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  • WY.ELA-Literacy.W.7.6 - Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing...
  • WY.ELA-Literacy.W.7.6 - Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing...
7th Grade Historical Literacy Units
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7th Grade Historical Literacy consists of two 43 minute class periods. Writing is one 43 minute block and reading is another. The teacher has picked themes based on social studies standards, and a read-aloud novel based on social studies serves as the mentor text for writing and reading skills. More social studies content is addressed in reading through teaching nonfiction reading skills and discussion.
Standards reflect CCSS ELA, Reading, and Social Studies Standards.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Unit of Study
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7th grade poetry
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

The 7th grade poetry unit gives an in depth approach to poetry involving the four strands within the core. I've included worksheets, rubrics, and answers keys where applicable. I have also used literature examples from the core.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network
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Climate Change Summit by T. Goldring & T. Kabealo (47.WCS)
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Through a mock summit simulation, students explore current questions about climate change issues and the validity of climate change claims. Students argue for and against implementation of solutions, using research to support arguments. During the research phase, students use an online Chrome extension (Diigo) to create a shared database of current climate change multimedia information that will support their claims. During the summit, students assume the role of an ambassador for a specific country. Then, students use their collected research to take a position which either validates or denies current climate change assertions such as: Climate change is a global issue and demands a unified response.Climate change is caused by human activity. We should demand utility companies to use 20% electricity from renewable energy sources.We should regulate CO2 as a pollutant.  Finally, students create a multimedia presentation that represents their country’s final stance on the climate change issue and the summit’s suggested solutions.Standards:Ohio Science (Grade 7)CCSS ELA (Grade 7) 

English Language Arts
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Cathryn Chellis
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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Communicating Successfully in the Workplace: What It Takes
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What does it take to be successful in the workplace? This unit provides students with the opportunity to examine this question, evaluate what others say and form their own voice, and finally to express and share what they find. The materials are for the instructor and provide options to adapt to specfic students. learning needs,  and time frame.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Molly Berger
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Digital Footprint
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In this problem-based learning module, students will investigate why is it important that students be careful what is posted for everyone to see. Students will investigate and discuss these questions during this module that directly relate to their daily life. Students will work cooperatively in groups to design an infomercial to be presented to elementary students and/or parents and community members. Key Learning Targets: I can use technology to produce and publish my work, and link to sources.I can include multimedia projects or visual displays when they will be helpful in clarifying and emphasizing information.I can actively participate and contribute to a discussion with my teacher and my peers. I can present my findings to a group or audience in a clear and concise way.I can create a storyboard to prepare a public service announcement. I can compare contrast trends of technology. I can write an explanatory paragraph to examine a topic (present and future digital footprint).

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
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Ending Punctuation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This lesson is designed for students with disabilities to assist them in comprehending what a text, passage, or sentence is saying, asking, or the emotion exhibited. This lesson will help students comprehend and understand at a rate commensurate with their peers.

Special Education
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Faith Brown
Date Added:
Grade 7 ELA Module 2A
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In this module, students explore the issue of working conditions, both historical and modern day. As they read and discuss both literary and informational text, students analyze how people, settings, and events interact in a text and how an author develops a central claim. Students strengthen their ability to discuss specific passages from a text with a partner, write extended text-based argument and informational pieces, and conduct a short research project. At the end of the module, students will have a better understanding of how working conditions affect workers and the role that workers, the government, consumers, and businesses play in improving working conditions. The first unit focuses on Lyddie, a novel that tells the story of a young girl who goes to work in the Lowell mills, and explores the issue of working conditions in industrializing America. This unit builds students’ background knowledge about working conditions and how they affect workers, and centers on the standard RL.7.3, which is about how plot, character, and setting interact in literature. As an end of unit assessment, students write an argument essay about Lyddie’s choices regarding her participation in the protest over working conditions. The second unit moves to more recent history and considers the role that workers, the government, and consumers all play in improving working conditions. The central text in Unit 2 is a speech by César Chávez, in which he explains how the United Farm Workers empowered farmworkers. Unit 2 focuses on reading informational text, and students practice identifying central ideas in a text, analyzing how an author develops his claims, and identifying how the sections of the text combine to build those ideas. This unit intentionally builds on Odell Education’s work, and if teachers have already used the Chávez speech and lessons, an alternate text is suggested with which to teach the same informational text standards. In the End of Unit 2 Assessment, students apply their understanding of text structure to a new speech. Unit 3 focuses on the research standards (W.7.7 and W.7.8): through an investigation of working conditions in the modern day garment industry, students explore how businesses can affect working conditions, both positively and negatively. As a final performance task, students create a consumer’s guide to working conditions in the garment industry. This teenage consumer’s guide provides an overview of working conditions and offers advice to consumers who are interested in working conditions in the garment industry.

Find the rest of the EngageNY ELA resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-ela-archive .

English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
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Info-luencer: Media Literacy and Civics
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This resource includes multiple lesson plans developed by Washington State teacher John Zingale and can be taught as part of in-person, hybrid, or remote instructional settings. The core content areas include social studies, civics, and media literacy and are designed for use with students in grades 6-12. Additional integrations include ELA, world languages, mathematics, physical education and science. These lessons integrate both state and national civics instruction using project-based and collaborative learning strategies. Features of these lessons include:student researchcollaborative learningdigital learning strategieslateral readingdesign and creation of infographicsTo support these lessons, additional resources are provided to help educators and families with understanding and teaching information and media literacy to young people. Resources include:introductions to media literacyeducator guidesparent guidesstudent learning standards

Educational Technology
Graphic Arts
Political Science
Reading Informational Text
U.S. History
Material Type:
Mark Ray
Date Added:
Media and Food Choice by B. Cullinan & K. Smith (46.WCS)
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In this unit, students explore and discuss video clips, articles, advertisements, myths, and other relevant information about how media sources affect our food choices.In particular, students learn about the marketing of food to children and adolescents. The unit will culminate with students working in groups of 3 to create a media presentation that can serve as a decision-making guide to inform food choices/decisions.Standards:CCSS English Language Arts (Grades 7-8)Ohio Standards for Technology   

Educational Technology
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Cathryn Chellis
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
Date Added:
Territory and Treaty Making: A study of Tribes, Westward Expansion, and Conflict
Unrestricted Use
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This unit is focused on the examination of a single topic, in this case, the Native Americans of the inland Northwest and conflict that arose when other non-native people started to settle in the northwest, and to specifically address the native populations that lived in the inland northwest. The materials were created to be one coherent arc of instruction focused on one topic. The module was designed to include teaching notes that signal the kind of planning and thinking such instruction requires: close reading with complex text, and specific instructional strategies or protocols are described that support students’ reading and writing with evidence are described in enough detail to make it very clear what is required of students and how to support students in doing this rigorous work. Materials include summative assessment of content and process, central texts, key resources, and protocols that support and facilitate student learning.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Leslie Heffernan
Date Added:
Why Do I Judge a “Life” Book by its Cover?
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This problem-based learning module is designed to bring “Awareness” to students about being judgemental and pre-judging people.  Students will become aware of their own judgmental issues and develop a presentation that will bring awareness to their audience on the topic.    This module is developed with instruction based on whole group discussions, station rotations, partner research as well as final presentation. This module is created with the ELA standards of W.7.6, W.7.2 , SL.7.1 and the history standard of 7.16 as the focus.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
Date Added: