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  • oerc-reviewed-textbooks
The Little Book of Semaphores
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0.0 stars

The Little Book of Semaphores is a free (in both senses of the word) textbook that introduces the principles of synchronization for concurrent programming.In most computer science curricula, synchronization is a module in an Operating Systems class. OS textbooks present a standard set of problems with a standard set of solutions, but most students don't get a good understanding of the material or the ability to solve similar problems.The approach of this book is to identify patterns that are useful for a variety of synchronization problems and then show how they can be assembled into solutions. After each problem, the book offers a hint before showing a solution, giving students a better chance of discovering solutions on their own.The book covers the classical problems, including "Readers-writers," "Producer-consumer", and "Dining Philosophers." In addition, it collects a number of not-so-classical problems, some written by the author and some by other teachers and textbook writers. Readers are invited to create and submit new problems.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Green Tea Press
Allen B. Downey
Date Added:
Living With Earthquakes In The Pacific Northwest
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0.0 stars

A Survivor's Guide

Short Description:
The third edition, updated nearly three decades later, tells the earthquake story of the Pacific Northwest. (This includes the west coast of Canada, and perhaps from a Canadian perspective, it should be the Pacific Southwest.) The book presents the evidence for earthquakes, the location of major faults, the danger from tsunamis, the importance of ground conditions, and what we as individuals and as taxpayers and voters can do to make our homes and our communities safer from earthquakes. There are lessons from the Northwest experience to be learned elsewhere in the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world where the earthquake threat is greater than that perceived by the general public. Data dashboard

Long Description:
In this expanded new edition of Living with Earthquakes, Robert Yeats, a leading authority on earthquakes in California and the Pacific Northwest, describes the threat posed by the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a great earthquake fault which runs for hundreds of miles offshore from British Columbia to northern California. New research reveals subtle movements on the deepest part of this fault every 14-15 months — building up strain toward the next major earthquake.

Combining cutting-edge research with practical safety information, Living with Earthquakes: introduces new information about the danger from faults beneath major Northwest cities: the Seattle Fault, Tacoma Fault, and Portland Hills Fault explores such topics as earthquake forecasting, catastrophe insurance, tsunamis, soil liquefaction, and seismic waves in Northwest lakes caused by Alaskan earthquakes reviews earthquake preparedness and disaster response in the aftermath of the 2001 Nisqually earthquake, the worst natural disaster in Washington’s history suggests actions that citizens can take to protect their families and homes

An essential guide for anyone interested in understanding earthquake science or in preparing for the next earthquake, this book is also a call to action. Vivid descriptions of recent disasters — including the great tsunami that swept down the Northwest coast in 1964, the 1993 Oregon earthquakes, and the 2001 Nisqually earthquake — underscore the urgent need for better earthquake planning and awareness.

Word Count: 156810

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Applied Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Robert S. Yeats
Date Added:
Logical Reasoning
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0.0 stars

Microwave and RF Design: Modules focuses on the design of systems based on microwave modules. The use of modules has become increasingly important in RF and microwave engineering for rapidly realizing high performance microwave systems. When integration is ultimately to be used, building a system up using modules provides a rapid means of prototyping and testing system concepts. A wide variety of RF modules including amplifiers, local oscillators, switches, circulators, isolators, phase detectors, frequency multipliers and dividers, phase-locked loops, and direct digital synthesizers are considered. Detailed design strategies for synthesizing filters based on parallel coupled lines are presented. The reader will gain an appreciation of design by synthesis. This book is suitable as both an undergraduate and graduate textbook, as well as a career-long reference book.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Bradley H. Dowden
Date Added:
L'éducation en Afrique
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Ce livre écrit en 1964 à propos des enjeux postcoloniaux de l’éducation en Afrique francophone subsaharienne reste d’une pertinence incontestable, tout en offrant des données historiques précieuses.

Long Description:
« Si […] on ne perd pas de vue l’importance du facteur culturel et humain pour toute tentative de sortir du sous-développement, pour sauvegarder effectivement l’originalité africaine, la personnalité africaine dans leurs aspects les plus authentiques et les plus positifs, on comprendra l’importance qu’il faut accorder aux questions d’enseignement et d’éducation, l’urgence de leur étude approfondie et de la discussion des voies déjà proposées ou expérimentées, le caractère impératif de l’élaboration de solutions adaptées aux conditions, mais aussi aux objectifs immédiats et lointains de l’ensemble des peuples d’Afrique Noire, aux exigences de la libération totale de l’homme Noir Africain, et à l’éclosion et l’épanouissement de son génie. »

Ce livre écrit en 1964 à propos des enjeux postcoloniaux de l’éducation en Afrique francophone subsaharienne reste d’une pertinence incontestable, tout en offrant des données historiques précieuses. Cette réédition, sous la direction de Frédéric Caille, servira aux étudiants et étudiantes, chercheuses et chercheurs et à toutes les personnes qui continuent à réfléchir à la meilleure manière de garantir un accès universel à l’éducation en Afrique.

Word Count: 126554

ISBN: 978-2-924661-77-2

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World History
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Abdou Moumouni Dioffo
Frédéric Caille
Date Added:
MEDIAUCRACY: Why Canada hasn't made global TV hits and how it can
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
MEDIAUCRACY: Why Canada hasn't made global hits and how it can is the story of the fiery collision between Canada's national TV policy and the global, online era. Featuring interviews with Hollywood showrunners, award-winning producers, and top policy leaders, it argues for a new goal -- globality -- policy that incentivizes global reach and popular content. Mediaucracy concludes with an original five-step, goal-driven, evidence-based, critical path including POM to COM, G-Score, and PM to AM. Called an "important, timely roadmap to a much-needed policy update," this 21st century tool kit will future-proof Canadian TV policy via the three key words in the TV biz: Audience, audience, audience.

Long Description:
MEDIAUCRACY: Why Canada hasn’t made global hits and how it can is the untold the story of the collision between Canada’s national TV policy and the global, online era. It argues for a new goal — globality — TV policy that incentivizes global reach and popular content. The book makes it case with interviews with top-tier creators, executives, and policy makers; an authoritative value chain analysis; a review of TV policy around the world; and a comprehensive history of Canadian TV policy, including Canada’s 4 recent federal inquiries on the same issue — the impact of digital disruption. MEDIAUCRACY concludes with an original five-step, goal-driven, evidence-based, critical path including POM to COM, G-Score, and PM to AM. Called an “important, timely roadmap to a much-needed policy update,” this 21st century tool kit will future-proof Canadian TV policy via the three key words in the TV biz: Audience, audience, audience.

Word Count: 68024

ISBN: 978-1-77417-023-6

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Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Toronto Metropolitan University
Irene S. Berkowitz
Sandy Pearl
Date Added:
MIPS Assembly Language Programming using QtSpim
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0.0 stars

There are a number of excellent, comprehensive, and in-depth texts on MIPS assembly language programming. This is not one of them.The purpose of this text is to provide a simple and free reference for university level programming and architecture units that include a brief section covering MIPS assembly language programming. The text assumes usage of the QtSpim simulator. An appendix is included that covers the download, installation, and basic use of the QtSpim simulator.The scope of this text addresses basic MIPS assembly language programming including instruction set usage, stacks, procedure/function calls, QtSpim simulator system services, multiple dimension arrays, and basic recursion.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Ed Jorgensen
Date Added:
MTSU ENGL1010: Expository Writing
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0.0 stars

This open educational resource (OER) was compiled for use in ENGL 1010 – Expository Writing, the first of Middle Tennessee State University’s two first-year writing courses. This OER is divided into five main sections, all of which are designed with ENGL 1010’s course objectives in mind. Each of those sections contains a number of readings related to the section’s topic, with many of those readings curated from other open-access texts.

The first-year writing sequence at Middle Tennessee State University takes a rhetorical approach to writing. This means that students are asked to consider how “good” writing is situational. There are no hard and fast “rules” for writing. Instead, there are conventions or norms and expectations specific to particular contexts. In ENGL 1010: Expository Writing, students practice identifying writing conventions across modes and contexts.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Middle Tennessee State University Pressbooks Network
Amy Fant
Amy Harris-Aber
Candie Moonshower
Caroline LaPlue
Eric Detweiler
Jennifer Wilson
Kate Pantelides
Nicholas Krause
Paul Evans
Date Added:
Macroeconomics: Theory through Applications
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0.0 stars

ussell Cooper and Andrew John have written an economics text aimed directly at students from its very inception. You're thinking, ”Yeah, sure. I've heard that before.“

This textbook, Macroeconomics: Theory Through Applications, centers around student needs and expectations through two premises: … Students are motivated to study economics if they see that it relates to their own lives. … Students learn best from an inductive approach, in which they are first confronted with a problem, and then led through the process of solving that problem.

Many books claim to present economics in a way that is digestible for students; Russell and Andrew have truly created one from scratch. This textbook will assist you in increasing students' economic literacy both by developing their aptitude for economic thinking and by presenting key insights about economics that every educated individual should know.

Social Science
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Andrew John
Russell Cooper
Date Added:
Make Work Use Art
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0.0 stars

Art as a Tool for Creating Change

Short Description:
Students present their reflections on the politics and practice of making. Individually, each essay and letter addressed to a historical artist is full of valuable information and great insights. Collectively, these are also an honest and valuable document of the moment: Us, wrestling with the realignment of past, present, and future of why and how to make objects, how to find freedom within tradition, and how to reimagine a more conscientious making practice for ourselves and a more meaningful life for our objects.

Long Description:
Twenty students from a wide variety of majors, including the sciences, humanities, health and medicine, as well as engineering, architecture, and design comprised our vibrant and engaged learning community. We started the quarter by imaginary visits to two important art schools, the German Bauhaus (1919-1933) and the Black Mountain College, located near Asheville, North Carolina (1933-1957). The students co-created participatory collaborative exercises based on the experiential learning principles developed by and practiced at these schools.

Throughout the course, we considered craft and art not as nouns, but as verbs, related the practiced maker’s hand to the process aided by technological tools, and focused on the language of the materials, and the personal, cultural, historical narratives that they help to reveal. We contemplated how individual threads hold the fabric together and transform that, and how individual narratives coalesce into larger histories that signify and hold together communities. We strived to explore and understand both the historical past and the innovative present and future by specifically focusing on needlework (sewing, embroidery, and quilts) during the 1920 and ‘30s (women suffrage movement), the 1970s and ‘80s (second wave of feminism, LGBTQ rights and HIV/AIDS crisis), and in the present. We also considered how new technologies, such as parametric design and 3D printing, introduce new paradigms for solving problems, designing, producing, and using objects. Of course, the effect of technology was inescapable for us in the class too, as it was for billions around the world during this global pandemic.

We made two projects. One, using needlework techniques and textile processes to tell a personal story of Waiting, and a second one, using Computer Aided Design (CAD) to create a Time Capsule which would be opened one hundred years from now. Throughout the quarter, the students researched a Bauhaus or Black Mountain College artist they had picked with the goal of reflecting on the artist’s work, biography, creative process, and ideas about making by drawing parallels to those of their own.

Word Count: 50553

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Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Social Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
HON211 University of Washington 2021
HON211 UW 2021
Date Added:
Making Conflict Suck Less: The Basics
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
We all experience conflict in our daily lives, from small inconvenient conflicts to conflicts that alter the path of our lives. Even though conflict is one of the most natural occurrences in the human experience, most of us don't have effective strategies and frameworks for approaching conflict when it happens. This book provides basic strategies and frameworks for folks that want to learn to turn conflict into an opportunity in their lives that leads to stronger relationships. Produced in partnership with Boise State University’s eCampus Center through the Open Book Summer Grant Program 2020.

Word Count: 45460

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Business and Communication
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Boise State University
Date Added:
Making Games with Python & Pygame
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0.0 stars

This book will teach you how to make graphical computer games in the Python programming language using the Pygame library.This book assumes you know a little bit about Python or programming in general. If you don’t know how to program, you can learn by downloading the free book "Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python" from http://inventwithpython.com. Or you can jump right into this book and mostly pick it up along the way. This book is for the intermediate programmer who has learned what variables and loops are, but now wants to know, "What do actual game programs look like?" There was a long gap after I first learned programming but didn’t really know how to use that skill to make something cool. It’s my hope that the games in this book will give you enough ideas about how programs work to provide a foundation to implement your own games.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Albert Sweigart
Date Added:
Making Open Educational Resources: A Guide for Students by Students
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0.0 stars

This book will introduce you to the idea of Open Educational Resources (OER), where to find them, why we recommend using them, and how to go about creating your own.

Material Type:
Student Guide
Anas Al-Chalabi
Ashlyne O'Neil
Brandon Mailloux
Chris Nardone
Dave Cormier
Devin Wacheski
Elijah Annoh-Waithe
Ghanem Ghanem
Jykee Pavo
Kamaal Kusow
Kristen Swiatoschik
Lawrence Villacorte
Lorenzo Pernasilici
Marianne Kantati
Mikayla Bornais
Mitchel Macmillan
Mohamed Eldabagh
Norman Ha
Patrick Carnevale
Rana Kilani
Steven Shlimoon
Tariq Al-Rfouh
Zain Raza
Date Added:
Making Sense of Digital Humanities
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0.0 stars

Transformations and Interventions in Technocultures

Short Description:
Exploring the pathways offered by the intersection of the digital and the humanities, Making Sense of Digital Humanities seeks to support students and faculty engaging with the complex ways digital humanities enhances our understanding of modern society.

Long Description:
Taking up the challenge of navigating the complex world of digital humanities, Making Sense of Digital Humanities offers readers an exploration of the many ways scholars have employed the diverse toolkit of digital humanities to create a better understanding of the synergies and disruptions created by technological change. Rooted in a concern for the daunting tasks associated with teaching and learning about the digital humanities, this volume hopes to provide easy entry into a complex topic while highlighting how an understanding of digital humanities can transform our thinking about technology in the modern world.

Word Count: 67845

ISBN: 978-1-62610-121-0

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Social Science
Material Type:
Michigan State University
Ariana K
Christopher Gilliard
Dorothy Kim
Ellen Moll
Emily Mcginn
Julian Chambliss
Justin Wigard
Lauren Coats
Melih Bilgil
Ravynn K
Sharon Leon
Date Added:
Making and Being
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0.0 stars

Making and Being offers a framework for teaching art that emphasizes contemplation, collaboration, and political economy. Authors Susan Jahoda and Caroline Woolard, two visual arts educators and members of the collective BFAMFAPhD*, share ideas and teaching strategies that they have adapted to spaces of learning which range widely, from self-organized workshops for professional artists to Foundations BFA and MFA thesis classes. This hands-on guide includes activities, worksheets, and assignments and is a critical resource for artists and art educators today. Making and Being is a book, a series of videos, a deck of cards, and an interactive website with freely downloadable content (click on links below to download worksheets, activities, and chapters as PDFs and editable Google Docs).

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Caroline Woolard
Susan Jahoda
Date Added:
Malayalam: A University Course and Reference Grammar . - Fourth Edition
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0.0 stars

This textbook was developed to meet two distinct yet related needs. The more basic goal was to respond to the paucity of teaching materials suited to the needs of U.S. learners of Malayalam, particularly at the university level. Though some materials had previously been produced both in India and in the US, including three sets of materials co-written by the author, none were at all suited to the needs and purposes of American university students. Some of the author is earlier materials were ad hoc in nature, while the 510-page course written for Peace Corps volunteers concentrated on language for daily social interactions only. Both the Peace Corps materials and most of the materials written in India were written in Roman
transcription, thus making no serious attempt to teach the Malayalam script or the skills of reading or writing.

The Malayalam ·materials produced in India by various scholars or teach~rs were not readily available in the West, and were moreqver designed for Indian learners for whom formal explanations of the grammar and culture are largely unnecessary, since many of the grammar and discourse conventions are similar or identical to those found in their own mother tongues. Thus the texts available at that time lacked much of what was essential to the Western learner of the language. A couple more sets of teaching materials have come out in: the intervening 20 years, and some may now be ordered via the Internet. A partial list of these materials appears in the prologue following lesson Twenty-five in this text. These books are, in
general, designed to prepare the learner to handle everyday living situations in Malayalam, and as such can be useful adjuncts once the present volume has been thoroughly studied.

This text was conceived and designed to go beyond social conversation to prepare the Western learner to use the language as a research tool. To meet this goal the skills pf literacy in Malayalam are essential, but this is only a beginning. It is also necessary to have some familiarity with the formal style of the language, used in most types of written matter and in platform and other types of formal speaking. This is still a need uniquely met by this text. The irony is that our student audience has grown and diversified, so that the textbook for the Malayalam classes here at Texas must serve two rather different types of students. There are still a number of graduate students who seek out Malayalam as a research tool for their academic work. fu the past dozen years or so the Malayalam classes are being taken by increasing numbers of second generation Malayalis who have either been born in North America or spent most of their lives here. They are normally undergraduates whose goals do not include doing academic research in Kerala. They are mainly interested in being able to communicate better with relatives in Kerala and their interest in literacy extends mainly to being able to
write letters to grandparents or other non-English-speaking relatives. The majority of lessons containing conversations with friends and family members in the book can still serve their purposes well.

The second need to be met by this textbook was that of a reference grammar which could be used by linguists to glean accurate information about various aspects of the Malayalam language such as its phonology, syntax (grammar), 'semantics, and discourse. This type of reference grammar could serve both specialists in other Dravidian languages, as well as general linguists examining a specific feature in many unrelated languages.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Student Guide
University of Texas at Austin
Provider Set:
Rodney F. Moag
Date Added:
Management Communication
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0.0 stars

Communication is the heart of business. Short emails, complex reports, private chats, impassioned pitches, formal presentations, and team meetings move information and ideas around an organization, define strategy, and drive decisions. Business communication is concise, direct, clear, and compelling.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Andy Spackman
Crickett Willardsen
Julie Haupt
Karmel Newell
Kurt Sandholtz
Lisa Thomas
Liz Dixon
Mariana Richardson
Melissa Wallentine
Sue Bergin
Date Added:
Managerial Accounting
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0.0 stars

Kurt Heisinger and Joe Ben Hoyle believe that students want to learn accounting in the most efficient way possible, balancing coursework with personal schedules. They tend to focus on their studies in short intense segments between jobs, classes, and family commitments. Meanwhile, the accounting industry has endured dramatic shifts since the collapse of Enron and WorldCom, causing a renewed focus on ethical behavior in accounting. This dynamic author team designed Managerial Accounting to work within the confines of today's students' lives while delivering a modern look at managerial accounting.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Joe Hoyle
Kurt Heisinger
Date Added:
Manual de Redacción
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0.0 stars

Una aproximación a la composición en lengua española

Short Description:
This textbook is for advanced Spanish composition students. The textbook includes topics on grammar and syntax, as well as exercises and readings providing the students a more personalized and effective learning experience adjusted to the specific challenges they encounter in today’s global world.

Long Description:
This OER is an engaging text designed for advanced Spanish students who want to improve their writing and reading skills. Each chapter of this book revolves around grammar topics traditionally not included in books of this nature in the United States. In addition, the text contains exercises and readings that provide the student a more personalized and effective learning and cultural experience. The book captures and reflects students’ needs to the specific challenges they encounter in today’s global world.

Word Count: 12360

ISBN: 978-1-64816-970-0

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Mavs Open Press
Claudia Monterroza
Elida Monteverde
Eloísa Hernández
Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez
Michelle Carone
Date Added:
Manufacturing Processes 4-5
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook provides an introduction to the important area of manufacturing processes. This text will explain the hows, whys, and whens of various machining operations, set-ups, and procedures. Throughout this text, you will learn how machine tools operate, and when to use one particular machine instead of another. It is organized for students who plan to enter the manufacturing technology field and for those who wish to develop the skills, techniques, and knowledge essential for advancement in this occupational cluster. The organization and contents of this text focus primarily on theory and practice. Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/manufacturing-processes-4-5/24461389

Long Description:
This textbook provides an introduction to the important area of manufacturing processes. This text will explain the hows, whys, and whens of various machining operations, set-ups, and procedures. Throughout this text, you will learn how machine tools operate, and when to use one particular machine instead of another. It is organized for students who plan to enter the manufacturing technology field and for those who wish to develop the skills, techniques, and knowledge essential for advancement in this occupational cluster. The organization and contents of this text focus primarily on theory and practice.

Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/manufacturing-processes-4-5/24461389

Word Count: 48105

ISBN: 978-1-63635-048-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Open Oregon Educational Resources
LamNgeun Virasak
Date Added: