to both teach content and the necessary level. The problem we faced was ensuring that our desired anchor text was something we would be able to use since it was copyrighted in a way that we were unsure if we could use it or not. I think while this problem was frustrating it was also great becase it showed us the importance of being able to reach out and ask for clarification when it comes to copyright so that we can use resources appropriately. Copyrighting and terms or services are very confusing often is ignored when they could be simplified and easy for people to understand so that people wouldn't choose to ignore it as much possibly. 

Anne Bucci 7 years, 3 months ago

I think our biggest success is the collaboration among our team. We each bring our own skill sets to the table. Everyone has been willing to step outside of comfort zones to work for the common good. I am amazed at the energy my team brings, the ideas and suggestions we share. I have learned so much about the two colleagues with whom I am collaborating and it makes me feel that in the future that it would not be such a daunting task to reach out to other science colleagues in a collaborative effort. We have had our ups and downs with our anchor text and some of the hoops we have had to jump through have been frustrating, but this is teaching all of us patience and perserverance -  skills we need to exhibit as educators and skills we like to develop and foster with our students.Once our unit really began to take hold I could showcase more of my skills as the media coordinator in pulling together resources to share with both educators and students. There have been times this process has seemed like work, a lot of work, but there have been other times that it has really been quite fun (in a nerdy, educator type way of course)!

Keiauda Tennant 7 years, 3 months ago

I think one of our biggest successes was solidifying our anchor text. We found it when we were together in January, but we were able to re-evaluate based on what we know now and we still chose it. Since our anchor text is quite lengthy, we were also able to  narrow down the part of the text we want students to examine. This is critical as it really serves as a foundation for the rest of the project. I also thought our collaboration on parts 1-9 was great and showcased our individual strengths within our team. 

Kristen Ward 7 years, 3 months ago

For our group our biggest success was narrowing down on a top that had a lot of depth and then finding an achor text that was really relevent to our group and our students.  I feel like this will be a text that the students will be able to sink their teeths into and ask really meaningful questions. 

Danielle Gasser 7 years, 3 months ago

Our biggest success was finding an article that could relate to both our math and science curriculums.  The anchor text does a great job discussing how tourism affects both the environment and the economy.