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  • oerc-reviewed-textbooks
Calculus for the Life Sciences: A Modeling Approach Volume 2
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0.0 stars

Our writing is based on three premises. First, life sciences students are motivated by and respond well to actual data related to real life sciences problems. Second, the ultimate goal of calculus in the life sciences primarily involves modeling living systems with difference and differential equations. Understanding the concepts of derivative and integral are crucial, but the ability to compute a large array of derivatives and integrals is of secondary importance. Third, the depth of calculus for life sciences students should be comparable to that of the traditional physics and engineering calculus course; else life sciences students will be short changed and their faculty will advise them to take the 'best' (engineering) course.

In our text, mathematical modeling and difference and differential equations lead, closely follow, and extend the elements of calculus. Chapter one introduces mathematical modeling in which students write descriptions of some observed processes and from these descriptions derive first order linear difference equations whose solutions can be compared with the observed data. In chapters in which the derivatives of algebraic, exponential, or trigonometric functions are defined, biologically motivated differential equations and their solutions are included. The chapter on partial derivatives includes a section on the diffusion partial differential equation. There are two chapters on non-linear difference equations and on systems of two difference equations and two chapters on differential equations and on systems of differential equation.

Material Type:
James L. Cornette
Ralph A. Ackerman
Date Added:
Caliphates and Islamic Global Politics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The events of the Arab Spring, beginning in December 2010, saw renewed hope for Arab Civil Society. However, the fall of authoritarian regimes did not always seem to benefit Civil Society – whilst Political Islamic movements often took advantage. In Syria, Iraq, and beyond, groups like the Islamic State are declaring Caliphates in the territories they seize in an attempt to fulfil the Political Islam ideal of a ‘global Islamic Caliphate’ encompassing the Muslim world. This collection of articles aims to address common questions about Political Islam, as well as to provide an assessment of the Islamic State/ISIS/ISIL and finally challenge common understandings on the issue of Islam and democracy.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
E-International Relations
Robert L. Oprisko
Timothy Poirson
Date Added:
Canada and Speeches from the Throne
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Narrating a Nation, 1935-2015

Short Description:
This book by senior undergraduate and graduate student in the Department of History at the University of Regina describes how Canadian Prime Ministers articulated their vision of Canada from 1935 to 2015 through their Speeches from the Throne and in their Leaders' Day speeches. It demonstrates that each of Canada's Prime Ministers had a vision for the country and articulated that vision in their speeches and through their words.

Long Description:
The Speech from the Throne is one of the most important moments in the Canadian Parliamentary calendar. It signals the beginning of a new Parliament, and it lays out the government’s agenda for the upcoming session as well as the Prime Minister’s vision for the country. In this book, senior undergraduate students and graduate student enrolled in their History course on Canadian Political History at the University of Regina in the fall of 2020 researched how Prime Ministers have articulate a national identity though their speeches marking the opening of Parliament. It offers their perspective on the engaging question of Canadian identity.

Word Count: 41274

ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-07731-07601

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English Language Arts
Political Science
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
University of Regina
Alexander Washkowsky
Braden Sapara
Brady Dean
Dayle Steffen
Deklen Wolbaum
Joshua Switzer
Raymond B. Blake
Rebecca Morris-Hurl
Sarah Hoag
Date Added:
Canadian History: Post-Confederation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. “Canada” in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows thematic lines. Each chapter moves chronologically but with alternative narratives in mind. What Aboriginal accounts must we place in the foreground? Which structures (economic or social) determine the range of choices available to human agents of history? What environmental questions need to be raised to gain a more complete understanding of choices made in the past and their ramifications?

Long Description:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. “Canada” in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows thematic lines. Each chapter moves chronologically but with alternative narratives in mind. What Aboriginal accounts must we place in the foreground? Which structures (economic or social) determine the range of choices available to human agents of history? What environmental questions need to be raised to gain a more complete understanding of choices made in the past and their ramifications?

Each chapter is comprised of several sections and some of those are further divided. In many instances you will encounter original material that has been contributed by other university historians from across Canada who are leaders in their respective fields. They provide a diversity of voices on the subject of the nation’s history and, thus, an opportunity to experience some of the complexities of understanding and approaching the past. Canadian History: Post-Confederation includes Learning Objectives and Key Points in most chapter sections, intended to help identify issues of over-arching importance. Recent interviews with historians from across Canada have been captured in video clips that are embedded throughout the web version of the book. At the end of each chapter, the Summary section includes additional features: Key Terms, Short Answer Exercises, and Suggested Readings. The key terms are bolded in the text, and collected in a Glossary in the appendix.

Word Count: 349336

ISBN: 978-1-989623-13-8

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
John Douglas Belshaw
Date Added:
Canadian History: Post-Confederation - 2nd Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. “Canada” in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows thematic lines. Each chapter moves chronologically but with alternative narratives in mind. What Indigenous accounts must we place in the foreground? Which structures (economic or social) determine the range of choices available to human agents of history? What environmental questions need to be raised to gain a more complete understanding of choices made in the past and their ramifications?

Long Description:
This textbook introduces aspects of the history of Canada since Confederation. “Canada” in this context includes Newfoundland and all the other parts that come to be aggregated into the Dominion after 1867. Much of this text follows thematic lines. Each chapter moves chronologically but with alternative narratives in mind. What Indigenous accounts must we place in the foreground? Which structures (economic or social) determine the range of choices available to human agents of history? What environmental questions need to be raised to gain a more complete understanding of choices made in the past and their ramifications?

Each chapter is comprised of several sections and some of those are further divided. In many instances you will encounter original material that has been contributed by other university historians from across Canada who are leaders in their respective fields. They provide a diversity of voices on the subject of the nation’s history and, thus, an opportunity to experience some of the complexities of understanding and approaching the past. Canadian History: Post-Confederation includes Learning Objectives and Key Points in most chapter sections, intended to help identify issues of over-arching importance. Recent interviews with historians from across Canada have been captured in video clips that are embedded throughout the web version of the book. At the end of each chapter, the Summary section includes additional features: Key Terms, Short Answer Exercises, and Suggested Readings. The key terms are bolded in the text, and collected in a Glossary in the appendix.

Word Count: 352702

ISBN: 978-1-77420-065-0

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
John Douglas Belshaw
Date Added:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation - 2nd Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation is a survey text that introduces undergraduate students to important themes in North American history to 1867. It provides room for Indigenous and European agendas and narratives, explores the connections between the territory that coalesces into the shape of modern Canada and the larger continent and world in which it operates, and engages with emergent issues in the field.

Long Description:
Canadian History: Pre-Confederation is a survey text that introduces undergraduate students to important themes in North American history to 1867. It provides room for Aboriginal and European agendas and narratives, explores the connections between the territory that coalesces into the shape of modern Canada and the larger continent and world in which it operates, and engages with emergent issues in the field. The material is pursued in a largely chronological manner to the early 19th century, at which point social, economic, and political change are dissected. Canadian History: Pre-Confederation provides, as well, a reconnaissance of historical methodology and debates in the field, exercises for students, Key Terms and a Glossary, and section-by-section Key Points. Although this text can be modified, expanded, reduced, and reorganized to suit the needs of the instructor, it is organized so as to support learning, to broaden (and sometimes provoke) debate, and to engage students in thinking like historians. Written and reviewed by subject experts drawn from colleges and universities, this is the first open textbook on the topic of Canadian history.

Word Count: 251278

ISBN: 978-1-77420-063-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

World History
Material Type:
John Douglas Belshaw
Date Added:
Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellness
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Facilitator’s Guide for Use with Faculty and Staff

Short Description:
"Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellness" includes a facilitator’s guide with handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. This adaptable training resource covers foundational mental health and wellness knowledge for post-secondary faculty and staff and ways to support students in distress. It can be used for two-hour online or in-person training or for self-study.

Long Description:
Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellness includes a facilitator’s guide with handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. This adaptable training resource covers foundational mental health and wellness knowledge for post-secondary faculty and staff and ways to support students in distress. It can be used for two-hour online or in-person training or for self-study. This resource incorporates a decolonized perspective and was guided by the following principles: accessible, adaptable, culturally located, evidence-informed, inclusive, and trauma-informed. Handouts include a wellness wheel self-assessment tool and information on supporting students in distress.

Word Count: 21886

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Albert Seinen
Barbara Johnston
Faye Shedletzky
Gemma Armstrong
Jewell Gillies
Liz Warwick
Michelle Daoust
Ycha Gil
Date Added:
Capital Social y la Intención de Emprender
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Descubrir qué factores motivan e influyen en la actividad emprendedora es un tema de gran interés para investigadores, formuladores de política socioeconómica, académicos y para las personas en general. A lo largo de este libro, los autores nos relatan de forma amena y comprensible cómo nuestro entorno cercano y lejano forma una serie de valores, actitudes y creencias que predisponen o no al individuo a emprender. Un libro que sin duda va a enriquecer nuestro espíritu emprendedor, dando respuesta a preguntas que alguna vez nos hemos planteado en torno a las personas que toman la gran decisión de crear sus propios negocios.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Barba Mosquera
Bravo Bravo
Cedeño Aguilar
Santander Salmon
Date Added:
Career Cornerstones: Establishing a Foundation for a Career in Healthcare
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0.0 stars

Career Cornerstones: Establishing a Foundation for a Career in Healthcare is an Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on career skills required for students entering their respective health profession's program. This book is designed to help students be successful not only in their health profession's educational program, but also as they start to intern or work in healthcare settings. This resource is targeted for Healthcare Administration, Health Sciences, and Pre-Professional students.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
University of West Florida
Andrea Nelson
Katherine Greene
Date Added:
Career Decision Making for Adults
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

v 2.1

Short Description:
An adult college students' guide to navigating career transitions. This free Open Educational Resource text focuses on career-related self-awareness, job search tools and strategies, and career exploration. This book is adapted from the Blueprint for Success series which comprises three books for the College Success and FYE (First-Year Experience) genre. The central text, Blueprint for Success in College is designed to show how to be successful in college and in career preparation.

Long Description:
Career Decision Making for Adults is a remix and adaptation of Blueprint for Success in College: Career Decision Making. The source text is a remix of two previously existing OER (Open Educational Resources): Foundations of Academic Success: Words of Wisdom, edited by Thomas Priester, and College Success, provided by Lumen Learning. A free OER, (Open Educational Resource), Blueprint for Success in College: Career Decision Making is a students’ guide for the process of identifying a major and career. This text focuses on career exploration.

Word Count: 15013

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Dave Dillon
Jan Coville
Jim Peacock
Linda Bruce Hill
Thomas Priester
Date Added:
Case Studies in Community Psychology Practice
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0.0 stars

This free online (OER) textbook demonstrates the work and impact of community psychologists and allies by showcasing actual projects conducted in partnership with communities. The book displays cases in a dynamic and interactive format that will ignite students' desire and passion to study and become future community psychologists or those whose heart beats with the beloved community. You can find community psychologists and allies partnering with communities to change racist policies, end health disparities, create alternate settings for youth, foster community-based models to heal trauma, evaluate programs, and much more!

Social Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Primary Source
Rebus Community
Geraldine Palmer
Judah Viola
Maronica Engel
Todd Rogers
Date Added:
Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students
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0.0 stars

Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students (2021) is an undergraduate medical-level resource for foundational knowledge across the disciplines of genetics, cell biology and biochemistry. This USMLE-aligned text is designed for a first-year undergraduate medical course that is delivered typically before students start to explore systems physiology and pathophysiology. The text is meant to provide the essential information from these content areas in a concise format that would allow learner preparation to engage in an active classroom. Clinical correlates and additional application of content is intended to be provided in the classroom experience. The text assumes that the students will have completed medical school prerequisites (including the MCAT) in which they will have been introduced to the most fundamental concepts of biology and chemistry that are essential to understand the content presented here. This resource should be assistive to the learner later in medical school and for exam preparation given the material is presented in a succinct manner, with a focus on high-yield concepts.

The 276-page text was created specifically for use by pre-clinical students at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and was based on faculty experience and peer review to guide development and hone important topics.

Available Formats
978-1-949373-42-4 (PDF)
978-1-949373-43-1 (ePub) [coming soon]
978-1-949373-41-7 (Pressbooks) https://pressbooks.lib.vt.edu/cellbio
Also available via LibreTexts: https://med.libretexts.org/@go/page/37584

How to Adopt this Book
Instructors reviewing, adopting, or adapting parts or the whole of the text are requested to register their interest at: https://bit.ly/interest-preclinical.

Instructors and subject matter experts interested in and sharing their original course materials relevant to pre-clinical education are requested to join the instructor portal at https://www.oercommons.org/groups/pre-clinical-resources/10133.

Features of this Book
1. Detailed learning objectives are provided at the beginning of each subsection
2. High resolution, color contrasting figures illustrate concepts, relationships, and processes throughout
3. Summary tables display detailed information
4. End of chapter lists provide additional sources of information
5. Accessibility features including structured heads and alternative-text provide access for readers accessing the work via a screen-reader

Table of Contents
1. Biochemistry basics
2. Basic laboratory measurements
3. Fed and fasted state
4. Fuel for now
5. Fuel for later
6. Lipoprotein metabolism and cholesterol synthesis
7. Pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), purine and pyrimidine metabolism
8. Amino acid metabolism and heritable disorders of degradation
9. Disorders of monosaccharide metabolism and other metabolic conditions
10. Genes, genomes, and DNA
11. Transcription and translation
12. Gene regulation and the cell cycle
13. Human genetics
14. Linkage studies, pedigrees, and population genetics
15. Cellular signaling
16. Plasma membrane
17. Cytoplasmic membranes
18. Cytoskeleton
19. Extracellular matrix

Suggested Citation
LeClair, Renée J., (2021). Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students, Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech Publishing. https://doi.org/10.21061/cellbio. Licensed with CC BY NC-SA 4.0.

About the Author
Renée J. LeClair is an Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Science Education at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, where her role is to engage activities that support the departmental mission of developing an integrated medical experience using evidence-based delivery grounded in the science of learning. She received a Ph.D. at Rice University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Maine Medical Center Research Institute in vascular biology. She became involved in medical education, curricular renovation, and implementation of innovative teaching methods during her first faculty appointment, at the University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine. In 2013, she moved to a new medical school, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville. The opportunities afforded by joining a new program and serving as the Chair of the Curriculum committee provided a blank slate for creative curricular development and close involvement with the accreditation process. During her tenure she developed and directed a team-taught student-centered undergraduate medical course that integrated the scientific and clinical sciences to assess all six-core competencies of medical education.

Accessibility Note
The University Libraries at Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech Publishing are committed to making its publications accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The HTML (Pressbooks) and ePub versions of this book utilize header structures and include alternative text which allow for machine-readability.

Please report any errors at https://bit.ly/feedback-preclinical

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Renee LeClair
Date Added:
Cellular Internet of Things for Practitioners
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book describes the simplified architecture of an IoT network from the core functional perspective and then presents step-by-step procedures to establish a connection between the IoT device and platform. It practically shows how to connect a cellular IoT module to the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub using the LTE-M technology.

Word Count: 11073

ISBN: 978-1-990132-03-2

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Material Type:
F. John Dian
Reza Vahidnia
Date Added:
The Centrality of Style
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

In The Centrality of Style, editors Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri argue that style is a central concern of composition studies even as they demonstrate that some of the most compelling work in the area has emerged from the margins of the field. Calling attention to this paradox in his foreword to the collection, Paul Butler observes, "Many of the chapters work within the liminal space in which style serves as both a centralizing and decentralizing force in rhetoric and composition. Clearly, the authors and editors have made an invaluable contribution in their collection by exposing the paradoxical nature of a canon that continues to play a vital role in our disciplinary history."

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
WAC Clearinghouse
Mike Duncan
Star Medzerian Vanguri
Date Added:
Change: An Online Leadership Field Guide
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Knowing where to start can be exceedingly difficult when confronting the myriad changes that accompany online and digital learning initiatives. This field guide curates change management resources to aid individuals in identifying obstacles, needs, and opportunities as they build a coalition of support for continuous improvement in online education.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Idaho Open Press
Elizabeth Barrie
Fezile Mlungu
Heather Zeng
Jonathan Lashley
Date Added:
The Changing Story: digital stories that participate in transforming teaching & learning
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The Changing Story gives you assignments, resources, and examples to use in your teaching and learning. It will also help you think of ways digital stories can be used in your teaching, and help students harness the power of visual storytelling.

Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Linda Buturian
Date Added:
Chapeau! First-Year French
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0.0 stars

Chapeau! is a first-year college text. Although it may appear, at first glance, to move very fast and introduce a large amount of material early, the vocabulary and grammatical structures that we expect students to control actively by the end of the year are limited in accord with our notion of a reasonable application of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. As a result, while some instructors may be surprised at such things as the absence of the possessive pronoun, no insistence on the use of optional subjunctives, and no active treatment of the relative dont, others may be disturbed by what we still include in a first-year text. What we do expect students to acquire (which is quantitatively less than what we present in the text for them to know about), we believe they will acquire well, providing a sound basis for further study (formal or informal) and permitting us to say to them, both during and at the end of the course, "Chapeau!"

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
David Denine
Madeleine Kernen
Date Added:
Cheese Making Technology e-Book
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 53340

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Culinary Arts
Material Type:
Arthur Hill
Mary Ann Ferrer
Date Added:
Chemical Biology & Biochemistry Laboratory Using Genetic Code Expansion Manual
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Proteins play vital roles in most biological processes; these roles include acting as catalysts for physiological reactions, as regulators for those reactions, or as structural framework around which these processes can occur. Proteins’ complex organization of diverse functionality in 3D space leads to an astonishing range of function for living organisms. Understanding this intimate relationship between structure and function is the backbone of understanding the natural world and is the key to controlling it. Data dashboard

Word Count: 13793

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Life Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Kari van Zee
Kelsey Kean
Ryan Mehl
Date Added:
Chemical Process Dynamics and Controls Textbook
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course uses an open textbook University of Michigan Chemical Engineering Process Dynamics and Controls. The articles in the open textbook (wikibook) are all written by teams of 3-4 senior chemical engineering students, and are peer-reviewed by other members of the class. Using this approach, the faculty and Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) teaching the course act as managing editors, selecting broad threads for the text and suggesting references. In contrast to other courses, the students take an active role in their education by selecting which material in their assigned section is most useful and decide on the presentation approach. Furthermore, students create example problems that they present in poster sessions during class to help the other students master the material.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lesson Plan
University of Michigan
Provider Set:
Date Added: