This textbook represents the entire catalog of Noba topics. It contains 90 …
This textbook represents the entire catalog of Noba topics. It contains 90 learning modules covering every area of psychology commonly taught in introductory courses. This book can be modified: feel free to rearrange or remove modules to better suit your specific needs.Please note that the publisher requires you to login to access and download the textbooks.
When people think of emotions they usually think of the obvious ones, …
When people think of emotions they usually think of the obvious ones, such as happiness, fear, anger, and sadness. This module looks at the knowledge emotions, a family of emotional states that foster learning, exploring, and reflecting. Surprise, interest, confusion, and awe come from events that are unexpected, complicated, and mentally challenging, and they motivate learning in its broadest sense, be it learning over the course of seconds (finding the source of a loud crash, as in surprise) or over a lifetime (engaging with hobbies, pastimes, and intellectual pursuits, as in interest). The module reviews research on each emotion, with an emphasis on causes, consequences, and individual differences. As a group, the knowledge emotions motivate people to engage with new and puzzling things rather than avoid them. Over time, engaging with new things, ideas, and people broadens someone’s experiences and cultivates expertise. The knowledge emotions thus don’t gear up the body like fear, anger, and happiness do, but they do gear up the mind—a critical task for humans, who must learn essentially everything that they know.
Your decisions and behaviors are often the result of a goal or …
Your decisions and behaviors are often the result of a goal or motive you possess. This module provides an overview of the main theories and findings on goals and motivation. We address the origins, manifestations, and types of goals, and the various factors that influence motivation in goal pursuit. We further address goal conflict and, specifically, the exercise of self-control in protecting long-term goals from momentary temptations.
Noba is a high-quality, flexibly structured digital introduction to psychology resource for …
Noba is a high-quality, flexibly structured digital introduction to psychology resource for higher-ed classrooms and virtual classrooms. Noba consists of nearly 90 short (2500-4000 word) chapters authored by leading instructors and researchers including 7 winners of the William James Award. Chapters are organized in familiar categories (Development, Learning & Memory, Personality, etc.) for easy reference. All Noba materials are licensed through Creative Commons under the CC BY-NA-SA license terms.
The Noba website allows anyone to combine chapters in any order to create unique psychology textbooks to suit virtually any curriculum. In addition to allowing users to build their own customized collections, Noba provides a series of "Ready-Made" digital textbooks curated from the Noba chapters to conform to the scope and sequence of some of the most commonly taught 100/200-level psych courses (Intro-to-Psych, Psych as a Biological Science, Psych as a Social Science, etc.). The Ready-made books can also be edited to add or remove chapters, or sections so that they better conform to the specific course an instructor will teach.
Custom-made books, Ready-made books, or even individual chapters can be used online, downloaded as PDFs or shared withe learners via email and social media using easy-share tools built in to the website.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! No, Spanish …
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! No, Spanish people do not sing this song, but they still talk about emotions. In this seminar you will be able to provide a more detailed answer to the question "How are you?". Up until now you have been able to say good, bad, or so-so, but what if you are nervous, scared, sick, etc.? Learn to be able to express your emotions in Spanish!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication and Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can respond to who, what, where questions when dealing with emotions.Habits of MindListening with understanding and empathyCritical Thinking SkillProblem Solving
Openstax Psychology for General Psychology classes. Presented by Dr. Mark Hatala, Professor …
Openstax Psychology for General Psychology classes. Presented by Dr. Mark Hatala, Professor of Psychology at Truman State University, these videos cover topics from the Openstax textbook for Psychology chapter by chapter.
We designed this project to help Special Education students think about and …
We designed this project to help Special Education students think about and experiment, and express what art means to them.There are no specific standards that we are going to use since they all will be different and flexible for each student depending on their IEP and their related services.
TED Studies, created in collaboration with Wiley, are curated video collections …
TED Studies, created in collaboration with Wiley, are curated video collections supplemented by rich educational materials for students, educators and self-guided learners. In Understanding Happiness, expert explorers of the mind chart our understanding of how happiness is created and cultivated. Their insights challenge our most basic cultural, political and economic assumptions and are transforming the field of psychology.
Students will review the signs for emotions and play a game to …
Students will review the signs for emotions and play a game to better understand how to use the emotions in conversation. Students will have the opportunity to communicate with peers to defend and explain their choices.
Sounds of War, by Susanna Hast, is a book on the aesthetics …
Sounds of War, by Susanna Hast, is a book on the aesthetics of war experience in Chechnya. It includes theory on, and stories of, compassion, dance, children’s agency and love. It is not simply a book to be read, but to be listened to. The chapters begin with the author’s own songs expressing research findings and methodology in musical form. Susanna Hast is Academy of Finland postdoctoral researcher with a project “Bodies in War, Bodies in Dance” (2017–2020) at the Theatre Academy Helsinki, University of the Arts. She does artistic research on emotions, embodiment and war and teaches dance for immigrant and asylum-seeking women in Finland.
This textbook presents core concepts common to introductory social psychology courses. The …
This textbook presents core concepts common to introductory social psychology courses. The 8 units include 27 modules covering key social psych topics such as research methods, group processes, social influence, and relationships. This book can be modified: feel free to add or remove modules to better suit your specific needs. The book includes a comprehensive instructor's manual, PowerPoint presentations, a test bank, reading anticipation guides, and adaptive student quizzes.
This list presents a basic set of vocabulary words that deal with …
This list presents a basic set of vocabulary words that deal with categories of emotions and personality traits, including verbs and nouns that deal with anger, sadness, happiness, and other descriptions of human emotion and behavior. The majority of words contained within the website are nouns, and some verbs are interspersed. The words and verbs are presented in both modern standard and colloquial Egypt, and feature Arabic text and transliteration.
This lesson engages students with identifying their own emotions through responding to …
This lesson engages students with identifying their own emotions through responding to artworks with body language, facial expressions, and their own artwork.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students identify different emotions and identify their emotional responses to artworks.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students engage with their emotions and share their emotions about climate change artworks.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students share their emotional responses through the creation of a collaged emotions artwork.
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