![Critical Worlds – Simple Book Publishing](https://img.oercommons.org/160x134/oercommons/media/screenshots/c207eeeca6584975f10ac858e9d2ac998ab5444d6e74bde5ee60707001d2644b.png)
This textbook is designed for English literature and creative writing majors, especially those planning to transfer to a four-year institution. Our English 211 course also meets the Research and Writing requirement for Liberal Arts majors. One of my primary goals is to prepare you for the work you will do in upper-division literature courses. To accomplish this goal, we will do a substantial amount of reading and writing each week. We will explore literary analysis, a variety of theoretical approaches to literature, and some basic information on literary research. The culmination of this class will be a group-produced critical edition Pressbooks publication, Beginnings and Endings: A Critical Edition.
OER Philosophy and Use of Generative AI:
This text represents a collaboration, reuse, and sharing of others’ Creative Commons licensed content, including student work. As much as possible, I have tried to create a text with diverse perspectives and writing styles. I invite you to provide feedback as well as using, reusing, or remixing any of the materials in this text in accordance with the terms of their Creative Commons licenses.
As I was writing this textbook, ChatGPT and other new generative artificial intelligence technologies were introduced. I decided to explore how these tools could assist in developing content for OER. I also am experimenting with these tools in crafting assignments for students.
I acknowledge that ChatGPT does not respect the individual rights of authors and artists and ignores concerns over copyright and intellectual property in its training; additionally, I acknowledge that the system was trained in part through the exploitation of precarious workers in the global south. In this work I specifically used ChatGPT to assist me in outlining chapters, explaining basic terminology, drafting model essays, and creating student prompts. I have included links to the chats I used for this book in an appendix.
- Subject:
- English Language Arts
- Material Type:
- Textbook
- Author:
- Liza Long
- Date Added:
- 09/19/2024