In this project, students will start by discussing the strengths and weaknesses …
In this project, students will start by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of existing activity trackers and determining the variables that affect the accuracy of these trackers. Students will then conduct interviews with people who wear activity trackers or wear a tracker themselves for a week to determine the pros, cons, and accuracies of the trackers. Then, codes and algorithms will be used to determine what should count as the threshold for a step to achieve maximum tracker accuracy by using Sparkfun Inventor's Kit, Raspberry Pi, and Linux.
Learn to set up a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on …
Learn to set up a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on your Raspberry Pi and configure it to work as a web server. You’ll download and install WordPress and set up a basic website which you can access on any device on the same network as your Pi.
This course serves as an introduction to programming and using microprocessors. It …
This course serves as an introduction to programming and using microprocessors. It also provides students with experiences where they can create solutions for a specific problem.
The Girls Who Build Cameras workshop for high school girls is a …
The Girls Who Build Cameras workshop for high school girls is a one-day, hands-on introduction to camera physics and technology (i.e. how Instagram works!) at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Beaverworks Center. The workshop includes tearing down old dSLR cameras, building a Raspberry Pi camera, and designing Instagram filters and Photoshop tools. Participants also get to listen to keynote speakers from the camera technology industry, including Kris Clark who engineers space cameras for NASA and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and Uyanga Tsedev who creates imaging probes to help surgeons find tumors at MIT. During lunch, representatives from the Society of Women Engineers and the Women’s Technology Program at MIT will present future opportunities to get involved in engineering in high school and college.
10 Lesson mini-maker camp for introductory programming and circuitry on the Raspberry …
10 Lesson mini-maker camp for introductory programming and circuitry on the Raspberry Pi. Students are introduced to basic program structures (while loops, if/elif/else statements) and taught to wire LEDs and sensors then given extensive work time to create a project authentic to their lives that uses their new skills.
This project helps students gain experience and proficiency with different types of …
This project helps students gain experience and proficiency with different types of programming software and languages, such as Raspberry Pi and Java in the context of programming a wearable device. Students will learn how to build programs while working with a large group and utilizing different technologies.
Minecraft Pi is a free version of Minecraft that is available as …
Minecraft Pi is a free version of Minecraft that is available as a part of the Raspbian operating system. The world of Minecraft Pi can be changed using the Python programming language and this activity will introduce you to the basics.
This lesson is adapted from under a Creative Commons license.
This lesson integrates coding and computer science into English Language Arts for …
This lesson integrates coding and computer science into English Language Arts for the purpose of fostering appreciation of Shakespearean wit and language and to provide students exposure to coding. Students first choose words that carry insulting connotations from a Shakespearean play and then create a program that randomly generates insults based upon those found words. Swift Playgrounds, Scratch, or Raspberry Pi are recommended resources for creating this project, and links to projects are provided for each of these platforms. Sample code and directions are provided. Students who are beginning to learn coding may complete the code while more advanced individuals may modify the program or create their own.
This lesson integrates coding and computer science into English Language Arts for …
This lesson integrates coding and computer science into English Language Arts for the purpose of fostering appreciation of Shakespearean wit and language and to provide students exposure to coding. Students first choose words that carry insulting connotations from a Shakespearean play and then create a program that randomly generates insults based upon those found words. Swift Playgrounds, Scratch, or Raspberry Pi are recommended resources for creating this project, and links to projects are provided for each of these platforms. Sample code and directions are provided. Students who are beginning to learn coding may complete the code while more advanced individuals may modify the program or create their own.
A collection of resources related to Ada Lovelace and the Raspberry Pi. …
A collection of resources related to Ada Lovelace and the Raspberry Pi. Includes Sonic Pi workshop handbook, LEGO Raspberry Pi enclosure workshop handbook and a colouring-in illustration.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Table of Contents:Section 1: Setting Up Your Raspberry PiSection 2: Using Your …
Table of Contents:Section 1: Setting Up Your Raspberry PiSection 2: Using Your Raspberry PiSection 3: Getting Started With Your Raspberry PiSection 4: Activities for BeginnersThis is an edited (for structure) and compiled OER of the first three tutorials and some selected activities from All materials from the RaspberryPi Foundation are licensend under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
El uso del Raspberry Pi, como computadora de bajo costo, fue un …
El uso del Raspberry Pi, como computadora de bajo costo, fue un proyecto piloto con estudiantes de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED).
Con estos video tutoriales podrá contar con herramientas modulares de consulta para llegar a la respuesta buscada ante diferentes situaciones que se le puedan presentar al trabajar con un Raspberry Pi.
Estos materiales parten de situaciones reales o posibles que pueden suceder a la hora de utilizar un dispositivo como este, y cada elemento presente en los videos se explica en forma detallada. Usted tendrá la opción de hacer diferentes acciones, que van desde el primer acercamiento al dispositivo hasta hacer cambios en los programas que trae preinstalados.
Además, los videos presentan procedimientos completos que permiten realizar una o dos acciones como máximo, de manera que se convierten en cápsulas específicas para lograr una conexión, un ajuste o una acción similar.
Cada video tiene asignada una o varias etiquetas, por lo que hay agrupaciones de temas que permiten revisar los videos similares en una misma pantalla. Como algunos videos tienen más de una etiqueta, aparecen en diferentes agrupaciones.
No restrictions on your remixing, redistributing, or making derivative works. Give credit to the author, as required.
Your remixing, redistributing, or making derivatives works comes with some restrictions, including how it is shared.
Your redistributing comes with some restrictions. Do not remix or make derivative works.
Most restrictive license type. Prohibits most uses, sharing, and any changes.
Copyrighted materials, available under Fair Use and the TEACH Act for US-based educators, or other custom arrangements. Go to the resource provider to see their individual restrictions.