In the explorable explanation players can learn how antibiotic resistance happens. They …
In the explorable explanation players can learn how antibiotic resistance happens. They can interact with bacteria in this simulation to learn how when living things reproduce, there is a small amount of variance in their offspring. This allows organisms to respond to changes in their environment over several generations. Applied to bacteria, when they treated with antibiotics, only the strongest survive and multiply, creating an increasing resilient population.
O app EcoGuardiões da Comunidade parte da necessidade de se criar uma …
O app EcoGuardiões da Comunidade parte da necessidade de se criar uma ferramenta lúdica e acessível de promoção da Educação Ambiental e de cadeias econômicas de Turismo de Base Comunitária, integrando comunidades e escolas. O aplicativo possibilita o entretenimento educativo com o Quiz Ecológico e Dica EcoGuardiã, reunir informações locais e globais para sensibilização sobre a temática ambiental e sobre roteiros, produtos e atrativos deste turismo voltado ao bem viver, com espaços para avaliação e agendamento de visitas às comunidades periféricas e/ou tradicionais, criar uma Rede de Guardiões Socioambientais para articulações, denúncias ambientais e alimentação do próprio app através do elo entre comunidades e escolas, auxiliando assim no fortalecimento da participação coletiva, identificação e pertencimento com a estes espaços.
AppML stands for Application Modeling Language. AppML runs in any HTML page. …
AppML stands for Application Modeling Language. AppML runs in any HTML page. No installation is required. AppML is a tool for bringing data to HTML applications:
This is a lesson plan for a project based learning activity geared …
This is a lesson plan for a project based learning activity geared towards high school students who are enrolled in a geometry class. The project has the students discover how geometry is connected to real world situations instead of being just a subject taught in a classroom. The Indiana Academic Standards that may apply to this activity are G.LP.2, G.T.1, G.T.5, G.QP.1, G.CI.4, G.TS.3, and G.TS.5.
The textbook is written as a series of Quarto Documents in RStudio …
The textbook is written as a series of Quarto Documents in RStudio and is aimed both as an educational resource on the topic of categorical data analysis and as an aid to the use of the R language for statistical computing. The rendered textbook is interactive with tasks and solution as well as a series of lab questions at the end of each chapter. It also includes OER resources for various introductory math and statistics courses.
Arabic 4 fun includes five categories: alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, and fruit …
Arabic 4 fun includes five categories: alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, and fruit names. Within each category, there is an introduction which explains the lesson, three exercises (easy, medium, & hard), and a memory game. The memory game includes the words written out in Arabic. The user may self-study or watch the explained lesson.
This website allows access to an Arabic keyboard for those who are …
This website allows access to an Arabic keyboard for those who are on computers that do not have access to Arabic script. Users can move the mouse over an Arabic keyboard displayed on the site to 'type' in Arabic words, and then copy and paste the Arabic to the document or website they are using.
Digital Dialects offers vocabulary games in multiple languages. For Arabic, there are …
Digital Dialects offers vocabulary games in multiple languages. For Arabic, there are five different vocabulary games: numbers 1 Đ 12, numbers 10 Đ 100, animals, colors, and numbers: Arabic script. Their Arabic offerings are all in transliteration without any Arabic script, with the exception of the numbers 1 Đ 12, which has two separate games for both.
Archiving for the Future is a free training course designed to teach …
Archiving for the Future is a free training course designed to teach language documenters, activists, and researchers how to organize, arrange, and archive language documentation, revitalization, and maintenance materials and metadata in a digital repository or language archive. Then entire course can be completed in approximately 3-5 hours.
This course was developed by the staff of the Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America at the University of Texas at Austin in consultation with representatives of various DELAMAN ( archives and other digital data repositories in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Australia, and Cameroon.
The course material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS-1653380 (September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2020). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
The purpose of this resource is to observe when selected bird species …
The purpose of this resource is to observe when selected bird species first arrive at your study site, and to count the numbers until few or none of these birds are seen. Students select a common and easily identifiable bird species in their region and observe when the bird species first arrives. Students use binoculars or telescopes to scan a study site and count how many they see. They continue to observe every other day until few or none of the selected species can be seen.
Students will complete this survey that determines their personal and household contributions …
Students will complete this survey that determines their personal and household contributions to atmospheric Carbon dioxide by using information about their previous year's consumption. They will understand that Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas produced by the combustion of fossil fuels, and that its production can be minimized by taking personal steps to conserve.
Use your knowledge of rectangle areas to calculate the missing measurement of …
Use your knowledge of rectangle areas to calculate the missing measurement of these composite diagrams. Find the value of the question marks in the diagrams. All of the shapes are rectangles but are not drawn to scale.
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