Understanding Ratios
-Learners will be able to define ratios and connect equal ratios in various formats.
Module 1 Student Printed Materials
Module 1 Student Link (Use if the student is using a computer)
Fourbucks Coffee
Learners will be placed in the role as a new hire at a coffee shop. During the training they will develop an understanding of what a ratio is and how they can be used.
1. The learner will begin by reading the scenario and identifying how it connects to ratios.
2. On slide 4 the learner will have to say three ratios appropriately, make sure they are able to do this before moving on.
0 to 5 1 to 4 2 to 3
3. On slide 7 the learner will have to match 3 ratios.
Matching Activity Answers
4. Assess their work based on the key provided.
5. Direct them to Model 2 if their answers are all correct.
6. If they are incorrect, review slides 4-6. Then, have them attempt the activity again.
7. If necessary, present the remediation materials and have them attempt the activity again.