Chemistry is the study of matter. Our understanding of chemical processes thus …
Chemistry is the study of matter. Our understanding of chemical processes thus depends on our ability to acquire accurate information about matter. Often, this information is quantitative, in the form of measurements. In this lab, you will be introduced to some common measuring devices, and learn how to use them to obtain correct measurements, each with correct precision. A metric ruler will be used to measure length in centimeters (cm).
A course originally designed as competency-based courses and as such, they include …
A course originally designed as competency-based courses and as such, they include specific language related to CBE style instruction and they are organized by competency so some terminology changes and course restructuring may be required in order to fit well into a quarterly schedule.
Principles of Accounting II is a course from a competency-based business degree …
Principles of Accounting II is a course from a competency-based business degree pilot. You must be logged into your institutional Canvas account to access this shell.
Principles of Accounting III is a course from a competency-based business degree …
Principles of Accounting III is a course from a competency-based business degree pilot. You must be logged into your institutional Canvas account to access this shell.
The ACS (American Chemical Society) citation style guide uses color-coded citation examples …
The ACS (American Chemical Society) citation style guide uses color-coded citation examples to assist chemistry students in converting MLA and APA citations to the ACS citation style. The MLA and APA citation styles are widely used in college courses, and many students are familiar with those styles. This guide makes citation in chemistry courses simple by giving examples of frequently referenced resources.
Modified-accessible documents to accompany the text Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology …
Modified-accessible documents to accompany the text Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology by Beth Shook, Katie Nelson, and Kelsie AguileraFiles include:accessible versions of the lab assignments in HTML format, with student worksheets as a separate documentoriginal PDF copies of the textbook, with the addition of accessible HTML versions of the preface and appendicesaccessible PowerPoint slides
APEX Calculus is a calculus textbook written for traditional college/university calculus courses. …
APEX Calculus is a calculus textbook written for traditional college/university calculus courses. It has the look and feel of the calculus book you likely use right now (Stewart, Thomas & Finney, etc.). The explanations of new concepts is clear, written for someone who does not yet know calculus. Each section ends with an exercise set with ample problems to practice & test skills (odd answers are in the back).
This text was written as a prequel to the APEXCalculus series, a …
This text was written as a prequel to the APEXCalculus series, a three–volume series on Calculus. This text is not intended to fully prepare students with all of the mathematical knowledge they need to tackle Calculus, rather it is designed to review mathematical concepts that are often stumbling blocks in the Calculus sequence. It starts basic and builds to more complex topics. This text is written so that each section and topic largely stands on its own, making it a good resource for students in Calculus who are struggling with the supporting mathemathics found in Calculus courses. The topics were chosen based on experience; several instructors in the Applied Mathemathics Department at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) compiled a list of topics that Calculus students commonly struggle with, giving the focus of this text. This allows for a more focused approach; at first glance one of the obvious differences from a standard Pre-Calculus text is its size.
An introductory course using visual materials with emphasis on methods and motivations …
An introductory course using visual materials with emphasis on methods and motivations that generate the visual experience, both past and present. Art practices from around the world are examined for form and content. Emphasis will be on Western Art.
Course Outcomes: 1. Articulate verbally and in writing a general understanding of the significance of visual art in a wide variety of culture and media. 2. Create a personal work of art. Articulate verbally and in writing the form and content of the piece, along with information about significant artists and art works relative to the created artwork, and to visual art. 3. Articulate verbally and in writing appropriate art vocabulary, and art evaluation concepts, when viewing visual art.
ASLCORE is a Deaf-centric project which honors and celebrates Deaf culture and …
ASLCORE is a Deaf-centric project which honors and celebrates Deaf culture and American Sign Language. The suggested signs you see in each ASLCORE branch are developed according to ASL linguistic principles by fluent Deaf ASL signers. Our goal is to provide descriptive signs which may serve to complement other initialized or English-influenced sign choices. These signs are presented for your consideration, modification, and adoption if they function well in your work as students, professionals, teachers, or interpreters! Copyrighted -link out or conduct a Fair Use Analysis.
We intend to be a central resource for learning ASL and about …
We intend to be a central resource for learning ASL and about Deaf Culture online, with all content created by Deaf ASL-fluent scholars. YouTube channel.
ASL-LEX is a database of lexical and phonological properties of American Sign …
ASL-LEX is a database of lexical and phonological properties of American Sign Language signs. It was first released in 2016 with nearly 1,000 signs. ASL-LEX was updated in Fall 2020 with greatly expanded information and an increased size of 2,723 signs.
ASL-LEX is available as a searchable web interface and as raw data in spreadsheet form. This website hosts the web visualization and provides instructions for how to use and download the database.
YouTube channel with ASL lessons, ASL vocabulary, Topics in ASL, and Deaf …
YouTube channel with ASL lessons, ASL vocabulary, Topics in ASL, and Deaf Culture. Copyrighted - link out to these materials or conduct Fair Use Analysis.
This is an Abnormal Psychology course at a community college. The syllabus …
This is an Abnormal Psychology course at a community college. The syllabus outlines how the course is broken down by modules and possible discussion questions that could be used each week as students work through the material.
This text is being developed for Abnormal Psychology lower division undergraduate courses. …
This text is being developed for Abnormal Psychology lower division undergraduate courses. It is published now to allow students access to the course materials as it develops.
This course is designed to provide an engaging and personally relevant overview …
This course is designed to provide an engaging and personally relevant overview of the discipline of Abnormal Psychology. You will examine the cognitive and behavioral patterns which impair personal effectiveness and adjustment. Students will provide much of the substantive content and teaching presence in this course. Additional content has been curated from "The Noba Project (" and "Abnormal Psychology: An e-text! ( Openly-licensed course materials developed for the Open Educational Resources (OER) Degree Initiative, led by Achieving the Dream.
Selection of reading resources for Abnormal Psychology courses. These resources were compiled …
Selection of reading resources for Abnormal Psychology courses. These resources were compiled by Dr. Susan Harvey, Associate Professor at Delta College
Short Description: This text has been created from a combination of original …
Short Description: This text has been created from a combination of original content and materials compiled and adapted from existing open educational resources.
Word Count: 112479
ISBN: 978-0-88880-654-3
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
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