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  • History
  • College / Upper Division
  • Textbook
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  • English
Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History
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Who Built America? includes a free online textbook, primary document repository, and teaching resource created by the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. The textbook and supplemental resources survey the nation’s past from an important but often neglected perspective—the transformations wrought by the changing nature and forms of work, and the role that working people played in the making of modern America.

Who Built America? offers a thirty-chapter textbook accompanied by drawings, paintings, prints, cartoons, photographs, objects, and other visual media, including links to ASHP/CML’s ten documentary videos and teacher guides that supplement the book’s themes and narrative and offer perspectives on the past that were often not articulated in the written record. Each chapter includes first-person “Voices” from the past—excerpts from letters, diaries, autobiographies, poems, songs, journalism, fiction, official testimony, oral histories, and other historical documents—along with a timeline and suggestions for further reading.

This online edition features supplemental materials designed to help readers understand the practice of history. The more than forty A Closer Look essays, offer readers an in-depth investigation of a significant historical event, cultural phenomenon, or trend that is otherwise only touched upon in a chapter. The seven Historians Disagree essays provide readers with historiographic perspectives on how scholars’ approaches to key topics have changed over time, illuminating how history is an ever-evolving field of study.

The OER also includes the History Matters Repository, featuring more than 2,000 primary source resources from the History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web site. The items in this fully searchable repository contain contextual headnotes and links to related documents.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
American Social History Project / Center for History Media and Learning
Allison Lange
Anne Valk
Annelise Orleck
Carli Snyder
Chris Clark
David Jaffee
David Parson
Donna Thompson Ray
Elise A. Mitchell
Elizabeth Shermer
Ellen Noonan
Evan Rothman
Gregoy P. Downs
Gretchen Long
Heather Lee
Joshua Brown
Julian Ehsan
Karen Sotiropoulos
Kim Phillips-Fein
Lori J. Daggar
Manuel R. Rodríguez
Martha Sandweiss
Nancy Hewitt
Naoko Shibusawa
Naomi Fisher
Nate Sleeter
Nelson Lichtenstein
Paul Ortiz
Pennee Bender
Peter Mabli
Rohma Khan
Roy Rosenzweig
Sandra Slater
Stephen Brier
Susan Schulten
Vincent DiGirolamo
Date Added:
World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500
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World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of humankind from prehistory to 1500. Authored by six USG faculty members with advance degrees in History, this textbook offers up-to-date original scholarship. It covers such cultures, states, and societies as Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Israel, Dynastic Egypt, India’s Classical Age, the Dynasties of China, Archaic Greece, the Roman Empire, Islam, Medieval Africa, the Americas, and the Khanates of Central Asia.

It includes 350 high-quality images and maps, chronologies, and learning questions to help guide student learning. Its digital nature allows students to follow links to applicable sources and videos, expanding their educational experience beyond the textbook. It provides a new and free alternative to traditional textbooks, making World History an invaluable resource in our modern age of technology and advancement.

Ancient History
World History
Material Type:
University System of Georgia
Provider Set:
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Andrew Reeves
Brian Parkinson
Charlotte Miller
Eugene Berger
George Israel
Nadejda Williams
Date Added:
World Realms 2022 Version
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You have reached the Open Education Resource book "World Realms, 2022 Version," by Lincoln A. DeBunce, Blue Mountain Community College. Creation of the online text was made possible by an OpenOregon Grant. You may use this material under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

The design of the book is to provide an introductory chapter covering the physical and demographic setting, followed by nine regional chapters that provide a short overview and cultural awareness topic of the world's realms. The intent is to create a workable framework that can be tailored to the requirements of an instructor, especially those who need to cover the world in ten short weeks. Supplemental readings, videos, map work, quizzes and more can be added.

World History
Material Type:
Lincoln A. DeBunce
Date Added:
Yet Another Science Fiction Textbook (YASFT) OER
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0.0 stars

Yet Another Science Fiction Textbook (YASFT) is an OER released under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Creative Commons License. It provides a chronological history of Science Fiction (SF) with an emphasis on literature and film, and it includes other useful resources, such as a glossary of terms, an extensive list of SF definitions, additional resources, a syllabus with hyperlinked readings available online, and video lectures.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
World History
Material Type:
Jason W. Ellis
Date Added: