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Political Science Textbooks and Full Courses

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Australian Politics and Policy - Senior Edition 2023
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0.0 stars

The first completely open access textbook on Australian politics, Australian Politics and Policy provides a unique, holistic coverage of politics and public topics for use in junior and senior university courses. With an new sections on policy making and public management, the book can be used by instructors to suit their teaching needs. With contributions from Australia’s leading politics and public-policy scholars, the textbook includes material on Australian political history and philosophy, key political institutions, Australian political sociology, public policy-making in Australia, and specialised chapters on a range of key policy domains. Each chapter was subject to anonymous and rigorous peer-review to ensure the highest standards. The textbook comes with additional teaching resources including review questions and lecture slides. This second edition contains a number of revisions and new chapters on educational policy, the governance of COVID-19, and political leadership. The senior edition is aimed at later year undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Sydney University Press
Diana Perche
Nicholas Barry
Peter John Chen
Sara C. Motta
Yvonne Haigh
Date Added:
Autonomías Emancipadoras en Centroamérica
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
En las últimas décadas, los Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes de Centroamérica han establecido nuevas formas de autorrepresentación, movilización y estrategias de defensa territorial. Este libro electrónico presenta las deliberaciones de un taller de intercambio de conocimientos celebrado en Costa Rica, en el EcoCampus Las Nubes de la Universidad de York, del 19 al 23 de abril de 2022. El encuentro - apoyado por una subvención del Consejo de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de Canadá (SSHRC) – contó con la asistencia de alrededor de 30 participantes quienes compartieron conocimientos sobre una multitud de temas, incluyendo prácticas, perspectivas y experiencias nacionales de autonomías emancipatorias en la región centroamericana, incluyendo el Archipiélago de San Andrés en Colombia.

Long Description:
En las últimas décadas, los Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes de Centroamérica han establecido nuevas formas de autorrepresentación, movilización y estrategias de defensa territorial. Este libro electrónico presenta las deliberaciones de un taller de intercambio de conocimientos celebrado en Costa Rica, en el EcoCampus Las Nubes de la Universidad de York, del 19 al 23 de abril de 2022. El encuentro – apoyado por una subvención del Consejo de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de Canadá (SSHRC) – contó con la asistencia de alrededor de 30 participantes quienes compartieron conocimientos sobre una multitud de temas, incluyendo prácticas, perspectivas y experiencias nacionales de autonomías emancipatorias en la región centroamericana, incluyendo el Archipiélago de San Andrés en Colombia. El libro consta de tres partes: la primera, incluye un resumen ejecutivo, una introducción y la presentación del Informe Temático de la OEA sobre el Derecho a la la Libre Determinación de los Pueblos Indígenas y Tribales (2021); la segunda, contiene experiencias nacionales de luchas por la autonomía en seis países de Centroamérica y el Archipiélago de San Andrés; y la tercera, incluye un informe de una visita de campo a comunidades indígenas del sur de Costa Rica. La publicación es de acceso abierto y tiene licencia de Creative Commons.

Word Count: 18664

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Ethnic Studies
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
York University
Date Added:
Basics of American Politics
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 294216

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Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Tidewater Community College
Zach Wilhide
Date Added:
Beijing Urban Design Studio
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0.0 stars

In 2008, the Beijing Urban Design Studio will focus on the issue of Beijing's urban transformation under the theme of de-industrialization, by preparing an urban design and development plan for the Shougang (Capital Steel Factory) site. This studio will address whether portions of the old massive factory infrastructure can be preserved as a national industrial heritage site embedded into future new development; how to balance the cultural and recreational value of the site with environmental challenges; as well as how to use the site for urban development. A special focus of the studio will be to consider development approaches that minimize energy utilization.
To research these questions, students will be asked to interact with clients from the factory, local residents, city officials and experts on transportation, environment, energy and real estate. They will assess strategic options for the steel factory and propose comprehensive plans for the design and development of the brownfield site.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Frenchman, Dennis
Date Added:
Beijing Urban Design Studio
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0.0 stars

The Beijing Urban Design Studio is a joint program between the MIT and Tsinghua University Schools of Architecture and Planning. The goal of the studio is to foster international cooperation through the undertaking of a joint urban design and planning initiative in the city of Beijing involving important, often controversial, sites and projects. Since 1995, almost 250 MIT and Tsinghua University students and faculty have participated in this annual studio, making it one of the most successful and enduring international academic programs between China and the US. It has received the Irwin Sizer Award from MIT for outstanding innovation in education. The studio takes place over five weeks in June and July including several weeks in residence at Tsinghua University and two brief study tours to locations and projects that inform the work. It will include 18-20 MIT and 10-15 Tsinghua Architecture and Planning students. The Beijing City Planning Institute, responsible for strategic planning in the city, participates in the studio as the client.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Frenchman, Dennis
Kruckemeyer, Kenneth
Lukez, Paul
Wampler, Jan
Date Added:
Beijing Urban Design Studio
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0.0 stars

This is the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Urban Design Studio, which is a joint program between the MIT and Tsinghua University Schools of Architecture and Planning. The goal of the studio is to foster international cooperation through the undertaking of a joint urban design and planning initiative in the city of Beijing involving important, often controversial, sites and projects. Since 1995, almost 250 MIT and Tsinghua University students and faculty have participated in this annual studio, making it one of the most successful and enduring international academic programs between China and the U.S. It has received the Irwin Sizer Award from MIT for outstanding innovation in education. The studio takes place over five weeks in June and July including several weeks in residence at Tsinghua University and two brief study tours to locations and projects that inform the work. It will include 18-20 MIT and 10-15 Tsinghua Architecture and Planning students. The Beijing City Planning Institute, responsible for strategic planning in the city, participates in the studio as the client.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Chang, Yung
Du, Juan
Frenchman, Dennis
Wampler, Jan
Zegras, Pericles
Date Added:
Being human after 1492
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
The author argues that the struggle to put an end to the epoch of world history that opened in 1492 will require new ideas, and new practices. It follows the Caribbean tradition that runs from Aimé Césaire to Frantz Fanon and Sylvia Wynter in affirming the need for a counter-humanism, a radical humanism, a humanism that, in Césaire’s famous phrases, is “made to the measure of the world”. There is a need for a shift in the ground of reason towards the lived experience and struggles of people rendered, in Wynter’s phrase, as ‘pariahs outside of the new order’

Long Description:
The pamphlet begins with two letters written by Paul the Apostle in which Christianity first acquires a universal address. The new religion came to exclude people who were not Christians from the count of the human. This became explicit around a thousand years later when Pope Urban II authorised the First Crusade.

In 1492 planetary history was split in to two. Muhammad XII of Granada conceded defeat to Isabella and Ferdinand, the Catholic monarchs of Portugal and Spain, who went on to expel the Jews from the territory under their control. Europe became a Christian project. In the same year Christopher Columbus arrived in the Caribbean and Europe also became an imperial project with a planetary reach.

The origins of the racial ideology can be seen in this period, in which ideas about religion came to be entangled with fantastical ideas about the imagined purity of blood. But it was in the English colony of Virginia in the seventeenth century that the legitimation for the exclusion from the count of the human began to move from claims made in the name of religion to claims made in the name of science. This is the point at which modern racism, rooted in the appearance of the body, began to cast its malignant shadow across the planet.

The author argues that the struggle to put an end to the epoch of world history that opened in 1492 will require new ideas, and new practices. It follows the Caribbean tradition that runs from Aimé Césaire to Frantz Fanon and Sylvia Wynter in affirming the need for a counter-humanism, a radical humanism, a humanism that, in Césaire’s famous phrases, is “made to the measure of the world”. There is a need for a shift in the ground of reason towards the lived experience and struggles of people rendered, in Wynter’s phrase, as ‘pariahs outside of the new order’

Word Count: 8844

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Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Daraja Press
Date Added:
Big Plans and Mega-Urban Landscapes
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0.0 stars

This course explores the physical, ecological, technological, political, economic, and cultural implications of big plans and mega-urban landscapes in a global context. It uses local and international case studies to understand the process of making major changes to urban landscape and city fabric, and to regional landscape systems. It includes lectures by leading practitioners. The assignments consider planning and design strategies across multiple scales and time frames.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added:
Boko Haram: Anatomy of a Crisis
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0.0 stars

During recent years the phenomenon of Boko Haram has dominated policy debates among academics and policymakers interested in African and Nigerian politics. Yet, many issues about the sect remain unclear and contested. This collection of articles on Boko Haram by selected experts is essential reading for those interested in Nigeria, and the broader issues of state building, terrorism, humanitarian emergencies, conflict resolution and intrastate violence.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
E-International Relations
Ioannis Mantzikos
Date Added:
Book: A Short Introduction to World Politics
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Why Should Americans Study World Politics?

1. It can kill you.
2. It costs you money.
3. It affects your job.
4. It affects your shopping.
5. It affects your health.
6. The world is becoming more and more globalized, more and more quickly.

Whether we like it or not, world politics affects us greatly. So it is a good idea for us to know what is going on out there.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lawrence Meacham
Date Added:
Boundless Political Science
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

American Politics
The Constitution and the Founding of America
Civil Liberties
Civil Rights
Public Opinion
Interest Groups
Campaigns and Elections
Political Participation and Voting
The Media
The Presidency
The Judiciary
Domestic Policy
Economic Policy
Social Policy
Foreign Policy

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lumen Learning
Date Added:
Brownfields Policy and Practice
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0.0 stars

There are several hundred thousand Brownfield sites across the country. The large number of sites, combined with how a majority of these properties are located in urban and historically underserved communities, dictate that redevelopment of these sites stands to be a common theme in urban planning for the foreseeable future. Students form a grounded understanding of the Brownfield lifecycle: how and why they were created, their potential role in community revitalization, and the general processes governing their redevelopment. Using case studies and guest speakers from the public, private and non-profit sectors, students develop and hone skills to effectively address the problems posed by these inactive sites.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Hamilton, James
Date Added:
Building Democracy for All: Interactive Explorations of Government and Civic Life
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0.0 stars

Designed as a core or supplementary text for upper elementary, middle and high school teachers and students, Building Democracy for All offers instructional ideas, interactive resources, multicultural content, and multimodal learning materials for interest-building explorations of United States government as well as students’ roles as citizens in a democratic society. It focuses on the importance of community engagement and social responsibility as understood and acted upon by middle and high school students—core themes in the 2018 Massachusetts 8th Grade Curriculum Framework, and which are found in many state history and social studies curriculum frameworks around the country.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
The Business of Politics: A View of Latin America
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0.0 stars

This class looks at the birth and international expansion of an American industry of political marketing, with a special emphasis on Latin America. We will focus our attention on the cultural processes, sociopolitical contexts and moral utopias that shape the practice of political marketing in the U.S. and in different Latin American countries. By looking at the debates and expert practices at the core of the business of politics, we will explore how the "universal" concept of democracy is interpreted and reworked as it travels through space and time. Specifically, we will study how different groups experimenting with political marketing in different cultural contexts understand the role of citizens in a democracy.

Arts and Humanities
Political Science
Social Science
World Cultures
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Vidart-Delgado, Maria
Date Added:
Caliphates and Islamic Global Politics
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0.0 stars

The events of the Arab Spring, beginning in December 2010, saw renewed hope for Arab Civil Society. However, the fall of authoritarian regimes did not always seem to benefit Civil Society – whilst Political Islamic movements often took advantage. In Syria, Iraq, and beyond, groups like the Islamic State are declaring Caliphates in the territories they seize in an attempt to fulfil the Political Islam ideal of a ‘global Islamic Caliphate’ encompassing the Muslim world. This collection of articles aims to address common questions about Political Islam, as well as to provide an assessment of the Islamic State/ISIS/ISIL and finally challenge common understandings on the issue of Islam and democracy.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
E-International Relations
Robert L. Oprisko
Timothy Poirson
Date Added:
Canada and Speeches from the Throne
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Narrating a Nation, 1935-2015

Short Description:
This book by senior undergraduate and graduate student in the Department of History at the University of Regina describes how Canadian Prime Ministers articulated their vision of Canada from 1935 to 2015 through their Speeches from the Throne and in their Leaders' Day speeches. It demonstrates that each of Canada's Prime Ministers had a vision for the country and articulated that vision in their speeches and through their words.

Long Description:
The Speech from the Throne is one of the most important moments in the Canadian Parliamentary calendar. It signals the beginning of a new Parliament, and it lays out the government’s agenda for the upcoming session as well as the Prime Minister’s vision for the country. In this book, senior undergraduate students and graduate student enrolled in their History course on Canadian Political History at the University of Regina in the fall of 2020 researched how Prime Ministers have articulate a national identity though their speeches marking the opening of Parliament. It offers their perspective on the engaging question of Canadian identity.

Word Count: 41274

ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-07731-07601

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English Language Arts
Political Science
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
University of Regina
Alexander Washkowsky
Braden Sapara
Brady Dean
Dayle Steffen
Deklen Wolbaum
Joshua Switzer
Raymond B. Blake
Rebecca Morris-Hurl
Sarah Hoag
Date Added:
Canada and the Challenges of Leadership
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

How Canadian Prime Ministers have Responded to Crises at Home and Abroad

Short Description:
A leader’s choices in the way they respond to a crisis can significantly shape the direction of the nation. This book examines various Prime Ministers through their management of crises.

Long Description:
Throughout our course titled Studies in Canadian Political History: Prime Ministers, Leadership, and Managing the Nation, we conceded that a leader’s choices in the way they respond to a crisis can significantly shape the direction of the nation. How a Prime Minister manages a crisis or a particular adversity not only provides a glimpse into the abilities and effectiveness of the leader, but also defines for citizens of a nation — and those observing from a distance outside the national boundaries– what values are being upheld. Each student who has contributed to this book has chosen how one Prime Minister – from John A. Macdonald to Justin Trudeau – reacted to a crisis during their time in office, and how their decisions and leadership choices played a role in shaping Canada’s identity.

Word Count: 77769

ISBN: 978-0-7731-0791-5

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Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Canvas Course Shell for Introduction to International Relations
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0.0 stars

Canvas Course Shell for C-ID POLS 140 Introduction to International Relations: an introduction to international relations theory with an examination of national, international, transnational, and sub-national actors and their institutions, interactions and processes as they relate to global issues.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Academic Senate of California Community Colleges
Provider Set:
OER Initiative
Josh Franco
Katherine Michel
Date Added:
Capitalism and Its Critics
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0.0 stars

This course addresses the evolution of the modern capitalist economy and evaluates its current structure and performance. Various paradigms of economics are contrasted and compared (neoclassical, Marxist, socioeconomic, and neocorporate) in order to understand how modern capitalism has been shaped and how it functions in today's economy. The course stresses general analytic reasoning and problem formulation rather than specific analytic techniques. Readings include classics in economic thought as well as contemporary analyses.

Arts and Humanities
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Piore, Michael
Date Added: