All resources in Oregon Personal Financial Education

Identity Theft – Protecting Yourself

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Attribution: SANS Security Awareness Identity theft happens when a criminal steals information about you and uses that information to commit fraud, such as requesting unemployment benefits, tax refunds, or a new loan or credit card in your name. If you don’t take precautions, you may end up paying for products or services that you didn’t buy and dealing with the stress and financial heartache that follows identity theft. Your personal information exists in numerous places all over the internet. Every time you browse or purchase something online, watch a video, buy groceries, visit your doctor, or use an app on your smartphone, information about you is being collected. That information is often legally sold or shared with other companies. Even if just one of these gets hacked, the criminals can gain access to your personal information. Assume that some information about you is already available to criminals and consider what you can do to slow down or detect the use of your information for fraud

Material Type: Reading

Author: Aujalee Moore

"The Payoff" Game

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In The Payoff game, play the role of Alex or Jess, two up-and-coming video bloggers who are preparing for a life-changing video competition while managing their finances and handling unexpected events. In the immersive game, developed by Visa, help Alex and Jess make smart financial decisions within the tight three-day deadline and complete their video for the competition.

Material Type: Interactive, Lesson

Author: Cindy Lowe

Lesson Plan: Consumer Protection Law

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Students will be able to identify methods used by predatory lenders for prevention, comprehend basic consumer rights, and demonstrate knowledge of filing complaints when these rights are violated. Additionally, students will understand tactics employed by predatory lenders and be equipped with the skills to avoid falling victim to them.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Utah Lesson Plans

Unemployment Insurance: A Tried and True Safety Net

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Today, every state has an unemployment insurance program. This provides some income to qualified, unemployed workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. But how did these programs begin and how does the federal-state partnership work? The December 2020 issue of Page One Economics®: Focus on Finance describes this partnership that began in 1935.

Material Type: Lecture, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Reading

Insurance: Protecting Yourself from Damage - No-Frills Money Skills Video Series, Episode 6

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Insurance: Protecting Yourself from Damage is the sixth video in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis series, "No-Frills Money Skills." This episode begins with examples of activities with varying amounts of risk and introduces insurance, explaining how it is used to transfer or reduce risk. With a story about a homeowner, students learn several key insurance related concepts and terms. The content for these videos was reviewed by members of the Missouri Insurance Education Foundation.

Material Type: Lecture

Understanding Car Insurance: Paving the Way - No-Frills Money Skills Video Series, Episode 7

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Understanding Car Insurance: Paving the Way is the seventh video in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis series, "No-Frills Money Skills." This episode uses a radio talk show format to explain various aspects of car insurance. From the responses to questions from callers, students learn several key concepts and terms related to car insurance. The content for these videos was reviewed by members of the Missouri Insurance Education Foundation.

Material Type: Lecture

Retirement Account Basics: Why You’re Never Too Young to Start Thinking About Retirement

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In this February 2024 Issue of Page One Economics: Focus on Finance, we’ll explore the most common retirement savings plans and other things to consider as you begin thinking about retirement. We will compare employer-based defined-benefit and defined-contribution plans, as well as options available to individuals. Understanding the basics of retirement savings accounts can help you feel empowered to start making decisions today for your retirement!

Material Type: Lesson, Reading

Author: Amanda Geiger