This lesson guides students through analysis of non-print media as a vehicle …
This lesson guides students through analysis of non-print media as a vehicle for argument. Added to this are Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographs for them to pick from. It is important to note that the photos contain graphic images.
This lesson guides students through analysis of non-print media as a vehicle …
This lesson guides students through analysis of non-print media as a vehicle for argument. Added to this are Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographs for them to pick from.
This Communication and Argumentation seminar is an intensive writing workshop that focuses …
This Communication and Argumentation seminar is an intensive writing workshop that focuses on argumentation and communication. Students learn to write and present their ideas in cogent, persuasive arguments and other analytical frameworks. Reading and writing assignments and other exercises stress the connections between clear thinking, critical reading, and effective writing.
English 101 focuses on the analysis of basic human issues as presented …
English 101 focuses on the analysis of basic human issues as presented in literature with an emphasis on analytic reading, writing and discussion, and on development of argumentative essays based on textual analysis, with attention to style, audience and documentation. By writing several analytical, thesis-driven essays which show engagement with and understanding of a variety of texts, students will practice the critical thinking, reading and writing skills which comprise an important component of college and university studies as well as clear, audience-appropriate communications in other professional settings.This class is comprised of a series of three units, each of which is centered around an essay assignment. For each unit, in addition to the essay itself, youŰŞll be asked to respond to reading assignments and to complete exploratory writing assignments. YouŰŞll do a lot of reading and writing, and your instructor will ask you to respond to ideas from our texts, from specific assignments, and from each other. Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This three-week module, centered on a focal case, represents the second part …
This three-week module, centered on a focal case, represents the second part of the Department’s introduction to the challenges of reflection and action in professional planning practice. As such, it builds on the concepts and tools in 11.201 and 11.202 in the fall semester. Working in teams, students will deliver a 20-minute oral briefing, with an additional 10 minutes for questions and comments, in the last week of the class (as detailed on the assignment and posted course schedule). The teams will brief invited guests (“briefees”) taking the roles of decision makers. DUSP faculty and fellow students may also be in attendance.
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