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  • Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
  • College / Upper Division
  • Community College / Lower Division
Español down under: Spanish for Australia and New Zealand
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book focuses on a hands-on, student-centric approach to learning Spanish. Designed for the Australian and New Zealand environment for use at Deakin University, currently available is foundation level content, suitable for a first introduction to Spanish speaking. The resource is still in development with additional content progressing to more advanced skill levels currently under development.

Word Count: 52551

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Deakin University
Fanny Rios Rodriguez
Israel Holas
Ramon Lopez Castellano
Date Added:
Essay Writing Basics: The Essay Body (Sections, Part II)
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0.0 stars

An earlier essay writing hub notes that each writer approaches the available information from a specific perspective--influences on which are discussed above as constituting writer biases. The circumstances of an author's life--where the author comes from, when, and from whom, as well as where and when the author is while writing--position the writer such that the mere examination of some evidence will cause an unconscious recognition of a particular understanding of that evidence.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Student Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
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Facial Expressions: An Introductory ESL Lesson Plan
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This is a speaking lesson plan that is great to use to introduce facial expressions. Facial expressions are important to study as they provide non-verbal cues and information. They can provide nearly as much information as spoken words do. They can be difficult to understand but when understood students can remain confident when interacting with others in English. This is a great lesson to introduce to upper-intermediate students that have been looking to develop a deeper understanding of English vocabulary in conversational contexts.If you want additional lesson plans and support, including teachers’ notes, be sure to register for a free Off2Class account.

Language Education (ESL)
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Student Guide
Regan McNeill
Date Added:
Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 101
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook provides a remixed version of Français interactif exercises, adding interactivity and new exercises. It offers an easy way for students to study the vocabulary and grammar for each module, while providing exercises to practice and apply what they’ve learned.Modules also contain an introduction page with learning objectives, a cultural reflection assignment, a presentational speaking and/or writing assessment, and Allez plus loin (Go further) page which contains additional content. Instructor materials including slide presentations and IPA assessments are also available.

Long Description:
This textbook provides a remixed version of Français interactif material, adding interactivity and new exercises. It offers an easy way for students to study the vocabulary and grammar for each module, while providing exercises to practice and apply what they’ve learned.

This text contains four modules comprised of four to five parts. Most parts containing the following: – Le vocabulaire (Vocabulary) – Explication de grammaire (Grammar explanation) – Les exercices (You will complete these for practice as part of your weekly homework assignments)

Modules also contain an introduction page with learning objectives, a cultural reflection assignment, a presentational speaking and/or writing assessment, and Allez plus loin (Go further) page which contains additional content. Instructor materials including slide presentations and IPA assessments are also available.

Word Count: 23724

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Reading Foundation Skills
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Boise State University
Amber Hoye
Brittney Gehrig
Dr Jason Herbeck
Dr Mariah Devereux Herbeck
Dr Mariah Devereux Herbeck Brittney Gehrig Sharon Westbrook Madelynn Ruhter Emily Blackburn Dr Jason Herbeck Hortense Saget
Emily Blackburn
Hortense Saget
Madelynn Ruhter
Sharon Westbrook
Date Added:
Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 201
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook provides a remixed version of Français Interactif exercises, adding interactivity and new exercises. It offers an easy way for students to study the vocabulary and grammar for each module, while providing exercises to practice and apply what they’ve learned. Modules also contain an introduction page with learning objectives, a cultural reflection assignment, a presentational speaking and/or writing assessment, and Allez plus loin (Go further) page which contains additional content. Instructor materials including slide presentations and IPA assessments are also available.

Long Description:
This textbook provides a remixed version of Français Interactif material, adding interactivity and new exercises. It offers an easy way for students to study the vocabulary and grammar for each module, while providing exercises to practice and apply what they’ve learned.

This text contains four modules comprised of four to five parts. Most parts containing the following: – Le vocabulaire (Vocabulary) – Explication de grammaire (Grammar explanation) – Les exercices (You will complete these for practice as part of your weekly homework assignments)

Modules also contain an introduction page with learning objectives, a cultural reflection assignment, a presentational speaking and/or writing assessment, and Allez plus loin (Go further) page which contains additional content. Instructor materials including slide presentations and IPA assessments are also available.

Word Count: 17068

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Reading Foundation Skills
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Boise State University
Date Added:
The Galapagos Islands
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0.0 stars

The Galapagos Islands are famed for their unique animal species found nowhere else on Earth. What intrigues you the most about this archipelago?

Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Oksana Bohdanova
Date Added:
The Genocide Scrapbook Project
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0.0 stars

This Lesson Plan was created by Joanna Pruitt as part of the 2020 ESU-NDE Remote Learning Plan Project. This original lesson is for classroom use; however, there is a virtual option as well. Educators worked with coaches to create Remote Learning Plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The attached Lesson Plan is designed for Grades 9-12 English Language Arts students; however, this could also be used as a Social Studies project as well. Students will evaluate credible sources through research on genocides post World War II after completing a novel unit covering the Holocaust. Students will also create scrapbooks using summarizing, citation, informative writing, textual evidence, caption writing, and persuasive writing. Students will also be expected to demonstrate oral communication skills as they have to present their projects to the class. Students will use background knowledge to clarify text and also gain a deeper understanding by using relevant evidence from a variety of sources to assist in analysis and reflection of informative text. 

Composition and Rhetoric
Cultural Geography
English Language Arts
Ethnic Studies
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Reading Informational Text
Reading Literature
Speaking and Listening
World Cultures
World History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Student Guide
Joanna Pruitt
Date Added:
Grammar Essentials
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0.0 stars

This is a great question you might be asking yourself, and if you’re not asking it, you probably should be. If you are a native speaker of English, you don’t even have to think about it to use grammar correctly, at least for the most part. If you have ever watched a child develop language, you know that, at a very young age, children know what is necessary for language to make sense.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Excelsior University
Provider Set:
Excelsior University Online Writing Lab
Date Added:
Grammar Lessons and Assignments - ESL Level 1
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0.0 stars

This file contains grammar lessons and assignments for a Level 1 academic ESL class with an emphasis on applying grammar lessons in writing. It can be combined with the other files in this folder to create an entire OER based class.

Composition and Rhetoric
Language Education (ESL)
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Janet Rosenthal
Linda Patterson
Rachel Mixson
Margie Dernaika
Chris Hastings
Jessica Miller
Date Added:
Grammar Slides for English Learners
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0.0 stars

Presentation slides intended for use in an intermediate academic English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. Each set of slides includes the following:
1. An introduction to the grammar point using inductive reasoning, intended for use in the classroom to complement instructor presentation. Explanations of meaning and form for each grammar point.
2. Example sentences based around a theme. The themes are listed in the title of each slide set.
3. Reference charts and lists for the grammar point.
4. Links to websites and related videos. These websites and videos have been curated for accuracy and are comprehensive.
5. Meaningful practice activities that integrate the grammar instruction with other language skills.
6. Lesson plans for a project based on the grammar presentation slides, suitable for Project Based Learning approach.

English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Sara Ferguson
Date Added:
Grammar and Sentence Construction Handbook
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0.0 stars

This textbook covers grammar and style conventions for students who will write academic papers at the college level. It is a synthesis of multiple textbooks and it contains videos and short quizzes on the content. This textbook is used in English Composition courses at Central New Mexico Community College.

English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Tammy Wolf
Jennifer Schaller
Date Added:
Greek and Roman Root Vocabulary
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0.0 stars

We all know how important a strong vocabulary is, and let's face it, if a student wasn't an avid reader as they grew up, they probably don't have a varied vocabulary. Plus, memorizing one word at a time on a weekly list that seems to go on forever and ever can be discouraging for students who have little skill in decoding or comprehending. Studying and becoming familar with Greek and Roman roots can help students identify parts they might know in unfamilar words, and this may lead to building stronger access to higher level words more quickly.This module is designed to help the students focus on two to three roots per week through ten to fifteen words. Through the week, they are given tasks to work with the roots and develop a relationship to them so they can access them more readily when reading higher level texts. By working with antonyms, synonyms, and building sentences, students develop the ability to decode faster and comprehend more. Hopefully, this leads to stronger success in, not only the academic world, but the workplace and home life as well.

Composition and Rhetoric
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Deborah Maroulis
Date Added:
How to Avoid All Possible Types of Plagiarism in Writing
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0.0 stars

Plagiarism definitions are many:When it comes to spoken words, plagiarism means stealing ideas and thoughts of other people to claim them as one's own. Speaking of written words, plagiarism is defined as a lack of original content in a writing piece.Dictionaries call plagiarism "stealing and passing off ideas or words of another as one's own," and "presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source." (Merriam-Webster)Plagiarism is a persistent problem. People do it unknowingly or willingly, and a large percentage of accusations corresponds to the academic world: students plagiarize writings for many reasons, use all possible types of this offensive act, and don't realize all the consequences. What they should try to do is be aware of plagiarism and avoid it in academic writings, citing and referencing their works accordingly.What are plagiarism types?The digital era calls the shots, so today we have many new forms of plagiarism, both intentional and unintentional ones. Academic and journalistic are the general names for plagiarism types, but both involve several variations. They are as follows:Full plagiarismAlso known as "direct" or "complete" plagiarism, this form appears when you copy the content from a source as it is, word for word.Characteristics: no original research, no changes in lexical items or punctuation, no differences (even the tiniest ones) between two content pieces.Full plagiarism is the sin of incompetent authors or those who are mere lazy to give it their best shot and create something original. Speaking of the academic world, full plagiarism leads to a student's expulsion.ParaphrasingSome call it "partial" plagiarism because it happens when a writer takes data from several different sources, combines them with minor changes in language, and represent as original ideas. Paraphrasing itself is not plagiarism, and it's okay to use it if citing and referencing all sources. But it becomes so when represented as a rewrite of the original with no attributions.Characteristics: presenting the ideas from original sources in different forms, changes of sentence structure, active to passive voice manipulations, no cites or references.In the case of paraphrasing, an author takes pains to sound original and yet doesn't provide any first-hand research in his writing. In academia, this form of plagiarism signals about a lack of knowledge on the topic or not enough writing skills to expand ideas.Minimalistic plagiarismIt's a kind of paraphrase too, but a more professional one: a writer copies ideas but changes the flow and order in which they are presented in the source. This form of plagiarism is difficult to detect because it does seem original, especially if checked with plagiarism detection software.Characteristics: changes in sentence structure, statements order, and writing style of the source; paraphrasing several sources in one text with no attributions; active use of synonyms.Minimalistic plagiarism happens when a student lacks time or patience to create original work but is ambitious of recognition and high grades.Mosaic plagiarismAlso known as a poor rewrite, synonymization, or patch writing, mosaic plagiarism happens when an author takes phrases from the original, rearranges them in order, and represent in own work without citing. Or, when he keeps the same sentence structure and meaning but replace every word with synonyms so his work would look like a newly written one.Characteristics: rearrangements in word and phrase order, excessive synonymization, a flow changes, no attribution to sources.Students do love this type of plagiarism, and it's most common in their academic works. Mosaic plagiarism signals about procrastination, lack of knowledge, and ignorance of plagiarism consequences.Accidental plagiarismIn plain English, it's unintentional copying of others' ideas and words. Speaking of students, they might fall into a trap of accidental plagiarism when don't know they borrow concepts from others and, therefore, neglect to reference sources because they do consider their writings original.Despite its accidental nature, this form of plagiarism is considered as copyright infringement and scholar ethics violation. So, the consequences are going to be as ominous as in the case of other plagiarism types.Self-plagiarismThe trickiest one, self-plagiarism occurs when a student decides to submit his previous work to another class. Or, when he takes ideas, concepts, and passages from his other essays and use them for new assignments with no permission from both professors.This form is the most controversial one, and many still argue if they should consider it plagiarism at all. On the one hand, your work is your intellectual property, and so you can use it wherever you want. On the other, this work is no longer original after you've submitted it. It's a kind of bluff: the audience waits for new information from an author, but he misleads them and gives something they've heard already.In the world of academia, it would be wise for students to consult professors on the institution's policies to make sure it's okay to cite papers, previously submitted to other classes.Source plagiarism, or wrong referencingAuthors refer to each other in their works. And when a student refers to a cited source rather than a primary one, it's called source plagiarism.Source formatting matters, either. Improperly cited sources, false referencing, or no references at all are the cases of plagiarism. Reasons for why a student avoids references in a paper vary:He asked a ghostwriter to create an essay, so he just can't refer to it.He used a source to steal arguments and just copied them with no changes.He used the essence of a source and just changed several keywords.He combined several sources in a paper for it to look original.It often happens that a student doesn't know how to use citations and references in his copy. It's not the case of plagiarism, but a professor may consider it so when detecting some misinformation in a list of references. This includes:Using wrong sources (see the above source plagiarism).Neglecting footnotes: a student cites an author but doesn't provide a location of the source.Using fake sources: a student plagiarizes the entire text of his essay and yet provides a long list of references to "prove" its original nature.Proper citation is a must in the academic world, so writers need to know how to use and structure references to avoid accusations of plagiarism. How to avoid plagiarism issues in writings?Plagiarism consequences are many, and most are not as evident as students might think. Copyright infringement and intellectual property theft are legal issues, and they might lead to far stronger effects than poor grades or reputation loss. To avoid them, stop believing all myths about plagiarism in academia and start doing in-depth research on assigned topics. It will allow understanding key concepts and structure a future essay right.Other tips on avoiding plagiarism in writing:Document every source you use. Make sure to format it right: don't forget about quotation marks when citing someone's words.Spare no time on research.When in doubts, ask peers to check your list of references and say if you format it right. The same goes for research: friends might help to find proper sources or recommend some.Never ask anyone to write essays for you: any ghostwriters, any custom services, any downloads from the web.PRO tip: after you completed writing a paper, run it through a pro commercial software that will find unintentional plagiarism in your text.Plagiarism is about ethics and principles. It's not enough to know the definition and consequences of the issue to avoid it. What matters is your determination: stay honest, do research, create original works for more people to learn new ideas, refer to other authors, and remember to mention their names when citing.

Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Nancy Christinovich
Date Added:
How to Format a Paper in APA 7th
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In scholarly writing, it is important to structure a paper in a manner that is concise and follows the general format set by writing professionals. The American Phycological Association (APA) format of writing is widely accepted and a good rule of thumb to follow when writing formal papers. This resource was constructed to give the basics of the newest APA 7th edition. Additional research will be needed for more specific situations and citations

Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Daniel Childers
Date Added:
How to Write an Argumentative Essay
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0.0 stars

This module will teach you how to write an argumentative essay. An essay is typicall 5 -paragrpahs, but it can be mode depending on the topic. First, you want to decide on your topic. Choose one topic from these 200 Argumentative Topics to write your essay.  

Composition and Rhetoric
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Jose Macia
Date Added: