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  • Textbook
The American Yawp
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0.0 stars

The American Yawp constructs a coherent and accessible narrative from all the best of recent historical scholarship. Without losing sight of politics and power, it incorporates transnational perspectives, integrates diverse voices, recovers narratives of resistance, and explores the complex process of cultural creation. It looks for America in crowded slave cabins, bustling markets, congested tenements, and marbled halls. It navigates between maternity wards, prisons, streets, bars, and boardrooms. Whitman’s America, like ours, cut across the narrow boundaries that strangle many narratives. Balancing academic rigor with popular readability, The American Yawp offers a multi-layered, democratic alternative to the American past.

U.S. History
Material Type:
The American Yawp
Date Added:
The American Yawp Vol. II: Since 1877
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0.0 stars

In an increasingly digital world in which pedagogical trends are de-emphasizing rote learning and professors are increasingly turning toward active-learning exercises, scholars are fleeing traditional textbooks. Yet for those that still yearn for the safe tether of a synthetic text, as either narrative backbone or occasional reference material, The American Yawp offers a free and online, collaboratively built, open American history textbook designed for college-level history courses. Unchecked by profit motives or business models, and free from for-profit educational organizations, The American Yawp is by scholars, for scholars. All contributors—experienced college-level instructors—volunteer their expertise to help democratize the American past for twenty-first century classrooms.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Stanford University
Ben Wright
Joseph L. Locke
Date Added:
Analytic Techniques for Public Management and Policy
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0.0 stars

Word Count: 15331

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Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Harvey Sky
Jiwon N. Speers
Kristin Conlin
Nett Smith
Date Added:
Analytical Chemistry
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0.0 stars

Analytical chemistry spans nearly all areas of chemistry but involves the development of tools and methods to measure physical properties of substances and apply those techniques to the identification of their presence (qualitative analysis) and quantify the amount present (quantitative analysis) of species in a wide variety of settings.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Analytical Chemistry 2.1
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

As currently taught in the United States, introductory courses in analytical chemistryemphasize quantitative (and sometimes qualitative) methods of analysis along with a heavydose of equilibrium chemistry. Analytical chemistry, however, is much more than a collection ofanalytical methods and an understanding of equilibrium chemistry; it is an approach to solvingchemical problems. Although equilibrium chemistry and analytical methods are important, theircoverage should not come at the expense of other equally important topics.

The introductory course in analytical chemistry is the ideal place in the undergraduate chemistry curriculum forexploring topics such as experimental design, sampling, calibration strategies, standardization,optimization, statistics, and the validation of experimental results. Analytical methods comeand go, but best practices for designing and validating analytical methods are universal. Becausechemistry is an experimental science it is essential that all chemistry students understand theimportance of making good measurements.

My goal in preparing this textbook is to find a more appropriate balance between theoryand practice, between “classical” and “modern” analytical methods, between analyzing samplesand collecting samples and preparing them for analysis, and between analytical methods anddata analysis. There is more material here than anyone can cover in one semester; it is myhope that the diversity of topics will meet the needs of different instructors, while, perhaps,suggesting some new topics to cover.

Physical Science
Material Type:
DePauw University
David Harvey
Date Added:
Analytical Methods In Geosciences
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0.0 stars

Long Description:
Located at https://courses.lumenlearning.com/labmethods/

Word Count: 9849

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Analytical Methods in Geosciences
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0.0 stars

Long Description:
Located at https://courses.lumenlearning.com/labmethods/

Word Count: 13827

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Physical Science
Material Type:
Elizabeth Johnson
Juhong Christie Liu
Date Added:
Analyzing meaning: An introduction to semantics and pragmatics
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0.0 stars

This book provides an introduction to the study of meaning in human language, from a linguistic perspective. It covers a fairly broad range of topics, including lexical semantics, compositional semantics, and pragmatics. The chapters are organized into six units: (1) Foundational concepts; (2) Word meanings; (3) Implicature (including indirect speech acts); (4) Compositional semantics; (5) Modals, conditionals, and causation; (6) Tense & aspect.

Social Science
Material Type:
Language Science Press
Paul Kroeger
Date Added:
Anamnèse et examen clinique du rachis
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0.0 stars

Le diagnostic est défini comme l’ensemble des mesures réalisées afin d’identifier la nature et la cause des pathologies. Cette recherche est par essence imparfaite et tout thérapeute visera, autant que faire se peut, à s’approcher au plus près du diagnostic. Dans ce processus, plusieurs modalités (anamnèse, examen clinique et examens complémentaires) seront nécessaires tout en restant insuffisantes - ou pour le moins imprécises - lorsqu’elles seront considérées de manière isolée. Au final, c’est la synthèse de ces données qui nous offrira la meilleure vision d’une pathologie nécessairement spécifique et individuelle. La médecine se trouve à mi-distance entre les sciences exactes et les sciences humaines. Certains la définissent aussi comme un art, c’est-à-dire comme une capacité individuelle qu’aurait chaque médecin à soigner. En partie en réaction avec cette idée, depuis une trentaine d’années, l’Evidence Based Medicine s’est progressivement imposée dans les parcours thérapeutiques en même temps qu’une multitude de nouveaux examens complémentaires. Cette évolution vers davantage de science se voit aujourd’hui modérée par un retour progressif à une prise en charge plus globale des patients et c’est probablement à mi-chemin que se trouvera la meilleure stratégie. L’avantage de cette méthode est appuyé par la littérature scientifique actuelle qui montre, chaque jour un peu plus, l’interconnexion des différentes pathologies là-même où nous aurions pensé les séparer par une frontière bien nette. La prise en charge du patient dans sa globalité est garantie par un interrogatoire et un examen clinique bien conduits. Eux seuls peuvent efficacement orienter la nécessité d’examens complémentaires dont la précision extrême reste limitée soit dans l’espace (une IRM lombaire ne couvre que quelques vertèbres…) soit par leur technologie (faible résolution spatiale de la scintigraphie...). La pathologie rachidienne est décrite, à cause de sa prévalence, comme la pathologie du siècle. Elle constitue un des premiers motifs de consultation. Son impact est important sur le plan socio-économique et sur le plan de la santé publique. En effet, en termes d’invalidité, les problèmes lombaires sont au premier plan, suivis par la dépression et les autres affections musculo-squelettiques. Le vieillissement de nos populations s’accompagne d’une augmentation des pathologies dégénératives - y compris rachidiennes - associant des symptômes d’enraidissement, de douleur, de déformation ou de déficit neurologique. Dans ce chapitre, nous nous efforcerons de mettre en lumière les éléments fondamentaux à recueillir dans le cadre d’une consultation en pathologie rachidienne. Il ne s’agit donc pas d’une description exhaustive de l’ensemble des techniques d’interrogatoire et d’examen clinique mais plutôt d’un recueil d’étapes nécessaires pour pouvoir s’orienter correctement et parler un même langage.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Université catholique de Louvain
Provider Set:
Irda Nadia
Kaminski Ludovic
Date Added:
Anatomical Basis of Injury
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book is adapted from Anatomy and Physiology by Openstax. The text is designed to supplement an Anatomical Basis of Injury in Athletic Training course while providing review of basic Anatomy and Physiology.

Word Count: 124069

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Life Science
Material Type:
Layci Harrison
Date Added:
Anatomical Variation: An Australian and New Zealand Context
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook is designed to actively engage your exploration and critical analysis of human anatomical variation in an Australian and New Zealand context. Understanding anatomical variation is essential for all health professionals to avoid patient misdiagnosis such as confusing a natural variant with a pathology, minimise surgical or procedural errors that may occur if variations are unexpected, and ultimately improve patient outcomes by applying culturally safe practices. Research in anatomical variation has demonstrated significant differences in phenotypic expression of variants between and within geographic, ancestral and socioeconomic populations, as well as displaying significant variance between males and females. It is therefore critical as a health professional to understand anatomical variation in the context of the population you intend to practice in. This textbook compiles this critical information into an easy to read summary of the range and frequency of anatomical phenotypes in Australian and New Zealand patients by drawing from contemporary anatomical science research. Anatomical variation of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori peoples has also been highlighted where research is available.

Long Description:
The anatomy of our outwardly facing physical appearance exhibits great diversity between individuals, from different eye, skin and hair colour to the size of our feet and our height. However, it is less known whether our anatomy differs beneath the surface… is the anatomy of the internal organs the same between individuals? Most textbooks would like you to think so with simplified standard descriptions of human anatomy such as the lung lobes and fissures, aortic arch branches and bone numbers. But this eBook is different. Here we build your understanding of the scope and clinical importance of human anatomical variation to improve your clinical skills as a health professional or biomedical scientist.

Anatomical variation is described as the differences in macroscopic morphology (shape and size), topography (location), developmental timing or frequency (number) of an anatomical structure between individuals. It presents during embryological or subadult development and results in no substantive observable interruption to physiological function. Every organ displays an array of anatomical phenotypes, and for these reasons the anatomy of each person is considered a variant. Understanding anatomical variation is essential for all health professionals to avoid patient misdiagnosis such as confusing a natural variant with a pathology, minimise surgical or procedural errors that may occur if variations are unexpected, and ultimately improve patient outcomes by applying culturally safe practices.

This textbook is designed to actively engage your exploration and critical analysis of human anatomical variation in an Australian and New Zealand context. Research in anatomical variation has demonstrated significant differences in phenotypic expression of variants between and within geographic, ancestral and socioeconomic populations, as well as displaying significant variance between males and females. It is therefore critical as a health professional to understand anatomical variation in the context of the population you intend to practice in. This textbook compiles this critical information into an easy to read summary of the range and frequency of anatomical phenotypes in Australian and New Zealand patients by drawing from contemporary anatomical science research. Anatomical variation of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori peoples has also been highlighted where research is available.

The textbook is organised to complement your health science studies by developing your depth of understanding to address three critical themes in anatomical variation: Theme 1: Categorise and describe a range of anatomical variation within the human body. Theme 2: Theorise the implications of anatomical variation on patient outcomes and in professional contexts. Theme 3: Investigate the process of anatomical variation formation and its potential causes.

Each chapter employs a multimodal and active learning approach using text and video summaries of key information, checkpoint quizzes, interactive images, clinical and professional discussion activities, and recommended readings. In this way, the activities in this textbook can be easily embedded into existing health science curricula to strengthen anatomical variation understanding in all health professional courses.

Word Count: 31978

ISBN: 978-1-925553-51-2

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Higher Education
Life Science
Material Type:
Queensland University of Technology
Annabelle L. Kimmorley
Laura S. Gregory
Mikaela S. Reynolds
Date Added:
Anatomical Variation: An Australian and New Zealand Context
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook is designed to actively engage your exploration and critical analysis of human anatomical variation in an Australian and New Zealand context. Understanding anatomical variation is essential for all health professionals to avoid patient misdiagnosis such as confusing a natural variant with a pathology, minimise surgical or procedural errors that may occur if variations are unexpected, and ultimately improve patient outcomes by applying culturally safe practices. Research in anatomical variation has demonstrated significant differences in phenotypic expression of variants between and within geographic, ancestral and socioeconomic populations, as well as displaying significant variance between males and females. It is therefore critical as a health professional to understand anatomical variation in the context of the population you intend to practice in. This textbook compiles this critical information into an easy to read summary of the range and frequency of anatomical phenotypes in Australian and New Zealand patients by drawing from contemporary anatomical science research. Anatomical variation of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori peoples has also been highlighted where research is available.

Long Description:
The anatomy of our outwardly facing physical appearance exhibits great diversity between individuals, from different eye, skin and hair colour to the size of our feet and our height. However, it is less known whether our anatomy differs beneath the surface… is the anatomy of the internal organs the same between individuals? Most textbooks would like you to think so with simplified standard descriptions of human anatomy such as the lung lobes and fissures, aortic arch branches and bone numbers. But this eBook is different. Here we build your understanding of the scope and clinical importance of human anatomical variation to improve your clinical skills as a health professional or biomedical scientist.

Anatomical variation is described as the differences in macroscopic morphology (shape and size), topography (location), developmental timing or frequency (number) of an anatomical structure between individuals. It presents during embryological or subadult development and results in no substantive observable interruption to physiological function. Every organ displays an array of anatomical phenotypes, and for these reasons the anatomy of each person is considered a variant. Understanding anatomical variation is essential for all health professionals to avoid patient misdiagnosis such as confusing a natural variant with a pathology, minimise surgical or procedural errors that may occur if variations are unexpected, and ultimately improve patient outcomes by applying culturally safe practices.

This textbook is designed to actively engage your exploration and critical analysis of human anatomical variation in an Australian and New Zealand context. Research in anatomical variation has demonstrated significant differences in phenotypic expression of variants between and within geographic, ancestral and socioeconomic populations, as well as displaying significant variance between males and females. It is therefore critical as a health professional to understand anatomical variation in the context of the population you intend to practice in. This textbook compiles this critical information into an easy to read summary of the range and frequency of anatomical phenotypes in Australian and New Zealand patients by drawing from contemporary anatomical science research. Anatomical variation of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori peoples has also been highlighted where research is available.

The textbook is organised to complement your health science studies by developing your depth of understanding to address three critical themes in anatomical variation: Theme 1: Categorise and describe a range of anatomical variation within the human body. Theme 2: Theorise the implications of anatomical variation on patient outcomes and in professional contexts. Theme 3: Investigate the process of anatomical variation formation and its potential causes.

Each chapter employs a multimodal and active learning approach using text and video summaries of key information, checkpoint quizzes, interactive images, clinical and professional discussion activities, and recommended readings. In this way, the activities in this textbook can be easily embedded into existing health science curricula to strengthen anatomical variation understanding in all health professional courses.

Word Count: 31376

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Higher Education
Life Science
Material Type:
Queensland University of Technology
Date Added:
Anatomie radiologique et neuroanatomie du rachis
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0.0 stars

Le but du présent chapitre n’est pas de réaliser une description exhaustive de l’anatomie du rachis mais bien d’en présenter les caractéristiques essentielles du point de vue du clinicien afin de pouvoir juger de la normalité ou non du bilan d’imagerie. Cette lecture doit pouvoir s’effectuer sur la base des trois examens complémentaires aujourd’hui indispensables qui sont la radiographie, le CT-scan et l’IRM.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Université catholique de Louvain
Provider Set:
Ludovic KAMINSKi
Date Added:
Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual
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0.0 stars

This anatomy & physiology lab manual is meant for a two semester course, covering every system of the human body.  It contains lecture notes, labs, videos, and the online version has added activities and games.

Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Eric Osborn
Date Added:
Anatomy Quizbook: for students studying or intending to study medicine
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

The Anatomy Quizbook is an interactive learning book that will help students and tutors – indeed anyone interested in anatomy – learn, test and improve their knowledge of the human body.

Readers are presented with carefully selected questions and diagrams addressing core learning in clinically-relevant anatomy. This selective rather than exhaustive approach will especially suit time-poor scholars. Regular self-testing will also ensure a robust and strategic understanding of the subject matter.

In this first Volume, you can develop your knowledge of fundamental anatomy, including clinically-relevant terminology and the significant parts and operation of the:

- Thorax, focusing on the heart, lungs, and associated bones, muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels.

- Abdomen, exploring the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen and their supporting structures (muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels).

- Pelvis, examining the bones, ligaments, vessels and nerves of the pelvic region, the features of male and female pelves, and the major digestive and excretory organs (colon, rectum, bladder and urethra).

Whilst developed primarily for students who are studying, or intend to study, medicine, the Anatomy Quizbook will reward all readers who seek to explore and learn about the workings of the human body.

Regular users will find much to learn and build on, hopefully leading to further enthusiasm for a valuable subject that underpins much of medicine.

Life Science
Material Type:
UTS ePress
Kerry G. Baker
Date Added:
Anatomy & Physiology
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars


Short Description:
An adapted and revised edition of the OpenStax Anatomy & Physiology (https://openstax.org/details/books/anatomy-and-physiology) with revised content and artwork, Open Oregon State, Oregon State University. Data Dashboard

Long Description:
An adapted and revised edition of the OpenStax Anatomy & Physiology (https://openstax.org/details/books/anatomy-and-physiology) with revised content and artwork, Open Oregon State, Oregon State University.

Word Count: 551108

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Life Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Amy Harwell
Devon Quick
Joel Kaufmann
Jon Runyeon
Katie Morrison-graham
Leeah Whittier
Lindsay M Biga
Mike Lemaster
Philip Matern
Robin Hopkins
Sierra Dawson
Date Added: