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  • Reading
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What does 'attention' mean to you? This unit will help you to examine how we 'pay attention'. How do we manage to single out sounds and images that require attention and how easy is it to distract someone and why?

Social Science
Material Type:
The Open University
Provider Set:
Open University OpenLearn
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Attitudes towards animal study registries and their characteristics: An online survey of three cohorts of animal researchers
Unrestricted Use
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Objectives Prospective registration of animal studies has been suggested as a new measure to increase value and reduce waste in biomedical research. We sought to further explore and quantify animal researchers’ attitudes and preferences regarding animal study registries (ASRs). Design Cross-sectional online survey. Setting and participants We conducted a survey with three different samples representing animal researchers: i) corresponding authors from journals with high Eigenfactor, ii) a random Pubmed sample and iii) members of the CAMARADES network. Main outcome measures Perceived level of importance of different aspects of publication bias, the effect of ASRs on different aspects of research as well as the importance of different research types for being registered. Results The survey yielded responses from 413 animal researchers (response rate 7%). The respondents indicated, that some aspects of ASRs can increase administrative burden but could be outweighed by other aspects decreasing this burden. Animal researchers found it more important to register studies that involved animal species with higher levels of cognitive capabilities. The time frame for making registry entries publicly available revealed a strong heterogeneity among respondents, with the largest proportion voting for “access only after consent by the principal investigator” and the second largest proportion voting for “access immediately after registration”. Conclusions The fact that the more senior and experienced animal researchers participating in this survey clearly indicated the practical importance of publication bias and the importance of ASRs underscores the problem awareness across animal researchers and the willingness to actively engage in study registration if effective safeguards for the potential weaknesses of ASRs are put into place. To overcome the first-mover dilemma international consensus statements on how to deal with prospective registration of animal studies might be necessary for all relevant stakeholder groups including animal researchers, academic institutions, private companies, funders, regulatory agencies, and journals.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
André Bleich
Daniel Strech
Emily S. Sena
Hans Laser
René Tolba
Susanne Wieschowski
Date Added:
Audio Slideshow: The World is No Long our Oyster
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
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Oyster-Acidifying oceans dramatically stunt the growth of already threatened shellfish. This audio slideshow and video features scientists from Bodega Marine Lab and research on shellfish in Tomales Bay, CA.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Science Foundation
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Audio-Supported Reading & Students with Learning Disabilities: Giving Voice to All Learners
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Audio-supported reading (ASR) is a practical and supportable intervention that has been documented to minimize the constricting impact of limited text decoding, thereby improving academic outcomes for many students with reading-related learning disabilities. This article provides detail on the nature of reading; the challenges of reading-related, learning disabilities; the supporting legal landscape; and practical considerations for how to accurately target ASR interventions to address the needs of students with learning disabilities.

Material Type:
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials
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Auditors offering both corporate social responsibility (CSR) assurance and financial auditing could be best option for firms
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This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Worldwide, today's stakeholders are concerned with more than shareholder value They care about a firm’s carbon footprint the production of safe and healthy products and suppliers that respect regulations and ethical principles For that reason, firms started issuing corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports, and audit firms now provide CSR assurance services That begs the question: Should firms use the same audit firm to perform both CSR assurance and financial audits? Or seek a different CSR assurance provider altogether? Researchers recently weighed in by analyzing more than 28,000 firm-year observations from 55 countries They discovered that audit firms offering CSR assurance + financial audits obtain more information about CSR risks than firms providing financial audits only Joint-service audit firms deliver better audit quality and make fewer Type II going concern errors have clients that book larger environmental and litigation provisions are less likely to provide income-decreasing restatements an.."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Auditory icon alarms easier to identify than standard melodic alarms in a simulated intensive care setting
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Accurate identification of medical alarm sounds can be life-saving, but current standard alarms are difficult to learn. One issue is that these alarms, despite having different melodies, possess highly similar tonal qualities. This makes it hard to distinguish, for example, an alarm indicating an abnormal heart rate from one denoting abnormal oxygen saturation. To ease interpretation, researchers have developed new auditory icon alarms. These real-world sounds are associated with the processes they represent, such as the sound made by pills rattling in a bottle to indicate a drug administration issue or the sound of assisted breathing to denote abnormal ventilation parameters. The intuitive reaction to such sounds should make the icon alarms easier to identify than standard alarms, creating new possibilities to improve patient safety. The team tested the usability of the icons in a simulated intensive care unit..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Audre Lorde
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Poet and author Audre Lorde used her writing to shine light on her experience of the world as a Black lesbian woman and later, as a mother and person suffering from cancer.

This resource is from a collection of biographies of famous women. It is provided by the National Women's History Museum, and may include links to supplemental materials including lesson plans about the subject and related topics, links to related biographies, and "works cited" pages. The biographies are sponsored by Susan D. Whiting.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
National Women's History Museum
Provider Set:
National Women's History Museum
Date Added:
Audrey Faye Hendricks
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Educational Use
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On May 2, 1963, 9 year old Audrey Faye Hendricks became the youngest known person arrested during the Civil Rights Movement.

This resource is from a collection of biographies of famous women. It is provided by the National Women's History Museum, and may include links to supplemental materials including lesson plans about the subject and related topics, links to related biographies, and "works cited" pages. The biographies are sponsored by Susan D. Whiting.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
National Women's History Museum
Provider Set:
National Women's History Museum
Date Added:
The Aurora: Fire in the Sky: Grades 4-5: Text Only Version
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This informational text explains the colorful phenomenon known as the northern lights (aurora borealis) and the southern lights (aurora australis). Students explore the cause of the aurora. The text is written at a grade four through five reading level. This is a PDF containing the informational text and a glossary.

Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology
Provider Set:
Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: An Online Magazine for K-5 Teachers
Stephen Whitt
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Autherine Lucy
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Autherine Lucy was the first African American student to attend the University of Alabama

This resource is from a collection of biographies of famous women. It is provided by the National Women's History Museum, and may include links to supplemental materials including lesson plans about the subject and related topics, links to related biographies, and "works cited" pages. The biographies are sponsored by Susan D. Whiting.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
National Women's History Museum
Provider Set:
National Women's History Museum
Date Added:
Authorization of Animal Experiments Is Based on Confidence Rather than Evidence of Scientific Rigor
Unrestricted Use
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Accumulating evidence indicates high risk of bias in preclinical animal research, questioning the scientific validity and reproducibility of published research findings. Systematic reviews found low rates of reporting of measures against risks of bias in the published literature (e.g., randomization, blinding, sample size calculation) and a correlation between low reporting rates and inflated treatment effects. That most animal research undergoes peer review or ethical review would offer the possibility to detect risks of bias at an earlier stage, before the research has been conducted. For example, in Switzerland, animal experiments are licensed based on a detailed description of the study protocol and a harm–benefit analysis. We therefore screened applications for animal experiments submitted to Swiss authorities (n = 1,277) for the rates at which the use of seven basic measures against bias (allocation concealment, blinding, randomization, sample size calculation, inclusion/exclusion criteria, primary outcome variable, and statistical analysis plan) were described and compared them with the reporting rates of the same measures in a representative sub-sample of publications (n = 50) resulting from studies described in these applications. Measures against bias were described at very low rates, ranging on average from 2.4% for statistical analysis plan to 19% for primary outcome variable in applications for animal experiments, and from 0.0% for sample size calculation to 34% for statistical analysis plan in publications from these experiments. Calculating an internal validity score (IVS) based on the proportion of the seven measures against bias, we found a weak positive correlation between the IVS of applications and that of publications (Spearman’s rho = 0.34, p = 0.014), indicating that the rates of description of these measures in applications partly predict their rates of reporting in publications. These results indicate that the authorities licensing animal experiments are lacking important information about experimental conduct that determines the scientific validity of the findings, which may be critical for the weight attributed to the benefit of the research in the harm–benefit analysis. Similar to manuscripts getting accepted for publication despite poor reporting of measures against bias, applications for animal experiments may often be approved based on implicit confidence rather than explicit evidence of scientific rigor. Our findings shed serious doubt on the current authorization procedure for animal experiments, as well as the peer-review process for scientific publications, which in the long run may undermine the credibility of research. Developing existing authorization procedures that are already in place in many countries towards a preregistration system for animal research is one promising way to reform the system. This would not only benefit the scientific validity of findings from animal experiments but also help to avoid unnecessary harm to animals for inconclusive research.

Life Science
Material Type:
PLOS Biology
Christina Nathues
Hanno Würbel
Lucile Vogt
Thomas S. Reichlin
Date Added: