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Nursing Fundamentals
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 235965

ISBN: 9781734914146

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Elizabeth Christman
Kimberly Ernstmeyer
Date Added:
Nursing Management and Professional Concepts
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 108070

ISBN: 9781734914184

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)
Date Added:
Nursing: Mental Health and Community Concepts
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 204875

ISBN: 9781734914160

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Elizabeth Christman
Kimberly Ernstmeyer
Date Added:
Nursing Pharmacology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 143694

ISBN: 9781734914108

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Date Added:
Nursing Skills
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 206452

ISBN: 9781734914122

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Date Added:
Nutrition: Science and Everyday Application
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

v. 2.0

Short Description:
This book is designed as an Open Education Resource (OER) for introductory nutrition courses and has been adopted for use in high schools and colleges. Topics covered include basic nutrition and metabolism, information literacy, body weight and health, nutrition across life stages, dietary supplements, an in-depth look at each of the macronutrients, and major functions of vitamins and minerals. The second edition of Nutrition: Science and Everyday Application was released in August 2022. The second edition includes a fully revised Unit 7 (Body Weight and Health) and minor revisions to Unit 10 (Nutrition and Physical Activity). In June 2023, Unit 2 (Nutrition Science and Information Literacy) was significantly updated along with the ancillary materials for Unit 2. The remainder of the OER and the accompanying ancillary materials are the same as the first edition, originally published in December 2020.

Word Count: 159133

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Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Culinary Arts
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Alice Callahan
Heather Leonard
Tamberly Powell
Date Added:
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Quality of life and healthy life expectancy depend on avoiding or delaying chronic diseases. Lifestyle choices during all life stages, especially the critical periods, prime the individual for the development of chronic diseases.

Long Description:
Eating is not a one-size fits all approach. Personal preferences, culture, income, food availability, food knowledge, age, and many other factors influence the food and eating choices we make. While humans can thrive on a variety of eating patterns, not all are ideal. Some are detrimental to our long-term health.

This book is designed to accompany NUTR251 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The course follows the introductory course Human Nutrition and Metabolism. During the introductory course students studied the corner posts of nutrition knowledge, nutrients and their food sources, recommended amounts, digestion, absorption and their metabolism. Students were also introduced to the interaction between eating and chronic diseases. Nutrition Through the Lifecycle will build on this knowledge and expand it.

The paradigm of this course is Quality of life and healthy life expectancy depend on avoiding or delaying chronic diseases during life. Lifestyle choices during all life stages, especially the critical periods, prime the individual for the development of chronic diseases.

Based on this paradigm students will study how human physiology and metabolism change throughout life and how eating should adjust to it. Students will understand how malnutrition in all life stages profoundly impact quantity and quality of life.

This knowledge will allow students to understand professional recommendations and health policy for major life stages, but also will allow students to make better, individualized recommendations as future health professionals.

Word Count: 164266

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Sabine Zempleni
Date Added:
OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians (Editor's Cut)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

We intend this book to act as a guide writ large for would-be champions of OER, that anyone—called to action by the example set by our chapter authors—might serve as guides themselves. The following chapters tap into the deep experience of practitioners who represent a meaningful cross section of higher education institutions in North America. It is our hope that the examples and discussions presented by our authors will facilitate connections among practitioners, foster the development of best practices for OER adoption and creation, and more importantly, lay a foundation for novel, educational excellence.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Andrew Wesolek
Anne Langley
Jonathan Lashley
Date Added:
Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The documentation is missing or obsolete, and the original developers have departed. Your team has limited understanding of the system, and unit tests are missing for many, if not all, of the components. When you fix a bug in one place, another bug pops up somewhere else in the system. Long rebuild times make any change difficult. All of these are signs of software that is close to the breaking point.

Many systems can be upgraded or simply thrown away if they no longer serve their purpose. Legacy software, however, is crucial for operations and needs to be continually available and upgraded. How can you reduce the complexity of a legacy system sufficiently so that it can continue to be used and adapted at acceptable cost?

Based on the authors' industrial experiences, this book is a guide on how to reverse engineer legacy systems to understand their problems, and then reengineer those systems to meet new demands. Patterns are used to clarify and explain the process of understanding large code bases, hence transforming them to meet new requirements. The key insight is that the right design and organization of your system is not something that can be evident from the initial requirements alone, but rather as a consequence of understanding how these requirements evolve.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Oscar Nierstrasz
Serge Demeyer
Stéphane Ducasse
Date Added:
An Open Approach to Scholarly Reading and Knowledge Management
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Exploring Scholarly Reading through Publisher, Librarian, and Reader Perspectives

Short Description:
In 2017, The Rebus Foundation embarked on a research and development project to prototype an open, web-based reading system, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Our main goals with this project were to clearly identify and understand the different players involved in the publication, distribution and consumption of scholarly monographs, and to explore how Open Web technologies could improve scholars’ access to, and interaction with, scholarly monographs. We've summarized our research findings in this report. Visit rebus.foundation to learn more about the Rebus Foundation and our projects. You can also contact us at hi@rebus.foundation.

Word Count: 16699

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Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
Rebus Community
Apurva Ashok
Baldur Bjarnason
Boris Anthony
Elizabeth Mays
Hugh McGuire
Zoe Wake Hyde
Date Added:
Open Data Structures
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The goal of this project is to free undergraduate computer science students from having to pay for an introductory data structures book. I have decided to implement this goal by treating this book like an Open Source software project. The LATEX source, Java source, and build scripts for the book are available to download from the author’s website and also, more importantly, on a reliable source code management site.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Computing and Information
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Pat Morin
Date Added:
Open Logic Project
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The Open Logic Text is an open textbook on mathematical logic aimed at a non-mathematical audience, intended for advanced logic courses as taught in many philosophy departments. It is open-source: you can download the LaTeX code. It is open: you’re free to change it whichever way you like, and share your changes. It is collaborative: a team of people is working on it, using the GitHub platform, and we welcome contributions and feedback. And it is written with configurability in mind.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Computer Science
Material Type:
Aldo Antonelli
Andrew Arana
Audrey Yap
Gillian Russell
Jeremy Avigad
Nicole Wyatt
Richard Zach
Walter Dean
Date Added:
Open Signals and Systems Laboratory Exercises
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Open Signals and Systems Laboratory Exercises is a collection of lab assignments that have been used in EE 224: Signals and Systems I in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. These lab exercises have been curated, edited, and presented in a consistent format to improve student learning.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Iowa State University
Andrew K. Bolstad
Julie A. Dickerson
Date Added:
Operating Systems and Middleware: Supporting Controlled Interaction
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In this book, you will learn about all three kinds of interaction. In all three cases, interesting software techniques are needed in order to bring the computations into contact, yet keep them sufifciently at arm’s length that they don’t compromise each other’s reliability. The exciting challenge, then, is supporting controlled interaction. This includes support for computations that share a single computer and interact with one another, as your email and word processing programs do. It also includes support for data storage and network communication. This book describes how all these kinds of support are provided both by operating systems and by additional software layered on top of operating systems, which is known as middleware.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Computing and Information
Material Type:
Gustavus Adolphus College
Max Hailperin
Date Added:
Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits: Theory and Application / 3E
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The goal of this text, as its name implies, is to allow the reader to become proficient in the analysis and design of circuits utilizing modern linear ICs. It progresses from the fundamental circuit building blocks through to analog/digital conversion systems. The text is intended for use in a second year Operational Amplifiers course at the Associate level, or for a junior level course at the Baccalaureate level. In order to make effective use of this text, students should have already taken a course in basic discrete transistor circuits, and have a solid background in algebra and trigonometry, along with exposure to phasors. Calculus is used in certain sections of the text, but for the most part, its use is kept to a minimum. For students without a calculus background, these sections may be skipped without a loss of continuity. (The sole exception to this being Chapter Ten, Integrators and Differentiators, which hinges upon knowledge of calculus.)

Applied Science
Material Type:
James M. Fiore
Date Added:
Overview of: Healthcare Compliance
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Table of Contents
Introduction to Healthcare Compliance
Ethics and Law
Health Insurance & Reimbursement
Quality Improvement
Strategic Planning
Managing Healthcare Professionals & Strategic Management of Human Resources
Healthcare Technology
Special Topics and Emerging Issues in Healthcare Management

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
University of North Georgia Press
Larecia Money Gill
Laura Kim Gosa
Lesley Clack
Sarah Godwin Brinson
Date Added:
Para vivir con salud
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

leyendo la salud y la literatura

Long Description:
We are asking anyone who adopts this webbook or uses portions of it in their teaching to please let us know at this link (click here).

Para vivir con salud: Leyendo la salud y la literatura is the first textbook to introduce literary and textual analysis of Hispanic literature through the lens of health, illness, and medicine. The book meets the needs of the fast-growing numbers of Spanish majors and minors who are preparing themselves for careers in healthcare, in which they will engage Hispanic communities. These students seek advanced-level study of Hispanic culture and language that prepares them to communicate about health-related issues. While a growing number of literature departments teach Spanish courses with a health focus and most require their majors and minors to take an introductory course in literary or textual analysis, the crucial connection between the study of literature and professionalization in healthcare is generally not being made for or by these students.

The movements of Narrative Medicine and Health Humanities have shown persuasively that healthcare providers benefit from a humanistic preparation that promotes empathy across difference; builds an understanding of how culture, language, and history shape our knowledge of health, illness, and medicine; and trains students in narrative competence to better understand and collaborate with patients and colleagues. Para vivir con salud is designed especially for the often-required Introduction to Hispanic Literature or Introduction to Textual Analysis course in most college Spanish programs, allowing individual sections to be transformed into a learning experience that prepares health professionals and brings them into greater engagement in literary and cultural studies in the Spanish major or minor.

Para vivir con salud includes classics of Hispanic narrative, drama, and poetry—pieces by authors such as Cervantes, Garcilaso, Sor Juana, Martí, Neruda, Castellanos, Pizarnik, and Morejón, less-well-known literary authors and a wealth of other types of cultural texts. While the primary genres of poetry, narrative and drama are well represented, the book includes expository essays, journalism, memoir, testimony, song, film, television, and visual art. It presents voices and experiences from the diverse Hispanic world, including European, Creole, Indigenous, Mestizo, Afro-Hispanic, Latinx, and Jewish perspectives. Selections are almost evenly divided between male and female authors. While the latter half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century comprise a little more than half of the selections, about 20% of the texts pre-date the twentieth century. Seventeen countries are represented, including the United States.

Word Count: 92559

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Cultural Geography
English Language Arts
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Reading Foundation Skills
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Kathryn Joy McKnight y Jill Kuhnheim
Date Added:
Parenting and Family Diversity Issues
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book has been created for students and all individuals who work with children and families (e.g., educators, parents, caregivers, direct support workers, etc.) in diverse contexts. It is imperative to understand how and what factors may influence child outcomes across the lifespan. Therefore, key concepts related to parenting, child-rearing, care-giving, and parenting education are outlined in this textbook to provide historical, theoretical, and practical perspectives across vast settings and developmental domains.

Long Description:
This book has been created for students and all individuals who work with children and families (e.g., educators, parents, caregivers, direct support workers, etc.) in diverse contexts. It is imperative to understand how and what factors may influence child outcomes across the lifespan. Therefore, key concepts related to parenting, child-rearing, care-giving, and parenting education are outlined in this textbook to provide historical, theoretical, and practical perspectives across vast settings and developmental domains.

Word Count: 75635

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Iowa State University
Diana Lang
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

From the Tissue Level to Clinical Manifestations and Inter-professional Care

Short Description:
This multimedia resource provides the science behind the disease that a health care professional is managing and an explanation of the signs and symptoms a patient is experiencing, starting at the tissue level. Each disease begins with a review of normal anatomy, histology and physiology - followed by the changes the disease has on the tissue (histopathology or anatomic pathology), organ (gross pathology), and function (pathophysiology). Videos and photos of gross pathological specimens & histological slides are included in every topic, with videolessons guiding viewers on the observable pathological changes. Because working with patients in their health journey is a team affair, this resource highlights the interprofessional collaboration that occurs between health care providers. This resource includes personal interviews with many health care professionals, explaining their role in a patient's diagnosis and/or treatment and management.

Long Description:
This multimedia resource is intended to ‘bridge the gap’ between normal anatomy and pathology texts and clinically-oriented resources. This resource is intended to provide the science behind the disease that a health care professional is managing and an explanation of the signs and symptoms a patient is experiencing. Each disease begins with a review of normal anatomy, histology and physiology – followed by the changes the disease has on the tissue (histopathology or anatomic pathology), organ (gross pathology), and function (pathophysiology). Videos and photos of gross pathological specimens & histological slides are included in every topic, with videolessons guiding viewers on the observable pathological changes.

Because working with patients in their health journey is a team affair, this resource highlights the interprofessional collaboration that occurs between health care providers. This resource includes personal interviews with many health care professionals, explaining their role in a patient’s diagnosis and/or treatment and management.

When appropriate, this resource includes parts from other Open Education resources which speak in more detail on normal anatomy & physiology, clinical skills, interprofessional collaboration, and the patient experience with a visit to the hospital.

Word Count: 337130

ISBN: 978-1-990132-13-1

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Helen Dyck
Jennifer Kong
Date Added:
Pattern Development: Sheet Metal Level 1
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Line E

Short Description:
This book covers all three forms of layout as well as geometric construction. It introduces the learner to the techniques used in parallel line, radial line, and triangulation. With videos and animations, the learner has an opportunity to play, pause, and rewind as they practice these techniques. This book covers material required for a level 1 sheet metal apprentice (Line E).

Word Count: 11900

ISBN: 978-1-77420-124-4

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Brian Coey
Date Added: