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  • information-and-communication-technology
Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (CCTI) Course Modules
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The Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (CCTI) has been developed to improve teachers’ experience teaching in the classroom using a range of information and communication technologies (ICT) appropriately, and increase school manager’s involvement in the ICT implementation process in the school. It challenges school managers and teachers to constantly reflect on what they do in their school and classrooms and how ICT can be integrated into their evolving management and teaching styles. The CCTI has been designed as a distance education course and is aligned with the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers. It is an open educational resource (OER) that the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is making available to teacher training institutions throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. The material can be used as is or can be adopted and/or adapted into existing programmes. The learning materials are developed, tested and revised by SchoolNet South Africa (SNSA) through extensive consultations with teachers and teacher educators around the world. COURSES 1. Professional Development with Technology 2. Designing Learning 3. Technology-Enriched Teaching 4. Education in a Digital Society 5. Innovative Approaches to Learning with Technology 6. Planning Learning Through Projects 7. Managing Technology-Rich Learning Spaces 8. Planning for Technology Integration 9. Change Leadership for Technology Integration

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Full Course
Commonwealth of Learning
SchoolNet South Africa
Date Added:
Evolution of ICT for Development
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0.0 stars

This resource intends to give a general outline of ICT for development (ICT4D). No previous knowledge about ICT4D is needed. The resource focus on major definitions and terms. An overview of the different phases of ICT for development initiatives and an outlook to the future of ICT4D projects is given.

In the Introduction you will find definitions of key terms of the field.

In the unit ICT4D Evolution you'll find a description of the different ICT4D phases and why most ICT4D projects failed.

The unit ICT4D & Openness gives a short explanation why openness is important in the ICT4D field.

The Future of ICT4D unit lists some important points of future ICT4D projects.

In the Resources part you'll find the bibliography, a reading list of key articles and examples for further reading as well as a list of more videos.

Arts and Humanities
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added:
ICT in Education - Teachers' Professional Development Toolkit
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This toolkit contains a set of resources used to introduce Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into Teacher Education. The utility of these resources span from creating an ICT in Education strategy, collecting education data, considering approaches to advocacy, designing curriculum to materials development and provides a set of open materials that could be used for training new or in service teachers.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
Introduction to Technology and Cities
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0.0 stars

This seminar is an introduction to the usage and impacts of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on urban planning, the urban environment and communities. Students will explore how social relationships, our sense of community, the urban infrastructure, and planning practice have been affected by technological change. Literature reviews, guest speakers, and web surfing will provide examples and issues that are debated in class and homework exercises. We will examine metropolitan information infrastructures, urban modeling and visualization, e-government, collaborative planning, and cyber communities.
Students will attend a regular Tuesday seminar and occasional seminars of invited speakers during lunchtime on Fridays or Mondays.
During the past two decades, ICTs have become so pervasive and disruptive that their impact on urban planning and social relationships has begun to reach far beyond their immediate use as efficient bookkeeping and automation tools. This seminar will examine ICT impacts on our sense of community, urban planning practice, the meaning of ‘place’, and the nature of metropolitan governance. In each of the four areas, we will utilize readings, class discussion, guest lectures, and homework exercises to identify and critique key trends, relevant theories, and promising directions for research and professional practice.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Ferreira, Joseph
Date Added: