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  • Water
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Poster showing a woman, a passenger from the Lusitania, submerged in water cradling an infant in her arms. Title from item. Issued by The Boston Public Safety Committee. Forms part of: Willard and Dorothy Straight Collection. Exhibited: American Treasures of the Library of Congress, 1998.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - World War I Posters
Date Added:
Enthalpy of Magmatic Crystallization
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a problem set that gets students to think quantitatively about magmas. To be most effective, it should be done in conjunction with a showing of some or all (I recommend some...) of the movie "Volcano". How much water would be needed to stop a lava flow on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles?!

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Life Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
John Brady
Date Added:
Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets
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0.0 stars

This course will introduce you to entrepreneurship for global challenges in emerging markets. You will get to know other like-minded entrepreneurs around you, and discover how institutions in your target region are working on innovation and entrepreneurship.

As an entrepreneur in an emerging market, you may be faced with many challenges that need to be solved. These might include scarcity of fossil fuels, climate change or water, food and health security. This Delft University of Technology course will provide you with examples from partner universities and affiliated entrepreneurs in emerging markets which explain the opportunities and obstacles that they faced as they established themselves and created value.

You will acquire a set of practical tools which will enable you to discover the opportunities in your own environment and how these can be used to make an actual change! You will learn how to rethink your value proposition with your own case study, or with one we provide.

After the course, you will be able to develop your value proposition more quickly by getting to know your customers and partners better and understand local values and institutions.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
TU Delft OpenCourseWare
Dr. Otto J. Kroesen
Ellen van Andel
Esther M. Blom
Date Added:
An Environmental Analysis of Lake Waughop
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0.0 stars

Through an analysis of water quality in a nearby lake, students are introduced to basic chemical techniques such as titrations (both acid/base and oxidation/reduction), atomic absorption spectrometry, and uv/vis spectrometry

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Karen Harding, Pierce College
Date Added:
Environmental Applications of GIS
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Increasingly volatile climate and weather; vulnerable drinking water supplies; shrinking wildlife habitats; widespread deforestation due to energy and food production. These are examples of environmental challenges that are of critical importance in our world, both in far away places and close to home, and are particularly well suited to inquiry using geographic information systems. In GEOG 487 you will explore topics like these and learn about data and spatial analysis techniques commonly employed in environmental applications. After taking this course you will be equipped with relevant analytical approaches and tools that you can readily apply to your own environmental contexts.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Information Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Rachel Kornak
Date Added:
An Environmental Assessment of Newark Road Prairie
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0.0 stars

The goal of this exercise is for students to complete a basic environmental assessment of Newark Road Prairie, a 35-acre wet-mesic prairie and state natural area owned by Beloit College.

The exercise is completed over a 5-week period as the class covers chapters on Streams and Flooding, Soil Resources, and Groundwater Resources. Students visit the prairie once a week during a 2-hour class period. Two additional 2-hour class periods per week are devoted to lecture, discussion, and analysis of field data. During the site visits, students conduct an initial field reconnaissance, measure the discharge of a stream that flows through the prairie (inflow and outflow), describe prairie soils, and measure water levels at seven previously installed water table wells and four staff gages. The field data can be collected in any order after the field reconnaissance is completed.

All field data, including GPS coordinates of the positions of discharge measurements, soils samples, and wells, are recorded in a standardized data dictionary (using GPS Pathfinder Office/TerraSync software) on a handheld PC. A satellite image of the prairie is loaded on the handheld PC, so that students can see where they are relative to other physical features as they collect their data. Data are downloaded in the lab and utilized for the construction of a water table map (by hand) and an assessment of site conditions and potential impacts.

In addition to the data collected in the field, students are given a topographic map of the region, which they utilize to delineate the basin for the stream that flows through the prairie, and a soils map of the prairie, with which they compare their own soil descriptions. They are also given a land use map of the region. Using all of this information, students write a 4 to 5 page report that describes current conditions and potential challenges or threats to the preservation and management of the prairie.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Life Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Sue Swanson, Beloit College
Date Added:
Environmental Chemistry Videos
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Learn about environmental chemistry through engaging, bitesize animated videos. The videos are organised into chapters including: the earth, the air, water, rocks, metals and their reactivity, global warming, carbon chemistry, fuels and recycling.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Environmental Engineering
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this unit, students explore the various roles of environmental engineers, including: environmental cleanup, water quality, groundwater resources, surface water and groundwater flow, water contamination, waste disposal and air pollution. Specifically, students learn about the factors that affect water quality and the conditions that enable different animals and plants to survive in their environments. Next, students learn about groundwater and how environmental engineers study groundwater to predict the distribution of surface pollution. Students also learn how water flows through the ground, what an aquifer is and what soil properties are used to predict groundwater flow. Additionally, students discover that the water they drink everyday comes from many different sources, including surface water and groundwater. They investigate possible scenarios of drinking water contamination and how contaminants can negatively affect the organisms that come in contact with them. Students learn about the three most common methods of waste disposal and how environmental engineers continue to develop technologies to dispose of trash. Lastly, students learn what causes air pollution and how to investigate the different pollutants that exist, such as toxic gases and particulate matter. Also, they investigate the technologies developed by engineers to reduce air pollution.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Environmental Engineering Masters of Engineering Project
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0.0 stars

This class is one of the core requirements for the Environmental Masters of Engineering program. It is designed to teach about environmental engineering through the use of case studies, computer software tools, and seminars from industrial experts. Case studies provide the basis for group projects as well as individual theses. Past case studies have included the MMR Superfund site on Cape Cod; restoration of the Florida Everglades; dredging of Boston Harbor; local watershed trading programs; appropriate wastewater treatment technology for Brazil; point-of-use water treatment for Nepal, Brownfields Development in Providence, RI, and water resource planning for the island of Cyprus. This class spans the entire academic year: students must register for the Fall term, IAP, and the Spring term.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Adams, Eric
Lantagne, Daniele
Murcott, Susan
Shanahan, Peter
Date Added:
Environmental Engineering Masters of Engineering Project
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0.0 stars

This class is one of the core requirements for the Environmental Masters of Engineering program, in conjunction with 1.133 Masters of Engineering Concepts of Engineering Practice. It is designed to teach about environmental engineering through the use of case studies, computer software tools, and seminars from industrial experts. Case studies provide the basis for group projects as well as individual theses. Recent 1.782 projects include the MMR Superfund site on Cape Cod, appropriate wastewater treatment technology for Brazil and Honduras, point-of-use water treatment and safe storage procedures for Nepal and Ghana, Brownfields Development in Providence, RI, and water resource planning for the island of Cyprus and refugee settlements in Thailand. This class spans the entire academic year; students must register for the Fall and Spring terms.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Adams, Eric
Murcott, Susan
Shanahan, Peter
Date Added:
Environmental Engineering and Water Chemistry
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students are introduced to the fundamentals of environmental engineering as well as the global air, land and water quality concerns facing today's environmental engineers. After a lesson and activity to introduce environmental engineering, students learn more about water chemistry aspects of environmental engineering. Specifically, they focus on groundwater contamination and remediation, including sources of contamination, adverse health effects of contaminated drinking water, and current and new remediation techniques. Several lab activities provide hands-on experiences with topics relevant to environmental engineering concerns and technologies, including removal efficiencies of activated carbon in water filtration, measuring pH, chromatography as a physical separation method, density and miscibility.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Barry Williams
Jessica Ray
Phyllis Balcerzak
Date Added:
Environmental Engineering for Elementary Learners
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

This four week curriculum is for elementary learners to explore environmental engineering in urban environments. The unit starts with a broad question of “how can we make our community more sustainable?”, the unit will cover what the field of environmental engineering is, what predictability, mitigation and sustainability are, and how they relate to each other. These principles will be taught as vocabulary and will be supported with the use of anchor charts; students will be expected to use them during discussions. The unit will teach about urban infrastructure and the phenomenon of the Urban Heat Island effect. Students will then learn about and explore the possibilities of alternative energy sources and cities that already implementing green engineering. Students will explore how they can answer the question that was presented to them at the beginning of the unit. Following the engineering design process students will plan changes that they would make to their own city (in our case New Haven, Connecticut). Students will act as environmental engineers to come up with potential solutions to answer the broad question posed at the beginning of the unit.

Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
Provider Set:
2018 Curriculum Units Volume II
Date Added:
Environmental Geochemistry Class Project
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0.0 stars

This is a inquiry-driven class research project on a local environmental geochemistry question that is accomplished during three-hour laboratory sessions each week. Students are divided into groups that will share the responsibilities of collecting samples and data. Once the data is collected, it is shared among the entire class so that all students have the same data set. The class works on data presentation, preliminary analysis, and statistics together Then each student writes his/her own report separately.


Laboratory skills -- Students have basic laboratory skills necessary to carry out a supervised geochemical study (e.g. can perform Gram titration of waters in field, can collect water samples using clean methods).

Quantitative methods -- Students can manipulate, sort, and transfer data in Excel and can create simple x-y plots and histograms to bring out trends in data.

Critical thinking -- Students can develop multiple hypotheses to explain trends in data and can design tests of these hypotheses.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Carey Gazis
Date Added:
Environmental Geochemistry poster project
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0.0 stars

This is an independent case study project completed in pairs. The students should investigate an example of natural geochemistry and then use a poster format to share their findings with the class.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Jodi Ryder
Date Added:
Environmental Geology of the Area where you Live
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students collect data for this term project starting with the first lab exercise and continuing throughout the semester. As each unit is covered in the text, class, and lab, students are directed to collect data relevant to their term project. For example: Topographic maps are covered at the start of the semester and students must locate their home; describe its location using the Public Land Survey, Universal Transverse Mercator, and Longitude-Latitude Systems; and describe the local topography. When natural hazards (flooding, slopes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and radon gas) are covered, students must use web resources (some of which are provided by the instructor at http://www2.ivcc.edu/phillips/geology/environmental_research.htm), local resources (such as the local fire chief, library, mayor, relatives, and neighbors), and personal observation to identify hazards and assess the risk they pose; these hazards are submitted as part of a lab assignment. The information collected is analyzed using the principles discussed in class and feedback is provided on pieces that are submitted throughout the semester. At the conclusion of the semester, students organize the collected information, add illustrations (maps and photos), analyze and evaluate the materials collected, and conclude the report with a discussion of how the area should be developed in the future based on the principles learned in the class.

The activity shows the students the immediate relevance of the material as it is covered, shows the students the types of information publicly available, and helps them develop critical analysis skills. The activity introducers students to basic geologic knowledge and shows them how to make use of it.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Business and Communication
Life Science
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Michael Phillips
Date Added:
Environmental Justice: Theory and Practice
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This class explores the foundations of environmental justice theory and how they apply to historical, current, and emerging global issues. The goal of the course is to explore theories of distributive, procedural, and recognition justice as they relate to environmental ‘goods’ and ‘bads.’ We will explore a variety of case studies, touching on interrelated topics ranging from climate justice, food justice, energy justice, water justice, etc. This course blends sociological perspectives with natural resource management and policy implication

Learning Objectives:
Develop a critical understanding of the historical development of the theory and practice of environmental justice.
Gain familiarity with key thinkers, theories, and debates in the field.
Be able to identify social, economic, and political factors that contribute to the existence of disparities in environmental outcomes.

Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Full Course
Melissa Haeffner
Date Added:
Environmental Microbiology
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0.0 stars

This class provides a general introduction to the diverse roles of microorganisms in natural and artificial environments. It will cover topics including: cellular architecture, energetics, and growth; evolution and gene flow; population and community dynamics; water and soil microbiology; biogeochemical cycling; and microorganisms in biodeterioration and bioremediation.

Applied Science
Atmospheric Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Polz, Martin
Date Added:
Environmental Policy and Economics
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0.0 stars

This course explores the proper role of government in the regulation of the environment. It will help students develop the tools to estimate the costs and benefits of environmental regulations. These tools will be used to evaluate a series of current policy questions, including: Should air and water pollution regulations be tightened or loosened? What are the costs of climate change in the U.S. and abroad? Is there a "Race to the Bottomâ€ in environmental regulation? What is "sustainable developmentâ€? How do environmental problems differ in developing countries? Are we running out of oil and other natural resources? Should we be more energy efficient? To gain real world experience, the course is scheduled to include a visit to the MIT cogeneration plant. We will also do an in-class simulation of an air pollution emissions market.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added:
Environmental Policy and Economics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course explores the proper role of government in the regulation of the environment. It will help students develop the tools to estimate the costs and benefits of environmental regulations. These tools will be used to evaluate a series of current policy questions, including: Should air and water pollution regulations be tightened or loosened? What are the costs of climate change in the U.S. and abroad? Is there a “Race to the Bottom” in environmental regulation? What is “sustainable development”? How do environmental problems differ in developing countries? Are we running out of oil and other natural resources? Should we be more energy efficient? To gain real world experience, the course is scheduled to include a visit to the MIT cogeneration plant. We will also do an in-class simulation of an air pollution emissions market.

Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Allcott, Hunt
Date Added:
Environmental Politics and Law
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Can law change human behavior to be less environmentally damaging? Law will be examined through case histories including: environmental effects of national security, pesticides, air pollution, consumer products, plastics, parks and protected area management, land use, urban growth and sprawl, public/private transit, drinking water standards, food safety, and hazardous site restoration. In each case we will review the structure of law and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

General Law
Material Type:
Yale University
Provider Set:
Open Yale Courses
John P. Wargo
Date Added: