SLASL Webinar #4 Pre-work (everyone)

by Joanna Schimizzi 7 years, 2 months ago

Hello STEM teachers and School Librarians -

As we get ready for our webinar on advocacy and outreach, we realize that many of you have different levels of experience with advocacy. 


To ground ourselves in common language and explore topics that are new to you, please take 5 minutes to explore this Advocacy Toolkit


Please comment by Tuesday June 6th with one topic/idea that was new to you. 

Justin Pierce 7 years, 1 month ago

I was not familiar with EDcamps or "Unconferences". Sounds like an interesting way to seek new ideas from fellow educators.

Lauren Schultz 7 years, 1 month ago

Google Hangout was not "new" to me, but I never thought of it from an advoacy perspective.  I think GHO could serve as a great way to share ideas/PD remotely.  Skype could also be a good alternative to GHO.

Lori Zeman 7 years, 1 month ago

The idea of blogs and YouTube are not new advocacy tools to me but combining them could be an interesting combination to have students do weekly video blogs that they post online to educate and inform the public about what they're learning and why it is important. At the end of the year, students could create some type of compilation that tracks the evolution of their learning. 

Keiauda Tennant 7 years, 1 month ago

I use Pinterest all the time for house decorating/DIY ideas, but haden't thought of it as a tool for collaboration. Guess I need to branch out of my comfort zone of gardening, kitchen remodels, and recipe videos. 

Mark Alston 7 years, 1 month ago

It seems to me that our profession has decided social meadia will be the driving force in a new erra of learning management systems. Although Linkendln, Facebook, Hangout, Blogs, and Youtube are new concepts, they would be to me as a means of advocacy for education.

Mark Alston 7 years, 1 month ago

It seems to me that our profession has decided that the future of education is going to be driven by social meadia. such concepts as Linkendln, Facebook, Hangout, blogs, and Youetube. Although, these are not considered new, they would be new to me as an educator. To use these medias as form of a Learning Management System would be new to me.

Christina Segura 7 years, 1 month ago

I have used google hangouts personally to talk with family but haven't considered it for education and advocacy purposes. Google handouts would be pretty easy to use as a platform in CMS due to every teacher and student have google accounts. 

Anne Bucci 7 years, 1 month ago

As a media coordinator, I'm fairly adept with avenues for advocacy. I'm not afraid to use any method or medium to reach a wide audience. I am also familiar with most of these tools. I'm constantly looking at new tools which come on the horizon and how I can use them with students, staff, my media center, etc. I just wish I had more TIME to advocate. I write well and would enjoy the experience of blogging in both my professional and personal lives.

Tamryn O'Toole 7 years, 1 month ago

Edcamps were a new idea to me. I have heard or used the other topics/ideas. 

Amy Moore 7 years, 1 month ago

I use a lot of these to find ideas for my own classroom (like ed blogs, facebook, and twitter) but I don't really use my own facebook or twitter to put my own ideas and thoughts out there like I could. I sometimes share posts that are meaningful to me or that I think my peers would also find useful but I could do more of that. I also like the idea of blogging but I have never really thought it would be helpful to others, maybe this summer I will check this idea out more. 

Kristen Ward 7 years, 1 month ago

The idea of using social media, especially pinterest is really interesting to me.  I've never really considered these platforms as advocacy tools.  I think it would be interesting to collaborate on a pinterest board.

Kortney Kavanagh 7 years, 1 month ago

I've always wanted to try blogging or google hang out but have not gotten the confidence to do so.  I think they are a great way to share information with other educators on a more personal and social level.  I think if you have fun doing it, you can create a routine and habit from it. I also love teachers that post youtube videos!!

Robin Williams 7 years, 1 month ago

I have never thought of using Pinterest as a means of advocacy- but it's a great way to share ideas and things you've done. It would be great to share what you're pinning through social media and blogs!

Danielle Gasser 7 years, 1 month ago

YouTube would be a great way to reach more people.  Many of my students spend most of their free time scrolling through countless YouTube clips, so I feel like this is a method that would connect with high schoolers.