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  • Open Textbook Library
The Fundamentals of Healthcare Administration: Navigating Challenges and Coordinating Care
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0.0 stars

This book is written for those interested in acquiring a thorough knowledge base relative to the intricacies of the organizational theories, customs, and insights significant to the management of health service organizations. It examines the foundational aspects of leadership and management as they relate to establishing and maintaining the principles and practices within healthcare organizations. The book opens with a discussion on the differences between health, healthcare, and health care while providing an overview of healthcare management and organizational trends. It culminates in discussions of leadership, management, motivation, organizational behavior, and management thinking. Additionally, it discusses topics of information technology, teamwork, health disparities, organizational culture, performance, and change.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
University of North Georgia Press
Dorothy J. Howell
Melissa Jordan
Whitney N. Hamilton
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Human Geography
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Fundamentals of Human Geography is a college-level digital textbook aimed at introducing undergraduate students to the field of human and cultural geography. This digital textbook was initially conceived as an interactive supplemental guide for an open-source textbook on Human Geography (Introduction to Human Geography ). However, as more materials were added to this digital textbook, it slowly evolved into a standalone textbook on Human Geography which can be used by itself or as a supplemental guide. Be sure to explore all of the interactive content in each chapter and read the captions carefully, as a number of critical concepts are introduced in the interactive content. Be sure to also review the FAQ section for answers to commonly asked questions about technical aspects of this textbook.

Cultural Geography
Social Science
Material Type:
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Fundamentals of Infrastructure Management
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0.0 stars

This book grew out of a decade of co-teaching a course entitled ‘Infrastructure Management’ at Carnegie Mellon University. Our teaching philosophy was to prepare students for work in the field of infrastructure management. We believe that infrastructure management is a professional endeavor and an attractive professional career. The book is co-authored by two accomplished engineers - each representing professional practice, academic research and theoretical evaluation. Their collective strengths are presented throughout the text and serve to support both the practice of infrastructure management and a role for infrastructure management inquiry and search. Importantly, both co-authors have academic research interests (and a number of research publications) on various topics of infrastructure management. That said, the primary audience for this book is expected to be professionals intending to practice infrastructure management, and only secondarily individuals who intend to pursue a career of research in the area.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Chris Hendrickson
Donald Coffelt
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Matrix Algebra
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0.0 stars

A college (or advanced high school) level text dealing with the basic principles of matrix and linear algebra. It covers solving systems of linear equations, matrix arithmetic, the determinant, eigenvalues, and linear transformations. Numerous examples are given within the easy to read text. This third edition corrects several errors in the text and updates the font faces.

Material Type:
Gregory Hartman
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Microwave and RF Design
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0.0 stars

The book series Microwave and RF Design is a comprehensive treatment of radio frequency (RF) and microwave design with a modern “systems-first” approach. A strong emphasis on design permeates the series with extensive case studies and design examples. Design is oriented towards cellular communications and microstrip design so that lessons learned can be applied to real-world design tasks. The books in the Microwave and RF Design series are: Radio Systems (Volume 1), Transmission Lines (Volume 2), Networks (Volume 3), Modules (Volume 4), and Amplifiers and Oscillators (Volume 5).

Applied Science
Material Type:
North Carolina State University
Michael Steer
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Music Theory
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0.0 stars

This open e-book is the result of a project funded by a University of Edinburgh Student Experience Grant, Open e-Textbooks for access to music education. The project was a collaboration between Open Educational Resources Service, and staff and student interns from the Reid School of Music. As a proof-of-concept endeavour, the project aimed to explore how effectively we could convert existing course content into convenient and reusable open formats suitable for use by staff and students both within and beyond the University. The resulting e-book presents open licensed educational materials that deal with the building blocks of musical stave (sometimes known as staff) notation, a language designed to communicate about musical ideas which is in use around the world. The resources in this e-book include video lectures and their transcripts, as well as supporting text explanations, examples and illustrations. The materials introduce topics such as the organisation of discrete pitches into scales and intervals, and temporal organisation of musical sounds as duration, in rhythm and metre. These rudiments are presented through an introduction to the elements of five-line stave notation, and through critical discussion of the advantages and limitations served by notational systems in the representation and analysis of musical sounds. This serves as the basis of further explanations, to illustrate musical concepts including key, time signature, harmonisation, cadence and modulation. We anticipate that subsequent versions of this e-book will update and develop the contents and presentation of the materials, following the success of this student-led collaboration.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
University of Edinburgh
John Kitchen
Michael Edwards
Nikki Moran
Richard Worth
Zack Moir
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders - 3rd Edition
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0.0 stars

Abnormal Psychology is an Open Education Resource written by Alexis Bridley, Ph.D. and Lee W. Daffin Jr., Ph.D. through Washington State University. The book tackles the difficult topic of mental disorders in 15 modules. This journey starts by discussing what abnormal behavior is by attempting to understand what normal behavior is. Models of abnormal psychology and clinical assessment, diagnosis, and treatment are then discussed. With these three modules completed, the authors next explore several classes of mental disorders in 5 blocks. Block 1 covers mood, trauma and stressor related, and dissociative disorders. Block 2 covers anxiety, somatic symptom, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Block 3 covers eating and substance-related and addictive disorders. Block 4 tackles schizophrenia spectrum and personality disorders. Finally, Block 5 investigates neurocognitive disorders and then ends with a discussion of contemporary issues in psychopathology. Disorders are covered by discussing their clinical presentation and DSM Criteria, epidemiology, comorbidity, etiology, and treatment options.

Social Science
Material Type:
Washington State University
Alexis Bridley
Lee W. Daffin Jr.
Date Added:
Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica
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0.0 stars

Conocer los fundamentos teóricos de la química inorgánica es esencial para comprender los conceptos y principios esenciales de esta rama de la química, que se enfoca en el estudio de los elementos y compuestos inorgánicos; proporcionando una base teórica sólida para el estudio de otras áreas de esta ciencia. "Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica", además de temas clave de la química inorgánica, como la teoría del enlace de valencia y la química de los elementos, también cubre temas importantes como la estructura de la materia, la teoría cuántica, la estequiometría y la clasificación de las reacciones químicas. Asimismo, se destaca la inclusión de temas relacionados con la medición de las propiedades de la materia, la descripción de los sistemas dispersos, entre otros. El objetivo de este libro es brindar una base sólida de conocimientos en química inorgánica, que permita al lector comprender los principios y fundamentos teóricos que rigen esta disciplina, con un enfoque claro y didáctico. El libro proporciona un excelente recurso tanto para estudiantes como para docentes. Razón por la que, "Fundamentos Teóricos de Química Inorgánica" es una obra esencial para aquellos que deseen profundizar en el conocimiento de la química inorgánica y comprender mejor sus conceptos fundamentales.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Correa Salgado María de Lourdes
Herrera Feijoo Robinson Jasmany
Ruiz Sánchez Clara Isabel
Date Added:
Fundamentos de Bioquímica Vegetal
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0.0 stars

Se establecen los principios bioquímicos fundamentales que rigen el desarrollo de las plantas, explorando la composición y estructura de sus células. Además, se aborda la fotosíntesis como un proceso metabólico esencial. El metabolismo de biomoléculas, que incluye el transporte de nutrientes y la síntesis de carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y otros compuestos, es analizado en profundidad. Asimismo, se abordan temáticas cruciales como la respiración celular en plantas, la biosíntesis de metabolitos secundarios y el papel de las hormonas vegetales en el crecimiento y desarrollo. La enzimología vegetal, con énfasis en la cinética enzimática, se presenta como un componente esencial del metabolismo vegetal. Además, se examinan los mecanismos de defensa de las plantas frente al estrés abiótico y biótico, abordando la morfogénesis y los desafíos que enfrentan las plantas en su entorno. El libro concluye con una visión hacia el futuro en la investigación de la bioquímica vegetal.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Fundamentos de sistemas operativos
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0.0 stars

Todos los usuarios de equipos de cómputo (esto es, prácticamente cualquier persona del mundo) tienen contacto con un sistema operativo, y ciertas expectativas acerca de su funcionamiento. ¿Cómo es que un sistema operativo puede gestionar y compartir los recursos de cómputo?

Hoy en día, a pesar de que menos de una decena es conocida por la población en general, hay cientos de sistemas operativos en uso y bajo un desarrollo activo. Cada uno de ellos persigue distintos fines, sea por la arquitectura o la capacidad de los equipos en que se ejecutará, características específicas que implementa, o persigue atraer un segmento distinto de la población. Todos ellos, sin embargo, realizan las mismas operaciones básicas, parten de los mismos fundamentos.

Este libro, diseñado para servir como bibliografía para un curso de Sistemas Operativos para licenciatura, presenta las principales áreas en que se divide el trabajo de un sistema operativo.

El libro está escrito nativamente en español, salvando las inconveniencias en que muchas veces incurren las traducciones técnicas. Los autores (uno mexicano, dos argentinos y uno colombiano) procuraron que el lenguaje y los términos empleados resulten lo más neutros y universales a la región latinoamericana.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Erwin Meza
Esteban Ruiz
Federico Bergero
Gunnar Wolf
Date Added:
Future Energy: Opportunities & Challenges
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

How can we produce enough sustainable energy while avoiding unacceptable environmental consequences? To evaluate the various energy options, we must understand the science of each potential energy source and energy use technology. This book presents the science in an easy-to-understand way to enable readers to make informed decisions about what is possible and practical, and to choose lifestyle options to implement in their personal lives.

America and the world face daunting questions about how we produce energy and how we use it. Conservation and improved energy efficiency can help reduce energy requirements, but cannot halt the steady increase in energy consumption. An increasing world population and increasing energy appetites in emerging economies will create competition for energy resources for all nations.

The possibilities for future energy production include fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal, oil sands, and oil shale), biofuels, solar, wind, hydro-energy, geothermal, and nuclear (probably fission and possibly fusion). Each of these sources has relative advantages and disadvantages.

The problem is to produce enough sustainable energy while avoiding unacceptable environmental consequences, especially climate change. In order to evaluate the potential of the various energy options, one must understand the basic science that underlies each potential energy source and energy use technology. This knowledge will enable us to determine what is possible and practical and, maybe more importantly, what is impossible or impractical.

Fortunately most of the pertinent science is old, well established and, for the most part, quite simple. This science provides a framework into which one can insert real data and draw conclusions. Without such quantitative assessments, claims about capabilities of the various energy options must be viewed as unverified assumptions rather than hard facts. This book presents the essential science in an easy-to-understand, yet comprehensive way.

A big change in the ways that we produce and use energy is inevitable. Informed choices will help avoid waste, avoid unnecessary disruptions in our lives, and avoid undesirable environmental effects. The purpose of this book is to help the reader make informed decisions about which energy production technologies to support and which energy use technologies and lifestyle options to implement in his/her personal life.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
University of Tennessee
Thomas W. Kerlin
Date Added:
Fysische Transportverschijnselen: Denken in Balansen
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

De transport- en overdrachtsprocessen van warmte, massa en impuls worden naar hun analogie behandeld. De processen worden beschreven met behulp van macro- en microbalansen die in veel gevallen leiden tot differentiaalvergelijkingen. Ook veel aspecten van stromingsleer komen op deze manier aan de orde en zo bereidt het boek ook voor op moderne Computational Fluid Dynamics technieken. Het doel van het boek is ook studenten te trainen in het oplossen van problemen waarbij transportverschijnselen centraal staan. Daartoe bevat het boek bijna 100 uitgewerkte vraagstukken.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Harrie van den Akker
Robert F. Mudde
Date Added:
Game Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies
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0.0 stars

Word Count: 19713

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Elizabeth Pluskwik
Jeffrey R. Pribyl
Odbayar Batsaikhan
Yilin (Leon) Chen
Date Added:
Gendered Lives: Global Issues
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Return to milneopentextbooks.org to download PDF and other versions of this textNewParaGendered Lives takes a regional approach to examine gender issues from an anthropological perspective with a focus on globalization and intersectionality. Chapters present contributors' ethnographic research, contextualizing their findings within four geographic regions: Latin America, the Caribbean, South Asia, and the Global North.NewParaThe print edition of this book is available through SUNY Press.

Long Description:
A gender studies textbook that takes an anthropological approach.

Gendered Lives takes a regional approach to examine gender issues from an anthropological perspective with a focus on globalization and intersectionality. Chapters present contributors’ ethnographic research, contextualizing their findings within four geographic regions: Latin America, the Caribbean, South Asia, and the Global North. Each regional section begins with an overview of the broader historical, social, and gendered contexts, which situate the regions within larger global linkages. These introductions also feature short project/people profiles that highlight the work of community leaders or non-governmental organizations active in gender-related issues. Each research-based chapter begins with a chapter overview and learning objectives and closes with discussion questions and resources for further exploration. This modular, regional approach allows instructors to select the regions and cases they want to use in their courses. While they can be used separately, the chapters are connected through the book’s central themes of globalization and intersectionality.

Word Count: 135625

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Social Science
Material Type:
State University of New York
Katie Nelson
Nadine T. Fernandez
Date Added:
General Biology
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0.0 stars

The word biology means, "the science of life", from the Greek bios, life, and logos, word or knowledge. Therefore, Biology is the science of Living Things. That is why Biology is sometimes known as Life Science.

Wikibooks is a collaborative book authoring website, where users from all over the world work together to write textbooks and other types of instructional books on many topics. It is a Wikimedia project, operated by the same group of people who run Wikipedia, the Wikimedia Foundation. You can edit this page, and almost all pages like it, at any time. That is the basic principle of Wikibooks: anyone can edit it.

Life Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
General Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications
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0.0 stars

The overall goal of the authors with General Chemistry: Principles, Patterns, and Applications was to produce a text that introduces the students to the relevance and excitement of chemistry.Although much of first-year chemistry is taught as a service course, Bruce and Patricia feel there is no reason that the intrinsic excitement and potential of chemistry cannot be the focal point of the text and the course. So, they emphasize the positive aspects of chemistry and its relationship to studentsŐ lives, which requires bringing in applications early and often. In addition, the authors feel that many first year chemistry students have an enthusiasm for biologically and medically relevant topics, so they use an integrated approach in their text that includes explicit discussions of biological and environmental applications of chemistry.

Physical Science
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Bruce Averill
Patricia Eldredge
Date Added:
General Inpatient Management of Pediatric Diabetes Mellitus at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital
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0.0 stars

This eBook is a medical education resource intended to supplement the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of medical students and pediatric residents in furthering their own knowledge about the general inpatient management of pediatric diabetes mellitus. This book may be of further use to any physician, advanced practitioners, or nurses who may also encounter pediatric patients with diabetes mellitus in the inpatient hospital setting. This book is specific to protocols and preferences for pediatric diabetes management at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. However, it also contains overarching concepts that transcend location wherever pediatric diabetes may be managed. At the time of publication, this book includes 4 Units, each consisting of 4-7 Chapters. Unit 1 introduces readers to an overview of diabetes mellitus, including its definition, diagnostic criteria, laboratory evaluation, clinical diagnosis, and key differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Unit 2 dives into understanding different types of insulins and their uses. Unit 3 walks readers through the creation of initial insulin regimens for pediatric patients with new-onset diabetes. Lastly, Unit 4 dives into the details of pediatric diabetes management at Stead Family Children’s Hospitals according to the protocols and capabilities of the institution and preferences of the pediatric endocrinology division.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
University of Iowa
Provider Set:
Iowa Research Online
Alex Tuttle
Date Added:
General Microbiology
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Welcome to the wonderful world of microbiology! Yay! So. What is microbiology? If we break the word down it translates to “the study of small life,” where the small life refers to microorganisms or microbes. But who are the microbes? And how small are they? Data dashboard

Word Count: 39859

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Life Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Linda Bruslind
Date Added:
General Psychology: An Introduction
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0.0 stars

The NOBA Project is a growing collection of expert-authored, open-licensed modules in psychology, funded by the Diener Education Fund. From these open modules, Tori Kearns and Deborah Lee created an arranged open textbook for her introductory psychology class. This textbook was created under a Round One ALG Textbook Transformation Grant.

Social Science
Material Type:
Diener Education Fund
Provider Set:
Deborah Lee
Tori Kearns
Date Added:
General Psychology for Honors Students
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0.0 stars

What are the most effective methods to study for a test? What are the meanings of dreams? How do illusions work? With whom are you most likely to fall in love? These are just a few of the questions that have been asked by psychologists since the birth of the field as an area of scientific research in the 1870’s. This text surveys the basic concepts, theories, and pivotal findings over the past 100 years in the science of Psychology, with special emphasis on contemporary concepts and findings focused on the relation of the brain to normal and pathological behaviors. Psychology has long evolved past the psychodynamic influence to include biological, social, learning, motivational, and developmental perspectives, to name a few. Contemporary psychologists go beyond philosophical or anecdotal speculation and rely on empirical evidence to inform their conclusions. Similarly, readers will push beyond pre-existing schemas and misconceptions of the field of psychology to an understanding of contemporary quantitative research methods as they are used to predict and test human behavior.

Social Science
Material Type:
University of Missouri St. Louis
Kate Votaw
Date Added: