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  • Textbook
Hadithi Fupi Za KujiFunza Lugha ya Kiswahili: Short Stories for Swahili Reading Comprehension
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0.0 stars

This book applies a visual reading comprehension approach in Swahili teaching using pictures and text. It comprises of pictures accompanied by short texts that clarify what each picture presents in the written story. The book compiled short stories on different topics related to students’ daily lives including but not limited to greetings, self-introduction, transportation, family, weather, attending a class and doing different activities. The book offers students a chance to develop Swahili comprehension skills. It also allows the students to learn how to read and understand the text and exposes them to a wider range of vocabulary and grammar, which are useful elements in forming the correct language structures.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
University of Iowa
Provider Set:
Iowa Research Online
Susana Nkurlu
Date Added:
Hair Colour for Hairstylists: Level 2
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This manual serves as a guide for apprentices with the desire to stretch beyond their foundational colour knowledge and skills so as to reach a higher level of competency. This text will walk the stylist step-by-step through many current and advanced techniques used in the industry today.

Long Description:
This manual serves as a guide for apprentices with the desire to stretch beyond their foundational colour knowledge and skills so as to reach a higher level of competency. This text will walk the stylist step-by-step through many current and advanced techniques used in the industry today.

Word Count: 24440

ISBN: 978-1-77420-089-6

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Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Arden Magtiza
Sally Vinden
Date Added:
Halbzeit im Kampf gegen den Mammon
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0.0 stars

Ein Buch für VordenkerInnen, MeinungsmacherInnen und Feuerherzen der stillen Revolution

Short Description:
Mit seinem neuesten Werk: “Halbzeit im Kampf gegen den Mammon” zieht der ehemalige Diplomat im Dienste Österreichs nachdenklich Bilanz über eine aus den Fugen geratenen Welt, die Geld wie einen Götzen anbetet und in der Größenwahn Systeme schafft die weder überschaubar noch beherrschbar sind. Sein neuestes Buch ist an VordenkerInnen, MeinungsmacherInnen und Feuerherzen einer bereits stattfindenden “stillen” Revolution, gerichtet. Aber auch an alle kritischen BürgerInnen, die sich eine solidarischere und menschlichere Gesellschaft wünschen und schon heute an den Umbauarbeiten beteiligt sind. In seiner digitalen Form folgt das Buch den Creative Commons (CC) und ist daher kostenlos.

Long Description:
Was Paracelsus > für die Medizin gesagt hat, gilt auch bei großen Ideen: „Alles ist Gift, entscheidend ist die Dosis“ (Leopold Kohr)

Die Aufklärung hat vergessen, der linearen Vernunft mit dem Menschlichen Maß ihre Grenzen zu setzen, und so sind nun viele „große Ideen“ ins Unmaß geraten. Die Bündelung dieser Exzesse im Zeichen der Gier ist der „Mammon“ unserer Zeit; er hat einen Neo-Feudalismus entstehen lassen, der nun in Politik-Management und Hoch-Finanz den Ton angibt. Es ist das ein Neo-Feudalismus, der sich hinter einem Panzer der Komplexität versteckt, und zu dem es angeblich keine Alternative gibt.

Diesen Panzer durchbricht man mit einem Weltbild, das sich auf Überschaubarkeit und die Kooperation der Zivilgesellschaft stützt, und das dem Resilienz-Denken folgt. In Weiterentwicklung der Ideen Leopold Kohrs, E.F. Schumachers, Martin Nowaks und Charles Eisensteins entwirft der Autor eine solche Sicht. So zeigt seine „Drei-Schritt-Methode“, wo jeweils das Menschliche Maß liegt; und wie mit strikter Regionalisierung sowie einer Reform der Geld- und Zinspolitik der Weg von alternativlosem Frust zu gelungenem Leben gelingen kann. Es ist das eine stille Revolution „von unten“, die – noch immer außerhalb medialer Aufmerksamkeit – schon weit fortgeschritten ist, und die nach vielen erfolgreichen Pilotprojekten nun vor dem Durchbruch steht. Man muss sich nur trauen, also Du, ich und unsere Nachbarn …

Word Count: 57728

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Arts and Humanities
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
A Handbook of Higher Education Leadership
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0.0 stars

Thirty-five experienced and accomplished higher education leaders have come together to provide twenty-five essays on twelve topics about which all leaders, aspiring leaders and students of higher education should be informed. This is a labor of love, provided for free electronically, and there are no star turns here. Each essay is focused on providing the reader with advice based on wisdom acquired from lessons learned. Some topics covered include: beginning and completing a leadership position, responding to authority, establishing accountability, budget policy, long-term planning, affordability and student success, creating a safe community, fundraising, research funding, college athletics, and crisis management.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Dr. Brit Kirwan
Dr. Ed Ray
Dr. Kim A. Wilcox
Dr. Michael Drake
Dr. Nancy Zimpher
Dr. Sherman Bloomer
Dr. Teresa A. Sullivan
Mr. William J. Shkurti
Ms. Jessica Todtman
Date Added:
Handbook of Software Engineering Methods 2nd ed.
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0.0 stars

Software engineering is the art and science of using different methods to efficiently create extensible, sustainable programs that solve problems people care about.

I won’t tell you how to be a software engineer; You’ll learn that over time by doing it. Instead, this book is about software engineering methods: Ways people achieve specific objectives in software engineering—that can save your project. My hope is that, after reading this book (or parts of it), you’ll feel better equipped for software engineering.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Lara Letaw
Date Added:
Handbüchlein der Moral
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Eine kleine stoische Anleitung zur Moral, von Epiktet

Long Description:
Eine kleine stoische Anleitung zur Moral, von Epiktet.

Epiktet war ein stoischer Philosoph, geboren um 50 n. Chr. in Hierapolis/Phrygien, gestorben um 140 n. Chr. in Nikopolis/Epirus. Epiktet war ein von Nero freigelassener Sklave. Seine „Unterredungen“ stellen die Philosophie der Stoa in den Dienst der praktischen Lebensweisheit.

Word Count: 16620

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Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Aumayer Druck + Verlag
Date Added:
Hands-On Data Visualization
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Tell your story and show it with data, using free and easy-to-learn tools on the web. This introductory book teaches you how to design interactive charts and customized maps for your website, beginning with easy drag-and-drop tools, such as Google Sheets, Datawrapper, and Tableau Public. You’ll also gradually learn how to edit open-source code templates built with Chart.js, Highcharts, and Leaflet on GitHub.

Hands-On Data Visualization takes you step-by-step through tutorials, real-world examples, and online resources. This book is ideal for students, educators, community activists, non-profit organizations, small business owners, local governments, journalists, researchers, or anyone who wants to take data out of spreadsheets and turn it into lively interactive stories. No coding experience is required.

Learn more about this open-access web edition, based on the book manuscript we submitted to our publisher, O’Reilly Media, Inc., which we have permission to freely share under the terms of our contract. Readers may purchase the publisher’s improved and copyedited version, in print or ebook editions. Figure numbering and other details vary between this open-access web edition and the publisher’s editions.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Ilya Ilyankou
Jack Dougherty
Date Added:
Hands-on Anatomy
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Although palpation is a foundational skill for many healthcare disciplines, few resources provide comprehensive anatomical information and relate it to real-world clinical situations. With its detailed descriptions of musculoskeletal anatomy, instructions for palpating anatomical structures, depictions of basic injuries, and correlations with clinical practice, Hands-on Anatomy successfully bridges this gap.

Hands-on Anatomy targets undergraduate or graduate students who have completed an introductory anatomy course and are beginning to apply their anatomical knowledge to the human body, as well as healthcare professionals engaged in patient assessment and treatment. Organized by region of the body, chapters discuss skeletal landmarks, muscles, ligaments, and neurovascular structures, with a focus on how to palpate these structures. Additionally, guides on assessing the range of motion of joints are provided, along with descriptions of common clinical scenarios relating to each body area. The text is supplemented with images of skeletal landmarks and muscular anatomy, photos of surface landmarks and range of motion actives, and end-of-chapter review questions to ensure understanding and retention of what was described.

Life Science
Material Type:
Temple University
Jacqueline Phillips
Michael O'Hara
Date Added:
Harmony: A Writing/Grammar Textbook for ESOL Level 5
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0.0 stars

This is an initial draft edition of an integrated grammar and composition book for intermediate (level 5 of 8) students of English for Speakers of Other Languages. Grammar lessons review basic verb tenses, while composition lessons help students to master a healthy paragraph and then introduce the basic components of an essay. Materials use an arts theme.

Arts and Humanities
Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
Portland Community College
Timothy Krause
Date Added:
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0.0 stars

In this book we aim to introduce you both to the Haskell language, from the very basics to advanced features, and to computer programming in general. We urge seasoned programmers to be especially patient with this process. In all likelihood, the languages you are most familiar with differ greatly from Haskell, and habits from those languages might make it more difficult to understand how things work − they are simple, but different. Face learning to see the world through the warped mindset of a functional programmer as an adventure in a brave new world, which will bring you understanding valuable far beyond the boundaries of any language.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
The Hayward Fault at the Campus of University of California, Berkeley: A Guide to a Brief Walking Tour
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0.0 stars

A Guide to a Brief Walking Tour

Short Description:
In this brief book, we highlight some of the major features of the Hayward Fault on the UC Berkeley campus. We will visit sites where the continuous aseismic creep along the fault is tearing at buildings, structures and roads, we will see examples of how the University mitigates some of the risk posed by the seismic hazard and we will look at methods to monitor the seismic activity of the fault. This booklet is designed as a guide for a walking tour to the points of interest as they are shown on the maps in figures 2 and 5.5 herein.

Word Count: 8821

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Higher Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
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0.0 stars

Portraits de femmes militantes

Long Description:
Il y a des femmes qui ont marqué et marquent encore la vie sociale, politique et culturelle d’Haïti : des femmes scientifiques, journalistes, militantes féministes, défenseures des droits humains, politiciennes, écrivaines… Malheureusement, nombre de ces femmes, en dépit de leur implication, de leur courage et de leur détermination, sont tombées dans l’oubli, car l’histoire officielle haïtienne a été, dit-on, écrite par des hommes et pour des hommes, reflétant l’infériorisation de la féminité dans la société haïtienne. C’est pour contrer cet oubli que ce livre collaboratif, écrit par des femmes et des hommes, présente les portraits de quinze femmes haïtiennes de différentes époques qui ont contribué, chacune à leur manière, à construire Haïti ou à mieux la comprendre.

Word Count: 31431

ISBN: 978-2-924661-05-5

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Cultural Geography
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Collectif d'écriture sous la direction de Ricarson Dorcé et Emilie Tremblay et Dorcé
Ricarson et al.
Date Added:
Healing and Reconciliation Through Education
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This open educational resource is focused on teaching the history of the colonial legacy of Residential Schools, with an emphasis on exploring the unique history of the Shingwauk Residential School which operated in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. This project builds upon decades of archival research and data collection, including the recording of oral histories, under the Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre’s (SRSC) mandate of ‘sharing, healing, and learning.’ ‘Realizing Healing and Reconciliation through Education’ is designed to increase the capacity of the SRSC to educate local, regional, and national audience about the history of Residential Schools.

Long Description:
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Final Report cited healing, reconciliation, and restoring the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians as a critical priority for all Canadians. Moreover, the Commission exhorted Canada’s museums and galleries to work with Indigenous Peoples to better present their cultures and histories, including histories of assimilation, cultural loss and reclamation. The Shingwauk Residential Schools centre (SRSC) is taking up the charge to realize this vision through a multi phase education and outreach strategy, this ebook is part of that educational project.

This open educational resource is focused on teaching the history of the colonial legacy of Residential Schools, with an emphasis on exploring the unique history of the Shingwauk Residential School which operated in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. This project builds upon decades of archival research and data collection, including the recording of oral histories, under the SRSC’s mandate of ‘sharing, healing, and learning.’ ‘Realizing Healing and Reconciliation through Education’ is designed to increase the capacity of the SRSC to educate local, regional, and national audience about the history of Residential Schools.

Word Count: 13410

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Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre
Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre
Date Added:
Health Care Assistant Program Provincial Curriculum 2023
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
The Health Care Assistant Program Provincial Curriculum 2023 provides program learning outcomes and performance indicators for the British Columbia Health Care Assistant program. It gives detailed information about the courses, including course descriptions, minimum course hours, course learning outcomes, and the content for each course. These courses are the minimum requirements that all post-secondary institutions offering a recognized Health Care Assistant (HCA) program in British Columbia must meet. This guide also provides foundational information about the HCA program including the values, beliefs, and principles that are fundamental to HCA practice; curriculum organizing concepts; and foundational principles. The HCA program is designed to provide students with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function effectively as front-line caregivers and respected members of the health care team.

Long Description:
The Health Care Assistant Program Provincial Curriculum 2023 provides program learning outcomes and performance indicators for the British Columbia Health Care Assistant program. It gives detailed information about the courses, including course descriptions, minimum course hours, course learning outcomes, and the content for each course. These courses are the minimum requirements that all post-secondary institutions offering a recognized Health Care Assistant (HCA) program in British Columbia must meet. This guide also provides foundational information about the HCA program including the values, beliefs, and principles that are fundamental to HCA practice; curriculum organizing concepts; and foundational principles. The HCA program is designed to provide students with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function effectively as front-line caregivers and respected members of the health care team.

Word Count: 20034

ISBN: 978-1-77420-219-7

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Date Added:
Health Care Assistant Program Supplement to the Provincial Curriculum Guide (2015) - Third Edition
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0.0 stars

November 2021

Short Description:
The Health Care Assistant Program Supplement to the Provincial Curriculum Guide (2015), Third Edition, November 2021 has been updated to support the delivery and assessment of the required learning outcomes and course content set out in the Health Care Assistant Program Provincial Curriculum (2015).

Long Description:
The Health Care Assistant Program Supplement to the Provincial Curriculum Guide (2015), Third Edition, November 2021 has been updated to support the delivery and assessment of the required learning outcomes and course content set out in the Health Care Assistant Program Provincial Curriculum (2015).

The Supplement includes suggested learning and assessment strategies and resources for instructors to enhance students’ learning. This third edition has updated resource lists for all courses, added five new self-assessment videos for Health Care Assistant students, and added new orientation guides for preceptors and clinical instructors.

Word Count: 59948

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Date Added:
Health Case Studies
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0.0 stars

Toward Closing the Healthcare Communication Gap

Short Description:
Health Case Studies is composed of eight separate health case studies. Each case study includes the patient narrative or story that models the best practice (at the time of publishing) in healthcare settings. Associated with each case is a set of specific learning objectives to support learning and facilitate educational strategies and evaluation.

Long Description:
Health Case Studies is composed of eight separate health case studies. Each case study includes the patient narrative or story that models the best practice (at the time of publishing) in healthcare settings. Associated with each case is a set of specific learning objectives to support learning and facilitate educational strategies and evaluation.

The case studies can be used online in a learning management system, in a classroom discussion, in a printed course pack or as part of a textbook created by the instructor. This flexibility is intentional and allows the educator to choose how best to convey the concepts presented in each case to the learner.

Because these case studies were primarily developed for an electronic healthcare system, they are based predominantly in an acute healthcare setting. Educators can augment each case study to include primary healthcare settings, outpatient clinics, assisted living environments, and other contexts as relevant.

Word Count: 64593

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Case Study
Glynda Rees
Janet Morrison
Rob Kruger
Date Added:
Health Education
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Readers will learn about the nature of health, health education, health promotion and related concepts. This will help to understand the social, psychological and physical components of health.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Health
Chapter 2: Psychological Health
Chapter 3: Stress Management
Chapter 4: Relationships and Communication
Chapter 5: Gender and Sexuality
Chapter 6: Sexual Health
Chapter 7: Infectious diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)
Chapter 8: Substance Use and Abuse
Chapter 9: Basic Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Chapter 10: Weight Management
Chapter 11: Physical Fitness
Chapter 12: Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer
Chapter 13: Environmental Health
Chapter 14: Health Care Choices

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Garrett Rieck
Justin Lundin
Date Added:
Health Professions Education Research Primer
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0.0 stars

Long Description:
Health Professions Education Research Primer. A joint project by the McMaster Program for Faculty Development within the Office of CPD; Health Sciences Education (HSEd) Graduate Studies Program, McMaster University; and McMaster Education Research, Innovation, and Theory (MERIT) Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). except where otherwise noted.

This project is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual earning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit: https://vls.ecampusontario.ca.

Word Count: 41213

ISBN: 978-1-927565-44-5

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Material Type:
McMaster University
Date Added: