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  • Health, Medicine and Nursing
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TO OUR HEALTH STUDENTS: You are living on Planet Earth*, and currently in the USA State of California. You are in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.Natural and man-made disasters are becoming a regular event in our lives here. BEING PREPARED is a mandatory part of our daily living patters. Consider what Max Brooks had to say on the subject: In this module, you will review your own disaster/emergency preparedness. Through links to national websites, California state websites, and Los Angeles County websites, you will have the opportunity to check your readiness, research a specific natural disaster, and discuss ideas with classmates on-line.Have a good journey! DAK***See resource.**Doris A. Kaufman, Community College Health InstructorLos Angeles Community College District; Santa Monica Community College District

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Doris Kaufman
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0.0 stars

Producción realizada por alumnos de cuarto año del Seminario de Dsiciplina Enfermera de la Carrera de Licenciatura de Enfermería dependiente de la Facultad de Ciencias del Ambiente y la Salud de la de la Universidad  Nacional del Comahue con sede academica  en el centro Regional  Universitario  Bariloche, Provincia de Río Negro. Argentina.Es un apresentacion de Power Point de contenido narrativo acompañado con imagenes que ilustran la información. El tema propuesto es el cambio de paradigma en la utilizacion del barbijo a nivel mundial y en contexo de pandemia COVID-19.   

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Marcela Bono
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0.0 stars

Presentación de PowerPoint de contenido narrativo,acompañado por imagenes que ilustran la informacion. El tema propuesto es el cambio de paradigma en la utilización del barbijo a nivel mundial y en el contexto de pandemia covid-19

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Florencia Cirillo
Date Added:
CANCER (2014)
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0.0 stars

Cancer is one of the most common diseases. According to some sources, every third person will eventually develop cancer. This Mini Lecture deals with the causes and therapeutic options of cancer with direct quotes by Nobel Laureates Renato Dulbecco, Howard Temin, and Aaron Ciechanover.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
Provider Set:
Mini Lectures
Date Added:
CAPS I Physical Examination Module: Cardiovascular System
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0.0 stars

At our institution, teaching basic physical examination (PE) skills capitalizes on the use of electronic resources and Standardized Patients (SP) with advanced training who are better able to assist students in developing their skills. This online module uses interactive methods, video, and concept applications to prepare learners for practice/review of the necessary components to develop a PE skill set. SPs with advanced training (Physical Examination Teaching Associates (PETAs)) use this module to prepare for their role of SP, as well as understanding when to provide feedback to students on the ‘mechanics’ of the PE and communication skills used during the ‘patient’ encounter. In an effort to better link the training of the PETAs with educational outcomes for the students, we have created this online module that integrates the foundational science concepts for which the students are responsible as they learn/practice basic PE skills. Sharing these concepts with the PETAs during their training will help frame the oral feedback that they provide to students. This oral feedback is more directive, and is in addition to the checklist assessment provided to each student at the completion of the encounter. This online module advances the use of SPs in clinical education by creating an efficient, timely, scalable, easily accessible resource that will assist in training, but will also serve as the primary resource for students when learning the basics of PE.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Anthony Brenneman
Carol Gorney
Carrie Bernat
James Hickman
PhD Marc Pizzimenti (University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine)
Date Added:
CARE: Confident Action and Referral by Educators - Online Training
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0.0 stars

An online training for school staff to recognize and respond to student emotional and behavioral distress.

Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Base Education
National Center for School Engagement
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Date Added:
CASD 7325X Clinical Foundations in Speech-Language Pathology
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0.0 stars

Addresses foundational knowledge related to many aspects of clinical practice in speech-language pathology. It has been developed to support students entry into their first clinical practicum and supervision experience.

Applied Science
English Language Arts
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Life Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Brooklyn College
Akiko Fuse
Amy Wolfe
Date Added:
CAT: Geriatric Frustration During Speech Session
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0.0 stars

Given that geriatric patients may get frustrated when working on their impairments in therapy, the SLP must be able to alleviate their frustration within the session to allow for the most efficient and practical sessions. It is hypothesized that geriatric patients, like children, would also benefit the most from games or from a conversation that is unrelated to therapy; however, games will likely be more beneficial for alleviating stress due to games being able to distract the client from the therapy session better than conversation can. This research would ask the following question: Are games more effective in alleviating frustration for geriatric patients during therapy sessions than conversations unrelated to therapy?

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Aubrey DiMaio
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Il existe de nombreuses façons de dispenser des médicaments dans l’organisme, dans un but ciblé et spécifique. Jusqu’à présent, on a pu identifier environ 500 structures moléculaires servant de cibles aux médicaments.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
Provider Set:
Mini Lectures
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0.0 stars

Este Protocolo de Orientação é resultado de uma dissertação de mestrado profissional desenvolvido no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Rede Nacional para Ensino de Ciências Ambientais (Profciamb), tendo como objetivo o ensino das Ciências Ambientais na formação técnica profissionalizante em enfermagem do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas Campus São Gabriel da Cachoeira (IFAM-CSG), situado no município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira estado do Amazonas – Brasil.

O estudo que resultou neste Protococo foi construído mediante a análise dos Projetos Pedagógicos de Curso (PPCs) do IFAM/CSGC, Instituto Federal de Roraima Campus Boa vista (IFRR/CBV), e apreciação da percepção do
docente e discente quanto à presença das temáticas ambientais em sua formação. É um instrumento de fácil aplicabilidade que pode ser utilizado e também orientar a construção de PPCs por outras instituições de nsino em diferentes contextos ambientais e diferentes níveis de formação.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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0.0 stars

Esta infografía da una visión general de la clonación. Explica la clonación como la creación de copias idénticas de organismos, células, virus o moléculas de ADN, destacando sus aplicaciones en investigación genética, producción de medicamentos, desarrollo de vacunas y terapia génica. Menciona hitos históricos y pioneros en el campo, como Robert Briggs, John B., así como Ian Wilmut con Keith Campbell. También describe el proceso de clonación genética para la creación de un ADN recombinante, en cinco pasos y presenta ventajas y desventajas, mencionando aspectos éticos y riesgos. Los autores son QFB Patricia Rosales-Flores, MC. Diana Lizzet Murrieta.León y Dra. Aracely López-Monteon

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Information Science
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Aracely López-Monteon
Date Added:
CMA 110 - Medical Office Communications
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0.0 stars

This Medical Office Communications course is designed to help prepare you to use effective communication in the medical setting. You will learn a variety of communication methods specific to the medical office. This course is designed to assist you in discovering applications of good communication skills, as well as provide elements of critical thinking. This course has 3 Credit Units that emphasize a variety of communication competencies.

NOTE: This is a Communication class which inherently requires meaningful interaction with other people. As a student in this class, you will be required to regularly have other individuals assist you with assignments. Use the Credit Unit Syllabi found below to help you plan ahead so that as you prepare to take this course you have a pool of individuals available who are willing to help you complete Module assessments.

Furthermore, although this is NOT a writing course, it is expected that you will write in a professional manner similar to the expectations when you are employed. This course requires APA style writing. For more information on this type of writing, the Purdue Online Writing Lab provides an excellent resource and can be found at the following link: OWL (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Web page)

Write in complete sentences.
Do not use abbreviations. (Example: Do not instead of don't)
Use 12 point font - preferably New Times Roman or Arial
Use a program and check your spelling and grammar before submission EVERY time.

Course Outcomes:
1. Use language/verbal skills that enable patients' understanding.
2. Recognize communication barriers.
3. Advocate on behalf of patients.
4. Respond to nonverbal communication.
5. Apply active listening skills.
6. Use appropriate body language and other nonverbal skills in communicating with patient, family and staff.
7. Demonstrate awareness of the territorial boundaries of the person when communicating.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
Linn-Benton Community College
Linn Benton Virtual College
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CMA 111 - Medical Documentation and Screening
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0.0 stars

This course prepares the student to properly document and organize information for the medical record. This class prepares the student to initially screen patient calls for emergency and other medical intervention.

NOTE: This is a class that will require you to submit roleplay videos. Plan ahead as you prepare to take this course, and have a pool of individuals available who are willing to be videotaped for these short roleplay assessments.

Course Outcomes:

1. Create a list of current community resources for patient needs.
2. Perform patient screening using established protocols.
3. Organize technical information and summaries.
4. Use medical terminology correctly to document patient encounters.
5. Document in appropriate formats in Electronic Medical Record.
6. Demonstrate professional telephone techniques.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
Linn-Benton Community College
Linn Benton Virtual College
Date Added:
CMA 112 - Basic Law & Ethical Issues in Healthcare
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0.0 stars

This course is designed to prepare you to comprehend, interpret, and respond to legal and ethical situations in the healthcare setting with diverse populations in a culturally competent way.

NOTE: This is an ethics class, which inherently requires meaningful conversations with other people. As a student in this class, you will be required to regularly meet with other individuals to discuss ethical questions that occur in healthcare. Be aware that you will be required to facilitate a group discussion for most Modules. Plan ahead as you prepare to take this course, and have a pool of individuals available who are willing to have ethical discussions with you.

Couse Outcomes

1. Demonstrate respect for diversity in approaching patients and families.
2. Identify the role of self-boundaries in the healthcare environment.
3. Recognize the role of patient advocacy in the your professional practice.
4. Discuss legal scope of practice for medical assistance and coders.
5. Explore issue of confidentiality as it applies to the medical assistant and to coders.
6. Describe the implications of HIPAA for the medical assistant and the coder in various medical settings.
7. Discuss licensure and certification as it applies to healthcare providers.
8. Describe liability, professional, personal injury, and third party insurance.
9. Compare and contrast physician, medical assistant, and coder roles in terms of standard of care.
10. Compare criminal and civil law as it applies to practicing medical assistant and coders.
11. Provide an example of tort law as it would apply to a medical assistant and coders.
12. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Negligence.
13. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Malpractice.
14. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Statute of Limitations.
15. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Good Samaritan Act(s).
16. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.
17. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Living Will/Advanced directives.
18. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Medical durable power of attorney.
19. Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting and coding profession.
20. List and discuss legal and illegal interview questions.
21. Discuss all levels of governmental legislation and regulation as they apply to medical assisting practice, including FDA and DEA regulations.
22. Describe the process to follow if an error is made in patient care Respond to issues of confidentiality.
23. Perform within scope of practice. Apply HIPAA rules in regard to privacy/release of information.
24. Practice within the standard of care for a medical assistant and/or coder.
25. Incorporate the Patient's Bill of Right's into personal practice. and medical office policies and procedures.
26. Complete an incident report.
27. Document accurately in the patient record.
28. Apply local, state and federal healthcare legislation appropriate to the medical assisting and coding practice setting.
29. Demonstrate sensitivity to patient rights.
30. Demonstrate awareness of the consequences of not working within the legal scope of practice.
31. Recognize the importance of local, state and federal legislation and regulations in the practice setting.
32. Differentiate between legal, ethical, and moral issues affecting healthcare.
33. Compare personal, professional and organizational ethics.
34. Discuss the role of cultural, social and ethnic diversity in ethical performance in the healthcare practice.
35. Identify where to report illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that affect health, safety and welfare of others.
36. Identify the effect personal ethics may have on professional performance.
37. Report illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that affect health, safety and welfare of others to proper authorities.
38. Develop a plan for separation of personal and professional ethics.
39. Apply ethical behaviors, including honesty, integrity in the performance of medical assisting and coding practice.
40. Examine the impact personal ethics and morals may have on the individual's practice.
41. Demonstrate awareness of diversity in providing patient care.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
Linn-Benton Community College
Linn Benton Virtual College
Date Added:
CMA 130 - Introduction to Pharmacology I
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course is designed to prepare you to comprehend, interpret, and respond to legal and ethical situations in the healthcare setting with diverse populations in a culturally competent way.

NOTE: This is an ethics class, which inherently requires meaningful conversations with other people. As a student in this class, you will be required to regularly meet with other individuals to discuss ethical questions that occur in healthcare. Be aware that you will be required to facilitate a group discussion for most Modules. Plan ahead as you prepare to take this course, and have a pool of individuals available who are willing to have ethical discussions with you.

Class Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate respect for diversity in approaching patients and families.
2. Identify the role of self-boundaries in the healthcare environment.
3. Recognize the role of patient advocacy in the your professional practice.
4. Discuss legal scope of practice for medical assistance and coders.
5. Explore issue of confidentiality as it applies to the medical assistant and to coders.
6. Describe the implications of HIPAA for the medical assistant and the coder in various medical settings.
7. Discuss licensure and certification as it applies to healthcare providers.
8. Describe liability, professional, personal injury, and third party insurance.
9. Compare and contrast physician, medical assistant, and coder roles in terms of standard of care.
10. Compare criminal and civil law as it applies to practicing medical assistant and coders.
11. Provide an example of tort law as it would apply to a medical assistant and coders.
12 Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Negligence.
13. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Malpractice.
14. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Statute of Limitations.
15. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Good Samaritan Act(s).
16. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.
17. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Living Will/Advanced directives.
18. Explain how the following impact the healthcare practice and give examples: Medical durable power of attorney.
19. Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting and coding profession.
20. List and discuss legal and illegal interview questions.
21. Discuss all levels of governmental legislation and regulation as they apply to medical assisting practice, including FDA and DEA regulations.
22. Describe the process to follow if an error is made in patient care Respond to issues of confidentiality.
23. Perform within scope of practice. Apply HIPAA rules in regard to privacy/release of information.
24. Practice within the standard of care for a medical assistant and/or coder.
25. Incorporate the Patient's Bill of Right's into personal practice. and medical office policies and procedures.
26. Complete an incident report.
27. Document accurately in the patient record.
28. Apply local, state and federal healthcare legislation appropriate to the medical assisting and coding practice setting.
29. Demonstrate sensitivity to patient rights.
30. Demonstrate awareness of the consequences of not working within the legal scope of practice.
31. Recognize the importance of local, state and federal legislation and regulations in the practice setting.
32. Differentiate between legal, ethical, and moral issues affecting healthcare.
33. Compare personal, professional and organizational ethics.
34. Discuss the role of cultural, social and ethnic diversity in ethical performance in the healthcare practice.
35. Identify where to report illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that affect health, safety and welfare of others.
36. Identify the effect personal ethics may have on professional performance.
37. Report illegal and/or unsafe activities and behaviors that affect health, safety and welfare of others to proper authorities.
38. Develop a plan for separation of personal and professional ethics.
39. Apply ethical behaviors, including honesty, integrity in the performance of medical assisting and coding practice.
40. Examine the impact personal ethics and morals may have on the individual's practice.
41. Demonstrate awareness of diversity in providing patient care.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
Linn-Benton Community College
Linn Benton Virtual College
Date Added:
CMA 200 - Medical Office Management
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course prepares the student to function in the administrative outpatient setting.

Course Outcomes:
1. Operate EMR systems
2. Effectively communicate in a professional environment
3. Work effectively in a medical office environment
4. Perform basic medical office accounting.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
Linn-Benton Community College
Linn Benton Virtual College
Date Added:
The COMET Initiative’s Guide to Selecting Outcomes in Clinical Trials
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"People can learn a lot from clinical trials -- like whether a new treatment works, whether it has serious side effects, or whether it would be cost-effective. How much a trial tells us, though, depends on what the researchers looked for and how they measured those outcomes. Unfortunately, people doing trials often don’t consult with patients -- or even with other researchers -- about what outcomes to focus on. With each researcher choosing their own outcomes to measure, comparisons between trials are difficult, and without input from patients, the most relevant ones are sometimes missed. It’s increasingly clear that selecting relevant outcomes is an important part of trial design, and that standardization could get more out of each trial, reduce waste in research, and move science and health care forward faster. To help, the COMET Initiative has written a new handbook on how to choose the most important outcomes..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added: