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New Executive Thinking Social-Impact Technology Projects
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This customized independent study course puts Sloan Fellows MBA students into direct contact with innovators tackling global needs in education, healthcare, and energy/environment. Co-designed projects address low-income markets in the U.S. or globally, focusing on the application of new ideas and technology rooted in MIT innovations or the Boston ecosystem. Every project aims to develop better ways for the right innovations to reach scale, sustainability, and quality, thereby improving lives and uncovering opportunities in underserved markets.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Sastry, Anjali
Date Added:
A New Generation of Water Planners Confronts Change Along the Colorado River
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0.0 stars

Reduced flows and increased demand for Colorado River water represent a real and present danger in the West. To address the threat, water managers and modelers initiated a study to understand the system, consider options, and take action.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Case Study
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Provider Set:
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
Date Added:
New York Landscape Regions in Google Earth: Allegheny Plateau
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0.0 stars

The Allegheny Plateau tours are part of the New York Landscape Regions Collection of Google Earth Tours, created by a group of New York State science educators. These tours showcase examples of Allegheny geology, including the geomorphology of glacial features near Tully, New York, southern Cayuga Lake, the geology and geomorphology of Letchworth State Park and its waterfalls, as well as waterfalls and creeks in the Ithaca Gorges. Schoharie Creek can be toured from its mouth to its source, the St. Lawrence Chesapeake and Valley Heads Moraine can be investigated to examine drainage patterns, and another tour investigates the unique geology and ecology of the Rome Sand Plains. Environmental tours also address the 2006 flooding in the Allegheny Plateau near Port Jarvis and Livingston Manor and provide an overview of the water supply system of the City of New York.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
UCAR Staff
Provider Set:
New York State Earth Science Instructional Collection
Bob Dedrick
Eric Fermann
Kevin Finerghty
Peter Wilder
Robert DeMarco
Tim Brisley
Walter Potocki
Date Added:
New York Landscape Regions in Google Earth: Hudson Highlands
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0.0 stars

The Hudson Highlands tour is part of the New York Landscape Regions Collection of Google Earth Tours, created by a group of New York State science educators. This tour introduces Hudson Highlands geology, including glaciology at Bear Mountain, views of the Highlands, and the Ramapo Fault to the south. It also offers other information about the area, including some animals, New York City's water supply, and the Great Swamp.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
UCAR Staff
Provider Set:
New York State Earth Science Instructional Collection
Drew Patrick
Robert DeMarco
Steve Kluge
Date Added:
New York Landscape Regions in Google Earth: Taconic Mountains
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0.0 stars

The Taconic Mountains tour highlights the geology and natural environment of several landscape regions, including the structure of the Highlands Province basement rocks, which were affected by the Taconic Orogeny. Students can view biotite-rich schists and the tight isoclinic folds of the Walloomsac Formation, as well as the Taconic angular unconformity at the south end of Becraft Mountain. Bedding thrusts are also evident within the Roundout Formation and overlying Manlius Formation. They can also examine metamorphosed Briarcliff Dolostone containing yellow, white and black chert layers and Everett Phylite, which represents a metamorphic lithologic transition from slate to phyllite. Dramatically folded calcareous rocks are visible at the Bennington, Vermont bypass, and students can also view Stark's Knob, where pillow lavas formed as Ordovician basalts erupted under the waters of a shallow sea.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
UCAR Staff
Provider Set:
New York State Earth Science Instructional Collection
Bob Mozer
Date Added:
New York Landscape Regions in Google Earth: The Manhattan Prong
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0.0 stars

The Manhattan Prong tour is part of the New York Landscape Regions Collection of Google Earth Tours. This tour takes students to Central Park in New York City to see metamorphic rock, glacial features, differential weathering, and Cleopatra's Needle, an Egyptian obelisk brought to the city in 1881. They can also examine bedrock, float, mass wasting, jointing, and glacial polish in the Pound Ridge Reservation, and observe a metamorphic outcrop of Fordham Gneiss near Katonah, New York. The convergent boundary features of the Staten Island serpentine belt, formed during the Taconic Orogeny, can be viewed, and students can follow the Mianus River Gorge as it crosses the Cameron's Line fault. There is also a tour of the New York City water supply system with a lab activity to accompany it.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
UCAR Staff
Provider Set:
New York State Earth Science Instructional Collection
Drew Patrick
Zach Miller
Date Added:
New acoustic technology makes tracking biodiversity faster and cheaper
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"New sound-recording technology could help researchers keep closer tabs on biodiversity—a rapidly dwindling measure of global health. Biodiversity is critical to maintaining the global ecosystems that provide our basic needs – air, water and soil able to grow food. Human activities such as overexploitation of resources, pollution, habitat alteration and climate change are causing biodiversity loss so extreme that many caution we are entering the sixth mass extinction. But it’s not too late. World leaders have united to promise to conserve biodiversity. Meaningful efforts, however, require cost-effective strategies. One of the most promising solutions to emerge in recent years is passive acoustic monitoring. Natural soundscapes provide rapid insight into the diversity of animals in a certain location, based on metrics known as acoustic biodiversity indices. These audio features are proven to predict the number of species in a given area..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Newton's 3rd Law:  Explosive Reaction Pairs
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students use miniature explosives to analyze actions and reactions. An Alka-seltzer tablet is sealed in a small film canister with water which sets up a pressure explosion pushing the canister one direction and an adjacent film canister in the opposite direction. Students repeat this set up but vary the mass of the second canister by adding sand. The distances that each canister travels is measured, recorded and later analyzed and discussed.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Pedagogy in Action
Tim Riordan
Date Added:
Newton's Law of Cooling
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students come to see the exponential trend demonstrated through the changing temperatures measured while heating and cooling a beaker of water. This task is accomplished by first appealing to students' real-life heating and cooling experiences, and by showing an example exponential curve. After reviewing the basic principles of heat transfer, students make predictions about the heating and cooling curves of a beaker of tepid water in different environments. During a simple teacher demonstration/experiment, students gather temperature data while a beaker of tepid water cools in an ice water bath, and while it heats up in a hot water bath. They plot the data to create heating and cooling curves, which are recognized as having exponential trends, verifying Newton's result that the change in a sample's temperature is proportional to the difference between the sample's temperature and the temperature of the environment around it. Students apply and explore how their new knowledge may be applied to real-world engineering applications.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Karl Abdelnour
Nicole Abaid
Robert Eckhardt
Date Added:
Next Generation Infrastructures
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Infrastructures for energy, water, transport, information and communications services create the conditions for livability and economic development. They are the backbone of our society. Similar to our arteries and neural systems that sustain our human bodies, most people however take infrastructures for granted. That is, until they break down or service levels go down.

In many countries around the globe infrastructures are ageing. They require substantial investments to meet the challenges of increasing population, urbanization, resource scarcity, congestion, pollution, and so on. Infrastructures are vulnerable to extreme weather events, and therewith to climate change.
Technological innovations, such as new technologies to harvest renewable energy, are one part of the solution. The other part comes from infrastructure restructuring. Market design and regulation, for example, have a high impact on the functioning and performance of infrastructures.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Delft University of Technology
Date Added:
Next-Generation Space Suits
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this video segment adapted from NOVA scienceNOW, MIT engineer Dava Newman is working to replace today's bulky, inflated space suits with a radical, sleek design that may one day allow astronauts to walk easily on Mars.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Forestry and Agriculture
Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
Provider Set:
PBS Learning Media Common Core Collection
WGBH Educational Foundation
Date Added:
Nisqually Glacier at Mount Rainier
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Observe the Nisqually Glacier at Mount Rainier in this video segment from NatureScene.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Forestry and Agriculture
Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
Provider Set:
PBS Learning Media: Multimedia Resources for the Classroom and Professional Development
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Date Added:
'No Line Between the Water and the Sky': Muslim Woman’s Voice Uniting Communities
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

The 4-day unit is designed to center on the voices of a marginalized community, Muslim Americans, as a foundation for students to explore and celebrate the plurality of values and identities in their own classrooms. Students will be engaging with journalism, practicing active listening, compassion, and empathy, and meet differences with curiosity rather than prejudice.

Students begin this unit by reading The Proudest Blue, a picture book by Olympic medalist Ibtihaj Muhammad that captures the challenges Faizah and Asiyah face when Asiyah wore her hijab to school. Students discuss discrimination and focus on the the hijab as a symbol of cultural identity.

Then students screen a short documentary film “Holding Fire.” The documentary follows Somia Elrowmeim, a naturalized American Yemeni immigrant and activist, who fights for the rights of South Brooklyn Muslims. The film provides a behind-the-scenes look at how grassroots organizing works especially during the modern Islamophobia period.

Driven by the courage and joy that Faizah, Asiyah, and Somia demonstrate in celebrating their cultures and standing up in their communities, students will explore these themes in their classroom. This mini-unit is being taught as a part of a longer classroom exploration of conflict and resolution.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Pulitzer Center
Adelaida Jiyun Kim
Date Added:
No Valve in Vain
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Acting as biomedical engineers, students design, build, test and redesign prototype heart valves using materials such as waterproof tape, plastic tubing, flexible plastic and foam sheets, clay, wire and pipe cleaners. They test them with flowing water, representing blood moving through the heart. As students creatively practice engineering problem solving, they demonstrate their understanding of how one-way heart valves work.

Applied Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Alice Hammer
Date Added:
Non-profits: Meeting Global and Local Needs
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this lesson, students investigate non-profits that serve a local or global need. They conduct a web quest on a specific non-profit, answer worksheet questions, and then develop a presentation for a mock donor. This lesson is meant to be cross-curricular, intending students to select a non-profit covering a topic being studied in another course. Examples include food scarcity, lack of clean water, or cultural norms ignoring girls’ education.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Special Olympics Indiana
Date Added:
Non-traditional and under-represented students in hydrogeology: Learning by discovery in an urban environment
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In my experience, I have discovered many common roadblocks to non-traditional and under-represented student participation in hydrogeology:
Time constraints -- many students have complicated schedules and demands on their time that a traditional undergraduate does not have. For example, many of these students are working full time, and required experiences outside of the classroom often pose scheduling conflicts for students.

Communication skills -- many under-represented students arrive in the classroom with communication skills that are not fully developed. Students are often learning English as they are learning the complex vocabulary of hydrogeology.

Math skills -- many students are under prepared in math and/or have math phobias

Funding -- many students are unable to pay laboratory and field trip fees.

I currently teach at minority serving institution. Here, I find that hands-on practice is the most successful learning experience for students. Students grasp concepts such as discharge, flux, and residence time more effectively when they are active participants in the learning process. The most effective method I have found for addressing these issues and encouraging under represented student participation in hydrogeology is to create student-designed group research projects. I used this strategy three quarters in a row, and the same students (as well as new students they recruit) continue to sign up for these courses. This trend, in addition to students' growing confidence in engaging in the scientific method, is my primary evidence for success.

Resources are very limited at my institution, so here are a couple of suggestions that work well.
Borrow equipment -- from other universities, from consulting companies, from colleagues.

Simplify analyses -- many interesting conclusions can be drawn from simply pH, conductivity, and temperature data. But, there are also relatively inexpensive test kits on the market that are sufficient for class purposes (ex. LaMotte urban water test kit ~$30).

Everyone will have different class sizes, student preparation levels, and goals when attempting an exercise like this, so I will provide general information, which others can modify to meet their needs. Below I briefly outline the steps I take the students through during the project and highlight ideas for improving success for the targeted groups.

Form groups -- depending on class size, 2-4 students per group (I try to ensure the groups are balanced based on skills and student interests)
Choose topic -- I usually provide a list of possible topics and have students adapt a topic from the list that interests them. Students require a lot of guidance at this stage to assure selection of a manageable topic for a quarter-long project. This is the most important step - guiding students into a topic they are passionate about and where they can be successful is key. Students usually have no shortage of questions they want to answer about water in an urban environment! Since most of the students have spent their whole lives in an urban situation, they are deeply passionate about these issues.
Research literature -- students perform a background search for previous work on their topic to help guide them. I provide a laboratory session on how to search the library and databases for related information, as well as provide a list of recommended journals and websites. In addition, students locate supporting data (discharge, well levels, precipitation)
Plan study -- we discuss study design, sample types, sampling location, frequency. During this phase, students use maps, study weather patterns, and determine site accessibility.
Collect data -- we set aside lab periods for collecting data together. These are the sessions where you should be prepared to answer all sort of questions. Once the students begin implementing their study, many new questions come up.
Analyze and interpret results -- multiple lab periods are used to analyze data; student data are the basis of the remainder of labs. Techniques discussed are applied to their group projects.
Present findings -- students assemble posters and present results to their classmates.

Urban topics
Below is a short list of topics to stimulate ideas. Equipment required includes pH meter, conductivity meter, flow meter, Lamotte test kits.
Sources of N and P to the Los Angeles River
Contribution of golf courses to urban runoff
Extent of tidal influence on Ballona Creek
Metal fluxes from storm drains to the ocean
Relationship of land use to water quality
Relationship of population demographics to water quality

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Business and Communication
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Laura Rademacher
Date Added:
Normal Climate Patterns
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This activity develops students' understanding of climate by having them make in-depth examinations of historical climate patterns using both graphical and map image formats rather than presenting a general definition of climate. Students explore local climate in order to inform a pen pal what type of weather to expect during an upcoming visit. Students generate and explore a variety of graphs, charts, and map images and interpret them to develop an understanding of climate.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Material Type:
CLEAN: Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network
Provider Set:
CLEAN: Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network
Betsy Youngman
Earthlabs from TERC
LuAnn Dahlman
Date Added:
North Cascades Institute Snow Crystal Morphology Lesson
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Lesson plan to explore how snow crystals form, atmospheric conditions that influence crystal morphology. Makes connections crystals, snow density and water content

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Northward Ho!
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students create and use their own simple compasses, which are each made from a bowl of water, strong magnet, stick pin and Styrofoam peanuts. They learn how compasses work and about cardinal directions. They come to understand that the Earth's magnetic field has both horizontal and vertical components.

Applied Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Janet Yowell
Jeff White
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Matt Lippis
Penny Axelrad
Date Added:
The (Not So) Great Garbage Patches
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students learn about plastic pollution and write a letter to a local official advocating for a solution to plastic pollution.

SCIENTIST NOTES: The impact of plastic pollution and how it ends up in the ocean is underscored in this lesson. The video, accompanying materials, and class activity will spur students to engage in ocean clean-up exercises and advocate for responsible consumption and bans for single-use plastic. All the materials in the lesson are well-cited, and this lesson has passed our science credibility process.

-This lesson empowers students to take concrete action by contacting a local official advocating for immediate action on plastic pollution.
-This lesson may debunk some myths about plastic pollution, including the importance of plastic straws in global plastic pollution.

-It is important for students to understand the global context of plastic recycling. Only 9% of global plastic is recycled. The rest is mismanaged, landfilled, or incinerated.
-It is also important for students to understand that more than half of oceanic plastic pollution is made up of discarded fishing gear. While much emphasis is placed on individual behavior change (e.g., replacing plastic bags with canvas bags, carrying a reusable water bottle, etc.), one can argue that the best individual action you can take is to reduce or eliminate seafood consumption. This would decrease fishing in the oceans and the amount of discarded fishing gear dumped in the ocean.
-Students may find the answers to only some of the true/false questions on the Anticipation Guide by the time you reveal the answers at the end of the Investigate section. That is OK. You can still reveal the answers and move on.
-When students are drafting their letters to local officials, make sure they know that Oregon's single-use plastic bag ban went into effect on January 1, 2020. There is no need to advocate for banning single-use plastic bags, as that is already the law in Oregon.

-Some of the suggested resources in the Investigate section are more complex and might be better for higher-level students. These include Our World in Data’s Plastic Pollution website, the video titled How Much Plastic Is in the Ocean?, and the video titled Trash Island: Is It a Myth?
-When revealing the answers to the Anticipation Guide, you may have students tally their correct answers. The student with the most correct answers from the beginning of the lesson can be declared the winner.
-One possible extension is for students to draw a simple map of their local waterway and its path to the Pacific Ocean. Students can include a paragraph about how trash travels in waterways and describe a land-based solution to help prevent trash from entering waterways.
-There are ways to extend or adapt the Inspire section of this lesson. Here are some suggestions:
-Students can mail or hand-deliver their letters to local officials.
-Students can deliver a speech at a local government event (e.g., a city council meeting) advocating for more action on plastic pollution.
-Students can write letters to state or federal officials instead of local officials.
-Students can advocate for systemic change in their schools. Ideas include banning some or all single-use plastic packaging in the cafeteria, removing vending machines from school that sell beverages in single-use bottles, or changing school policies regarding birthdays or holidays such as Halloween or Valentine’s Day (e.g., banning single-use plastic candy, banning cheap plastic toys, banning balloons, etc.).
-Students can educate teachers or students in other grades about the problem of plastic pollution through speeches or posters displayed in common spaces throughout the school.

English Language Arts
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tana Shepard
Date Added: