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  • Textbook
Concise Constructs – Simple Book Publishing
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0.0 stars

Concise Constructs is the perfect composition textbook for college ESL students. This book was designed by students for students! Its easy to understand vocabulary, informal tone, and concise nature will ensure students actually read the book and learn from the content. Additionally, this textbook is accompanied by a complete curriculum guide with resources for educators.

Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
Full Course
Brooke Helling
Date Added:
A Concise Introduction to Logic
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Return to milneopentextbooks.org to download PDF and other versions of this textNewParaA Concise Introduction to Logic is an introduction to formal logic suitable for undergraduates taking a general education course in logic or critical thinking, and is accessible and useful to any interested in gaining a basic understanding of logic. This text takes the unique approach of teaching logic through intellectual history; the author uses examples from important and celebrated arguments in philosophy to illustrate logical principles. The text also includes a basic introduction to findings of advanced logic. As indicators of where the student could go next with logic, the book closes with an overview of advanced topics, such as the axiomatic method, set theory, Peano arithmetic, and modal logic. Throughout, the text uses brief, concise chapters that readers will find easy to read and to review.

Long Description:
A Concise Introduction to Logic is an introduction to formal logic suitable for undergraduates taking a general education course in logic or critical thinking, and is accessible and useful to any interested in gaining a basic understanding of logic. This text takes the unique approach of teaching logic through intellectual history; the author uses examples from important and celebrated arguments in philosophy to illustrate logical principles. The text also includes a basic introduction to findings of advanced logic. As indicators of where the student could go next with logic, the book closes with an overview of advanced topics, such as the axiomatic method, set theory, Peano arithmetic, and modal logic. Throughout, the text uses brief, concise chapters that readers will find easy to read and to review.

Word Count: 68574

ISBN: 978-1-942341-42-0

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
State University of New York
Craig DeLancey
Date Added:
A Concise Introduction to Logic
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0.0 stars

A Concise Introduction to Logic is an introduction to formal logic suitable for undergraduates taking a general education course in logic or critical thinking, and is accessible and useful to any interested in gaining a basic understanding of logic. This text takes the unique approach of teaching logic through intellectual history.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Craig DeLancey
Date Added:
Conestoga College Liberated Learners Resource
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0.0 stars

How To Learn With Style

Short Description:
Winner of the 2022 Open Education Global Award for Best OER. This project is based significantly on the original Liberated Learners Pressbooks project (published in February 2022). The resource has four modules: The Learner, The Navigator, The Collaborator, and The Technologist. Taken together, the modules aim to enable a well-rounded and ready-for-almost-anything post-secondary learner.

Long Description:
Winner of the 2022 Open Education Global Award for Best OER. This project is based significantly on the original Liberated Learners Pressbooks project (published in February 2022). The resource has four modules: The Learner, The Navigator, The Collaborator, and The Technologist. Taken together, the modules aim to enable a well-rounded and ready-for-almost-anything post-secondary learner.

The program comes with badges, authentic activities and it even has its own bespoke set of chill beats to study to – created by Ontario Post-Secondary students.

Word Count: 51194

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Conestoga College - Adapted Version
Date Added:
Conestoga English Language Reader 3
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0.0 stars

Second Edition

Word Count: 11530

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

English Language Arts
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Conestoga College
Date Added:
Conferencing Tools for Teaching & Learning: Best practices
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0.0 stars

A guide for educators

Short Description:
An open PressBook resource that explores best practices for using conferencing tools for teaching and learning. Adaptable strategies and activity “recipes” for using various conferencing tools, including, Zoom, BigBlueButton, and Microsoft Teams.

Long Description:
Conferencing tools are a technology that allows educators to engage with their students in real-time.

This open resource has been created for KPU educators (and educators everywhere) to explore best practices for using conferencing tools for teaching and learning.

The strategies provided within this PressBook are adaptable and may be used with any conferencing tool in educational contexts. Each chapter contains critical considerations for using conferencing tools to support pedagogy and provides an overview infographic for the key takeaways.

Additionally, there are Activity “recipes” that can be used in various spaces, including, Zoom, BigBlueButton, and Microsoft Teams.

Word Count: 6703

ISBN: 978-1-989864-46-3

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Date Added:
Conferencing Tools for Teaching & Learning: Best practices
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0.0 stars

A guide for educators

Short Description:
An open PressBook resource that explores best practices for using conferencing tools for teaching and learning. Adaptable strategies and activity “recipes” for using various conferencing tools, including, Zoom, BigBlueButton, and Microsoft Teams.

Long Description:
Conferencing tools are a technology that allows educators to engage with their students in real-time.

This open resource has been created for KPU educators (and educators everywhere) to explore best practices for using conferencing tools for teaching and learning.

The strategies provided within this PressBook are adaptable and may be used with any conferencing tool in educational contexts. Each chapter contains critical considerations for using conferencing tools to support pedagogy and provides an overview infographic for the key takeaways.

Additionally, there are Activity “recipes” that can be used in various spaces, including, Zoom, BigBlueButton, and Microsoft Teams.

Word Count: 6703

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Date Added:
Confident Supervisors: Creating Independent Researchers
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0.0 stars

Confident Supervisors is intended to be both a textbook and a professional development resource for Higher Degree Research supervisors and researcher developers involved in providing workshops and resources to support research supervisors in their practice. Throughout this book, authors introduce different theoretical frameworks and concepts to provide supervisors with tools and strategies for responding to the challenges and opportunities associated with research supervision. It contains chapters written by current supervisors and research support partners who are engaged in the scholarship of supervision and can share the practical and theoretical constructs they employ in their practice. The authors have been drawn from a broad range of higher education and research contexts and contribute understandings of local and global relevance. This openly available eBook responds to turbulent times in higher education, offering practical tips and suggestions for supervisors to pivot to changing contexts.

Higher Education
Material Type:
James Cook University
Abbe Winter
Anna Kokavec
Christine Bruce
Dora Jimela Kialo
Frieda Siaguru
Ian Stoodley
Jillian Blacker
Juliet Lum
Susan Gasson
Susan Mowbray
Date Added:
Conflict Management
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0.0 stars

Perspectives for the Canadian Workplace

Short Description:
This book examines the nature of conflict in the workplace - its sources, costs and management, as well as workplace conflict management with respect to group interactions, organizational culture, and provincial/federal legislation. In addition, this book focuses on the individual; how our perceptions, emotions, motivation, personality and communication skills impact how we manage stress and conflict at work. Throughout the book, readers are encouraged to engage in critical self-assessment and case study review. These exercises provide the reader with the opportunity to assess potential conflict situations, recognize emotions, communicate assertively, and manage conflict with integrity and professionalism.

Long Description:
This Open Educational Resource (OER) is a custom publication for students enrolled in PSYC-6006: Conflict Management.

In the first half of the book, we will examine the nature of conflict in the workplace – its sources, costs and management. We will also briefly examine workplace conflict management with respect to group interactions, organizational culture, and provincial/federal legislation.

During the second half of the book, the focus will be on the individual; how our perceptions, emotions, motivation, personality and communication skills impact how we manage stress and conflict at work.

Throughout the book, you will be encouraged to engage in critical self-assessment and case studies. These exercises will provide you with the opportunity to assess potential conflict situations, recognize your emotions, communicate assertively, and manage conflict with integrity and professionalism.

Word Count: 168804

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Fanshawe College
Date Added:
Conflict, War and Revolution: The problem of politics in international political thought
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This book is primarily intended for second year and upwards undergraduate students in general political theory and international theory, and advanced international relations students. Each chapter is also downloadable on its own for use in courses considering only some of the ten theorists covered.

Written in an accessible way Conflict, War and Revolution will also interest advanced general readers with interests in the historical thought underpinnings of political ideas and today’s international politics.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
London School of Economics
Paul Kelly
Date Added:
Conflict and Diplomacy in the Middle East: External Actors and Regional Rivalries
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0.0 stars

The Middle East’s geographical and strategic uniqueness has made every great power in history to seek to advance its interests in the region. Yet, the region constitutes the greatest single reserve of oil in the world, which has made it a regular source of foreign interference in the post-World War II era. In addition to its geographical and strategic uniqueness, the Middle East is the birthplace and spiritual center of the world’s three most important monotheistic religions. Due to its geopolitical importance, any inter- and intra-state conflict in the Middle East has the potential not only for destabilizing the region as a whole or upsetting the regional balance of power but also affecting global stability. After employing the Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT) in order to define and delimit the region of the Middle East, the chapters of this book address the question of regional order, examine how regionalism and globalism feature in Middle Eastern integration processes, explore regional bids for hegemony, and investigate the approaches and policies of major international actors.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
E-International Relations
Yannis Stivachtis
Date Added:
Confronting Canadian Migration History
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
The essays published here speak to the broad range of research being done in Canadian migration history; they also highlight the commitment of their authors to an engaged, public-facing scholarly practice. Read together, we believe they offer a much-needed historical perspective on contemporary Canadian debates around immigration and refuge, questions that cut to the heart of who we are as a society.

Long Description:
Confronting Canadian Migration History means two things. First, engaging with the history of population movements into, through, and from this territory, and their importance for our history as a multiethnic settler society. This has been one of the central projects of migration historians in Canada in recent decades. Second, to make and maintain a place for that historical knowledge in contemporary discussions of migration, and in doing so confront the present with the past. That latter goal is at the heart of this collection, which assembles in one volume fifteen texts published on ActiveHistory.ca over the last four years.

Word Count: 25644

ISBN: 978-1-9990201-3-2

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Active History
Daniel Ross
Marie-Laurence Rho
Date Added:
Conhecendo os Morcegos do Alto Tietê
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Esta cartilha é o produto final do Projeto de Extensão: “Conhecendo os Morcegos do Alto Tietê” (Edital: 2021SZN_002) e foi financiado e desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo – campus Suzano.
Essa cartilha apresenta as caracterísiticas básicas da Ordem Chiroptera, bem como a importância ecológica dos morcegos. Além de apresentar as 16 espécies presentes na região do Alto Tietê no estado de São Paulo.

Life Science
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Evelyn Rodrigues
Jairo José Matozinho Cubas
Marly Eduarda Santos Coura
Thais Martinez Rodrigues Jorge
Date Added:
The Connected Educator
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

a resource for Junior/Intermediate Teacher Candidates

Word Count: 2009

Included H5P activities: 5

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Date Added:
Connecting Sustainable Cities for the Future
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0.0 stars

The class of CIVE230: Engineering and Sustainable Development have been at it again, learning remotely in Spring 2021. This is the second COVID-19 edition of the course!The course introduces sustainability on two levels: qualitative concepts and background information is covered; and quantitative models which emphasize core engineering methods are applied to sustainability problems. Quantitative methods are derived and applied to air quality, water quality, energy and solid waste. Attention is given to sustainable urban systems, as they apply to both developed and developing countries. Sustainability concepts covering the triple bottom line are also presented, and their applicability to sustainable cities are demonstrated. Students in the course were tasked with making a contribution to an e-book. They were creative and innovative in applying course concepts to cities of their choice and exploring sustainability challenges and innovations. Their sustainability project encouraged them to explore sustainable infrastructure, solutions and technologies in Canada and globally to generate an enriched learning experience and to tie ideas to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Canadian Engineering Grand Challenges (CEGC).

Material Type:
Student Guide
Unit of Study
Nadine Ibrahim
Date Added:
Connecting for Climate Change Action
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Rapid, unprecedented climate warming is occurring because of increased concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases due to the use of fossil fuels. As Earth’s climate warms, extreme heat events will increase, sea levels will rise, freshwater resources will become more scarce and infectious diseases will spread. Despite imminent threats from climate change and the need for people from all sectors, backgrounds, and disciplines to contribute to solutions, we avoid taking actions necessary for mitigation. We created Connecting for Climate Change Action, aimed at community and Post-Secondary learners from a range of disciplines. The course combines Western and Indigenous Sciences to educate and encourage discussions on climate change. We provide innovative, experiential, online learning opportunities to engage and stimulate student action to mitigate climate change and leave Earth a sustainable place for future generations. The course contains approximately eight weeks of materials and is packaged in four modules: 1) Ways of Knowing the Climate is Changing, which provides an introduction to euro-western Science and Indigenous Knowledge, and explores positionality; 2) The Earth, Climate and Connections, which provides a basic understanding of the Earth and its climate system, and examines various views of human's role in the Earth system; 3) Why is the Earth's Climate Changing?, which provides an overview of the knowledge we have of climate change, 4) Emissions, Responsibility, and Reimagining Economies, which shows the complexities of responsibility for our current situation reflect on Indigenous economies that emphasize respect and reciprocity.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Connecting the Dots: Improving Student Outcomes and Experiences with Exceptional Instructional Design
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Quality Matters in the Design of Learning Experiences

Short Description:
This book is a collection of stories about the importance of instructional design as it relates to the creation of quality learning experiences in the support of all learners.

Word Count: 84530

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Date Added:
Connecting the Dots: Improving Student Outcomes and Experiences with Exceptional Instructional Design
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Quality Matters in the Design of Learning Experiences

Short Description:
This book is a collection of stories about the importance of instructional design as it relates to the creation of quality learning experiences in the support of all learners.

Word Count: 84519

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Date Added:
Consciousness Studies
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0.0 stars

Everyone has their own view of the nature of consciousness based on their education and background. The intention of this book is to expand this view by providing an insight into the various ideas and beliefs on the subject as well as a review of current work in neuroscience. The neuroscientist should find the philosophical discussion interesting because this provides first-person insights into the nature of consciousness and also provides some subtle arguments about why consciousness is not a simple problem. The student of philosophy will find a useful introduction to the subject and information about neuroscience and physics that is difficult to acquire elsewhere.

Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Consent & Sexual Violence: Training and Facilitation Guide
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Training for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence in B.C. Post-Secondary Institutions

Short Description:
A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Consent & Sexual Violence is a 90-minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff. This training explores different understandings of consent, including the legal definition. Learners have the opportunity to develop skills related to asking for and giving consent in all relationships as well as discuss strategies for creating a “culture of consent” in campus communities. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction.)

Long Description:
A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Consent & Sexual Violence is a 90 minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff. This training explores different understandings of consent, including the legal definition. Learners have the opportunity to develop skills related to asking for and giving consent in all relationships as well as discuss strategies for creating a “culture of consent” in campus communities. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction).

Word Count: 24282

ISBN: 978-1-77420-102-2

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Material Type:
Date Added: