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Claude Monet: The Water-Lilies and other writings on art
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
A new and annotated translation of the French Prime Minister’s memoir of his friend, the most famous Impressionist painter.

Long Description:
In 1928, the former French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau published Claude Monet: Les Nymphéas (The Water-Lilies), a memoir of his longtime friend. Bruce Michelson has produced a new English translation, presented here with useful notes and illustrations.

Michelson’s translations of three short essays on art by Clemenceau, originally published by La Justice in the late XIX c., are included as appendices.

Published by Windsor & Downs Press, part of the Illinois Open Publishing Network (IOPN). IOPN is a project of the University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Word Count: 40724

ISBN: 978-1-946011-00-8

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Art History
Arts and Humanities
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Windsor and Downs Press
Georges Clemenceau
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The Portuguese language lessons of ClicaBrasil highlight aspects of Brazilian culture. They are designed for intermediate to advanced students, but are accessible to everyone. Each lesson includes videos of Brazilians from all walks of life speaking naturally about their lives and their country. All lessons integrate reading, writing, listening and comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, oral communication and cultural activities with the videos. This is also available as a free PDF textbook and as print on demand.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Full Course
University of Texas at Austin
Provider Set:
Flanzer, Vivian
Date Added:
ClicaBrasil: Portuguese Language and Culture for Intermediate Students
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0.0 stars

ClicaBrasil was developed for intermediate level Portuguese language courses at UT-Austin. People all ove the world are now using it for different purposes: self-study, classroom instruction, tutoring, or as a pastime.The lessons in ClicaBrasil integrate reading, writing, listening and reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, oral communication, and cultural activities. Numerous video clips (157, to be precise!) that show different Brazilians speaking about their lives, their culture, and their country support and enhance these activities.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
University of Texas at Austin
Provider Set:
Vivian Flanzer
Date Added:
Climate Justice in Your Classroom
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0.0 stars

Weaving Climate, Environmental Justice and Civic Engagement into Your Courses

Short Description:
As the inequitable impacts of climate change become more evident and destructive, it is essential for climate and environmental justice, as well as methods of civic engagement, to be taught at a high-level to college-level students. This book provides real examples of how professors at the University of Washington integrated these critical issues into their teachings, both in targeted lessons and as throughlines across an entire course. These samples of how environmental and climate justice have been successfully integrated into higher-level education can serve as both a record of the UW's progress towards centering JEDI at the heart of all students, and as a model for future instructors to use as they work to incorporate more aspects of justice and engagement into their own material.

Long Description:
With the increased effect of anthropogenic climate change, the impact of environmental issues on human societies has never been more essential to understand. With science-backed research showcasing that human activities are actively worsening the effect of many environmental issues including severe temperatures, natural disasters, and biodiversity loss, there is severe need for all, whether we are scientists, activists, educators, or policy-makers, to take action. However, the global nature of both our society and the dangers we are facing necessitates careful consideration in analyzing and combatting environmental issues in a modern world. To properly adapt to and mitigate these issues, which may directly target specific communities or affect societies across the globe, not only do we need a proper grasp of environmental and climate science, but we need to ensure that solutions are mindful of the communities and ecosystems that are affected. We must not be content with climate and environmental solutions that fail to consider diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility as key tenets. In short, justice must be at the heart of our climate and environmental work going forward.

Yet, facilitating just solutions cannot be done while the institutions that teach the next generation fail to highlight climate and environmental justice in their teachings. Without a natural and focused inclusion of DEIA values in environmental courses in higher education, there is reduced capacity for students who wish to engage to garner an understanding of what just solutions look like and how to implement them. This book seeks to remedy that gap.

Throughout this book, we synthesize the current efforts towards including climate, environmental justice, and civic engagement in courses taught at the University of Washington – Seattle. These examples range from specific lessons on environmental injustice to course-long integration of climate justice values, and include course details, lesson plans, and other resources provided by course instructors in an easy-to-access format. The chapters in this book each constitute a real method of integrating climate and environmental justice into a course, and thus provide a bounty of instruction for increasing the inclusion of justice in course material for instructors across any discipline. Lessons will be regularly added to the book as they are implemented and adapted. The existence of this book marks not only the history of environmental justice in courses at the UW, but also the emphasis on the topic of justice that the college is placing in the current day, as well as serving as a guide or model for instructors to use as more courses begin to fully integrate justice into their curriculum. Through this work, we can be more reliably assured that the people we are training to practice civic engagement and climate and environmental action can not just protect the planet, but preserve the life of the people, communities, and ecosystems who depend on it.

This book has been created with support from the University of Washington Program on Climate Change, the UW Program on the Environment, and the University of Washington College of the Environment, especially from material created at our annual Climate and Environmental Justice Faculty Institute.

Word Count: 9944

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Applied Science
Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Ethnic Studies
Higher Education
Physical Science
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Affiliates of the UW Program on Climate Change
Date Added:
Climate Lessons: Environmental, Social, Local
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0.0 stars

Anthropogenic climate change is one of the, if not the most, pressing issues of our times. The problems that it causes range across many social and environmental domains from habitat and species loss and displacement to the more human and social concerns and issues of access to water, sea level rise that affects coastal communities, to economic degradation as a result of the aforementioned and other connected issues such as increased frequency of storms, droughts, wildfires, and the like. We also know that the affects of climate change are not distributed evenly across populations- that many will and do feel the negative effects of this slow developing problem earlier and more intensely than others based on where they are located both geographically and within economic and other socio-cultural hierarchies. We also know that recently, there is a marked effort to begin to move away from simply decrying the horrors of climate change to a continued recognition of those horrors as they exist now and into the future alongside attempts to begin to come to terms with the changing climate and to rethink the ways that our social and environmental relations and communities are organized with an eye toward both adapting to these changes and mitigating further damage. There is, however, much work to be done. This book was co-authored by undergraduate students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute while exploring the influences of Earth systems and human systems on climate change and the communities at most risk in an interdisciplinary project-based first year course. This course attempts to bring together knowledge of the science of ecological and climate systems and their changing status with knowledge of the social and communal structures within which these systems are embedded and through which they have been influenced. The book highlights key interests and insights of current students in their quest to think through these issues and to create a better world.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Marja Bakermans
Date Added:
Climate Science for the Classroom
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Each chapter focuses on a different current climate change topic, strong emphasis on using data to explore global, regional, and societal issues.

Long Description:
Modules, games and labs focused on teaching climate change. Developed by graduate students and faculty associated with the UW Program on Climate Change, a cross departmental collaboration to research, teach and communicate climate science. Updated regularly.

Word Count: 35823

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Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Miriam Bertram
Surabhi Biyani
Date Added:
Climate Toolkit: A Resource Manual for Science and Action - Version 2.0
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0.0 stars

The Climate Toolkit is a resource manual designed to help the reader navigate the complex and perplexing issue of climate change by providing tools and strategies to explore the underlying science. As such it contains a collection of activities that make use of readily available on-line resources developed by research groups and public agencies. These include web-based climate models, climate data archives, interactive atlases, policy papers, and “solution” catalogs. Unlike a standard textbook, it is designed to help readers do their own climate research and devise their own perspective rather than providing them with a script to assimilate and repeat.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Portland State University
Frank Granshaw
Date Added:
Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This open educational resource (OER) was developed to ensure best practice and quality care based on the latest evidence, and to address inconsistencies in how clinical health care skills are taught and practised in the clinical setting. The checklist approach, used in this textbook, aims to provide standardized processes for clinical skills and to help nursing schools and clinical practice partners keep procedural practice current. Each skill/procedure is covered in a chapter that has learning objectives, a brief overview of the relevant theory, checklists of steps for procedures with the rationale behind each step of the process, and a summary of key takeaways. Key terms are set in bold throughout the book and laid out again in a Glossary in the appendix. All 88 checklists are also summarized, and hyperlinked to the original checklist, in the appendix.

Long Description:
This open educational resource (OER) was developed to ensure best practice and quality care based on the latest evidence, and to address inconsistencies in how clinical health care skills are taught and practised in the clinical setting. The checklist approach, used in this textbook, aims to provide standardized processes for clinical skills and to help nursing schools and clinical practice partners keep procedural practice current. Each skill/procedure is covered in a chapter that has learning objectives, a brief overview of the relevant theory, checklists of steps for procedures with the rationale behind each step of the process, and a summary of key takeaways. Key terms are set in bold throughout the book and laid out again in a Glossary in the appendix. All 88 checklists are also summarized, and hyperlinked to the original checklist, in the appendix.

This book should be used in conjunction with existing courses in any health care program. This book is not intended to replace core resources in health care programs that provide comprehensive information concerning diseases and conditions. An understanding of medical terminology, human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology is a required asset to use this book effectively. The development of technical skills is based on the knowledge of, practice to achieve proficiency in, and attitudes related to the skill, and an awareness of how our roles affect our patients and other health care professionals. This book contributes to enhancing safer care for patients by outlining evidence-based practices, and looking beyond just the technical skill to understanding the types of expertise and knowledge required to decrease adverse events.

Word Count: 136960

ISBN: 978-1-989623-15-2

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Date Added:
Clinical Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book is aimed to guide the pre-clinical veterinary student through basic patient-side diagnostic testing procedures that accompany the in-person laboratory course.

Word Count: 27712

Included H5P activities: 102

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Erin Burton
Date Added:
Coastal Dynamics
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0.0 stars

This textbook on Coastal Dynamics focuses on the interrelation between physical wave, flow and sediment transport phenomena and the resulting morphodynamics of a wide variety of coastal systems. The textbook is unique in that it explicitly connects the dynamics of open coasts and tidal basins; not only is the interaction between open coasts and tidal basins of basic importance for the evolution of most coastal systems, but describing the similarities between their physical processes is highly instructive as well. This textbook emphasizes these similarities to the benefit of understanding shared processes such as nonlinearities in flow and sediment transport. Some prior knowledge with respect to the dynamics of flow, waves and sediment transport is recommended.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Judith Bosboom
Marcel J.F. Stive
Date Added:
Collecting and Mapping Data
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0.0 stars

Collecting and Mapping Data for Environmental Applications

Short Description:
Learn how to collect and import spatial features from the field, use web-based map tools to engage citizens, and incorporate the best available spatial data from public domain sources.

Long Description:
Whether checking camera traps in the rainforest, working with citizen scientists, or downloading the latest satellite imagery, we all work with conservation data, and much of it is mappable! Finding, accessing, and mapping various forms of spatial conservation data is our focus here. You will learn how to collect and import spatial features from the field, use web-based map tools to engage citizens, and incorporate the best available spatial data from public domain sources. These lessons will prepare you for further spatial analyses of the data, or for generating simple map and report documentation. In this volume students will:

import spatial features from the field work in the cloud with online spatial data and web maps use citizen-collected data and web-based map tools to engage local communities incorporate the best available spatial data from public domain sources

Word Count: 15002

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Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Janet Silbernagel
Date Added:
College Algebra
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0.0 stars

College Algebra is an introductory text for a college algebra survey course. The material is presented at a level intended to prepare students for Calculus while also giving them relevant mathematical skills that can be used in other classes. The authors describe their approach as "Functions First," believing introducing functions first will help students understand new concepts more completely. Each section includes homework exercises, and the answers to most computational questions are included in the text (discussion questions are open-ended).

Material Type:
Stitz-Zeager Open Source Mathematics
Carl Stitz
Jeff Zeager
Date Added:
College Algebra
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

College Algebra provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra course. The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. College Algebra offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they’ve learned.

Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Jay Abramson
Date Added:
College Algebra
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This College Algebra text will cover a combination of classical algebra and analytic geometry, with an introduction to the transcendental exponential and logarithmic
functions. If mathematics is the language of science, then algebra is the grammar of that language. Like grammar, algebra provides a structure to mathematical notation, in addition to its uses in problem solving and its ability to change the appearance of an expression without changing the value.

Material Type:
Richard W. Beveridge
Date Added:
College Algebra 1e (superseded)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

College Algebra provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra course. The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. College Algebra offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they've learned.

Note: this resource now links to the second edition, released in 2021. This record is in maintained in OER Commons to allow users to see endorsements, reviews, etc... for the 1st edition.

Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
David Lippman
Jay Abramson
Jean-Marie Magnier
Melonie Rasmussen
Nicholas Belloit
Rachael Gross
Rick Norwood
Valeree Falduto
Date Added:
College Algebra & Trigonometry
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0.0 stars

This College Algebra text will cover a combination of classical algebra and analytic geometry, with an introduction to the transcendental exponential and logarithmic functions. If mathematics is the language of science, then algebra is the grammar of that language. Like grammar, algebra provides a structure to mathematical notation, in addition to its uses in problem solving and its ability to change the appearance of an expression without changing the value.

Material Type:
Richard W. Beveridge
Date Added:
College Algebra for the Managerial Sciences
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book was gathered to use in a 100-level mathematics course at the College Algebra level. Students are expected to begin at an intermediate algebra level. It is geared primarily toward business majors, it can also be useful for social science and other majors as a quantitative studies course.

Word Count: 85748

Included H5P activities: 7

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Eric Foley
Terri Manthey
Date Added:
College ESL Writers: Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success
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0.0 stars

College ESL Writers: Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success is designed as a comprehensive grammar and writing etext for high intermediate and advanced level non-native speakers of English. We open the text with a discussion on the sentence and then break it down into its elemental components, before reconstructing them into effective sentences with paragraphs and larger academic assignments. Following that, we provide instruction in paragraph and essay writing with several opportunities to both review the fundamentals as well as to demonstrate mastery and move on to more challenging assignments.

Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
University System of Georgia
Provider Set:
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Barbara Hall
Elizabeth Wallace
Date Added:
College Physics
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This introductory, algebra-based, two-semester college physics book is grounded with real-world examples, illustrations, and explanations to help students grasp key, fundamental physics concepts. This online, fully editable and customizable title includes learning objectives, concept questions, links to labs and simulations, and ample practice opportunities to solve traditional physics application problems.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Kim Dirks
Manjula Sharma
Paul Peter Urone
Roger Hinrichs
Date Added:
College Physics for AP Courses
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

College Physics for AP Courses is designed to engage students in their exploration of physics and help them to relate what they learn in the classroom to their lives and to apply these concepts to the Advanced Placement test. Physics underlies much of what is happening today in other sciences and in technology, therefore the book includes interesting facts and ideas that go beyond the scope of the AP course to further student understanding. The AP Connection in each chapter directs students to the material they should focus on for the AP® exam, and what content — although interesting — is not necessarily part of the AP curriculum.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
David Anderson
Douglas Ingram
Gregg Wolfe
Irna Lyublinskaya
John Stoke
Julie Kretchman
Liza Pujji
Nathan Czuba
Sudhi Oberoi
Date Added: